#isthistheendtime #rapture #endtimes


When will the rapture occur?  
Who will go in it?  
What will happen to America after the rapture?  
When will the world end?
Is this the end time?

The End, Part 2 – August 9, 2020

Matthew 10:22 (NIV2011)
22 You will be hated by everyone because of me…

Romans 8:18 (NIV2011)
18  I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (NIV2011)
13  Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. 14  For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15  According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16  For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17  After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18  Therefore encourage one another with these words. Believers will be physically changed

1 Corinthians 15:51-53 (NIV2011)
51  Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52  in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53  For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.”

What about those who died?

“To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord” “Jesus will descend from heaven, accompanied by the perfected spirits of believers who have died. He will resurrect their bodies, now glorified, and the spirits of believers will be clothed with their new bodies.”
Mark Hitchcock 

Believers will be “caught up” together
“Caught Up”(English) = “Harpazo” (Greek) = “Raeptius” (Latin) “To take suddenly”

Acts 8:39-40 (NIV2011)
39 When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. 40 Philip, however, appeared at Azotus and traveled about, preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea.

Believers will be reunited

Believers should be watchful and ready
This event could happen at any time

The rapture could happen at any moment

1 Thessalonians 4:17 (NIV2011)
17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.

We have received many book requests.  
For those who are interested, additional resources are available from a friend of our ministry Dr. Ed Hindson.






Gary Bishop - July 28th, 2022 at 11:53pm

When are bodies become immortal, there's no reason to procreate, so will we retain our genitals?

Will we retain our genders ?

B - September 20th, 2023 at 2:36pm

You may want to reread your Bible. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:28 NLT


Allen H - October 2nd, 2023 at 12:25pm

The children of God are neither man or woman. Galatians 3:26-29 KJV

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

B - September 20th, 2023 at 2:36pm

You may want to reread your Bible. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:28 NLT


Jack - September 3rd, 2023 at 5:21pm

Yes most likely, man and women were crested with genitals, and they were made perfectly, we wouldn't switch genders or become something we arent

B - September 20th, 2023 at 2:36pm

You may want to reread your Bible. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:28 NLT


Allen H - October 2nd, 2023 at 12:25pm

The children of God are neither man or woman. Galatians 3:26-29 KJV

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

B - September 20th, 2023 at 2:36pm

You may want to reread your Bible. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:28 NLT


Janet Herscu - August 3rd, 2022 at 5:35pm

RAPTURE may be on the FAST DAY of AV 9..."to joy".....ZECH 8:19......could be.....

Below are the spans that seem to fit AV 8, FRI, AUG 5 (observance of AV 9).

AV 9 is NEVER observed on a SABBATH...thus a day early, AV 8, AUG 5 (& LEO 15).

SIGNING is likely TUES (3rd day/as Ketubah), AUG 2.....LEO 12 (12,12).

AV 15, 2021 377 (as Noah in ARK) = SIGNING & AV 15, 2029 is TEMPLE ENTRANCE.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL: TUES, JAN 13, 2026 (CAPRIC 24...888) is really DEC 31, orig TEVET 1 (8th day 8th Feast....Jesus' Conception anniv) due to 13-day calendar error (1500's). Also, JAN 13 minus tilt loss will be DEC 24 (orig KISLEV 24, CREATION DAY/8th Feast).......dates coveted by Satan....

The 2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib)...DAN 8:13-14....start at PASSOVER 2023 to AV 15, 2029 TEMPLE ENTRANCE (3 days n.c. mid trib).

RETURN at 2520 days past RAPTURE IS FAST of TAMMUZ 17, 2029 (FRI, JUNE 30)....

.....OR...RETURN is 2520 past SIGNING....on a TUES, 3rd day, HOS 6:2-3...plus 3 days straightening is FRI, TAM 17 ("to joy").

That way, 1260 days Petra Protection & 1260 days GREAT trib have a difference of 3 days from mid-trib ABOM DESOL.

The ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE (on AV 15) 45 days judg nations is TRIB END at ROSH HASHANA, 5th Feast, TISHREI 1, SEPT 10.

EZEK 38 Victory may be the 22 days (tilt #) between AV 9 & ELUL 1.....(become same day at tilt minus)....

....& ELUL 1 (Aug 28) 7 mths BURYING (& bldg 3rd Temple) is NISAN 1, EZEK 45:18, NUM 19 (MAR 23, 2023), 3rd Temple CLEANSING, then 14 days prep to PASSOVER (APR 6, 2023) 2300 days to AV 15 (tu B'AV), TEMPLE RECONSECRATION....Isa 63.

If applic, SIGNING on TUES, AUG 2 minus future tilt loss is JULY 9, future, straight-earth AV 9.....all in sync......360-day yr.

Also, RAPTURE on AV 8 minus 22-day tilt loss will be FAST of TAMMUZ 17 ("to joy").


....so this FRI, AUG 5....middle of LION'S WRATH/12th Mazzarot Sign...looks plausible.


ZECH 8:19......"4 FAST DAYS to be TURNED to JOY:"



AV 9


RAPTURE on AV 8-9 minus future tilt loss will be TAMMUZ 17.

Mid-trib/ELIJ & MOSES rise/SHEVAT 2, 2026.....minus future tilt loss = TEVET 10.

RETURN (2520 past RAPTURE) is TAMMUZ 17.

TAMMUZ 17 minus tilt loss is JUNE 9, 2029 (earth straight).....

30 mourning = TEMPLE ENTR JULY 9, straight-earth/new/Millen AV 9....all in sync.

The present year: YOM KIP YR 2021..... 7 yrs to RETURN in YOM KIP YR 2028.

Now, HOW is it possible for all 4 FAST DAYS to fit thusly?......intriguing, to say the least.

RAPTURE may be on the FAST DAY of AV 9..."to joy".....ZECH 8:19......could be.....

Below are the spans that seem to fit AV 8, FRI, AUG 5 (observance of AV 9).

AV 9 is NEVER observed on a SABBATH...thus a day early, AV 8, AUG 5 (& LEO 15).

SIGNING is likely TUES (3rd day/as Ketubah), AUG 2.....LEO 12 (12,12).

AV 15, 2021 377 (as Noah in ARK) = SIGNING & AV 15, 2029 is TEMPLE ENTRANCE.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL: TUES, JAN 13, 2026 (CAPRIC 24...888) is really DEC 31, orig TEVET 1 (8th day 8th Feast....Jesus' Conception anniv) due to 13-day calendar error (1500's). Also, JAN 13 minus tilt loss will be DEC 24 (orig KISLEV 24, CREATION DAY/8th Feast).......dates coveted by Satan....

The 2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib)...DAN 8:13-14....start at PASSOVER 2023 to AV 15, 2029 TEMPLE ENTRANCE (3 days n.c. mid trib).

RETURN at 2520 days past RAPTURE IS FAST of TAMMUZ 17, 2029 (FRI, JUNE 30)....

.....OR...RETURN is 2520 past SIGNING....on a TUES, 3rd day, HOS 6:2-3...plus 3 days straightening is FRI, TAM 17 ("to joy").

That way, 1260 days Petra Protection & 1260 days GREAT trib have a difference of 3 days from mid-trib ABOM DESOL.

The ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE (on AV 15) 45 days judg nations is TRIB END at ROSH HASHANA, 5th Feast, TISHREI 1, SEPT 10.

EZEK 38 Victory may be the 22 days (tilt #) between AV 9 & ELUL 1.....(become same day at tilt minus)....

....& ELUL 1 (Aug 28) 7 mths BURYING (& bldg 3rd Temple) is NISAN 1, EZEK 45:18, NUM 19 (MAR 23, 2023), 3rd Temple CLEANSING, then 14 days prep to PASSOVER (APR 6, 2023) 2300 days to AV 15 (tu B'AV), TEMPLE RECONSECRATION....Isa 63.

If applic, SIGNING on TUES, AUG 2 minus future tilt loss is JULY 9, future, straight-earth AV 9.....all in sync......360-day yr.

Also, RAPTURE on AV 8 minus 22-day tilt loss will be FAST of TAMMUZ 17 ("to joy").


....so this FRI, AUG 5....middle of LION'S WRATH/12th Mazzarot Sign...looks plausible.


ZECH 8:19......"4 FAST DAYS to be TURNED to JOY:"



AV 9


RAPTURE on AV 8-9 minus future tilt loss will be TAMMUZ 17.

Mid-trib/ELIJ & MOSES rise/SHEVAT 2, 2026.....minus future tilt loss = TEVET 10.

RETURN (2520 past RAPTURE) is TAMMUZ 17.

TAMMUZ 17 minus tilt loss is JUNE 9, 2029 (earth straight).....

30 mourning = TEMPLE ENTR JULY 9, straight-earth/new/Millen AV 9....all in sync.

The present year: YOM KIP YR 2021..... 7 yrs to RETURN in YOM KIP YR 2028.

Now, HOW is it possible for all 4 FAST DAYS to fit thusly?......intriguing, to say the least.

Pastor Stephan LaRue - August 10th, 2022 at 9:38pm

We only have 46 days left this year before the last Trump blows, or we will have 7 more years until 2029, do not think so?

JANET HERSCU - December 21st, 2022 at 12:52am

I had the HAG 2 "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES" placed incorrectly/should be ISA 63.

Since the subject of the JUDG OF THE NATIONS BEGINS when Jesus enters the TEMPLE on the new/Millen KISLEV 24 (ISA 63) 2029 (NOV 24...straight earth), then one should move the entire scenario ahead by 3 days to a SAT, DEC 24 RAPTURE.

More signif is that TABERNACLES (ISA 26:20) 2022 (OCT 10) 75 days n.c. is this SAT, DEC 24....

......AND...the future/straight-earth TISH 15 SUCCOTH at SEPT 15, 2022 97 days (75 n.c. 22 tilt/will minus) is SIGNING at WED, DEC 21, 2022 (CAPRIC 1)....start of the 2520 days trib.....

& DEC 24 RAPTURE minus tilt will be DEC 1, future TEVET 1 & CAPRIC 1, all in sync.

Mid trib when a.c. satanically rises/kills 2 wit's is GEMINI 15 ('twins'), JAN 6, 2026 which, minus tilt, will be GEMINI 15, MAY 15 & actual JERUSALEM DAY/IYYAR 28.

RETURN is SCORPIO 24 (WED, DEC 14, 2029....2520 days past SIGNING)......

.....& 30 days mourning is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE on SAGIT 24, NOV 24 & the new/Millen KISLEV 24, HAG 2, "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES" (to His Temple).

280-day CHURCH GESTATION spans II ADAR 17 (as NISAN 17.....1-yr of 355 days past NISAN 17, 2021) to the RAPTURE, FIRSTFRUITS promise of I Corin 15:51-53.

So FIRSTFRUITS 2021 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) is II ADAR 17, 2022.... 280 days.

The 7 mths BURYING still seems to span approx end of DEC 2022 (EZEK 38...?) to FAST of AV 9, 2023... 2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib) is RETURN, NOV 14, 2029.......

....& w/ tilt loss considered, the same 2300 3-day span starts at FAST of TAMMUZ 17, 2023 to the day earth is straight.

The entire scenario 'hinges' on SAGIT 24, 2029 TEMPLE ENTRANCE which, via straight earth, will be SAT, NOV 24 & 'new/Millen' KISLEV 24 & SAGIT 24, all in sync.


SIGNING at Wed, KISLEV 27 (DEC 21) is 9,999.....if signif....

So, RAPTURE this SAT, DEC 24, is my latest 'guess' as it fits most spans.

I had the HAG 2 "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES" placed incorrectly/should be ISA 63.

Since the subject of the JUDG OF THE NATIONS BEGINS when Jesus enters the TEMPLE on the new/Millen KISLEV 24 (ISA 63) 2029 (NOV 24...straight earth), then one should move the entire scenario ahead by 3 days to a SAT, DEC 24 RAPTURE.

More signif is that TABERNACLES (ISA 26:20) 2022 (OCT 10) 75 days n.c. is this SAT, DEC 24....

......AND...the future/straight-earth TISH 15 SUCCOTH at SEPT 15, 2022 97 days (75 n.c. 22 tilt/will minus) is SIGNING at WED, DEC 21, 2022 (CAPRIC 1)....start of the 2520 days trib.....

& DEC 24 RAPTURE minus tilt will be DEC 1, future TEVET 1 & CAPRIC 1, all in sync.

Mid trib when a.c. satanically rises/kills 2 wit's is GEMINI 15 ('twins'), JAN 6, 2026 which, minus tilt, will be GEMINI 15, MAY 15 & actual JERUSALEM DAY/IYYAR 28.

RETURN is SCORPIO 24 (WED, DEC 14, 2029....2520 days past SIGNING)......

.....& 30 days mourning is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE on SAGIT 24, NOV 24 & the new/Millen KISLEV 24, HAG 2, "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES" (to His Temple).

280-day CHURCH GESTATION spans II ADAR 17 (as NISAN 17.....1-yr of 355 days past NISAN 17, 2021) to the RAPTURE, FIRSTFRUITS promise of I Corin 15:51-53.

So FIRSTFRUITS 2021 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) is II ADAR 17, 2022.... 280 days.

The 7 mths BURYING still seems to span approx end of DEC 2022 (EZEK 38...?) to FAST of AV 9, 2023... 2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib) is RETURN, NOV 14, 2029.......

....& w/ tilt loss considered, the same 2300 3-day span starts at FAST of TAMMUZ 17, 2023 to the day earth is straight.

The entire scenario 'hinges' on SAGIT 24, 2029 TEMPLE ENTRANCE which, via straight earth, will be SAT, NOV 24 & 'new/Millen' KISLEV 24 & SAGIT 24, all in sync.


SIGNING at Wed, KISLEV 27 (DEC 21) is 9,999.....if signif....

So, RAPTURE this SAT, DEC 24, is my latest 'guess' as it fits most spans.

JANET HERSCU - December 23rd, 2022 at 11:20pm

Looks like CHRISTMAS DAY!!....TEVET 1...8th day 8th Feast... Winter Solstice:

Note MID TRIB, JUNE 4-7, 2026 (a.c. RISES) 1260 past SIGNING/RAPTURE):

.....JUNE 7, anniv of Temple Mt Reclamation/Jerusalem Day/IYYAR 28

.....minus tilt loss is MAY 15 (Statehood anniv/count start, was May 15, 1948)

.....AND MAY 15 is the actual IYYAR 28, JERUSALEM DAY

.....JUNE 7, 2026 (A.C. RISES) is SIVAN 22 (3 x 22 = 666)

.....& if signif, SIVAN 22 is a double 11 ('double judg')

.....& Elijah & Moses RISE JUNE 10, anniv end 6-Day War 1967

THOSE ABOVE/COORDINATING DATES ( anniv's) are possibly COVETED by Satan.

TEVET 1: Jesus' Conception Day, 8th Day of 8th Feast... 280 Gestation = SUCCOTH.

SUCCOTH to TEVET 1 is 75/days (n.c.) since 280 75 = 355 (shana).

TEVET 1 (8th day.....7 days past CREATION) was the orig COUNT START.

FAST AV 9, 2023 (3rd Temple/Th, JULY 27) 2300 days, 3 n.c. mid trib = RETURN.

....AV 9 minus tilt loss is FAST TAMMUZ 17.......& the pre-trib spans started in the YOM KIPPUR year of 2021 (minus 20 yrs n.c. = YOM KIP 2001 (6001)....GEN 6:3....so all 4 FAST DAYS are seemingly accounted for (ZECH 8:19).

If MAZZAROT applies:

.....SIGNING................................CAPRIC 1 (sacrificial goat = fish)

.....MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL.......GEMINI 15 (10th Sign/'twins')

.....RETURN.................................SCORPIO 24 (death/888)

.....INTO TEMPLE........................SAGIT 24 (MESSIAH/888)

RETURN (NOV 15, 2029 2 days straightening (Hos 6:2-3) is FAST of TEVET 10....

......& if TEVET 10, 2023 (Jan 2-3) is the EZEK 38 Victory....???... 7 yrs fuel use (Ezek 39:9) is also......TEVET 10 seven yrs later.

Also, the CHURCH'S 280-day spiritual gestation 'could have started' at II ADAR 17-18 which was 355 days (1-yr warning/Jer 51:46) past NISAN 17, FIRSTFRUITS PROMISE (I Cor 15:51 ).

SUNDAYS (when counts start): RAPTURE.......A.C. RISES


AND for SUNDAY to also be 8th day of HANUKKAH is awesome, as well....if applic.

There's much more.....but all else virtually same as last spec review.....

........so 'could be this SUNDAY'.....hmmmm...does it 'WRECK' CHRISTMAS & HANUKKAH?.....OR does it finally FULFILL the FEASTS!?.......


W/ families & friends together, WHAT an awesome WITNESS the RAPTURE will be!

JESUS sure hopes we are LOOKING UP in great anticipation at this point!!

JANET HERSCU - January 2nd, 2023 at 4:38pm


JAN 3, 2023, TUES, 3rd day, ancient Wedding day.....TEVET 10 (100)..."FAST DAY TO JOY"....

Trib end at straight-earth JAN 15, 2030 is 2300 days ( 3 n.c.) past YOM KIP 2023 (SEPT 25).....3rd Temple Dedication (7 mths Burying past EZEK 38 Victory (end Feb, 2023)....??

Tilt loss will be 21-22 days.....& the pre-Rapture/uncounted 75 21 tilt is 96 days.

96 days n.c. span ROSH HASHANA 2022 (Sept 26) to DEC 31, 2022, possible SIGNING..... 3 is TUES RAPTURE.

75 minus tilt loss is 52-53 days......and LUNAR ECLIPSE LK 21:25, NOV 8 53 = SIGNING, SAT, DEC 31.

LUNAR ECLIPSE NOV 8, 2022 2550 days to the day earth is straight, CHESVAN 24 (8,888), NOV 2, 2029.... 30 = KISLEV 24, TEMPLE ENTRANCE (HAG 2)...."DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES" (from Petra).

RETURN is SAGIT 1, 2029 (SAT, NOV 24.....2520 days past SIGNING).....minus tilt is NOV 1-2 (CHESVAN 24...8,888).

SAGIT 1 (DEC 22, 2021) 377 days (as Noah in ARK) is RAPTURE, JAN 3, 2023.

Gk Orthodox 8th Feast (orig DEC 24-31) is JAN 4-11.....approx....

...& OCT 19, possible B-day anniv of Jesus' Birth (280 past JAN 11) 75 n.c. is JAN 3, 2023....& 355 (1-yr warn, JER 51:46) past JAN 11.

MID TRIB ABOM DESOL is GEMINI 24 (10,888), JUNE 13, 2026.

Via MAZZAROT, RETURN is SAGIT 1.... 30 mourn is CAPRIC 1...... 45 judg nations is AQUARIUS 15 ('AGE of AQUARIUS').

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (SIVAN 28) minus future tilt loss is SIVAN 6, SHAVUOT.

So, the ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR is still straight-earth DEC 1, 2029 (KISLEV 24....HAG 2)...."DESIRE of NATIONS."

SAGIT 1, 2022 40 'testing' is RAPTURE, CAPRIC 11......if signif.

In Millen w/ all in sync, DEC 10 will be TEVET 10.......& SIGNING minus tilt is DEC 10.....in sync...



II ADAR 24 (12,12,12,12) 280 tilt (will minus at straightening) is the SIGNING.

... so much more...looks like this TUES, JAN 3....TEVET 10.....(100)...."FAST DAY TO JOY"....ZECH 8:19...

JANET HERSCU - January 4th, 2023 at 12:17am

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: Janet Herscu

To: [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; William (Bill) Anderson ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; David Jeremiah ; Hebrew4christians Info ; Knowingjesusministries Info ; Prophecy News Watch ; Lwcc Info ; Gracethrufaith Info ; Fusionglobal Info ; Jsm Info ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; Applegate Christian Fellowship ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; Irena Briganti ; [email protected] ; Steve ; [email protected]

Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2023, 8:39:43 PM PST

Subject: con't spec/1/6/23

....con't mega spec:

TUES (3rd day/as Ketubah Contract), JAN 3, possible SIGNING..... 3 days = RAPTURE, JAN 6.


TUES, JAN 3 Gvir (a.c.?) ascended Temple Mt/'could be' signif (mega spec)....a.c. not yet revealed.

TUES, JAN 3 is REALLY DEC 24....orig Kislev 24 (HAG 2)....note 10-day calendar error.

TUES, JAN 3 is 75 days (n.c.) past OCT 19, possible anniv Jesus' Birth (280 past JAN 11).

TUES, JAN 3 minus future tilt = DEC 10, future/straight-earth TEVET 10 & CAPRIC 10....all in sync.

RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING) is TUES, NOV 30 - DEC 1, 2029 (HAG 2, "DESIRE of NATIONS."

NOV 30 minus tilt is day earth is straight, NOV 8, KISLEV 1.

30 mourning is TEVET 1......into TEMPLE....8th day, 8th Feast (Jesus' Concep anniv).

45 is trib end, straight-earth JAN 24, AQUARIUS 24 (888), SHEVAT 24.

MID TRIB, 1260 days past SIGNING is ABOM DESOL TUES, JUNE 16 (GEM 24), TAMMUZ 1.

MINUS tilt is SUNDAY, SIVAN 8, actual SHAVUOT (must be a Sunday).

If 3rd Temple is dedicated ROSH HASHANA 2023, plus 2300 = into Temple, 30 days past RETURN....

.....or SIMCHA TORAH 2300 = sane day, but w/ tilt loss (TEVET 1, Dec 9, 2029).......mega spec.

If EZEK 38 occurs soon after RAPTURE (...approx JAN 11...?), 7 moons (196) BURYING/BLDG 3rd Temple ends at FAST of AV 9 (& minus tilt is FAST of TAMMUZ 17, so allFAST DAYS accounted for, ZECH 8:19.

Yom Kip was already turned to joy at the Cross......but ROSH 2022 is still in YOM KIP YR 2021....JOY.

ROSH HASHANA 2022 98 days (75 23 tilt) = SIGNING, TUES, JAN 3......

.....& day earth is straight 98 is trib end (before tilt loss figured).

75 minus tilt loss is 55-56 days.......& NOV 8 (lunar eclipse, Lk 21:25) 56 = SIGNING.....

....& NOV 8, 2029, earth is straight......so 7 solar yrs....Nov 8 - Nov 8 (spec).

RAPTURE is virtually CAPRIC 15......mid-Sign......goat/fish.....DIVISION.....

...so much more.....so repetitive & confusing.....understandable.....but giving up is not an option.....

JANET HERSCU - January 5th, 2023 at 7:16pm

......and to continue.....maniacal & crazy, I know.....now viewing SAT, JAN 7 as possible RAPTURE.

The 'TEMPLE' is the CHURCH.......& NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18), APR 2, 2022 280 Gestation is JAN 7.

RETURN (2520 days past JAN 4 SIGNING...?) is KISLEV 24 (HAG 2), "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES."

Orig KISLEV 24 was DEC 24; & JAN 4 (SIGNING) is REALLY DEC 24 (due to 11-day calendar error).

DEC 24, 2021 377 days (as Noah in Ark) is SIGNING, JAN 4....trib count start of the 2520 days.

RETURN on KISLEV 24, 2029 (DEC 1) 30 days mourning is TEMPLE ENTRANCE, DEC 31, which is exactly 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) past ROSH HASHANA 2023 (SEPT 16, 5th Feast, next to be fulfilled).

So, ROSH 2023 'may be' 3rd Temple Dedic, 7 mths BURYING (moons/196 days) past EZEK 38.

More intriguing is that KISLEV 24 to TEVET 1 (8th Feast) was CREATION WEEK.

So note RETURN minus tilt loss (back to KISLEV 1) 30 days = TEMPLE ENTRANCE on TEVET 1.

TEVET 1 (8th day 8th Feast) was Jesus' Conception Day since 280 Gestation = SUCCOTH (BIRTH).

So the difference between RETURN DATE & TEMPLE ENTRANCE (w/ tilt loss) is 7 days (as Creation wk).

Those 7 days in 2029 are DEC 1 - DEC 8.

Trib end is AQUAR 24 (888)...JAN 24 (888) & new/Millen SHEVAT 24 (888)...all in sync/straight earth.

Mid-trib/A.C. satanically rises (1260 days past RAPTURE) at SABBATHJUNE 20, 2026 is CANCER 1.

CANCER (CRAB...11th Mazzarot Sign, #11 = judgment) is 'GOD'S GRIP' ("no one can snatch them out of My hand").......1260 days Petra 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 begins.

If signif, OCT 17 (BIRTH of JESUS (?), 280 past JAN 11) 75 n.c. 7 last warn (as to Noah) = JAN 7.

Also if significant, SIGNING is CAPRIC 15 (sacrificial goat/fish/great DIVISION, as PALM SUN rejection).

7 moons burying ends at AV 9, 2023 (minus tilt is TAM 17).

ELUL 10 (355 past TISH 10, YOM KIP 2021) "4 mths to HARVEST" is SIGNING.

KISLEV 1, 2022 40 testing is SIGNING.......& KISLEV 1, 2029 is the day earth is straight.

FAST of TEVET 10, 2021 (DEC 14) 1 solar yr warning the tilt (will minus) is RAPTURE.

Earth is straight NOV 8, SAGIT 8.....& 7 solar yrs past NOV 8, 2022 LUNAR ECLIPSE (Lk 21:25).


If applic, note...."NO MAN KNOWS THE HOUR:"

...."NO MAN KNOWS".......& Jesus was a MAN (JESUS as GOD knows ALL)

.....One day is 72 hrs beginning to end

.....ABR, HANA, SHULLAMITE knew exact DAY baby was to be born

.....IF OWNER of house WATCHED CONSTANTLY, could have known when thief enters

....."Purify yourselves as you see the 'DAY' approaching"

.....Moses knew 1 day ahead of one of the plagues ("this time tomorrow"...)

......sure looks like SAT, JAN 7.......spec, of course.

......and to continue.....maniacal & crazy, I know.....now viewing SAT, JAN 7 as possible RAPTURE.

The 'TEMPLE' is the CHURCH.......& NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18), APR 2, 2022 280 Gestation is JAN 7.

RETURN (2520 days past JAN 4 SIGNING...?) is KISLEV 24 (HAG 2), "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES."

Orig KISLEV 24 was DEC 24; & JAN 4 (SIGNING) is REALLY DEC 24 (due to 11-day calendar error).

DEC 24, 2021 377 days (as Noah in Ark) is SIGNING, JAN 4....trib count start of the 2520 days.

RETURN on KISLEV 24, 2029 (DEC 1) 30 days mourning is TEMPLE ENTRANCE, DEC 31, which is exactly 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) past ROSH HASHANA 2023 (SEPT 16, 5th Feast, next to be fulfilled).

So, ROSH 2023 'may be' 3rd Temple Dedic, 7 mths BURYING (moons/196 days) past EZEK 38.

More intriguing is that KISLEV 24 to TEVET 1 (8th Feast) was CREATION WEEK.

So note RETURN minus tilt loss (back to KISLEV 1) 30 days = TEMPLE ENTRANCE on TEVET 1.

TEVET 1 (8th day 8th Feast) was Jesus' Conception Day since 280 Gestation = SUCCOTH (BIRTH).

So the difference between RETURN DATE & TEMPLE ENTRANCE (w/ tilt loss) is 7 days (as Creation wk).

Those 7 days in 2029 are DEC 1 - DEC 8.

Trib end is AQUAR 24 (888)...JAN 24 (888) & new/Millen SHEVAT 24 (888)...all in sync/straight earth.

Mid-trib/A.C. satanically rises (1260 days past RAPTURE) at SABBATHJUNE 20, 2026 is CANCER 1.

CANCER (CRAB...11th Mazzarot Sign, #11 = judgment) is 'GOD'S GRIP' ("no one can snatch them out of My hand").......1260 days Petra 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 begins.

If signif, OCT 17 (BIRTH of JESUS (?), 280 past JAN 11) 75 n.c. 7 last warn (as to Noah) = JAN 7.

Also if significant, SIGNING is CAPRIC 15 (sacrificial goat/fish/great DIVISION, as PALM SUN rejection).

7 moons burying ends at AV 9, 2023 (minus tilt is TAM 17).

ELUL 10 (355 past TISH 10, YOM KIP 2021) "4 mths to HARVEST" is SIGNING.

KISLEV 1, 2022 40 testing is SIGNING.......& KISLEV 1, 2029 is the day earth is straight.

FAST of TEVET 10, 2021 (DEC 14) 1 solar yr warning the tilt (will minus) is RAPTURE.

Earth is straight NOV 8, SAGIT 8.....& 7 solar yrs past NOV 8, 2022 LUNAR ECLIPSE (Lk 21:25).


If applic, note...."NO MAN KNOWS THE HOUR:"

...."NO MAN KNOWS".......& Jesus was a MAN (JESUS as GOD knows ALL)

.....One day is 72 hrs beginning to end

.....ABR, HANA, SHULLAMITE knew exact DAY baby was to be born

.....IF OWNER of house WATCHED CONSTANTLY, could have known when thief enters

....."Purify yourselves as you see the 'DAY' approaching"

.....Moses knew 1 day ahead of one of the plagues ("this time tomorrow"...)

......sure looks like SAT, JAN 7.......spec, of course....

JANET HERSCU - January 8th, 2023 at 1:54pm

REFIGURED.....TUES, JAN 10, better.......3rd day/Wedding day.....minus tilt will be KISLEV 24 (HAG 2)......RETURN is still KISLEV 24 (HAG 2).......& all else virtually same......Also 97 uncounted days span OCT 5, YOM KIP 2022 (LIBRA 15) to JAN 10.......& 97 uncounted days span day earth is straight to trib end (w/out tilt loss considered).

ISAIAH 26:20 seems to promise a RAPTURE at SUCCOTH (TISHREI 15).

Future straight-earth SUCCOTH (TISHREI 15) will also be LIBRA 15 & SEPT 15......all in sync.

JANET HERSCU - January 10th, 2023 at 10:38am

Via spec, WED, JAN 11 seems to fit all.

Mid-trib ABOM DESOL (1260 days past SUN, JAN 8 SIGNING) at JUNE 21, 2026 is CANCER 1....1th Sign/judg....has praesepe....Crab grip..."No one can snatch"....supernatural 1260-day 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 begins.

75 23 tilt = 98 days....not counted; and OCT 5 YOM KIP 2022 98 is SUN, JAN 8 SIGNING/trib count start.

Yom KIP Oct 5, 2022 was LIBRA 15, the Millen/future TISH 15 & SEPT 15.....ISA 26:20.

Millen/straight earth NISAN 17 will be MAR 16-17..... 280 CHURCH GESTATION = RAPTURE (I Cor 15:51-54)..... tilt that will minus.

The 2300 days of DAN 8:13-14 span ROSH 2023 (Sept 15-16) to ISA 63 Temple Entrance 30 days past the SUNDAY, DEC 2, 2029, KISLEV 25 RETURN.ll.counts as KISLEV 24, "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES"....HAG 2.

Note that KISLEV 24 (CREATION DAY) was a SUNDAY (when counts start).

On AV 9, 2023 (7 moons burying/194 days past EZEK 38 Victory a few days after RAPTURE) 'may be' the day the LAND is CLEANSED...."FAST TO JOY".......then prep to Rosh Hashana/5th Feast, 3rd Temple Dedic.

The Isa 63 Temple Entrance straight earth date at TEVET 3-4 (DEC 9-10, 2029) 280 Gestation (now only 30-day mths) is the first Millen TABERNACLES: SEPT 15, LIBRA 15, TISH 15......all in sync....ZECH 14:16-18.

Straight-earth trib end is JAN 24, AQUAR 24, new/Millen SHEVAT 24..........all 888's.

SIGNING at SUN, JAN 8, was CAPRIC 18 (666), if signif.

RETURN is SAGIT 10 & 1st day HANUKKAH, 2029.


Signing minus future tilt loss is KISLEV 24 (DEC 18, 2022)....HAG 2...."DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES."

RETURN at KISLEV 25 will be counted as KISLEV 24 since counts BEGIN on SUNDAYS (& since CREATION Day, KISLEV 24, was a Sunday).

Most same as last letter.....looks like this WED, JAN 11.

JANET HERSCU - January 13th, 2023 at 12:15pm

con't spec.....w/ a view of this SAT, JAN 14:

RETURN (2520 days past a possible WED, JAN 11 SIGNING) is WED, DEC 5, 2029 which is really 11 days earlier (NOV 24) due to the 11-day calendar error.

In other words, RETURN at DEC 5, 2029 is actually NOV 24......

.....& NOV 24 is the Millen/straight-earth KISLEV 24 & SAGITTARIUS 24.....all in sync.

KISLEV 24 relates to the HAG 2 promise: "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES."

Also, via I CORIN 15:51-52 ("JESUS, the FIRSTFRUITS of all who SLEEP"), ARIES 17 (future NISAN 17) 280 Church Gestation is trib count start, JAN 11 (SIGNING), trib count start of the 2520 days.

Also, SUCCOTH 2022 (ISA 26:20 promise) 75 tilt (total 96...n.c.) is SAT, JAN 14, possible RAPTURE.

The original KISLEV 24 was DEC 24 & CAPRIC 24.......and JAN 14, 2023 is CAPRIC 24.

5th Feast....ROSH HASHANA SEPT 16, 2023 2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib).....DAN 8:13-14....is the ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE/RECONSECRATION 30 days past the DEC 5 RETURN.

RETURN 2 days straightening (HOS 6:2-3) will be TEVET 1.......and 280 Millen Gestation is TABERNACLES (ZECH 14:16-18).

...SO much more....but virtually same as last letter ( 2-3 days)......but this SAT, JAN 14 looks possible.....

JANET HERSCU - January 15th, 2023 at 8:41pm

Via spec, RAPTURE 'may be' this TUES (3rd day/Wedding day), JAN 17, TEVET 24 (10,888)......?

Both KISLEV mths (2022 & 2029) have 29 days making the 8th day of the 8th feast TEVET 2 instead of TEVET 1.

Any TEVET 1 280 days Gestation is TISH 15, Tabernacles (Jesus' Birth).

TEVET 2 (DEC 26, 2022) 22 days (tilt, will minus) is TUES, JAN 17, 2023....possible RAPTURE.

Also ISA 26:20, TABERNACLES 2022 (OCT 10) 96 days n.c. (75 tilt) is SIGNING, SAT, JAN 14, 2022.

"JESUS is the FIRSTFRUITS (NISAN 17) of all who sleep" (Christians in graves)......I Corin 15:51-54....

....& via straight earth, NISAN 17 FIRSTFRUITS will also be MAR 17 & ARIES 17, all in sync......

...so note MAR 17, 2022 302 days (280 Gest 22 tilt) is also SAT, JAN 14 SIGNING (trib count start).

MID TRIB (1260 days past RAPTURE) when Devil indwells a.c/kills 2 wit's.....is virtually CANCER 11 (11,11), JUNE 30 - JULY 3, 2026.....CANCER has praesepe/supernatural 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻....GOD'S GRIP (can't snatch).

2520 days past RAPTURE is JAN 10, 2030......ending exactly 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) past YOM KIP 2023.

EARTH is STRAIGHT SAGIT 15..... 30 = CAPRIC 15...... 45 = PISCES 1, trib end (if Mazzarot applies).

SIGNING minus tilt loss is DEC 24, orig KISLEV 24 (HAG 2).


RETURN is TEVET 2........minus tilt loss is KISLEV 10.... 30 mourning is FAST of TEVET 10 (ISA 63).

There is much more, but this TUESDAY, JAN 17, looks very possible.....

JANET HERSCU - January 17th, 2023 at 8:18pm

Note these intriguing spans (w/ a spec view of a JAN 20 RAPTURE....fits about 20 points):

1. JAN 20 is AQUARIUS 1 ('AGE OF AQUARIUS), if Mazzarot applies.

2. YOM KIP 2023 2300 days Temple Desecration....DAN 8:13-14....( 3 n.c. mid trib) is ISA 63 Temple Entrance 30 days past RETURN. Desecration involves a BLOOD SACRIFICE in the HOLY of HOLIES.

3. RETURN minus tilt loss will be straight-earth position at NOV 24, the future SAGIT 24 & KISLEV 24.....all in sync......

4. .....& HAG 2 promises: "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES ON KISLEV 24."

5. At the FRI, DEC 14, 2029 RETURN (2520 days past RAPTURE), earth 'backs up' (if minus the full 23 days) to NOV 21....

6. ....& NOV 21 280 is ROSH HASHANA, TISHREI 1, 2030.......start of FALL FEASTS ( 14 days to TABERNACLES, ZECH 14:16-18).

7. All the FEASTS are GOD'S & ROSH HASHANA (5th Feast...next to be fulfilled) must start Fall Feasts.

8. RETURN, DEC 14, 2029 (SAGIT 24, TEVET 8) 75 (DAN 12:11-12) is trib end at ADAR 24 (12,12,12).

9. MID-TRIB when the 2 wit's rise is CANCER 15, if Mazzarot applies (CANCER, 11th Sign, God's grip).

10. OCT 17 (ISA 26:20), solar B-day of Jesus (280 past JAN 10) 95 (75 20 tilt....n.c.) is JAN 20, 2023.

11. FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I Corin 15:51-54) 280 is JAN 20.

12. SIGNING (TUES/3rd day/'as Ketubah'), JAN 17, 2023 (TEV 24)...Davos ?...minus tilt = TEVET 1-2.

13. Via straight earth, CAPRIC 24 will be DEC 24 (orig Kislev 24)......Millen KISLEV 24 will be NOV 24.

14. LIBRA 1 (will be TISH 1 & SEP 1, straight earth) "4 mths to Harvest" is AQUAR 1 (JAN 20)....spec.


16. Mid trib when a.c. satanically rises is TAMMUZ 18 (666).....if applic.

17. JAN 20 minus tilt will be DEC 31, orig TEVET 1 (Jesus' Conception, 8th day 8th Feast...... 280 = SUCCOTH/HIS BIRTH)........& DEC 31 (JAN 1) will be Millen AQUAR 1.

18. 483 yrs (DAN 9) punishment were completed at the Cross...... 7 yrs trib to 490 yrs completed.

19. FIRSTFRUITS 2022 ( 280 n.c. to RAPTURE) is still in the YOM KIP yr 2021....

20. ....& YOM KIP 2021 minus 20 yrs n.c. is YOM KIP 2001 (6001), start 121st JUB/7th Millen/GEN 6:3.

21. REMNANT'S 280-day Gestation begins in the 2028 YOM KIP yr.....7 yrs n.c. past YOM KIP 2021.

22. Looks like this FRIDAY, JAN 20.

JANET HERSCU - January 18th, 2023 at 7:39pm

Too bad that there are no 'plus signs'.....likely confuses the reader......& why aren't the previous UNFULFILLED RAPTURE REVIEWS deleted?....since such info needs to remain current.....Anyway, you are kind to publish my reviews....GOD BLESS!

JANET HERSCU - January 20th, 2023 at 8:50pm

If the reader appreciates 'CLARIFICATION,' read on or DELETE:

Counts start on SUNDAYS; & the following seems to 'match' w/ a view of a SUN, JAN 22 RAPTURE.

1. NISAN 16-17 (FIRSTFRUITS....I COR 15:51-54) 280 Church Gestation is SUN, JAN 22.

2. LUNAR ECLIPSE (LK 21:25), NOV 8...... 75 n.c. is SUN, JAN 22.

3. Signing at THUR, JAN 19, was AQUARIUS 1.

4. MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL, a.c. satanically rises (1260 past RAPTURE) is CANCER 15 (balanced grip).

5. MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past Signing) is FAST of TAMMUZ 17.

6. RETURN (2520 past RAPTURE) is FAST of TEVET 10....

7. - tilt to straight earth is SAGIT 24, NOV 24, new/Millen KISLEV 24 (HAG 2..."DESIRE of NATIONS."

8. YOM KIP 2023 & TISH 11 (77) 2300 ( 3 n.c.)....DAN 8.....is ISA 63 TEMPLE RECONSECRATION....

9. ....& that day is SHEVAT 11....11,11, start 45-day judg of Nations (DAN 12:12), 30 days past RETURN.

10. & RETURN 30 days is a TUESDAY (SHEVAT 11....#11 = judg), 3rd day.....HOS 6:2-3....if applic.

11. SUNDAYS (when counts start): RAPTURE........A.C. RISES........RETURN

12. In the MILLEN, TISH 1, ROSH, 5th FEAST (next Feast to be fulfilled) must open High Holy Days; then 14 days to TABERNACLES (ZECH 14:6-18).......& the day earth is straight (KISLEV 17-18, 2029, NOV 24) 280 days is ROSH HASHANA, TISHREI 1, 2030. Note that months will then be 30 days each via a 360-day, straight-earth year.

13. All else virtually/speculatively same as last letter......so, looks like SUNDAY, JAN 22 (TEV 29).

JANET HERSCU - January 22nd, 2023 at 5:26pm

...hopefully the last GUESS:

Via spec, ALL fits this TUES!!!!, JAN 24......3rd day/ancient Wedding Day & HOS 6:2-3 (if applic).

NOV 7 lunar eclipse (Lk 21:25) 75 n.c. is SIGNING on AQUARIUS 1 (JAN 21....'AGE of AQUAR').

280 days CHURCH GESTATION (I Corin 15:51-54) past FIRSTFRUITS = JAN 24 RAPTURE.

RAPTURE (Jan 24) minus tilt is FAST of TEVET 10.....future straight-earth position (ZECH 8:19).

Mid-trib ABOM DESOL (JULY 4, 2026) is CANCER 15......as 'Divine grip'....and praesepe/Remnant.

RETURN at SAT, DEC 15, 2029, is SAGIT 24....future, straight-earth KISLEV 24 (HAG 2).

RETURN at SAT, DEC 15, 2029 (SAGIT 24) is FAST of TEVET 9-10.

Day earth is straight (NOV 24, 2029) 280 days gestation is ROSH HASHANA, 5th Feast (next to be fulfilled)....opens HIGH HOLY DAYS..... 14 more days is 1st TABERNACLES of MILLEN (ZECH 14:16-18).

RETURN Sat, DEC 15, 2029 30 mourning (1290 past mid-trib ABOM DESOL, Dan 12:11) is JAN 14......

....& JAN 14 (Isa 63 Temple RECONSECRATED) is 2300 days ( 3 n.c.) Temple Desecration past YOM KIP, 2023 (SEPT 25, 2023).

LIBRA 1 (future straight-earth SEPT 1 & ROSH HASHANA, TISH 1) "4 mths to Harvest" is AQUAR 1.

OCT 17, 2022 (TISH 22)....ISA 26:20..... 96 days (75 21 tilt, both n.c.) is SIGNING, JAN 21, 2023.

Also, the 96 days span OCT 17 21 tilt to NOV 7 lunar eclipse 75 to SIGNING.....total 96.



MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is 1st Sabbath past Fast of TAMMUZ 17.

There are also 96 days from day earth is straight (NOV 24, 2029) to trib end w/ tilt loss (MAR 1).

If something special happens on FAST of AV 9 between now & Yom Kip 2023, then all 4 FAST DAYS ("to joy") would be accounted for.....spec.

The legal, Lev 23....7-yr trib span is actually YOM KIP 2021 (-20 yrs n.c. is 2001/6001) to YOM KIP 2028, start of the Remnant's 280-day Gestation. Yom Kip 2001/6001 starts the 121st Jub/7th Millen/Gen 6:3.

So, although spec, looks like TUES, JAN 24 (SHEVAT 2).......

JANET HERSCU - January 25th, 2023 at 11:57pm

FRI, JAN 27, possible RAPTURE:

.... 2520 minus tilt is KISLEV 24 (HAG 2), DEC 1, 2029, earth straight/"DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES."

....TUES (3rd day, as Ketubah), JAN 24, 2023, was possible SIGNING.

....KISLEV 24, 2029 (DEC 1, earth straight) 30 mourning = DEC 31-JAN 1, 2030, ISA 63 TEMPLE RECONSECRATION....exact end of 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) past ROSH HASHANA, 2023, 5th Feast....3rd Temple Dedic 7 mths BURY/BLDG 3rd Temple past EZEK 38 Victory, then 2300 days to ISA 63.

....KISLEV 24, 2029 (DEC 1, earth straight) 280 days (now 30-day mths) is 'new'YOM KIP, SEPT 10 & LIBRA 10.... 5 days is LIBRA 15, SEPT 15, new/Millen TISHREI 15 (TABERNACLES, ZECH 14:16-18)....all in sync.

....If true, 5th, 6th 7th FEASTS are fulfilled.

....Via MAZZAROT (if applic), RETURN is CAPRICORN 1.....& ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE is AQUAR 1 ('AGE OF AQUARIUS' begins)....spec.

....Most else virtually same....too much to review; but this FRIDAY, JAN 27 (AQUAR 8) looks very possible.

JANET HERSCU - January 27th, 2023 at 6:35pm

Just a few points still fit a 'figurable' spec scenario......in fact, BARELY, but nonetheless intriguing.

RAPTURE 'may be' this SUNDAY, JAN 29.....AQUARIUS 8 & SHEVAT 7:

.....SHEVAT 7 = 77, 'perfect judgment'......& AQUAR 8 'may mean' CHURCH'S 'AGE of AQUAR' starts.

.....ALL counts begin on SUNDAY, 1st day of the week....SUNDAYS: RAPTURE....MID-TRIB A.C. RISES.

....."4 mths to Harvest".....& ROSH 2022 (SEPT 26) 4 solar mths is Thur, JAN 26, possible SIGNING.

.....2520 days trib 30 days mourning (Dan 12:11) is 2550 days (same as 2550 yrs: 583 B.C. to 1967)......

.....& SIGNING 2550 is RECONSECRATION, Jan 22, 2030 (AQUAR 1, same as JAN 1 w/ tilt loss).

.....& any 7 yrs of AQUARIUS 8 to AQUARIUS 1 is 2550 days (JAN 29, 2023 to JAN 22, 2030).

.....RETURN minus tilt loss is DEC 1, EARTH STRAIGHT.....future TEV 1.

.....RETURN (DEC 20, 2029) minus tilt is DEC 1, KISLEV 24, HAG 2, "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES."

.....& DEC 1 is also the FUTURE TEVET 1 (& CAPRIC 1.....all in sync).

.....RETURN minus tilt 30 days mourning is ISA 63 TEMPLE RECONSECRATION JAN 1, 2030....

.....& JAN 1, 2030 (future SHEVAT 1) is END of 2300 days past ROSH HASHANA 2023 (5th Feast).....DAN 8:13-14.

.....EARTH STRAIGHT, DEC 1, 2029 280 days 'Millen gestation' is SEP 10, LIBRA 10, new TISH 10...

..... 5 days is new/Millen, straight-earth TABERNACLES, 2030 (SEPT 15, LIBRA 15, TISH 15)....

.....all in sync....ZECH 14:16-18.

.....interesting as well is the EZEK 45:18 starting point at NISAN 1, 2022.....

.....and note NISAN 1, 2022 (Apr 2) 280 to TEVET 14, JAN 8, 2023....then tilt (will minus) is RAPTURE....

.....TEVET 14 tilt is RAPTURE........& RETURN is also TEVET 14 (DEC 20, 2029)......

..... 2 days straightening (HOS 6:2-3....?) is DEC 22.

.....MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is CANCER 18 (666)......'inescapable grip'.....

.....Another interesting span is the tilt # (will minus at RETURN) from TEVET 10 to the SIGNING.

.....TEVET 10 (100), 2023 = JAN 3-4; & minus 11-day error = DEC 24, orig KISLEV 24 (CREATION DAY).

.....The 75 uncounted days minus tilt loss is 55 days.....& DEC 1, 2022 55 is SIGNING......& DEC 1, 2029 earth is straight (on KISLEV 24...HAG 2)......7 solar yrs DEC 1 to DEC 1.

.....There are also 55 days from the RETURN to trib end (w/ tilt loss) at FEB 15, 2030 (also PISCES 15).

.....Likely a 'no show' again since GOD'S perfect RAPTURE DATE is likely beyond human knowledge; but the above dates seem to fit logical points suggesting a JAN 29 RAPTURE.

JANET HERSCU - January 29th, 2023 at 7:12pm

SO MUCH fits now!, What to do??....look stupider than EVER??, or WATCH via MATT 24:43-44?

Note the spans w/ a view of a possible RAPTURE on TUES, JAN 31 (SHEVAT 9, 11x9=99, #11 = judg).

TUES is 3rd day/ancient Wedding day/Cana/Hos 6:2-3, & a.c. rises on a TUES, 1260 past RAPTURE.

SAT, JAN 28, possible SIGNING (3 days before RAPTURE), was AQUARIUS 8 (if Mazzarot applies)....

..... 3 days is AQUARIUS 11 (#11 = judg....& SHEVAT 9 is 11x9=99).....11's (judgment #)....spec.

A.c. satanically rises (1260 days past RAPTURE) on CANCER 24 (11,888), TUES, JULY 14, 2026.

RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING) is SAT, DEC 22, 2029 (& CAPRICORN 1, if MAZZAROT applies).

30 days mourning (ZECH 12:10, 13:6, DAN 12:11) is AQUARIUS 1, ISA 63 TEMPLE RECONSECRATION 2300 days past ROSH HASHANA 2023 (5th FEAST, SEPT 16).....7 mths burying past EZEK 38 Victory...

...& that day via straight earth (tilt minus) in 2030 is JAN 1, future SHEVAT 1 & AQUAR 1.....all in sync.....

.....starts 45 days judg nations (DAN 12:12) is trib end (straight earth FEB 15/PISCES 15/new ADAR 15).

Earth is straight on DEC 1, 2029, actual KISLEV 24 of HAGGAI 2 & & new/Millen TEVET 1....all in sync...

.....& plus 280 days Gestation is SEPT 10, LIBRA 10 new/Millen YOM KIP TISH 10......all in sync.....

.....plus 5 days is new/Millen TABERNACLES, SEPT 15, new/Millen TISHREI 15 & LIBRA 15...ZECH 14:16-18......all in sync.

ASTOUNDING to me, if true.


.....KISLEV 24, 2022 (HAG 2) 40 days 'testing' is SIGNING.

....CHESVAN 24 (8,888), 2022, 75 days n.c. Is SIGNING.

....JAN 5-6 (Gk Orthodox Christmas....minus 12-13 calendar = DEC 24, orig KISLEV 24.

....CHESVAN 1 (8th mth) 98 days (75 23 tilt....both n.c.) is SIGNING.

....TEV 2 (8th day 8th Feast/Jesus' Concep), 37 (2557-37=2520) is RAPTURE (Kislev had 29 days).

....NISAN 1, 2022 (EZEK 45:18...true/Millen count start) tilt 280 Church Gestation = RAPTURE.

So the FALL FEASTS (5th, 6th, 7th) are accounted for above and the HAG 2 promise: "DESIRE/DARLING OF NATIONS COMES" holds as well.


2550 days (as the 2550 YEARS 583 B.C. - 1967 A.D.); & 2550 DAYS span SIGNNG to the ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE/RECONSECRATION (2520 30 mourning = 2550 days).

So, again, we'll see.........perhaps this TUESDAY, JAN 31.......spec, of course....

JANET HERSCU - January 31st, 2023 at 10:27am

...& if WED, FEB 1, note:

....YOM KIP 2022 "4 mths to Harvest") = RAPTURE, WED, FEB 1, SHEVAT 10.....

....& SIGNING, SUNDAY (count-start day), JAN 29, SHEVAT 7 (11 x 7 = 77....'perf judg').

....Future/Millen NISAN 17 (FIRSTFRUITS, I COR 15:20) will be MARCH 17....all in sync.

.....MAR 17, 2022 tilt (will minus, so n.c.) is APRIL 6, 2022 (ARIES 17.....tilted earth).

....So note APRIL 6, 2022 280 days Church Gestation is FEB 1, 2023.

....A.C. satanically RISES on CANCER 24 (11,888), WED, JULY 15, 2026, start Great Trib.

....CHESVAN 24 (best Hebrew calendar # day....8,888).... 75 days n.c. Is FEB 1, 2023.

....SUNDAYS (when counts start):......SIGNING......MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL......RETURN.

....RETURN 30 days mourning is a TUES (3rd day.....ISA 63 into Temple)....HOS 6:2-3.


....& YOM KIP 2022 (OCT 5) was LIBRA 15....Millen straight-earth TISH 15 & SEPT 15 (ISA 26:20)....

....& OCT 5, 2022 4 Jewish mths "to Harvest" is FEB 1, 2023.

....ROSH 2023 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) is straight-earth JAN 1, AQUAR 1, new/Millen SHEVAT 1.


....The 2550 days (2520 30 mourn) span AQUAR 8, 2023 (SIGNING) to AQUAR 1, 2030 (TEMPLE RECONSECRATION, straight-earth JAN 1, 2030 (& new/Millen SHEVAT 1.....start 45 days judg nations).

....2550 yrs spanned 583 B.C. to 1967.

....ALL ELSE SAME.......perhaps WED, FEB 1.....

JANET HERSCU - February 5th, 2023 at 8:30pm

...continued spec figuring ('clarification'):

Rapture 'could be' this TUESDAY (3rd day/Wedding Day/HOSEA 6:2-3), FEB 7.

"4 mths to Harvest" spans SUCCOTH (Isa 26:20) to RAPTURE (120 days exact...Oct 10 - FEB 7)....

& 75 days (n.c.) span NOV 24 to FEB 7......& NOV 24 will be Millen/straight-earth SAGIT 24 & KISLEV 24.

KISLEV 24 "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES" likely applies......HAG 2 promise.

If so, SIGNING (SAT, FEB 4) was 'AQUARIUS 15' as well as SHEVAT 13 (11,13...both bad #'s, if applic).

The 75 days minus tilt (on ea side of trib) is 54 days on ea side (also n.c.)....

.....& note 54 days from SAGIT 24 (DEC 14) to FEB 7....i.e., FEB 7 minus 54 n.c. is DEC 14 (SAG 14).

So note again that DEC 14 minus tilt will be NOV 24.....future/straight earth KISLEV 24 & SAGIT 24.

The 2 witnesses rise on FAST of AV 9-10 (minus tilt is FAST of TAMMUZ 17).

If so, mid-trib ABOM DESOL (JULY 18, 2026....1260 days past SIGNING....is CANCER 27 (11,999).

Most interesting is (DEC 9, 2029/earth straight) 280 days is LIBRA 15, SEPT 15, new TISH 15.

& 2300 days span Yom Kip 2023 blood sacrifice (Sep 25, 2023 to JAN 8...30 days past DEC 9, 2029.

The 2550 days (as 2550 yrs 583 B.C - 1967) span SIGNING to ISA 63 TEMPLE RECONSECRATION (7 yrs AQUAR 15 - AQUAR 8).

Earth is straight DEC 9-10, 2029....the 'new/straight-earth' FAST of TEVET 10.

So, all 4 FAST DAYS seem to be accounted for above (ZECH 8:19): TAM 17, AV 9, TISH 10, TEVET 10.


TUESDAYS: RAPTURE....A.C. RISES (LEO 1....coveted....JULY 21, 2026)

There's more, but TUES, FEB 7, seems to fit many points.

JANET HERSCU - February 7th, 2023 at 8:54pm

Via con't spec, this THURS, FEB 9 (SHEVAT 18.....11,666), looks VERY good.

FEB 9 is 75 days past NOV 24, the Millen KISLEV 24 (HAG 2).....& 9x24 = 216 (moon 2160 mi diam).

FEB 9 is 53 days n.c. (75 minus future tilt loss = 53) past KISLEV 24, HAG 2.

So, since those days are n.c., RAPTURE is KISLEV 24 (HAG 2) after all..."DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES."

Signing is MON, Feb 6, SHEVAT 15 (middle 11th mth.....#11 = judg...via signif #'s on Jewish calendar).

A.c. satanically RISES (1260 past RAPTURE) on FAST of AV 9 (July 23, 2026), LEO 1 (12th Sign/coveted).

Minus the tilt back from AV 9 will be FAST of TAMMUZ 17 straight-earth position.

RETURN minus 22 days tilt loss will be DEC 9, 2029....earth straight....& plus 30 mourning is JAN 8......

....& JAN 8 is exact END of the 2300 days (Dan 8) Temple Desecration 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 YOM KIP 2023 (Sep 25)....

....& DEC 9 (earth straight) 280 days (the 10th 280) is SEPT 15, LIBRA 15, new TISH 15 SUCCOTH.

SUCCOTH/TABERNACLES 2030 will be the 1st 7th FEAST CELEBRATION in the MILLEN....ZECH 14.

DEC 9, TEVET 2, earth straight, is 8th day, 8th Feast, Jesus' Conception anniv (& 75 days past Succoth).

Usually TEVET 1 started the 280 Gestation; but KISLEV has 29 days in 2029.

7 mths BURYING after EZEK 38 VICTORY in Israel is ROSH 2023, 5th Feast......plus 9 AWE = TISH 10.

So the 5th, 6th & 7th FALL FEASTS (ZECH 8:19) are accounted for above (FEASTS 1-4 during GRACE).

5th FEAST (ROSH) is the next to be fulfilled anyway.

As for FAST of TEVET 10, RAPTURE is 37 days (2557-37=2520) past TEVET 10 (100).....

.....& earth is straight DEC 9-10, the new/Millen/straight-earth TEVET 10 (so TEV 10 - 'TEV 10'.....7 yrs).

So, all 4 FAST DAYS are 'accounted for' above......ZECH 8:19.

"4 mths to HARVEST" is likely the TISH 15 to SHEVAT 15 SIGNING (OCT 10, 2022 - FEB 6, 2023)....

....& ISAIAH 26:20 likely applies.

The horrific quake 2 days ago is certainly a warning to believers & Israel as to what is coming soon.....WAY too near to DAMASCUS & ISRAEL.........& for the ISRAELIS to immediately give AID is an astounding view of the 'WIDENESS' (although latent) of the orig nature of GOD'S PEOPLE!

There's SO much more, but it sure looks like this THUR, FEB 9.

JANET HERSCU - February 9th, 2023 at 10:12pm

....AND even ANOTHER SPEC SCENARIO!...perhaps this SUN, FEB 12 (SHEVAT 21):

1. SIGNING: SHEVAT 18 (11th mth/judg#/18th day/666)......THUR, FEB 9, 2023.

2. MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL: TH, JULY 23, 2026, FAST AV 9 (& LEO 1) & minus tilt = FAST TAMMUZ 17.

3. FAST of TEVET 10, 2023 40 days 'testing' is RAPTURE.

4. IYYAR 5 (MAY 6....& future/straight-earth SIV 6), 2022 (STATEHOOD) 280 gest= SIGNING.

5. TISHREI 18 (mid-Succoth/John 7:14) 4 Jewish mths "to Harvest" = SIGNING.

6. TISHREI 21 (HOSHANA RABAH) 4 Jewish mths "to Harvest" is RAPTURE.

7. 7 mths BURYING/BLDG 3rd Temple is ROSH 2023 (5th Feast/3rd Temple Dedic?)....

8. ....plus 9 days AWE is FAST of YOM KIP/blood sacrifice Holy of Holies/Desecration start....

9....plus 2300 ( 3 n.c. mid trib) is JAN 11, 2030 (ISA 63), 30 days past day earth is straight, DEC 11.

10. The day earth is straight (DEC 11, 2029, TEV 5) plus 280 ( in 30-day mths) is SUCCOTH/Zech 14.

11. That 280 is the 10th 280 (2520-day trib is 9 x 280).

12. RETURN, SUN, JAN 6, 2030 (2520 past RAPTURE) 75 to trib end, ARIES 1, MAR 22...

13.....minus tilt is trib end MARCH 1, Millen NISAN 1 (& ARIES 1).....EZEK 46:18, NUM 19.....all in sync.

14. FAST of TEVET 10 37 (2557 seven solar yrs -37=2520).........is the SIGNING.

15. 75 n.c. minus 22 tilt loss is 53 n,c...& KISLEV 24 (HAG 2 promise), DEC 18, 2022, 53 is SIGNING.

16. 280 Gestation 22 (will minus) is 302....& FIRSTFRUITS/NISAN 17 (I COR 15:20) 302 = RAPTURE.

17. MID-TRIB AV 9... 3 = a.c. satanically RISES & kills 2 wit's.... 3 1/2 days is AV 15 (tu b'AV)....if signif.

18. ALL 3 FALL FEASTS (5th, 6th, 7th) are accounted for.....

19. ...and ALL 4 FAST DAYS (ZECH 8:19)...TAM 17, AV 9, TISH 10, TEV 10....are at signif points.


21. ....and RETURN at SUN, JAN 6, 30 days mourning is FEB 5, a TUES (HOS 6:2-3, ISA 63).....

22. ....& FEB 5 is AQUAR 15 (ISA 63, JESUS to TEMPLE/RECONSECRATION, mid 'AGE of AQUAR").

23. If RETURN is 2520 past SIGNING (to TH, JAN 3, 2030)... 3 days straightening is JAN 6)......

24. .....and JAN 3 is REALLY DEC 24 due to the 10-11-day calendar error from the 1500's......

25.....and DEC 24 was likely the orig KISLEV 24, CREATION DAY.....HAG 2 promise.....if applic.

26. We know of the 11-day difference because GK ORTHODOX Christmas is JAN 6 (orig date).

27. If JAN 3 (in 2030) is the RETURN, note JAN 3, 2023 plus 40 'testing' to RAPTURE......

28. ......and 7 solar yrs = RETURN, JAN 3, 2030......so JAN 3 - JAN 3........(7 yrs).

29. MAZZAROT: SIGNING SHEV 18, MID-TRIB LEO 1, RETURN CAPRIC 15, ISA 63 AQUAR 15, TRIB END ARIES 1.....indeed, very intriguing.....

30. SORRY!......but there's TOO MANY SIGNIF POINTS NOT to share.

JANET HERSCU - February 13th, 2023 at 1:06pm

Via spec, TUES, FEB 14 fits so much.

Any TEV 1 280 Gestation is TABERNACLES (TISH 15)...........but 2030 has 2 ADARS ( 1 mth).....

.......so the RETURN at SAT, JAN 5, 2030 (2520 days past SAT, FEB 11, 2023 SIGNING) 280 days Gestation (as Jesus' gestation Jewish dates) is TABERNACLES (ZECH 14:16-18).

RETURN is SHEVAT 1.... 30 is ADAR 1.... 45 is NISAN 17, FIRSTFRUITS (II ADAR in 2030)...trib end.

TRIB END is also ARIES 1, 8th MAZZAROT SIGN, & straight-earth MAR 1, new NISAN 1 (all in sync).

FEB 14, 2023 (possible RAPTURE) is AQUAR 24 (888), "AGE OF AQUARIUS," if applic.

FEB 14 is SHEVAT 23, & minus the tilt is SHEVAT 1....& RETURN is SHEVAT 1 (11th mth, judg#).

RETURN at JAN 5, 2030, is CAPRICORN 15.... 30 mourning is TEMPLE ENTRANCE, AQUAR 15.....mid 'AGE of AQUAR.'

FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I COR 15:20) 280 days Church Gestation tilt (will minus) is TUES, FEB 14.

JESUS' CONCEPTION was TEV 1).......and Dec 1 (future TEVET 1 in Millen) 75 n.c. is FEB 14.....thus the COUNT (w/ 75 n.c.) is 'as the 8th day 8th Feast to 8th day 8th Feast RETURN........7 yrs.

As for ISA 26:20, "four mths to Harvest" span OCT 17, TISH 22 (8th day Succoth) to FEB 14....

....& OCT 17 was likely the approx JEWISH DATE of JESUS' BIRTH).

Return minus tilt loss is day earth is straight, FAST of TEVET 10......and 75 is trib end at MAR 1, new Nisan 1 (EZEK 46:18)......as well as ARIES 1.......all in sync.

2300 days (Dan 8) span YOM KIP or SUCCOTH 2023 to TEMPLE ENTR (ISA 63).

Mid-trib ABOM DESOL (1260 days past SIGNING) is SAT, AV 11... 3 days a.c. rises is LEO 8, if applic.

JAN 5, 2023 (really 11 days previous/DEC 24, orig KISLEV 24/CREATION/8th Feast) 40 days 'testing' is FEB 14.............& the RETURN in 2030 is also JAN 5.....so 'JAN 5 - JAN 5'..........7 yrs.



75 minus tilt is virtually 55 days...& KISLEV 24 (DEC 18, 2022...HAG 2) 55 days is SIGNING (trib start of the 2520 days).

75 plus the tilt is 96 days; & NOV 7-8 (moon eclipse/LK 21:25) 96 = SIGNING, FEB 11.

IYYAR 5-6 (FIG TREE/STATEHOOD) 280 days is also the SIGNING, FEB 11.

The strange balloons 'could be' (horrible thought) related to the 'GREAT DECEPTION' concerning the soon DISAPPEARANCE of millions of people..... instilling fear ("people's hearts will fail them....").....spec.

SO MUCH MORE.....but all else is much the same as last letter.........so, via spec, perhaps TUES, FEB 14.

JANET HERSCU - February 15th, 2023 at 7:34pm

...& ANOTHER presumed/spec scenario!!.....via CONSTANT WATCHING....(perhaps futile)....MATT 24:43-44.....MATT 24:32....LUKE 21:36....MARK 13:28-31....LUKE 21:29-33)....so 'possible' to 'SEE'....???:

1. Possible RAPTURE FRIDAY, FEB 17....w/ SIGNING 3 days previous, TUES, 3rd day/as Ketubah.

2. FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I Cor 15:20) 280 Church Gestation tilt (will minus) is SIGNING, FEB 14.

3. MAY 14 ('FIG TREE' Sign) 280 days Church Gestation (spec) is FRI, FEB 17.

4. SIGNING at TUES, FEB 14 is AQUAR 24 (24=888 & 6x24=144).

5. OCT 17 (Jesus' solar Succoth birthdate) "4 mths to harvest"...ISA 26:20....is FRI, FEB 17.

6. LUKE 21:25, if signif, Moon eclipse/Nov 8 98 (75 tilt/will minus) is SIGNING, FEB 14.

7. JAN 5 (really Dec 24, orig DEC 24, orig Kislev 24/Hag 2) 40 days 'testing' is SIGNING, FEB 14.

8. DEC 4-5, TEVET 1 (Jesus' Conception anniv) 75 (n.c.) is FRI, FEB 17.

9. 75 minus tilt is 53 days....& DEC 24 53 days (n.c.) is SIGNING, TUES, FEB 14.

10. SIGNING/SHEVAT 23 (FEB 14, start 2520 days) minus future tilt loss is SHEVAT 1(#11 = judg).

11. A.C. satanically rises JULY 31, 2026 (1260 days past RAPTURE)......

12 ........& minus tilt = JULY 9, future/straight-earth FAST AV 9.

13. .EZEK 38 VICTORY (PURIM?) 7 mths BURYING is SUCCOTH 2023, SEPT 29-30, 2023.....

14. .....& SUCCOTH 2023 (70:sacrifices) is possible START of the 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14)......

15. .....ending JAN 17, 2030 (ISA 63 TEMPLE RECONSECRATION).......

16. .......& JAN 17 is 30 days past day earth is straight, FAST of TEVET 10 (DEC 17, 2029).

17. DEC 17, 2030 (earth straight, TEVET 10) 75 (DAN 12:11-12) is MAR 1, new/Millen NISAN 1.

18. NISAN 1 starts Millen NEW YR: NIS 1, ARIES 1, MARCH 1 (EZEK 45:18, NUM 19)....all in sync.

19. RETURN at TUES, JAN 8, 2030 minus tilt loss (straightening) will be DEC 17......

20. ...... 280 days Millen Gestation is ROSH HASHANA, 5th FEAST, SEP 27....opens Fall Feasts.

21. TUESDAYS (3rd day/Wedding):.....SIGNING......ABOM DESOL/LEO 8..........RETURN.

22. If signif, SUCCOTH 2023 (start of the 2300 days) is SEPT 30 (LIBRA 10)....

23. .....and LIBRA 10 will be straight-earth TISH 10 (YOM KIP, 6th Feast), SEPT 10.

24. 7th FEAST/8th day TABERNACLES 2030 (OCT 18)....ZECH 15:16-18.....

25 ....& OCT 18, 2030/TISH 22, 8th day/END SUCCOTH is 280 past DEC 17, day earth is straight.

26. The 1-yr warning (Jerem 51:46) 'may have been' PURIM 2022 (FEB 14) to SIGNING......

27. .....AND via straight earth, Feb 14 will be the yearly ADAR 14 as well.

28. If signif, FEB 14, 1949, was anniv of 1st Knesset session, another possible 'FIG TREE' sign.

29. PURIM 2023 is about 17 days (world chaos/N. Invasion of Israel) past FRI, FEB 17.

30. If straightening takes 3 days at RETURN, date is JAN 11 which is REALLY DEC 31, orig TEV 1.

31. The 280 past RETURN (to TISH 22) is the 10th 280 (since 2520 days trib is 9x280).....

32. ......and 10x280 is 2800:.......40x70, 400x7, 4x700......

33. SO, now, via spec, it looks like FRIDAY, FEB 17....SHEVAT 26 (11.....13 13....if #'s are signif).

JANET HERSCU - February 17th, 2023 at 11:17pm

....still speculating......perhaps this SUNDAY, FEB 19 (SHEVAT 28).....fits a few spans.....

1. FEB 19 is PISCES....7th MAZZAROT Sign ('multiplication of believers').


3. MAY 15 ('FIG TREE'/STATEHOOD) 280 days Church Gestation = FEB 19.

4. YOM KIP 2023 (3rd Temple/blood sacr) 2300 (Dan 8) = JAN 21, 2030 (ISA 63 to Temple).

5. Earth is straight DEC 21, 2030 (23 previous to SUN, JAN 13 RETURN, 2520 past RAPTURE)...

6. ..... 30 days mourning (now 30-day mths) = JAN 21.....ISA 63 RECONSECRATION......

7. ... 45 days judg nations is trib end.....II ADAR 1 ('as Nis 1'..355 days past NIS 1, 2029).

8. EZEK 45:18/NUM 19 reviews Millen start/Temple Cleansing on a NISAN 1....Millen start.

8. So DEC 21, 2030 (earth straight) plus 75 days is MAR 6, trib end.

9. Earth is straight DEC 20-21, 2030....plus 280 is 5th Feast, ROSH HASHANA, SEP 27.

10. W/out the tilt loss considered, trib end is MAR 29, 2030 (II ADAR 24...12,12,12,12j....

11. .....& minus the 23 tilt loss is same day as 23 days previous, II ADAR 1 'new NISAN 1').

12. MID TRIB/a.c. satanically rises is LEO 12 (coveted)..... 3 1/2 ELIJ & MOS rise, LEO 15.

13. & 3 days previous/ABOM DESOL is JULY 30, 2026 (& minus tilt = JULY 9, future AV 9).

14. If 370 days apply (days Noah in ARK), PURIM 2022 370 days is FEB 19, 2023.

15. OCT 16, TISH 21 (7th day SUCCOTH/ISA 26:20) "4 mths to Harvest" is FEB 16 SIGNING.

16. Also, via MAZZAROT, LIBRA 1 (Millen/straight-earth SEPT 1, TISH 1) 4 mths = PISCES 1.

17. The trib seems to be 'enclosed' by OCT 16-17, JESUS' B-day, 280 gest past JAN 12-13)...

18. ....OCT 16-17, 2022 ( 4 mths to Harvest) & OCT 16-17, 2030....280 past JAN 13 RETURN.

19. 7 yrs fuel use (Ezek 39:9) = ?..PURIM/MAR 6, 2023 (EZEK 38..?) to MAR 6, 2030, trib end.

20. MAY 15 280 is possible RAPTURE; & MAY 15 = TAURUS 24 (BULL/888), DEUT 33:17.

21. 'Could be' this SUNDAY, FEB 19.....all spec, of course....

JANET HERSCU - February 19th, 2023 at 8:52pm

& IF (via spec) this TUESDAY, FEB 21, the following points seem to apply:

1. Trib start of the 2520 days (at SIGNNG) is FEB 18 (PISCES 1), 2023.

2. RETURN 30 mourn (DAN 12:10) is straight-earth JAN 24/AQUAR 24.....into Temple....

3. .....& that day (AQUAR 24....888) is 2300 days ( 3 n.c.) past YOM KIP 2023 (Dan 8:13-14).

4. TUESDAY = 3rd day/ancient wedding day.....& Hos 6:2-3, if applic.

5. RETURN SAT, JAN 12, 2030 (minus tilt is JAN 24 280 = ROSH, (starts FALL FEASTS).

6. MAY 14 (FIG TREE) 280 days Church Gestation is the SIGNING, SAT, FEB 18.

7. MID-TRIB when a.c. satanically rises is LEO 15 1260 days past RAPTURE.

8. RAPTURE minus tilt loss will be SHEVAT 8 (88) & the RETURN is SHEVAT 8 (88).

9. If applic, PURIM 2022 370 days (as Noah in ARK) is RAPTURE, FEB 21.

10. PURIM 2023 7 'mths' BURYING Is 7 'moons' to YOM KIP... 2300 days to ISA 63.

11. SATURDAYS: SIGNING......MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL......RETURN ( 3 straightening)


13. JAN 12 RETURN is REALLY DEC 31, orig TEV 1 (orig 8th day/8th Feast), Jesus' Concep.

14. Earth is straight DEC 24, orig KISLEV 24 (HAG 2), CREATION Day (8th Feast, 1st day).

15. 'Could be' this TUESDAY.....fits many points.....

JANET HERSCU - February 21st, 2023 at 10:40am

....& IF (via spec) this WED, FEB 22, ADAR 1, the following points seem to apply:

1. Trib start of the 2520 days (at SIGNNG) is FEB 19 (PISCES 1), 2023.

2. RETURN 30 mourn (DAN 12:10) is straight-earth JAN 24/AQUAR 24 (888 & 144)...to Temple....

3. .....& that day (AQUAR 24, is 2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib) past YOM KIP 2023 (Dan 8:13-14).

4. RETURN SUN, JAN 13, 2030 (minus tilt is JAN 24 and 280 = ROSH, (starts FALL FEASTS).

5. & RETURN 280 (w/out tilt loss) is OCT 18, TISHREI 22, 2030, last day SUCCOTH.

6. MAY 15, FIG TREE) 280 days Church Gestation is the SIGNING, Sun, FEB 19.

7. MID-TRIB when a.c. satanically rises is LEO 15 1260 days past RAPTURE.

8. RAPTURE minus tilt loss will be SHEVAT 9 (99) & the RETURN is SHEVAT 9 (99).

9. If applic, PURIM 2022 370 days (as Noah in ARK) is RAPTURE, FEB 22.

10. PURIM 2023 7 'mths' BURYING Is 7 'moons' (192) to YOM KIP... 2300 days to ISA 63.

11. SUNDAYS (when counts start): SIGNING......MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL......RETURN

12. JAN 13 RETURN is REALLY DEC 31, orig TEV 1 (orig 8th day/8th Feast), Jesus' Concep.

13. Earth is straight DEC 24, orig KISLEV 24 (HAG 2), CREATION Day (8th Feast, 1st day).

14. 'Could well be' this WED....fits many points.....

JANET HERSCU - February 22nd, 2023 at 9:38pm

......still seemingly 'figurable' via spec: perhaps this FRI, FEB 24, tilt# past SHEV 11 (11,11).

1. FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I Cor 15:20) 280 = JAN 12 (really Dec 31, orig TEV 1, 8th day 8th FEAST),

2. ..... 40 days 'testing' is SIGNING, FEB 21, 2023......3rd day/as 'Wedding Ketubah Contract.'

2. SIGNING, TUES, FEB 21 is trib start of 2520, ending at TUES, JAN 15, 2030 RETURN..

3. 1260 past SIGNING/ABOM DESOL, LEO 15, Aug 4, 2026/will be JULY 15/AV 15 straight-earth.

4. 3 days later a.c. satanically rises LEO 18 (666).....AV 24, AUG 7, 2026 1260 past RAPURE).

5. RETURN/CAPRIC 24 (TUES, JAN 15, 2030), SHEVAT 11 (11,11), so SHEV 11-SHEV 11 (7 yrs).

6. RETURN minus tilt loss is day earth is straight, DEC 24....orig KIS 24 (HAG 2) as last letter...

7. .....and 30 days mourning is ISA 63 (into Temple), 2300 days ( 3 n.c.) past YOM KIP 2023.

8. ROSH 2022, 5th Feast, 5 mths (as Noah) is SIGNING, ADAR 1 TUES, FEB 21.

9. 75 minus tilt loss is 53 (n.c.).....& FAST of TEVET 10 (JAN 3) 53 is RAPTURE.

10. 9 days past RAPTURE is PURIM....possible EZEK 38.... 7 moons (192) is YOM KIP 2023.

11. JAN 3, 2023 is REALLY DEC 24 (orig KIS 24/HAG 2) & earth straight DEC 24, HAG 2 (7 yrs).

12. 2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib), DAN 8, end at JAN 24, AQUAR 24 (888).....ISA 63 into Temple.

13. Trib end (straight-earth MAR 10, 2030), ARIES 10 & 'new/Millen' NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39).

14. Earth straight DEC 24, 2030 280 (10th 280) is ROSH, Sept 27, 2030, opens FALL FEASTS.

15. RETURN is SHEVAT 11 (11,11).... 30 days = ADAR 12 (12,12)....ISA 63, perf gov't....if signif.

........MUCH MORE (few spans left to figure)......but 'could be' this FRIDAY, FEB 24, ADAR 4......

JANET HERSCU - February 24th, 2023 at 11:34am

ADD 1 day......spec clarification:

......still seemingly 'figurable' via spec: perhaps SAT, FEB 25, tilt# past SHEV 11 (11,11), FEB 2.

1. FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I Cor 15:20) 280 = JAN 13 (really Dec 31, orig TEV 1, 8th day 8th FEAST/Jesus' Conception Day anniv).

2. ..... 40 days 'testing' is SIGNING, FEB 22, 2023.

2. SIGNING, WED, FEB 22 is trib start of 2520, ending at WED, JAN 16, 2030 RETURN.

3. 1260 past SIGNING/ABOM DESOL, LEO 15, Aug 5, 2026/will be JULY 15/AV 15 straight-earth.

4. 3 days later a.c. satanically rises LEO 18 (666).....AV 25, AUG 8, 2026 1260 past RAPTURE.

5. RETURN/CAPRIC 24 (WED, JAN 16, 2030), SHEVAT 12...... 30 mourn = ADAR 12 (12,12).

6. RETURN minus tilt loss is day earth is straight, DEC 24....orig KIS 24 (HAG 2) as last letter...

7. .....& 30 days mourning is ISA 63 (into Temple), 2300 days ( 3 n.c.) past YOM KIP 2023.

8. ROSH 2022, 5th Feast, 5 mths (as Noah) is SIGNING, ADAR 2, WED, FEB 22.

9. 75 minus tilt loss is 53 (n.c.).....& FAST of TEVET 10 (JAN 3) 53 days n.c. is RAPTURE.

10. 8 days past RAPTURE is PURIM....possible EZEK 38.... 7 moons (192) is YOM KIP 2023.

11. JAN 3, 2023 is REALLY DEC 24 (orig KIS 24/HAG 2) & earth straight DEC 24, HAG 2 (7 yrs).

12. 2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib), DAN 8, end at JAN 24, AQUAR 24 (888).....ISA 63 into Temple.

13. Trib end (straight-earth MAR 10, 2030), ARIES 10 & 'new/Millen' NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39).

14. Earth straight DEC 24, 2030 280 (10th 280) is ROSH, Sept 27, 2030, opens FALL FEASTS (ZECH 14:16-18).

15. RETURN is SHEVAT 12 30 days (Jewish mth) = ADAR 12 (12,12), ISA 63, perf gov't...FEB 15.

16. GEMINI 1 (10th MAZZAROT Sign/MAY 21....'twins'... 280 Church Gestation is RAPTURE.

17. MAY 21 minus future tilt loss will be APR 28, Millen/straight-earth IYYAR 28 (FIG TREE/1967).

18. If the 377 days apply (Noah in Ark), PURIM 2022 to RAPTURE is 377 days.

19. 2550 days (as 2550 yrs 583 B.C. - 1967) = SIGNING to ISA 63 to TEMPLE , ADAR 12, 2030 (FEB 15).

20. ALL spans seem to coordinate: 7 yrs, 2520, 2550, 1260 twice, 1290, 1335, 2300, 7 mths burying,

75, 23 tilt, 280, 377, 53 (75 minus tilt).....& JEWISH anniv dates MAZZAROT meanings......

21. FEB 22 SIGNING minus tilt loss will be virtually FEB 1, straight-earth PISCES 1, new ADAR 1...

22. ...& LIBRA 1 (future TISH 1 & SEPT 1, straight earth), to PISCES 1 is 5 mths (as Noah's 150).


24. CHESVAN 1 4 mths (as Noah's 120 & "4 mths to Harvest") is ADAR 1-2 (SIGNING).

........MUCH MORE (few spans left to figure)......but 'could be' this SAT, FEB 25, ADAR 5.

JANET HERSCU - February 26th, 2023 at 9:51am

Via spec, there is a good chance for a TUES, FEB 28 RAPTURE.

1. TUES....3rd day/ancient Wedding Day & HOS 6:2-3.

2. FEB 28 is Pisces 11....77....perf judgment, if applic.

3. MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is LEO 18 (666).

4. NISAN 10, 2022...MATT 23:39....(Apr 11) 280 40 'testing' is SIGNING, FEB 25.

5. Return is JAN 22, 2030, AQUAR 1.....'AGE OF AQUARIUS,' JESUS BACK......

6. Plus 30 days is ISA TEMPLE ENTR, PISCES 1......& 45 is AQUAR 17, trib end....

7. ....& trib end ARIES 17 is straight-earth FIRSTFRUITS, MAR 17 & NISAN 17 (as Flood end).

8. 7 mths (moons) past EZEK 38 (PURIM 2023...?) is ROSH.... 9 to YOM KIP.... 5 to SUCCOTH....

9. .....and SUCCOTH 2300 (Dan 8:13-14) is RETURN (JAN 22, 2030)....end Desecration.

10. MAY 21, 2022 (GEMINI 1....10th Sign) -280 days Gestation is SIGNING (trib start of 2520 days).

11. DEC 15, 2022 (SAGIT 24) 75 n.c. Is SIGNING.....& DEC 15 minus tilt will be NOV 24......

12. .....& straight-earth NOV 24 will be SAGIT 24 & new/Millen KISLEV 24 (HAG 2).

13. APR 28 will be the Millen IYYAR 28 (Fig Tree); & APR 28 23 tilt (will minus) is MAY 21....

14. .....& MAY 21 (GEMINI 1) plus 280 days is SIGNING/RAPTURE.



17. RETURN minus tilt is DEC 30, 2029 to JAN 1, 2030...earth straight)......

18. .....and 280 days (10th 280) is YOM KIP, 2030 (OCT 6).....on to TABERNACLES (ZECH 14).

It's all a bit nebulous at this point; but most 'seems' to point to this TUES, FEB 28.

JANET HERSCU - March 1st, 2023 at 7:30pm

Via spec, MANY points coordinate w/ this FRI, MAR 2 as a possible RAPTURE date (via a 'CONSTANT MANIACAL WATCHING' (??) as reviewed in MATT 24:43-44 & HEB 10:25).

1. SIGNING/TUES/3rd day/Wedding Day/Hos 6:2-3.....FEB 28 (ADAR 8).

2. KISLEV 24 (HAG 2...."DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES") 75 n.c. is MAR 3.

3. 75 tilt# (96 days) back from SIGNING is NOV 24, future/straight-earth KISLEV 24 (& SAGIT 24)....again, HAG 2.

4. DEC 15 (SAGIT 24) 75 n.c. is SIGNING, FEB 28.

5. As for FIG TREE signs, IYYAR 28-29, 2022 (JERUSALEM DAY) 280 = MAR 3.....

6. .....& IYYAR 5 to IYYAR 28-29 is the tilt difference (so '301' days past IYYAR 5).

7. FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I CORIN 15:20) 280 (to SHEVAT 1...11....& AQUAR 1..... 40 'testing') is MAR 2.

8. PURIM 377 (as Noah in ARK) is SIGNING.

9. 6th Feast/YOM KIP 2022 (OCT 5) "4 mths to Harvest" (to SHEVAT 15......'mid judg') tilt is SIGNING.

10. JAN 9-10 (really DEC 31, orig TEV 1, 8th day, 8th Feast) 53 days (75 minus tilt) is MAR 3.

11. MID TRIB (1260 past RAPTURE), a.c. satanically rises, at AUG 14, 2026 is LEO 24....coveted....12,12,12.

12. After 7 mths BURYING/BLDG 3rd Temple, the 2300 days (DAN 8:13-14) span ROSH, SEPT 16, 2023 to day earth is straight, DEC 31- JAN 1, 2030.

13. RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) is TUESDAY (Hos 6:2-3), JAN 22, 2030 (AQUAR 1)....then minus tilt loss.

14. RETURN is AQUAR 1....... 30 is PISCES 1 (ISA 63)..... 45 is ARIES 17 (new NIS 17 (as Flood end).

15. JAN 1, 2030 (day earth is straight) 280 in regular mths = 6th Feast/FAST YOM KIP/OCT 6.

16. JAN 1, 2030 (day earth is straight) 280 in new/Millen 30-day mths is 7th Feast/TABERNACLES, OCT 10-11.

17. MID-TRIB when a.c. satanically rises at ELUL 1 minus future tilt loss is FAST AV 9 (ZECH 8:19).

18. FAST TEVET 10 (JAN 3, 2023) 55-56 days (75 minus future tilt loss) is SIGNING.

19. 7 mths BURYING/BLDG 3rd TEMPLE span EVE PURIM (ADAR 13, MAR 7, 2023). 192 days....to ROSH 2023.

20. 7 sidereal mths = 192 days.....7 moons (7 x 27.3......study).

21. When earth is straight, all FAST AV 9 calamities will be 'as FAST TAMMUZ 17'....so "all FAST DAYS to JOY."

22. TUESDAYS (3rd day/Ketubah/Hos 6:2-3): SIGNING.......MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL

23. SIGNING 2550 days (FEB 28, 2023 - FEB 21, 2030/ISA 63) is PISCES 8 to PISCES 1 (7 yrs).

24. The 2550 days (1260 1260 30) match the 2550 yrs from 583 B.C. (AV 9) to 1967...greatest FIG TREE sign.

25. Earth is straight TEV 24-25 & via straight earth will be the JAN 1, new SHEVAT 1, AQUAR 1.....

26. ......& 30 days mourning (to ISA 63) will be FEB 1, new ADAR 1, PISCES 1.......ALL IN SYNC (360-day yr).

27. Earth is straight DEC 31, 2029 (to JAN 1, 2030); & DEC 31 is orig TEV 1, Jesus' Conception (8th day 8th Feast).

28. So JAN 9-10, 2023 (really DEC 31 due to 11-day calendar error) & note earth straight on actual DEC 31, 2029.

29. The end of the 280 days at YOM KIP 2030 is 8 yrs past YOM KIP 2022 (count start) & is ONE-YR WARNING/Jerem 51:46 plus SEVEN-YR TRIB......and know that COUNTS begin & end only on YOM KIP. (LEV 23).

30. Also, the spans preceding the SIGNING/RAPTURE COUNT START is YOM KIP 2021......minus 20 yrs n.c. Is YOM KIP 2001 (6001), start 121st JUB/7the Millen/GEN 6:3......so all (6000 full yrs) seems to be 'on schedule.'

31. MILITARY AGE = 20 yrs...& age 20 yrs & under NOT COUNTED in ancient biblical counts....thus the 20 yrs n.c.

.......other spans connect too........likely futile to repeat.......but 'could be' this FRIDAY, MAR 3......

JANET HERSCU - March 4th, 2023 at 9:42am

Via spec, RAPTURE 'could be' this SUNDAY, MARCH 5, PISCES 15 ('believers').

1. MAR 5, ADAR 13, is 4 Jewish mths ("to Harvest"/ISA 26:20) from CHESVAN 13, 2022 (eclipse, NOV 7).

2. COUNTS begin on SUNDAYS (as CREATION/CREATION COUNT START 8th day/RESURRECTION/SHAVUOT......etc.....since SUNDAY became an 8th day (instead of 1st day).

3. MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 days past TH, MAR 2 SIGNING), AUG 13, 2026, is LEO 22 (11,11, judg).

4. FIG TREE IYYAR 28, 2022 (was JUNE 7, 1967) 280 Gestation is SUN, MAR 5, minus tilt = IYYAr 5.

5. HAG 2..."DESIRE of NATIONS COMES"...KISLEV 24... 75 n.c. is SIGNING, TH, MAR 2, ADAR 10.

6. Rapture is 5 mths (as Noah's 150 days) past YOM KIP 2022 (OCT 5, TISH 10), 6th FEAST.

7. FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I Cor 15:20) 280 40 'testing' is SIGNING (start of 2520-day trib count).

8. NOV 24, 2022 (future, straight-earth KISLEV 24....HAG 2) 98 days n.c. (75 tilt) is SIGNING.

9. A.c. satanically rises (1260 days past RAPTURE) SUN, AUG 16, 2026, ELUL 3.....minus tilt is AV 9.

10. ROSH 2023, 5th FEAST (EZEK 38 Victory, MAR 8.....3 days past RAPTURE?) 7 moons BURYING...192 days....is ROSH 2023 (5th FEAST)..... 2300 days (DAN 8:13-14) is JAN 1, 2030, earth straight.

11. JAN 9-10, 2023, orig TEV 10 & really DEC 31, orig 8th day, 8th Feast) 52 (75 minus tilt) is SIGNING.

12. RETURN minus tilt 280 days Gestation (10th 280) is TABERNACLES 2030 (ZECH 14:16-18).

13. RETURN AQUAR 1, 30 to Temple PISCES 1, 45 is trib end, ARIES 17 (new NISAN 17), as FLOOD END.

14. RAPTURE day minus tilt loss is SHEVAT 20 & the RETURN is also SHEVAT 20 (TH, JAN 24, 2030).

15. Via tilt loss, all AV 9 events in history = TAMMUZ 17 (so all FAST DAYS "to joy"...ZECH 8:19).

16. If 377 applies (Noah in ARK), PISCES 1, FEB 18, 2022 377 days is SIGNING.

17. The 5 mths (as Noah...delay) also span LIBRA 15 (future straight-earth TISH 15, SUCCOTH) to PISCES 15 RAPTURE.

18. EZEK 38 DIVINE VICTORY in ISRAEL 'could be' PURIM (MAR 7-8, 2023)......remains to be seen.....

.....so RAPTURE 'could be' this SUNDAY, MAR 5.....

JANET HERSCU - March 6th, 2023 at 9:26am

Via spec MANY points seem to match this TUES, MAR 7 as a possible RAPTURE date.

TUES: 3rd day.....ancient wedding day


MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (AUG 15, 2026) is LEO 24 (12,12,12...coveted Mazzarot point)....

.....& AUG 15, 2026 (ELUL 2) minus future tilt loss will be straight-earth FAST of AV 9.

FIG TREE signs may apply thusly: IYYAR 5, 2022 23 tilt (will minus) is IYYAR 28....

....& IYYAR 28 plus 280 days gestation is SIGNING, SAT, MAR 4, 2023 (ADAR 11).

I.E., IYYAR 5, 2022 302 days (280 22 tilt/will minus) is SIGNING, start of 2520 days trib.

RAPTURE, MAR 7, 2023 minus tilt is SHEVAT 22 (11,11,11) & RETURN is SHEVAT 22 (11,11,11).

RAPTURE MAR 7, 2023 is PURIM & trib end w/ tilt loss is PURIM, MAR 19, 2030 (II ADAR 14).

RETURN minus tilt loss is JAN 3-5, 2030....& plus 280 days is TABERNACLES 2030 (ZECH 14).

RETURN plus 75 days (w/out tilt loss considered) is trib end at NISAN 10 (Matt 23:39), APR 12-13.

Earth is straight JAN 3-5, 2030....2300 days ( 3 n.c.) past ROSH 2023 (SEP 16-17).....DAN 8......

......191.3 days (7 moons) BURYING past EZEK 38 ( hail/quake/sulfur) shortly after RAPTURE....spec.



Earth is straight JAN 3-5, 2030.....really DEC 24 (11-day calendar error), orig KISLEV 24 (HAG 2),

PURIM is ADAR 14....& #14 = 'Deliverance'......& inscription (Ahasuerus) found last wk, if applic.

Lunar eclipse (Luke 21:25), NOV 8, 2022 4 mths is MAR 7, 2023...... lg solar flare yesterday.

FIRSTFRUITS (I COR 15:20), NISAN 17, 2022 280 40 days 'testing' (as Noah....etc) = SIGNING.

When earth is straight, all AV 9 events will be as having occurred on FAST of TAMMUZ 17.

Orig FAST of TEVET 10 was JAN 10.......& JAN 10, 2023 plus 52 (75 minus future tilt loss) is SIGNING.

OCT 5, 2022 (YOM KIP) 5 mths (as Noah delay) is SIGNING.

All 4 FAST DAYS seem to hold significant positions above....ZECH 8:19.

.......so much more......'could be' TUES, MAR 7......

JANET HERSCU - March 9th, 2023 at 10:01pm

LATEST SPEC GUESS: SUNDAY (when counts start), MARCH 12, 2023 (ADAR 19).

SHAVUOT (50 days past Jesus' Resurrection) was the CONCEPTION OF THE CHURCH.

We know that the days up to the RAPTURE are called BIRTH PANGS & human Gestation is 280 days.

So note that SHAVUOT 2022 (SUNDAY, JUNE 5) plus 280 days is SUNDAY, MARCH 12!!

Also, if the above date is valid, RETURN (2520 days trib past SIGNING, MAR 9, 2023) minus tilt will be JAN 10, 2030.....earth straight....

....& JAN 10 is the END of 2300 DAYS past YOM KIPPUR 2023 (blood sacrifice/Desecration), DAN 8:13-14).

Also, RETURN 3 days straightening 75 days (DAN 12:11-12) is trib end at NISAN 17 (as Flood end, GEN 8:4).

Also, via the 150-day delay (as Noah), SUCCOTH 2022 (ISA 26:20) 150 days is SIGNING, MARCH 9.

Also, FIG TREE/MAY 14 STATEHOOD 280 days 22 tilt (will minus).....total 302 days....is RAPTURE, MAR 12.

Also, FIG TREE/SIVAN 2-3 (was end 6-day War, JUNE 10) plus 280 days is SIGNING, MARCH 9.

If 75 days are not counted on each side of the trib, note TEVET 2 (DEC 27, 2022....8th day/8th Feast/JESUS' CONCEPTION ANNIV) 75 days (n.c.) is MARCH 12.

Also, the day earth is straight, JAN 10, 2030 plus 280 days (10th 280) is OCT 18 (JESUS' SOLAR BIRTHDAY),....and that day is TISH 21, HOSAHANA RABAH in 2030.

There's more, but 'could be' this SUNDAY, MARCH 12.

JANET HERSCU - March 12th, 2023 at 6:49pm

NEXT POSSIBLE SPEC DATE: TUES, MARCH 14, 2023....& PISCES 24 ('believers/888').

.....& SIGNING was likely SAT, MAR 11 (ADAR 18...666).

TUESDAY is a 3rd day/ancient Wedding day & HOS 6:2-3.

SIVAN 5-6, SHAVUOT 2022 (anniv Conception of CHURCH)......

..... 280 days gestation ('birth pangs') is SIGNING, SAT, MAR 11, 2023, start of 2520 days.

FIG TREE/MAY 14, 2022 280 days gestation tilt (will minus) is MAY 11 SIGNING.

RETURN (SIGNING 2520), SAT, FEB 2, 2030, plus 75 days is NISAN 17, APR 20, trib end....


APR 20, 2030 (trib end...2520 days 75....DAN 12:11-12...end of trib) is TAURUS 1 (BULL)....

....& TAURUS 1 is related to DEUT 33:17 (world under 'IRON RULE'...."GORER of nations").

RETURN minus tilt loss is JAN 10, 2030 (earth straight).....& plus 280 days is TISHREI 21.

TISHREI 21, 2022, HOSHANA RABAH...plus 5 mths (as Noah's 150 delay) is RAPTURE, MAR 14.

Also, via perfect/Jewish/Millen calendar, any FAST of TEV 10 280 is TISHREI 21 (7th day, 7th Feast).

Via Mazzarot, mid-trib ABOM DESOL (1260 days past SIGNING) is VIRGO 1 (AUG 22, 2026).....spec.



As for the 75 days on each side of trib, TEVET 1 75 days is SIGNING.....

.....and TEVET 1 is orig 8th day of 8th Feast, Jesus' Conception (since 280 = SUCCOTH/Birth).

As for the 8 yrs (1-yr warning/Jerem 51:46.....plus 7-yr trib), note TISH 21, 2022 - TISH 21, 2030....

....since TISH 21, 2030 is 280 days past the day earth is straight (JAN 10, 2030),

Also, YOM KIP 2023 2300 days DESECRATION (Dan :13-14) is JAN 10, 2030.......earth straight.....

.....& YOM KIP 2023 is end of 7 mths (moons,192 days) BURYING past mid MARCH, 2023 (EZEK 38?).

There's more, but 'could be' this TUES, MAR 14.

JANET HERSCU - March 14th, 2023 at 9:31pm

The 'DELAY'S GREAT/more souls saved!; but via spec, FRI, MAR 17 (ADAR 24) looks good.

When earth is straight, MARCH 17 will be FIRSTFRUITS/NISAN 17 & ARIES 17...all in sync.

Via calendar #'s, ADAR 24 is 12,12,12 or 12,888.

Possible SIGNING MAR 14, TUES (as Ketubah), 3rd day, ancient wedding day.

RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) 75 days is FIRSTRFRUITS (NISAN 17-18, 2030, SAT-SUN).....

....and NISAN 17 was also FLOOD END & RED SEA CROSSING.

TRIB END w/ tilt loss will be APRIL 1 & TAURUS 1.

If Mazzarot applies, SIGNING is PISCES 24 ('believers...888')......

.....& RETURN (2520 past SIGNING), FEB 5, 2030 is AQUARIUS 15....

....... 30 mourn = PISCES 15 (Isa 63 into Temple) 45 judg Nations = TAURUS 1 (Deut 33:17).

Earth is straight JAN 15, 2030 (AQUAR 15), 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) past SUCCOTH 2023.

RAPTURE is 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) past PURIM 2022 (MAR 17).

'FIG TREE' JUNE 7 (anniv Jerusalem Day 1967) 280 days is SIGNING.

RAPTURE MAR 17 is 5 mths (as Noah's 5-mths) past OCT 17 (TISH 22, 8th day Succoth...ISA 26:20).

RAPTURE is 4 mths ("to Harvest") past CHESVAN 24 (8,888) which is 355 (yr) past KISLEV 24 (HAG 2).


True, not much to go on....but 'could be' this FRIDAY, MAR 17.

JANET HERSCU - March 17th, 2023 at 6:01pm

Via spec, there's almost nothing left to ponder, EXCEPT:

SHAVUOT 2022 (June 5) 280 7 days last warning (as Noah) is SUN, MAR 19, RAPTURE.

SHAVUOT 2022 (anniv Conception of the CHURCH) likely 'CLOSED' the CHURCH AGE followed by a 280-day 'gestation'......as 'birth pangs'...... 7 days last warning = SUNDAY, MAR 19 RAPTURE.

This SUN, MAR 19 (via MAZZAROT) is also virtual 'start' of ARIES (8th Sign/Lamb), future NISAN 1......

......& TRIB END (w/ tilt loss) is also NISAN 1, 2030 (Apr 4), EZEK 45:18 (NUM 19), TEMPLE CLEANSED.

SUCCOTH 2023 (end of 7 mths/moons BURYING past EZEK 38 Victory) 2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib) is the day earth is straight, JAN 18-19, 2030 (SHEV 14-15).......

....and any SHEVAT 14-15 plus 75 days (DAN 12:11-12) is NISAN 1.

Also, SHEVAT 14-15, 2030 (day earth is straight) 280 is OCT 24, solar anniv of TISH 22 (8th day Succoth).

Jesus was likely born on OCT 17 (was TISH 15, TABERNACLES); and 7 days was OCT 24 (circumcised).

So note OCT 17, 2022 ( 150 days/as Noah/to SIGNING/MAR 16) to OCT 24, 2030 ('7 days'...7 yrs n.c.).

If signif, JAN 3, 2023 is REALLY 11 days earlier, DEC 24......& DEC 24 was the orig KISLEV 24 (HAG 2).

Since JAN 3 is really DEC 24 (calendar error), then DEC 31 was the orig TEVET 1, Jesus' Conception.

So note DEC 31, 2022 75 days (n.c.) is SIGNING, MAR 16, 2023........& JAN 3 75 is RAPTURE.

If signif, PURIM 2022 (MAR 14) 370 days (as Noah) is RAPTURE, MAR 19.


30 days past RETURN (DAN 12:11.....HOS 6:2-3) is a TUES, 3rd day......into TEMPLE, ISA 63.

If "4 mths to Harvest" applies, CHESVAN 24 (8,888) 4 mths is SIGNING.....

....& note that CHESVAN 24 is 355 days (1-yr, SHANA, JER 51:46) past KISLEV 24 (HAG 2 promise).

Since the seeming 'deadline' of yrs has been reached, note that SHAVUOT 2022 was still in the YOM KIP yr 2021.....minus 20 yrs n.c. is YOM KIP 2001 (6001).......start of the 121st JUB, 7th Millen, Gen 6:3.

Age 20 yrs & under was not counted in the Bible......& ZIONISM 1897 - 1917 (Allenby/Balfour) was n.c.

So, amidst such 'gibberish,' RAPTURE 'could be' this SUNDAY, MAR 19 (ADAR 26).

Via spec, there's almost nothing left to ponder, EXCEPT:

SHAVUOT 2022 (June 5) 280 7 days last warning (as Noah) is SUN, MAR 19, RAPTURE.

SHAVUOT 2022 (anniv Conception of the CHURCH) likely 'CLOSED' the CHURCH AGE followed by a 280-day 'gestation'......as 'birth pangs'...... 7 days last warning = SUNDAY, MAR 19 RAPTURE.

This SUN, MAR 19 (via MAZZAROT) is also virtual 'start' of ARIES (8th Sign/Lamb), future NISAN 1......

......& TRIB END (w/ tilt loss) is also NISAN 1, 2030 (Apr 4), EZEK 45:18 (NUM 19), TEMPLE CLEANSED.

SUCCOTH 2023 (end of 7 mths/moons BURYING past EZEK 38 Victory) 2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib) is the day earth is straight, JAN 18-19, 2030 (SHEV 14-15).......

....and any SHEVAT 14-15 plus 75 days (DAN 12:11-12) is NISAN 1.

Also, SHEVAT 14-15, 2030 (day earth is straight) 280 is OCT 24, solar anniv of TISH 22 (8th day Succoth).

Jesus was likely born on OCT 17 (was TISH 15, TABERNACLES); and 7 days was OCT 24 (circumcised).

So note OCT 17, 2022 ( 150 days/as Noah/to SIGNING/MAR 16) to OCT 24, 2030 ('7 days'...7 yrs n.c.).

If signif, JAN 3, 2023 is REALLY 11 days earlier, DEC 24......& DEC 24 was the orig KISLEV 24 (HAG 2).

Since JAN 3 is really DEC 24 (calendar error), then DEC 31 was the orig TEVET 1, Jesus' Conception.

So note DEC 31, 2022 75 days (n.c.) is SIGNING, MAR 16, 2023........& JAN 3 75 is RAPTURE.

If signif, PURIM 2022 (MAR 14) 370 days (as Noah) is RAPTURE, MAR 19.


30 days past RETURN (DAN 12:11.....HOS 6:2-3) is a TUES, 3rd day......into TEMPLE, ISA 63.

If "4 mths to Harvest" applies, CHESVAN 24 (8,888) 4 mths is SIGNING.....

....& note that CHESVAN 24 is 355 days (1-yr, SHANA, JER 51:46) past KISLEV 24 (HAG 2 promise).

Since the seeming 'deadline' of yrs has been reached, note that SHAVUOT 2022 was still in the YOM KIP yr 2021.....minus 20 yrs n.c. is YOM KIP 2001 (6001).......start of the 121st JUB, 7th Millen, Gen 6:3.

Age 20 yrs & under was not counted in the Bible......& ZIONISM 1897 - 1917 (Allenby/Balfour) was n.c.

So, amidst such 'gibberish,' RAPTURE 'could be' this SUNDAY, MAR 19 (ADAR 26).

JANET HERSCU - March 20th, 2023 at 12:02am

Via spec, perhaps thisTUES, MAR 21......1st day of Spring.....

....& ARIES 1....LAMB.....8th sign of MAZZAROT & future NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18).

Trib end (w/ tilt loss) is also NISAN 1, 2030 (Apr 4, 2030).

SUCCOTh 2023 2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib)....DAN 8:13-14....is JAN 18, 2030, day earth is straight....

.....& JAN 18, 2030 is SHEVAT 14-15.....& plus 75 is NISAN 1 (yr has 2 ADARS).

(SUCCOTH 2023 will institute 70 blood sacrifices for 70 nations).

RAPTURE is a TUES, 3rd day/ancient Wedding day.... HOS 6:2-3.


OCT 18, 2022.....possibly Jesus' solar Birth anniv...... 5 mths (as Noah) is MAR 18 SIGNIN.

CHESVAN 24, 2022 (November 18) is 1 yr of 355 days past the HAGGAI 2, KISLEV 24.....JER 51:46...

....& CHESVAN 24 (8,888), 2022 (NOV 18) 4 mths ("to Harvest") Is MAR 18 SIGNING.

March 21, 2023 RAPTURE minus future tilt loss will be MAR 1, ARIES 1 & future NISAN 1 (straight earth).....all in sync.

If OCT 18 was Jesus' BIRTH, then OCT 25 was His 8th day Circumcision.....

....& JAN 18, 2030 (day earth is straight) 280 days is OCT 25.

FAST of TEVET 10, 2022 280 days is OCT 18, 2022..... the 5 mths delay is SIGNING, MAR 18.



There's more......but 'could be' this TUESDAY, MAR 21.


.JANET HERSCU - March 21st, 2023 at 4:38pm

The CHURCH "is the TEMPLE"....& CLEANSING of THE TEMPLE is NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18).

Well, this THURS, MAR 23, is NISAN 1 (straight-earth/Millen NEW YR'S DAY).

Also, trib end w/ tilt loss is NISAN 1, 2030 (Apr 4).....7 Jewish yrs later (EZEK 45:18).

(Straight-earth/Millen NISAN 1 will be ARIES 1 MARCH 1....all in sync when all is in balance).

Note that NISAN 1, 2030 (straight-earth trib end) is also the END of 2300 days (Dan 8) past TEVET 1-2, 8th day HANUKKAH (FEAST of TEMPLE DEDIC?), DEC 14, 2023.....DEDIC 3rd Temple??......

.....& 7 mths of BURYING 'may' span this MAY 14 (EZEK 38?) to DEC 14....mega spec.

JAN 4 is really DEC 24 (orig KISLEV 24 (HAG 2) 75 days n.c. is MON, MAR 20 SIGNING (ARIES 1).

Earth is straight SHEVAT 15.....middle 11th mth/judg........then 75 = NISAN 1

If the Hag 2, KISLEV 24 promise applies, DEC 17-18, 2022, 96 days (75 tilt...both n.c.) is MAR 23.

Also, JAN 3-4, 2023 (TEV 10-11) is 1-yr warn (Jer 51:46) past FAST of TEV 10...then 75 is SIGNING.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) at MON, AUG 31, 2026, is ELUL 18 (6,666) if signif.

FIG TREE JUNE 7 280 7 days last warning is SIGNIN

Note: The HEBREW CALENDAR (amidst all of its Divine #'s & connecting spans) is SACRED & ETERNAL.

NISAN 1, 2022 to NISAN 1, 2023 may also be the 1-yr warn since COUNTS BEGIN on NISAN 1, Millen NEW YRS DAY.

Start of RAMADAN on MAR 22-23 does not apply in my opinion; but the day may apply via a deception ("MAHDI took infidels?").

2 wit's, ELIJ, MOSES (pure/virgin) rise VIRGO 15 (Sep 6, 2026), 3 1/2 days past day A.C. RISES....spec.

So too, JAN 19, 2030 (day earth is straight) 280 days is OCT 25, solar anniv 8th day TABERNACLES (orig TISH 22), Jesus' Circumcision anniversary......ZECH 14:16-18, if applic.

Jesus' 280-day gestation was likely JAN 11 to OCT 18 (birth) due to our calendar's ORTHODOX Christmas dates....JAN 4 - 11....really DEC 24 - DEC 31 (calendar error...1500's/Pope)....& 8th day was OCT 25).

There's likely more via intense figuring; but although spec, RAPTURE 'could well be' THURS, NISAN 1.

JANET HERSCU - March 23rd, 2023 at 11:22am

Via spec/still figuring....2 wks off....NISAN 17....FIRSTFRUITS.....is SAT, APR 9, 2023, possible RAPTURE.

NISAN 17 possibly relates to I Corin 15:20 ("sleepers rise").



NISAN 17 was the day FLOOD ENDED (Gen 8:4.....via Babylonian calendar/6 mths difference/study).

NISAN 17 is trib end via straight earth (Apr 20, 2030): RAPTURE 2520 minus tilt loss 75 days (DAN 12:12).

APR 9 minus tilt loss will be the Millen NISAN 17: MARCH 7 & A4IES 17......ALL in sync, 360-day yr.

RETURN (2520 days trib past RAPTURE) 30 days mourning (DAN 12:11, ZECH 12:10; 13:6) is ISA 63 TEMPLE RECONSECRATION, APR 1, 2030......2300 days DESECRATION past 8th day HANUKKAH 2023 (DEC 14).....which is 7 mths BURYING past EZEK 38 VICTORY (MAY 14?)......perhaps 4 wks past the RAPTURE.

Very intriguing is the ISA 63 TEMPLE RECONSECRATION via the tilt loss (i.e. straight-earth) is MAR 10, ARIES 10 (actual II ADAR 10).....future NISAN 10 and a SUNDAY!......and MATT 23:39 may well apply (as 'repeat of PALM SUNDAY?')......"YOU WILL AGAIN SAY: "BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD."

.....and 45 more days judg of the Nations (DAN 12:12) is trib end at NISAN 17, APR 20.

If applic, ELIJ & MOSES rise on TISH 11 (77).....fearful calendar day......3 1/2 days past day A.C. satanically rises & kills them. That day is also SEPT 22, 2026, LIBRA 1 (future/straight-earth TISH 1 & straight-earth SEPT 1).


There's much more; but amidst such spec # figuring (futile?), the above seems to support a possible SAT, APR 9 RAPTURE.....'could be.'

JANET HERSCU - April 8th, 2023 at 6:40pm

....still hope (via spec) for a soon RAPTURE....perhaps MONDAY, APR 10.....fits the following:

The JEREM 51:46 ONE-yr warning of 355 days (shana) past SUNDAY, NISAN 16, APR 17, 2022 FIRSTFRUITS is possible SIGNING, FRI, APR 7 (NISAN 16).

FIRSTFRUITS is always a SUNDAY....can be NISAN 16, 17 or 18.

355 days is 280 days Gestation 75 n.c. (& 75 post-Return are also n.c. since Messiah will be back).

1260 days past MON, APR 10 RAPTURE a.c. satanically rises....YOM KIPPUR (Sep 21, 2026)....LIBRA 1.

The 2300 days Temple Desecration (Dan 8) span last day HANUKKAH 2023 (Dec 13, TEVET 1) to Isa 63 Temple Entrance (SUNDAY, MAR 31), 30 days past MAR 1, 2030 RETURN.

RETURN minus tilt loss is day earth is straight, FEB 8, 2030....& plus 30 days mourning is the ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE, SUN, MAR 10, ARIES 10, new/Millen NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39 'repeat').

FIRSTFRUITS trib count start 2520 days minus tilt plus 30 days mourning at new NISAN 10 'seems to be PASSION WEEK IN REVERSE').

97 days all told are n.c. (75 tilt#).....& FAST of TEVET 10 97 is APR 10, 2023 RAPTURE.

As for FASTS AV 9 & TAMMUZ 17), all horrors of AV 9 will be 'as occurring' on TAMMUZ 17. Anyway, all 4 FAST DAYS 'seem to be' accounted for above (spec....ZECH 8:19).

Most significant to me is that the SIGNING (start of the 2520 days) on FRI, APR 7 (ARIES 17) minus future tilt loss is MARCH 17, still ARIES 17 & the future/eternal NISAN 17.....all in sync....I CORIN 15:20 & EPH 5:14.

NISAN 1, 2022 plus 370 days (as Noah) is SIGNING APR 7.

The start of the 1-yr warning (FIRSTFRUITS 2022) is still in the YOM KIP YR 2021......& minus the 20 yrs n.c. is YOM KIP 2001 (6001), start 121st JUB/7th Millen/GEN 6:3.....so 'nothing is late.'

If MAZZAROT applies....strangely 'correlative:'

SIGNING..........................ARIES 17


RETURN...........................PISCES 10

INTO TEMPLE..................ARIES 10

TRIB END........................TAURUS 24 (Deut 33:17)....& 9x24 = 216 (2160 moon diam)

If the 5-mth delay applies (as Noah), LUKE 26:20 LUNAR ECLIPSE NOV 8 5 mths is APR 7 SIGNING.

Anyway, this MONDAY, APR 10 (NISAN 19):looks possible as a RAPTURE date, albeit spec.

JANET HERSCU - April 10th, 2023 at 12:19am

REVISED ( 1 day) to TUES (3rd day/ancient wedding day), APR 11:

.......still hope (via spec) for a soon RAPTURE....perhaps TUES, APR 11....fits the following:

The JEREM 51:46 ONE-yr warning of 355 days (shana) past NISAN 17, APR 18, 2022 FIRSTFRUITS is possible SIGNING, SAT, APR 8 (NISAN 17).

355 days is 280 days Gestation 75 n.c. (& 75 post-Return are also n.c. since Messiah will be back).

1260 days past TUE, APR 11 RAPTURE a.c. satanically rises TISH 11.....TUES, SEP 22, 2026...

......& TISH 11 (worst calendar day/'Azazel returns') is 7 x 11 = 77, perf judg)......LIBRA 1.

The 2300 days Temple Desecration (Dan 8) span last day HANUKKAH 2023 (Dec 14,TEVET 2) to Isa 63 Temple Entrance (APR 1), 30 days past SAT, MAR 2, 2030 RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING).

RETURN minus 22 days tilt loss is day earth is straight, FEB 8, 2030....& plus 30 days mourning is the ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE, SUN, MAR 10, ARIES 10, new/Millen NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39 'repeat').

FIRSTFRUITS trib count start 2520 days minus tilt plus 30 days mourning at new NISAN 10 'seems to be PASSION WEEK IN REVERSE').

97-98 days all told are n.c. (75 tilt#).....& FAST of TEVET 10 97-98 days is APR 11, 2023 RAPTURE.

SPEC: As for FASTS AV 9 & TAMMUZ 17), all horrors of AV 9 will be 'as occurring' on TAMMUZ 17. Anyway, all 4 FAST DAYS 'seem to be' accounted for above (spec....ZECH 8:19).

Most significant to me is that the SIGNING (start of the 2520 days) on SAT, APR 8 (NISAN 17, ARIES 17) minus future tilt loss is MARCH 17, still ARIES 17 & the future/eternal NISAN 17.....all in sync....I CORIN 15:20 & EPH 5:14.

NISAN 1, 2022 plus 370 days (as Noah) is SIGNING APR 8......Also LUNAR ECLIPSE NOV 8 5 mths is SIGNING.

The start of the 1-yr warning (FIRSTFRUITS 2022) is still in the YOM KIP YR 2021......& minus the 20 yrs n.c. is YOM KIP 2001 (6001), start 121st JUB/7th Millen/GEN 6:3.....so 'nothing is late.'

If MAZZAROT applies....strangely 'correlative:'

SIGNING..........................ARIES 17


RETURN...........................PISCES 10

INTO TEMPLE..................ARIES 10

TRIB END........................TAURUS 24 (Deut 33:17)....& 9x24 = 216 (2160 moon diam)



Anyway, this TUES, APR 11 (NISAN 20) looks possible as a RAPTURE date, albeit spec.

JANET HERSCU - April 11th, 2023 at 11:23pm

...still going strong (spec, of course)......since MID-TRIB ABOM is YOM KIP 2026.....just 'slightly significant' if true.

If SIGNING was MON, APR 10, 1260 days is YOM KIP 2026 (mid trib, SEPT 21....& LIBRA 1, if signif).

There is likely only 1 DAY that the a.c. would use to call himself 'GOD'...TISH 10 in HOLY of HOLIES.

Jer 51:46.....1-yr warning (perfect/Millen yr of 360 days/straight earth) likely spanned FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (NIS 17....I CORIN 15:20) to THURS, APR 13 RAPTURE.....& ARIES 24..!!!......8,888 (if signif).

RAPTURE at NISAN 22 minus 21-day loss will be NISAN 1 (future count start.....Ezek 45:18, Num 19).

RETURN in 2030 (2520 days past RAPTURE) is THUR, Mar 7, PISCES 17 ( 30 days = future straight-earth MAR 17 & NISAN 17 (FIRSTFRUITS).......all in sync.

RETURN 30 days mourning is APR 6, 2030 which is end of 2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib) past end of HANUKKAH 2023.

The 3rd Temple Dedication may take place during HANUKKAH 2023 (DEC 7-14)....followed by the first sacrifice shortly after (Desecration/Dan 8:13-14).

7 Jewish mths BURYING may span MAY 14, 2023 (EZEK 38 Victory?...75-yr anniv) to DEC 14-15, 2023.

Trib end (75 days past RETURN.....DAN 12:12) is MAY 21, 2030....GEMINI 1 ('twins finally in harmony'....GOD & ISRAEL)....?....spec.

RETURN minus tilt 30 mourning will be SUN, MAR 17, ARIES 17, new NISAN 17.....JESUS into Temple, ISA 63.

The rest can be figured from last letter.....

...still going strong (spec, of course)......since MID-TRIB ABOM is YOM KIP 2026.....just 'slightly significant' if true.

If SIGNING was MON, APR 10, 1260 days is YOM KIP 2026 (mid trib, SEPT 21....& LIBRA 1, if signif).

There is likely only 1 DAY that the a.c. would use to call himself 'GOD'...TISH 10 in HOLY of HOLIES.

Jer 51:46.....1-yr warning (perfect/Millen yr of 360 days/straight earth) likely spanned FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (NIS 17....I CORIN 15:20) to THURS, APR 13 RAPTURE.....& ARIES 24..!!!......8,888 (if signif).

RAPTURE at NISAN 22 minus 21-day loss will be NISAN 1 (future count start.....Ezek 45:18, Num 19).

RETURN in 2030 (2520 days past RAPTURE) is THUR, Mar 7, PISCES 17 ( 30 days = future straight-earth MAR 17 & NISAN 17 (FIRSTFRUITS).......all in sync.

RETURN 30 days mourning is APR 6, 2030 which is end of 2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib) past end of HANUKKAH 2023.

The 3rd Temple Dedication may take place during HANUKKAH 2023 (DEC 7-14)....followed by the first sacrifice shortly after (Desecration/Dan 8:13-14).

7 Jewish mths BURYING may span MAY 14, 2023 (EZEK 38 Victory?...75-yr anniv) to DEC 14-15, 2023.

Trib end (75 days past RETURN.....DAN 12:12) is MAY 21, 2030....GEMINI 1 ('twins finally in harmony'....GOD & ISRAEL)....?....spec.

RETURN minus tilt 30 mourning will be SUN, MAR 17, ARIES 17, new NISAN 17.....JESUS into Temple, ISA 63.

The rest can be figured from last letter.....

JANET HERSCU - April 15th, 2023 at 11:12pm

SO much fits this TUES, APR 18 NISAN 27.......999)....spec points below:

1. TUES is 3rd day/ancient Wedding day.

2. SAT, APR 15 (SIGNING?) was NISAN 24, minus future tilt loss = NISAN 1 (Ezek 45:18, NUM 19).

3. 75 days are n.c. on ea side of trib; & SHEVAT 11 (11,11, double judg) 75 n.c. is TUES, APR 18.

4. Exact 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46): APR 18, 2022 - APR 18, 2023 (I Cor 15:20).

5. MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL/a.c. is killed (1260 days past SIGNING) is SUCCOTH 2026, TISH 15.

6. Entire mid-trib to the day 2 witnesses (Elijah & Moses) rise is SUCCOTH WEEK.

7. FAST of TAMMUZ 17 (Millen 30-day mths) 280 days Church gestation is APR 18, 2023.

8. SIGNING APR 15 is ARIES 24 (8,888.....trib 2520-day count start)...... 2550 days = ARIES 17, 2030.

9. RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING) is MAR 9, 2030....PISCES 17.....

10. 30 days mourning is ARIES 17 (straight-earth MAR 17, ARIES 17, new/Millen NIS 17 (all in sync/straight earth TEMPLE ENTRANCE/ISA 63, RECONSECRATION/actual II ADAR 24 12,12,12,12).

11. RETURN SAT, MAR 9, 2030 3 days straightening (to TUES straight earth MAR 12) 30 days mourning is APR 11, end of 2300 days past FAST of TEVET 10, 2023 (ZECH 8:19......DAN 8:13-14).

12. If FAST of AV 9 is to be noted, JULY 9 (future straight-earth AV 9) 280 days is SIGNING, APR 15.

13. The start of the 280-day span is still in the YOM KIP yr 2021....& minus 20 yrs n.c. is the actual end of the GEN 6:3 promise (120 full JUBILEES). Thus all 4 FAST DAYS 'may be' accounted for/ZECH 8:19.

14. As for the EZEK 38 Victory 7 mths burying is HANUKKAH 2023 (Dec 7-14) which 'may be' the 3rd Temple Dedic w/ TEMPLE ACTIVITIES beginning 1 wk later on FAST of TEVET 10 (DEC 21)..... 2300 days = APR 11, 2030 TEMPLE RECONSECRATED.

15. Once earth is straight, mths will be 30 days....& day earth is straight (FEB 17, 2030) 75 days is trib end, GEMINI 1 (10th Mazzarot Sign, MAY 1....'ISRAEL & GOD in HARMONY' (research/KABALLAH site).


TUESDAYS: RAPTURE......A.C. SATANICALLY RISES.....RETURN (after 3 days straightening).

17. Note that SUCCOTH was Jesus' Birthday......an anniv day likely coveted by Satan.

There's more, but TUES, APR 18 looks plausible.....

JANET HERSCU - April 19th, 2023 at 11:31am

Via spec, note that, QUDS day, APR 20-21 is also TAURUS 1 (DEUT 33:17), Jesus in 'BULL/WRATH' MODE.

A.C. satanically rises OCT 2, 2026, LIBRA 10 (future/straight-earth TISH 10, YOM KIP.

Temple Entrance/Reconsecration (30 days mourning past MAR 14-15, 2030 RETURN) is NISAN 10.


Also, RAPTURE date (APR 20-21) minus tilt is Nisan 10 (Apr 1, 2023).

Also RETURN date is II ADAR 10 which is 355 (shana) past NISAN 10, 2029.

So it looks like NISAN 10 throughout should be noted.

1-yr warning (Jer51:46) spans FIRSTFRUITS, APR 18, 2022 (NISAN 17) to APR 18, 2023 SIGNING.

SIGNING: TUESDAY (3rd day....as Ketubah), APR 18, 2023.

SIGNING 1260 is ABOM DESOL, TUES, TISH 18 (mid-Succoth/as Jesus' attendance/John 7:14)....

..... 3 n.c. (anti-christ dead) is FRI, OCT 2, 2026, OCT 2 (HOSHNA RABAH, TISH 21....a.c. rises).

The DAN 8:13-14.....2300 days span HANUKKAH 2023 (3rd Temple Dedic) to Isa 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE (MAR 24, 2030......straight-earth date/same day as NISAN 10, 2030 (APR 13-14).

If applic via Mazzarot, TEMPLE ENTRANCE is ARIES 24 (LAMB....8,888).

Via spec, 7 Jewish mths BURYING/BLDG 3rd Temple in Jerusalem span MAY 14, 2023 to HANUKKAH 2023.

If applic via Mazzarot, trib end is GEMINI 10......10, 10.......'TWINS'/ISRAEL & GOD in harmony (DAN 12:12, "blessed"). #10 = completion......

.....& that day is straight-earth MAY 10, 2030 (IYYAR 7), same day as trib end at MAY 29-30 w/out tilt loss.

This coming MAY 14, 2023 (75 yrs) 'could be' the Ezek 38 Victory since 7 mths is HANUKKAH.

Millen weekly HOLY DAY will again be SATURDAY.....& NISAN 10, 2030 (APR 13) is a SATURDAY.

Also, note that ELIJ & MOSES rise on OCT 5 (2026) which via straight earth will be Millen SEPT 15, LIBRA 15 & TISHREI 15 (Succoth).

There's much more spec to ponder, but this THUR-FRI, APR 20-21 looks plausible.

JANET HERSCU - April 22nd, 2023 at 10:08am

...a small spec change ('as if I'm in charge......?!?').....to this SUNDAY, APR 23 (IYYAR 2).


2. SIGNING: THUR, APR 20, 2023.....TAURUS 1....DEUT 33:17.....start of 2520 days of WRATH.

3. APR 23 RAPTURE minus future tilt loss = NISAN 10 (APR 1, 2023), Matt 23:39.

4. RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING): THU, MAR 14.... 30 mourn = NISAN 10, into Temple.

5. Via MAZZAROT (if applic):


.....MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL:....................LIBRA 10 (future TISH 10 & SEP 10)

.....RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING)...PISCES 24

..... 30 days, ISA 63 INTO TEMPLE.........ARIES 24 (8,888)...SAT, NISAN 10 (Matt 23:39)

..... 45 days end trib (DAN 12:12)............GEMINI 10...= 100 (God & Israel in harmony)

6. The 2300 days of DAN 8:13-14 span HANUKKAH 2023 (Dec 7) to ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR.

7. 7 mths burying bodies/bldg 3rd Temple span this 'MAY 14' (EZEK 38..?) to HANUKKAH.

8. TRIB END (75 days past MAR 14, 2030 RETURN): YOM YERUSHALAIM (IYYAR 28, May 31).

9......& w/ tilt loss trib end is 'IYYAR 5' (STATEHOOD anniv).

10. 1-yr warn (Jer 51:46): likely FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (Apr 16) to APR 16, 2023.... 7 last warning.

12. SIVAN 6, 2029 280 is day earth is straight (I ADAR 19, FEB 22-24, 2030).

13. SIVAN 6, 2022 40 days = FAST of TAM 17 (CANCER 24....888) 280 is RAPTURE.

14. FAST of AV 9, 2022 280 is MAY 14, 2023 (EZEK 38...?).

15. FAST TEVET 10, 2026 (Dec 30, 2025) 280 is SIMCHA TORAH, a.c. rises (1260 past RAPTURE).

16. ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR MAR 24, 2030 (straight earth) 280 = FAST of TEVET 10.

17. Know that 2520 = 7x360 & 9x280.

....MUCH MORE....above suffices......could be this Sunday......

JANET HERSCU - April 23rd, 2023 at 8:29pm

.....via my '100th spec adjustment,' the 7-yr trib span (beginning to end w/ tilt loss) now figures as IYYAR 4 - IYYAR 5.

....W/out the tilt loss considered, the end (in 2030) is IYYAR 28, JERUSALEM DAY.

....The trib count start at SIGNING (SAT, APR 22) minus the future tilt loss is NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39); so SIGNING minus future tilt loss of 21 days will be 'as occurring' on NISAN 10.

....RAPTURE is a TUESDAY, 3rd day, ancient WEDDING DAY.....& Hos 6:2-3, if applic.

....Mid-trib ABOM DESOL (1260 days past SIGNING) is SABBATH, TISHREI 22, SHMENI ATSERET, 8th day SUCCOTH, 2026......& minus future tilt loss will be TISH 1, ROSH HASHANA, 5th Feast.



.....RETURN in 2030 minus future tilt loss will be FEB 24 (earth straight) 30 days mourning is TEMPLE RECONSECRATION on MAR 24 (ARIES 24....8,888), END of 2300 days past HANUKKAH (KISLEV 24-25, DEC 6-7, 2023), 3rd TEMPLE DEDIC........DAN 8:13-14.

....1-yr warning (Jerem 51:46): FIRSTFRUITS 2022, NISAN 17, APR 18.......to APR 18, 2023..... 7 days last warning (as to Noah before flood start) to RAPTURE.

....A.C. satanically rises TUES, OCT 7, 2026, LIBRA 15 ('balanced judg'), future straight-earth TISH 15.

....if applic, SHEVAT 15, 2023 (mid 11th mth/'balanced judg') 75 days n.c. is SIGNING (start 2520).

....FAST DAYS (ZECH 8:19) & the 280's:

.........TAM 17 280 = SIGNING

.........AV 9 280 = EZEK 38, MAY 14, 2023

.........TEVET 10 280 = TISH 22, 2026 (Abom Desol)

.........ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR/MAR 24, 2030 280 = TEVET 10

.........TAM 17, 2022, still in YOM KIP (TISH 10) 2021 (-20 n.c. = YOM KIP 2001/6001, Gen 6:3

....SIVAN 6, 2029 (SHAVUOT) 280 = FEB 24, 2030, day earth is straight.

.....SIVAN 6, 2022 '40 testing' = TAMMUZ 17, 2023.....then 280 to SIGNING.

....7 mths BURY BODIES/BLDG 3rd TEMPLE span MAY 14, 2023 - HANUKKAH 2023....then 2300.

....SIGNING minus 52 n.c. (75 minus tilt loss) = MAR 1, future/straight-earth NIS 1...EZEK 46:18.

....There's more, but ALL else is virtually same as last letter......so 'could be' this TUES, APR 25....

JANET HERSCU - April 25th, 2023 at 8:58pm

...lots more to ponder...w/ a spec view of THUR, APR 27, IYYAR 6:

....SIGNING (count start) MON, APR 24, 2023 minus future 23-day tilt loss is NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39).

....IYYAR 6, 1948, was MAY 15...STATEHOOD ANNIV....75 yrs.

....1-yr warning (Jerem 51:46) perhaps spanned FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I Cor 15:20...Apr 17) to APR 17, 2023.... 7 days last warning (as to Noah) to the SIGNING.

....MILLEN must start on a NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18)...

....so 6 mths had to pass from YOM KIP 2022 (TISH 10) to NISAN 10.... 23 tilt (will minus) to SIGNING.

....RETURN at ARIES 1, MARCH 21, 2030...... 30 days mourning is APR 20, NISAN 17, TAURUS 1...into Temple/Isa 63.....

....& TAURUS 1 (APR 20) = "JESUS GORES NATIONS" (DEUT 33:17) for 45 days (to DAN 12:12 end).

....RAPTURE is TAURUS 8..... 2550 days (2520 30) is TAURUS 1....same span as 583 B.C. -1967.

....Millen must start NISAN 1 (straight-earth MAR 1, ARIES 1) which likely IS THE CASE:

....RETURN minus tilt is MAR 1, still ARIES 1 & new/Millen/straight-earth NIS 1 (EZEK 46:18, Num 19).

....RETURN (2520 days past RAPTURE) is THUR, MAR 21, 2030.... 30 mourn is APR 20, NISAN 17....


....TRIB END (75 days past RETURN/DAN 12:12) = GEMINI 15...mid 'twins'/GOD & ISRAEL...harmony.

....MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) is TISH 24, OCT 5, 2026...LIBRA 15...& minus tilt loss is SEP 15, future TISH 15 SUCCOTH.

....Also, MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (Tish 24, Oct 5, 2026) minus tilt is TISH 1, ROSH, 5th FEAST.

....RAPTURE approx 17 days is MAY 14 (EZEK 38..?).... 7 mths burying/bldg 3rd Temple is HANNUKAH week, 2023 (3rd Temple Dedic?.....DEC 7-14)....

....then 2300 more days (Dan 8:13-14) is APR 1, 2030, TEMPLE ENTR/RECONSECRATION (w/ tilt loss).

....Most of the other details are same as last letter....'could well be' this THUR, APR 27.

JANET HERSCU - April 27th, 2023 at 9:06pm

Many points connect to RAPTURE on SAT, APR 29 (IYYAR 8....37 days past NISAN 1)

....#37, Divine Prime #.......2557 (7 solar yrs) minus 37 = 2520 (7 perf yrs)

....SABBATHS: RAPTURE......A.C. RISES 2026.......3rd TEMPLE ENTR (NISAN 17) 2030

....SIGNING, WED, APR 26, IYYAR 5 (75 yrs Statehood)

....RAPTURE minus tilt loss = NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39)....6 mths past TISH 10, YOM KIP

....7 mths burying/bldg 3rd Temple MAY 14-15, 2023 - HANUKKAH 2023

....MAY 14, 2023 is 280 days past AV 9 (which is tilt# past TAMMUZ 17)

....LEO 1 (#12 = perf gov't), 2022 280 days 'Gestation' (still in YOM KIP 2021 yr) = RAPTURE

....YOM KIP 2021 (true count end GEN 6:3, full 120 JUBS) minus 20 n.c. = YOM KIP 2001/6001

....YOM KIP 2091 (6001) is start 121st JUB, 7th MILLEN....GEN 6:3 (counts only from YOM KIP)

....MAR 1, 2023 56 days (75 minus tilt) is SIGNING

....MARCH 17 (future NISAN 17) 40 'testing' is SIGNING

....RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) minus tilt = ARIES 1, NIS 1 & MAR 1 (EZEK 45:18, Num 19)

....& 30 days mourning is end of 2300 days (Dan 8) past end of HANUKKAH 2023 (Dec 14)

....Mid-trib (OCT 7 - 10 - 13, 2026) via straight earth will be SEPT 15 - 22 (SUCCOTH WK)

....Mid-trib in 2026 is also LIBRA 15 - 22 (future, straight-earth SEPT 15 - 22 (SUCCOTH WK)

....RETURN 30 (30-day mths): APR 20, 2030/NISAN 17 (FIRSTFRUITS), into TEMPLE (Isa 63)


....RETURN: ARIES 1... 30 = TAURUS 1 (Deut 33:17, gores nations) 45 = GEMINI 15 ('twins')

.....RETURN 56 days (as pre-Rapture 56) is trib end MAY 15, 2030 (w/ tilt loss)

....7 solar yrs fuel use (Ezek 39:9) may span MAY 14-15, 2023 (EZEK 38?) - trib end MAY 15, 2030

....SHEVAT 22 (11,11,11...'triple judg') 75 n.c. (if signif) is RAPTURE

....MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL TISH 26 (double 13), 2026, is 280 days past FAST of TEVET 10

....DEC 26, 2022 (TEVET 1, Jesus' CONCEPTION anniv..... 280 = Succoth Birth)......

....and 4 mths ("to Harvest") = APR 26, SIGNING (trib 'count' start)

....So many points seem to fit this SAT, APR 29...albeit mega spec....

JANET HERSCU - April 30th, 2023 at 5:03pm

Again, TUESDAY (3rd day/ancient Wedding Day & Hos 6:2-3...?) comes into the picture......MAY 2..?

1. TUES, MAY 2, 2023 is TAURUS 11 (99)......Deut 33:17.....as well as IYYAR 11.

2. SIGNING (SAT, APR 29, 2023...?) is 22 days tilt (will minus) past NISAN 17 (I Cor 15:20)....APR 8....so trib count start of 2520 days to RETURN w/ tilt loss considered will be as occurring on NISAN 17....same day as FLOOD END, RED SEA CROSSING & JESUS' RESURRECTION.

3. SIGNING (SAT, APR 29) is TAUR 8 & Temple Entrance 2550 days later is TAUR 1 (DEUT 33:17).

4. RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) at SAT, MAR 23, 2030....minus 22 days tilt loss is MAR 1, ARIES 1, new/Millen NISAN 1 (earth straight).......EZEK 45:18, NUM 19......

5. ..... 30 days mourning is APR 1, 2030, end of 2300 days past end of HANUKKAH 2023 (Dec 14).

6. RETURN 75 (Dan 12:11-12) w/out tilt loss will be SHAVUOT 2030.....JUNE 7, SIV 6....& GEMINI 15.



8. Almost ALL ELSE is virtually same as last letter.......or can be 'gleaned' accordingly.

......SO PERHAPS THIS COMING TUESDAY....although via spec.

JANET HERSCU - May 2nd, 2023 at 10:41pm

2 verses that likely refer to the MILLENNIAL NISAN 1, 2030 straight-earth, 360-day yr HEBREW CALENDAR:

DAN 8:13-14....."...2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib) til TEMPLE is RECONSECRATED"...ISA 63.

EZEK 45:18......."TEMPLE CLEANSED on NISAN 1 each yr" in Millen (& NUM 19 if applic

Both verses mean 'MAKING HOLY.'

Well, RETURN at MON, MAR 25, 2030 (2520 days past MON, MAY 1 SIGNING) minus tilt is TUES, MAR 5, 2030 (earth straight)....

.... 30 days mourning (Dan 12:11) will be ISA 63 Temple Entrance APRIL 4, NISAN 1...!!

Also, SIGNING (count start of the 2520 days) is TILT# past FIRSTFRUITS 2023 (I COR 15:20).....one-yr warning (Jer 51:46) past FIRSTFRUITS 2022....

....thus trib count start via future tilt loss will be 'as having occurred' on FIRSTFRUITS (I COR 15:20).

Most else virtually same.....so, this THURS, MAY 4 (IYYAR 13) looks plausible.

JANET HERSCU - May 5th, 2023 at 12:59pm

1 more spec possibility........SAT, MAY 6 (IYYAR 15):

Jer 51:46,1-yr warn: FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I Cor 15:20, APR 18) 360 to APR 13 (1perf yr) tilt (will minus) is MAY 6.

FAST TEVET 10 120 days (4 mths) = MAY 3 SIGNING (TAURUS 14....DEUT 33:17)

IYYAR 5 (75 yrs) 7-day last warning = MAY 3 SIGNING.

JULY 9 (future/straight-earth FAST AV 9) 280 Gestation tilt (will minus) is MAY 6 (TAURUS 17....Deut 33:17).

RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING), WED, MAR 27....minus tilt loss = MAR 5, 2030, earth straight.

Plus 30 days mourning is APR 4, 2030, NISAN 1 (Ezek 45:18, NUM 19, ISA 63), RECONSECRATION.....

......& END of 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) past LAST DAY HANUKKAH 2023 (Dec 14)......3 days mis-trib n.c.

Earth straight MAR 5.... 360 (1st perf/Millen yr) = MAR 1, 2031, new NISAN 1, ARIES 1....all in sync (EZEK 45:18).

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL, WED, OCT 14, 2026, minus tilt loss is YOM KIP, TISH 10 ("to joy"....ZECH 8:19).

MAY 14, 2023 (75 yrs....& EZEK 38?) 7 mths Burying/bldg 3rd Temple = 8th day HANUKKAH 2023 (3rd Temple Dedic).

MAY 14, 2023 (EZEK 38 VICTORY?.. . ...?) is 280 days past FAST AV 9 (& tilt loss past FAST TAMMUZ 17).


RAPTURE is still in YOM KIP yr 2022.......& RETURN is still in YOM KIP 2029 (7 yrs legal count...LEV 23)..

.....but w/ the 1-yr warning considered, FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (Apr 18, NIS 17) was still in YOM KIP yr 2021...

....& YOM KIP 2021 minus 20 yrs n.c. is YOM KIP 2001 (6001), start 121st JUB, 7th Millen....GEN 6:3....

...so nothing is late since counts only begin & end on YOM KIP.


2 connecting events that 'may apply:' LUNAR ECLIPSE & CORONATION/U.K.....spec....

RETURN (II ADAR 1) is 355 days (shana) past NISAN 1, 2029 (yr has 2 ADARS).....counting as a NISAN 1 RETURN as well.

....much more.....but 'could well be' this SATURDAY, MAY 6.....since SO MUCH 'connects.'

JANET HERSCU - May 6th, 2023 at 10:39pm

If one can add a day....to MON, MAY 8, much still connects.....but no further (via human speculation).

If so, then SIGNING was perhaps MAY 5, TAURUS 15 (Deut 33:17).

RETURN (II ADAR 24.....12,12,12) minus tilt loss to straight-earth would be a #rd day/HOS 6:2-3/TUESDAY, II ADAR 1...... 30 days mourning is NISAN 1, TEMPLE RECONSECRATED....EZEK 45:18, NUM 19, ISA 63....& end of 2300 ( 3 n.c.) days (DAN 8:13-14) past end of HANUKKAH (7 mths burying past MAY 14).

MID-trib ABOM DESOL 3 days when a.c. satanically rises is OCT 19, 2926, CHESVAN 8 (8,8).....& minus tilt loss will be SUCCOTH, TISHREI 15.

The JEREM 51:46....1-yr warning might well have been FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I COR 15:20) 365 days and tilt (will minus) is MAY 8.

SO MUCH MORE....much virtually 'same' as last 2 letters.......futile to review.....but ALL seems to fit MON, MAY 8.....albeit spec & MATH Patterns.

JANET HERSCU - May 8th, 2023 at 12:11am

There seem to be enough points to connect TH, MAY 11, 2023 to a possible RAPTURE spec scenario.

....2520 days past Thur, MAY 11 is Thur, NISAN 1, APR 4, 2030 (EZEK 45:18, NUM 19).

....JESUS' FOOT touching down onto Mt OLIVES 'could be' the 'TEMPLE CLEANSING.'

....APR 4, 2030 RETURN minus a 21-day tilt loss is MAR 14....& plus 30 mourning is NISAN 10.....ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE......'as a repeat' of Palm Sunday (MATT 23:39).

....The APR 4, NISAN 1, 2030 RETURN is also the END of 2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib) past 8th-day HANUKKAH 3rd TEMPLE DEDICATION......7 mths burying past the EZEK 38 Victory (MAY 14-19...).

....This MAY 14 is 75th anniv Statehood & MAY 19 is Jerusalem Day (IYYAR 28).....perhaps EZEK 38.

....MID TRIB when a.c. satanically rises & kills Elij & Moses is SCORPIO 1 (OCT 22, 2026).

....MID TRIB Abom Desol (Oct 19, 2026.....1260 past MON, MAY 8, 2023 SIGNING) minus tilt is TISH 15, SUCCOTH, SEPT 26 (future straight-earth position).

....The 1-yr warning/promise (JER 51:46, I CORIN 15:20) seems to span FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (APR 18) to APR 18, 2023....... tilt (20 days/will minus) is SIGNING, MAY 8 (& TAURUS 18....666....DEUT 33:17....if signif).

....NISAN 10, 2023 (APR 1) 40 'testing' is THUR, MAY 11.

....All connect: 1260, 1260, 1290, 1335, 7 mths, 2300, 120, 2520, 2550, 1-yr warn.....etc.....etc.....

....LOTS MORE......but MAY 11 seems to hold some promise, for what it's worth.....

JANET HERSCU - May 8th, 2023 at 6:12pm

...All works out for the RAPTURE via spec even better for Friday, MAY 12 (IYYAR 21).

...Almost all same; but trib ends on IYYAR 28, 2030 (w/ tilt loss), 7 yrs (Ezek 39:9) past IYYAR 28, JERUSALEM DAY, MAY 19, 2023 (EZEK 38?).

[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; David Jeremiah ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; Jsm Info ; Applegate Christian Fellowship ; Daniel Goodwin

Sent: Monday, May 8, 2023, 4:06:21 PM PDT

Subject: or FRI, MAY 12

...Via straight-earth 30 day mths, RAPTURE is 280 days Gestation past FAST of AV 9 (AUG 5-6)...ZECK 8:19.

...SIGNING (MAY 9...?) is a TUES (3rd day/as and Ketubah) & 21 days (tilt/will minus) past APR 18.

...APR 18, 2023 was end of 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) past APR 18, 2022 (NISAN 17, I Cor 15:20, FIRSTFRUITS).

...SIGNING on TUES, MAY 9, is IYYAR 18 (666.....if signif).

...RAPTURE on FRI, MAY 12, is TAURUS 24 (BULL/888......DEUT 33:17).....spec.

...MID-TRIB when a.c. satanically rises (1260 days past RAPTURE), OCT 23, 2026, is SCORPIO 1 (death sign).

...RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING), TUES, APR 2, 2030 2 days straightening (HOS 6:2-3) is NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18).

...RETURN minus tilt loss (back to MAR 15, II ADAR 10) 30 days mourning is NISAN 10, TEMPLE ENTRANCE (MATT 23:39, ISA 63).

...NISAN 10 (APR 13) TEMPLE ENTR 45 days judg of Nations is trib end, JERUSALEM DAY, MAY 31.

...Hanukkah wk 2023 (7 mths/moons burying/bldg 3rd Temple past IYYAR 28, Jerusalem Day....EZEK 38?) is likely the 3rd Temple Dedic....DEC 7-14, KIS 24 - TEV 2.

...followed by the 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14)....perhaps starting on FAST of TEVET 10 (DEC 21-22).....spec.

...NISAN 10, 2023 40 'testing' is RAPTURE.........& NISAN 10, 2030 is TEMPLE ENTR (w/ tilt loss)....MATT 23:39.

...MAR 17 (future Millen/straight-earth NISAN 17 55 days (75 minus tilt) is RAPTURE.


...There's more, but the above is he latest spec scenario; so perhaps, FRI, MAY 12.

JANET HERSCU - May 11th, 2023 at 7:58pm

....AND!.....to continue!....(AWKWARD or WHAT?!); but if this SUNDAY, MAY 14 holds significance as a possible RAPTURE date, the following spec points below seem to 'match up.'


....MAY 14.......75-yr anniv Israel Statehood (FIG TREE).

....MAY 14 is TAURUS 24 ('BULL'/888.....Deut 33:17).

....NISAN 1, 2023 (MAR 23) 52 days (75 minus tilt) is MAY 14.

....FAST of AV 9 (Zech 8:19, "to joy") 280 Gestation is MAY 14...& AV 9 minus tilt = TAMMUZ 17.

....MARCH 1 (future/Millen NISAN 1) 75 days (n.c.) is MAY 14.

....3 days previous to RAPTURE is SIGNING, Thur, MAY 11.

....5 days (world chaos/N. invasion of Israel..?) past RAPTURE will be IYYAR 28 (MAY 19), JERUSALEM DAY (EZEK 38...?)....spec.

....7 yrs fuel use/Ezek 39:9 'could' span JERUSALEM DAY 2023 (MAY 19) to JERUSALEM DAY 2030, trib end...?

....& MAY 31, 2030 (JERUSALEM DAY), trib end, is straight-earth CANCER 1......JOHN 10:28....never to be 'snatched again'.......?

....RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) is NISAN 1, 2030 (Th, APR 4): Ezek 45:18, NUM 19...Millen New Yrs Day.

....& NISAN 1, 2030 RETURN minus tilt loss will be II ADAR 10 (& 355 days...shana....past NIS 10, 2029)....

..... 30 days mourning (DAN 12:11, ZECH 12:10, 13:6) = NISAN 10 (SAT, APR 13), Temple Entrance/Reconsecration/ISA 63, MATT 23:39......'as a repeat of Palm Sunday'.....LAMB into TEMPLE.

....& NISAN 10, 2030 is also end of 2300 days past FAST TEVET 10, 2023 (Dan 8:13-14)...(3 days n.c. mid trib).

.... 45 days judg nations = trib end JERUSALEM DAY, MAY 31, 2030 (IYYAR 28)....FIG TREE.

....The DAN 8:13-14......2300 days start at FAST of TEVET 10...1 wk after HANUKKAH WK 2023 Dedic.

....If (????) EZEK 38 VICTORY is MAY 19, 2023 (JERUSALEM DAY/spec), 7 mths/moons (BURYING BODIES/BLDG 3rd TEMPLE in JERUSALEM) is HANUKKAH/DEDIC 3rd Temple, DEC 7-14, 2023).

....If "4 mths to Harvest" applies, note JAN 11 (really DEC 31, orig TEV 1, Jesus' Concep) to MAY 11.

....As for 40 'testing,' NISAN 10, 2023 (Apr 1) 40 days is SIGNING, THUR, MAY 11, IYYAR 20.

....Know that the trib is not only to procure a TEMNANT, but alsofor the purpose of "GORING THE NATIONS".....Isa 63: "I FOUGHT THE NATIONS ALONE".....& after that (DAN 12:12) "EVERY NATION will attend SUCCOTH" ZECH 14:15-18.......so it's all about the NATIONS.

....1-yr warning: FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I Cor 15:20), APR 18 (NIS 17) to APR 18, 2023 tilt (will minus) = SIGNING.

....483 yrs were completed at the CROSS.... 7 yrs trib (70th wk of Daniel) = 490 yrs complete...DAN 9.

....& counts begin & end on Yom Kip. FIRSTFRUITS 2022 was still in YOM KIP YR 2021........minus 20 yrs n.c. = YOM KIP 2001 (6001), start 121st JUB, 7th Millen, GEN 6:3.

....Via MAZZAROT (see JOB....if applic):









....RETURN NISAN 1....EZEK 46:18, NUM 19

....INTO TEMPLE NISAN 10 (w/ tilt loss)...MATT 23:39


.....lots of intriguing connections... much more; but this SUNDAY, MAY 14 looks mega plausible.

JANET HERSCU - May 15th, 2023 at 12:45am

Here's why RAPTURE 'could be' this TUES, MAY 16 (IYYAR 25):

TUES is a 3rd day/ancient Wedding day.

SIGNING 'may have been' SAT, MAY 13....IYYAR 22 (double 11)...TAURUS 24 (888).....start LAMB'S WRATH.

......& SIGNING is 280 days past Fast of AV 9 (which is tilt# past Fast of TAMMUZ 17)....ZECH 8:19.

MAR 1 (future/straight-earth NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18) 75 days n.c. (in 30-day mths) is TUES, MAY 16.

Mid-trib ABOM DESOL (& a.c. is killed) is death sign/SCORPIO 1, SAT, OCT 24, 2026.....& CHESVAN 13.

RETURN (2520 past SIGNING), SAT, APR 6, 2030 is ARIES 17 (future straight-earth NISAN 17 & MAR 17.


Earth is straight 23 days back from RETURN..... 30 mourn is NISAN 10, TEMPLE ENTR (MATT 23:39)....

...& NISAN 10, APR 13, 2030, is also end of 2300 ( 3 n.c.) past FAST of TEVET 10 (Dec 22, 2023)....DAN 8.

If EZEK 38 Victory is IYYAR 28, 2023 (Jerusalem Day), 7 mths (or moons) BURYING & BLDG 3rd Temple is HANUKKAH wk....3rd Temple Dedic...then 7 is TEVET 10....then 2300 days to TEMPLE RECONSECRATION...( 3 n.c., mid trib).

Trib end (w/ tilt loss) is JERUSALEM DAY, IYYAR 28, 2030 (7 yrs past IYYAR 28, 2023........Ezek 39:9...?....

....and trib end is CANCER 1 (John 10:28)...."never to be snatched again."


IYYAR 28 (JERUSALEM DAY) minus future tilt loss will be IYYAR 5 (both FIG TREE anniv's).



RETURN is NISAN 3, THIRD DAY....HOS 6:2-3...?....as well as TUES, a THIRD DAY (if applic).

There's more (futile to review....understandable); but this TUES, MAY 16 looks likely.....albeit spec, of course).

JANET HERSCU - May 15th, 2023 at 10:52pm

...and (....can you take it?) if this WED, MAY 17 (TAURUS 27...9,999), note:

1. MAR 1 (future/straight-earth NISAN 1) 75 n.c. is SUN, MAY 14 SIGNING (2520 trib count start).


3. SIGNING at SUN, MAY 14 is TAURUS 24 (DEUT 33:17.....start of LAMB'S WRATH).

4. FAST of AV 9 280 is SIGNING (& AV 9 minus tilt is FAST of TAMMUZ 17).....ZECH 8:19.

5. MAY 17, 2023 (RAPTURE?) minus tilt loss is IYYAR 5 (FIG TREE).....75 yrs.

6. SIGNING MAY 14 = 75-yr anniv Statehood/solar yrs)........FIG TREE.

7. IYYAR 28 (FIG TREE/JERUSALEM DAY)....possible EZEK 38 victory?....shortly after RAPTURE...

8. .....& IYYAR 28, 2030.....FIG TREE......is also trib end (w/ tilt loss).

9. 5 mths delay (as Noah) spans KISLEV 24 (HAG 2), DEC 18, 2022 to SIGNING.

10. 1-yr warn/Jer 51:46: possibly FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (APR 17)... 355/shana to APR 7.......

11. ....then 40 'testing' to Rapture, MAY 17.

12. 7 mths bury past EZEK 38 (?) is HANUKKAH WK... 7 = FAST of TEV 10 2300 to RETURN.

13. RETURN (2520 past SIGNING), SUN, APR 7, 2030 = ARIES 17, future/straight-earth NIS 17....

14. .....so STRAIGHT-EARTH date will be ARIES 17, MARCH 17, new/Millen NISAN 17....

15. .... 75 days (DAN 12:11-12) is trib end, IYYAR 28 (MAY 31, 2030) & CANCER 1 (Jn 10:28).

16. 75 days past RETURN (APR 7, 2030) will be trib end at 'JUNE 21' (w/out tilt loss)......

17.....& 280 days = NISAN 1, 2031....EZEK 45:18, NUM 19.....& the 10th 280 (2520 = 9x280).

18. W/ RETURN at APR 7, ARIES 17 (future NISAN 17 straight earth) one must note NIS 17 events:


20. DAN 8:13-14...2300 days....= TEVET 10, 2023 (7 days after HANUKKAH DEDIC) to RETURN.

21. NISAN 1, 2023 (MAR 23) 55 n.c. (75 minus tilt) is RAPTURE....& from MAR 1 is the full 75.

22. 7 yrs fuel use (EZEK 39:9) 'may' span IYYAR 28, 2023 to IYYAR 28, 2030 trib end (w/ tilt loss).

23. Actual trib count is MARCH 1, 2023 ( 75 to SIGNING) to MAR 17, 2030 (straight earth)....

24. ....& MAR 1 & MAR 17 are the future/Millen/straight-earth NISAN 1 & NISAN 17.

....so, via spec, 'could be' this WED, MAY 17 (IYYAR 26).

.JANET HERSCU - May 16th, 2023 at 4:20pm

...& via spec, the following points match THUR, MAY 18 (IYYAR 27) as a possible RAPTURE:

1. MAR 1 (future straight-earth NISAN 1 & ARIES 1) 75 n.c. is SIGNING, MAY 15 (IYYAR 24); &

MAR 1, 2023 75 7-yr trib are both NOT COUNTED....so EZEK 45:18 & NUM 19 apply.

2. MAY 15: anniv 1st day Statehood/1948 & MAY 18 minus 22-day tilt is IYYAR 5 (Statehood).

3. MAY 15 is TAURUS 24.....888.....(BULL/OX...DEUT 33:17), start 2520-day trib count.

4. A.c. rises SCORP 8 (& kills 2 wit's) 3 1/2 days = SCORPIO 11 (triple judg), ELIJ & MOS rise.

5. RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) is APR 8, 2030 (ARIES 17) minus tilt to earth straight is MAR 17.....


7. Return at MON, APR 8, 2030 (2520 past SIGNING) is END 2300 days from FAST of TEVET 10, 2023.

8. One-yr warning (Jer 51:46) is still FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (Apr 18)... 355/shana to APR 8... 40 to RAPTURE.

9. ALL ELSE virtually 'same' as last letter/simply moved the spec scenario 1 day ahead...to MAY 18.

JANET HERSCU - May 17th, 2023 at 7:39pm

WHOA!.....seemingly CLEARER than ever!.....perhaps this FRI, MAY 19.....IYYAR 28 (FIG TREE).

1. IYYAR 28 (JERUSALEM DAY) minus 23 future tilt (to straight earth) is IYYAR 5 (FIG TREE).

2. 1-yr warning/Jer 51:46, FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (SUN, APR 17) 355 (SHANA) to APR 7.....

3. ....and plus 40 days 'testing' is SIGNING, TUES, MAY 16.

4. TUES SIGNING, 3rd day, as 'Wedding Ketubah Contract.'

5. Also TUESDAY:.........MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL.......RETURN (TUES, Apr 9, 2030).

6. 7 moons burying bodies/bldg 3rd Temple (194 days) span EZEK 38 Victory (SHAVUOT?)...

7.......to HANUKKAH WK 2023 (TEMPLE DEDIC)... 7 days to FAST of TEVET 10....3rd Temple.....

8.......plus 2300 days to RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING), TUES, APR 9, 2030.

9. RETURN minus 23-day tilt loss (to straight earth) is MAR 17, ARIES 17, new NISAN 17.

10. MID TRIB (a.c. satanically rises/kills 2 wit's) is CHESVAN 18 (666) - CHESVAN 21 (SCORPIO 8-11)....

.....and CHESVAN 18 = 144 (8 x 18), if applic.

11. Trib end in 2030 is also IYYAR 28 (w/ tilt loss); so scenario is virtually IYY 28 - IYY 28 (7 yrs).

12...too much spec to repeat...review last 2 letters....RAPTURE likely this FRI, MAY 19, IYYAR 28.

JANET HERSCU - May 18th, 2023 at 7:13pm

Via spec, if RAPTURE is this SAT, MAY 20 (IYYAR 29), the following points seem to synchronize:

....SIGNING WED, MAY 17 (IYYAR 26.....13 13) minus future tilt loss is IYYAR 5 (ISRAEL 75 yrs).


....RETURN (2520 days past RAPTURE) at APR 13, 2030 is NISAN 10, MATT 23:39, MAL 3:1.

....RETURN minus tilt loss (to straight earth) is II ADAR 17 (355 days past NISAN 17, 2029).

.....II ADAR 17 (earth straight) 30 days mourn is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR, NISAN 17 (FIRSTFRUITS).


....MAY 20 (RAPTURE?) is GEMINI 1....10th MAZZAROT Sign ('twins walking together' in harmony).

....RETURN (2520 days past RAPTURE), APR 13, 2030 (NISAN 10) is ARIES 24 (LAMB....8,888)....

....& 30 days mourning will be TAURUS 24....DEUT 33:17........start 45-day judg nations ("gores")....


....RETURN at APR 13, 2030, NISAN 10 is END 2300 days past TEVET 10, 2023 (DAN 8)....3 days n.c.

....EZEK 38 Victory (end MAY?) 7 moons BURY is HANUKKAH wk (DEC 7-14)....3rd Temple Dedic?

....1-yr warn/Jer 51:46: FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (APR 17) 355 shana to APR 7, 2023 40 testing to SIGNNG.

....FIRSTFRUITS promise: I CORIN 15:20.

....75 days n.c. minus future tilt loss is 55 days........& NISAN 1, 2023 (Mar 23) 55 days is SIGNING.

....If applic, via MAZZAROT, a.c. satanically rises SCORPIO 8.......2 wit's rise SCORPIO 11 (Nov 3)....spec.

....IYYAR 29 = anniv HEBRON liberated (June 8, 1967)....& EGYPT/JORDAN CEASEFIRE agreement.

....IYYAR 29 = anniv 1st full day TEMPLE MT Reclamation (GOLDA MEIR: "JUNE 8").

....150 days exact (as 5-mth Noah delay): KISLEV 24 (Dec 18, 2022) to SIGNING......HAG 2.

....Tu b'AV (Aug 12) 280 days = SIGNING (if signif).

....TRIB END (w/ tilt loss) is SHAVUOT 2030 (JUNE 7......30-day mths/straight earth)....4th Feast.

'could be' this SATURDAY!........albeit speculation.....

JANET HERSCU - May 19th, 2023 at 5:51pm

Counts start on SUNDAYS......so this SUNDAY, MAY 21, looks more probable.

1. SIGNING was likely THUR, MAY 18 (TAUR 27...9,999....Deut 33:17)....spec.

2. 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) likely FIRSTFRUITS 2022 1 yr to APR 8..... 40 testing is SIGNING.

3. SIGNING, MAY 18, minus future tilt loss is IYYAR 5 (75 yrs Statehood).

4. RAPTURE on SUN, MAY 21, is GEMINI 1 (10th Mazzarot Sign), 'twins together.'.....if applic.

5. A.c. satanically rises on CHESVAN 24 (8,888), SUNDAY, NOV 1, 2026 (1260 past SIGNING).

6. RETURN (2520 days past RAPTURE), SUNDAY, APR 14, 2023 is NISAN 11.....

7.....& NISAN 11 is same as NISAN 10; but COUNT must be a SUNDAY......& MATT 23:39...."You will not see ME again until you again say, "Blessed is HE WHO comes in the NAME of the Lord."....'as' a repeat of PALM SUNDAY.

8. RETURN at APR 14, 2030, is also ARIES 24 (LAMB....8,888).....

9.....& 30 days horrific mourning = TAURUS 24 (BULL/OX....888.....Deut 33:17), start of 45-days judg of nations....to trib end (SHAVUOT 2030, JUNE 7).

10. BOTH RETURN & TEMPLE ENTRANCE are SUNDAYS: RETURN NISAN 11......minus tilt loss back to II ADAR 17-18.....& plus 30 days mourning is SUNDAY, NISAN 18......FIRSTFRUITS.....ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE.

11. SHAVUOT 2023 (May 26) 'could be' the Gog-Magog/Ezek 38 Victory.... 7 moons burying is HANUKKAH (Dec 7-14).....etc....to SUNDAY count start of FAST of TEVET 10......as last letter.....& 7 yrs (EZEK 39:9) is trib end at SHAVUOT 2030.

12. ALL else pretty much the same....but this SUNDAY, MAY 21, SIVAN 1, looks very plausible.

JANET HERSCU - May 21st, 2023 at 8:54am

...could also be MON, MAY 22, if SIGNING was FRI, MAY 19, IYYAR 28 (JERUSALEM DAY).....

.....& minus future tilt loss will be IYYAR 5 (75 yrs), straight-earth position.

If so, then RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING) is NISAN 10 (APR 12-13, 2030), MATT 23:39, MAL 3:1.

RETURN minus tilt loss reverts the date back to II ADAR 17......plus 30 days mourning is NISAN 17, ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE (a Sabbath).

RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING) at APR 12-13, 2030 is also END of 2300 days (DAN 8:13-14) past FAST of TEVET 10, Dec 22, 2023 (3rd Temple)......(3 days mid-trib n.c.)....

......& FAST of TEVET 10 is 7 mths BURYING (210 days) past SHAVUOT, MAY 26, 2023 (EZEK 38....??).

RAPTURE at MAY 22 is also 10th MAZZAROT SIGN, GEMINI 1 ('twins in harmony').

TRIB END (w/ tilt loss) is also SHAVUOT (2030).

......much more.....but almost else virtually same......'could well be' MON, MAY 22.

JANET HERSCU - May 21st, 2023 at 7:39pm

Amidst spec, it all seems to get 'clearer' every day (to me, anyway).....perhaps TUES, MAY 23.

....TUES: 3rd day/ancient Wedding Day (also TUES: A.C. RISES (Mid trib/Nov 3, 2026).

....SAT, IYY 29 SIGNING minus 22 tilt loss is APR 28, future IYYAR 28, Jerusalem Day.

....RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING/SAT, MAY 20) is NISAN 10, 2030 (MATT 23:39).

....75 n.c. minus tilt loss is 52 days n.c.......& NISAN 10, 2023 52 is RAPTURE, MAY 23.


....RETURN at NISAN 10 minus tilt loss is II ADAR 17.....earth straight.......

....and 30 mourning is NISAN 17, Temple Entrance/Isa 63....


....RETURN at NISAN 10 (Sat, Apr 13, 2030) is also ARIES 24 (8,888).

....SABBATH of FAST of TEV 10, 2023 2300 (Dan 8)....3 n.c......is RETURN.

....7 mths BURY/BLDG 3rd Temple spans SIVAN 6 (SHAVUOT)....EZEK 38?...to TEV 10.

....TRIB END (w/ tilt loss) is SIVAN 3 & the RAPTURE is SIVAN 3.

....1-yr warn of 360 (Jer 51:46) spans FIRSTFRUITS 2022 to APR 12, 2023.....

....and 40 days 'testing' is RAPTURE, MAY 23.

....ViA MAZZAROT, SIGNING, MAY 20 is GEMINI 1 ('twins in harmony,' 4 mths past AQUAR 1

....MID TRIB when 2 witnesses rise (after 3 1/2 days dead) is SCORPIO 15.

....Via MAZZAROT, LEO 24 (12,12,12) 280 is RAPTURE.

....5 mths (as Noah delay) span TEVET 1 (Jesus' Conception/count start) to RAPTURE.

....SIGNING is tilt# (22) past IYYAR 6 (was MAY 15, 1948....1st full day Statehood.

....NOTE IYYAR 28 is 2 x 28 which is 56.......& 56 YEARS = 1967 - 2003.....

....HOS 6:2-3 may apply: 3rd day, SIVAN 3 & a TUES 3rd day....

.....as well as 3rd 1000 from JESUS' BIRTH.......

....after all adjustments (completed 120 JUB's....6,000 full yrs/Gen 6:3).

....NISAN 10 (RETURN, 2520 days past SIGNING) is 'CALL-BACK DAY'.......

.....w/ the same PALM SUNDAY SHOUT (which was followed by rejection Jesus' tears):


....There's more, but now TUES, MAY 23 looks like a plausible RAPTURE date (or 'flawsable').

JANET HERSCU - May 22nd, 2023 at 3:54pm

Instead, perhaps WED, MAY 24.

I neglected the fact that COUNTS begin on SUNDAYS (for instance FIRSTFRUITS can be a NISAN 17,18,19......& SHAVUOT must be on a SUNDAY as well....SIVAN 6, 7 or 8 (49 days past a SUNDAY).

Therefore, TRIB START of the 2520 days is a SUNDAY, MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is a SUNDAY & RETURN is a SUNDAY (NISAN 11).

SIGNING, SUNDAY, MAY 21, is GEMINI 1.....10th Mazzarot Sign, 'twins in harmony'.....spec.

75 days (see DAN 12:12....1335 minus 2520 = 75) are n.c. on each side of the trib.....

.....& MARCH 10 (future/straight-earth/Millen NISAN 10 & ARIES 10 (MATT 23:39).

Also, 75 minus tilt loss will be 53 days n.c.......& NISAN 10 53 is WED, MAY 24.

RETURN, SUNDAY, NISAN 11 (MATT 23:39), APR 14, 2030, is ARIES 24 (8,888)....

....plus 30 mourning is TAURUS 24 (BULL....888....Jesus "gores Nations"...DEUT 33:17.....

....then enters Temple (via Bozrah...as a 'Wedding procession'/ISA 63: "I fought the nations alone").

RETURN minus tilt (to straight earth) is II ADAR 18.... 30 mourning is SUNDAY, NISAN 17.

Note that the day earth is straight (MAR 22, 2030, II ADAR 18) 75 = SHAVUOT 2030...

....in 30-day mths.

RETURN on a SUNDAY 30 days mourn is a TUESDAY ("Israel RAISED UP on 3rd day"...HOS 6:2-3.....& TUES, 3rd day also reflects a 'WEDDING PROCESSION' from Petra.....spec.

If applic, RETURN 30 mourning is TUES, MAY 14, solar Statehood anniv......and that day w/ tilt loss is same day as straight-earth FIRSTFRUITS, SUNDAY, APR 21-22......NISAN 17-18....


The 2300 ( 3 n.c.) days likely span 1st SUNDAY after TEVET 10.....to the RETURN.

The most 'HOLY DAY' on the Jewish calendar (spec, if #'s apply) is CHESVAN 24 (8,888)....& mid trib Abom Desol 1260 days past SIGNING is CHESVAN 24 & the mid-trib days are deep into SCORPIO, if applc........

....(& note that the Hebrew calendar is sacred & eternal), e.g. TISH 21 = 7th mth, 7th Feast, 777 (21). 7 is earth's # of perfection, 8 is 'HEAVENLY.'


The 7 mths burying bodies/bldg 3rd Temple span SHAVUOT 2023 to HANUKKAH 2023 - TEV 10 ?).....then to a SUNDAY (DEC 24)....... 2300... 3 n.c.....DAN 8:13-14......to RETURN, SUN, APR 14, 2030.

The SIGNING, SUN, MAY 21, 2023 (?) minus future tilt loss will be APR 28, the Millen/eternal IYYAR 28 & TAURUS 28......all in sync/straight earth.....suggesting the eternal IMPORTANCE of JERUSALEM DAY.

The 1-yr warning was likely FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (APR 18, NISAN 17) 360 days (perf yr) to APRIL 12......then 40 days 'testing' to the SIGNING.....

.....see JEREM 51:46, I CORIN 15:20.

1-yr warning may also start at SHAVUOT 2022 (June 5)..... 1-yr yo SHAVUOT 2023 (EZEK 38...?) 7 yrs fuel use (Ezek 39:9) to trib end w/ tilt loss at SHAVUOT 2030 (JUNE 7).

Again, there's more, but this WED, MAY 24, seems to synchronize well w/ various significant dates.

.JANET HERSCU - June 10th, 2023 at 4:34pm

.... ....not done speculating yet!......possible RAPTURE this SUNDAY, JUNE 11 (SIVAN 22).



SEPT 1 (future ROSH/5th FEAST...next Feast to be fulfilled.... 280 days 'CHURCH GESTATION' is JUNE 8 SIGNING (start of the 2520).

APR 17 FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I COR 15:20 & JER 51:46) 1-yr warning is APR 17, 2023......& plus 52 days (75 minus 23 tilt loss) is JUNE 8.

NISAN 1, 2023 (MAR 23....ARIES 1) 75 days n.c. is JUNE 8.

MAR 1 (future straight-earth NISAN 1 & ARIES 1 (all in sync) 97 days (75 22 tilt) is JUNE 8.

JUNE 8 minus tilt is IYYAR 28 (JERUSALEM DAY).

JUNE 8 in 1967 was 1st full day of Temple Mt possession.

JUNE 8 is GEMINI 18 (666....covenant with anti christ)....if Mazzarot applies....spec.

Note an exact 23-day tilt difference between MAR 1 & MAR 23.

There are 75 days n,c. on each side of the trib......& 97 days on each side w/ tilt included.


MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 days past SIGNING) at NOV 22, 2026 is SAGIT 1 (MESSIAH/RIDER/HERO/CRUSHER of SATAN'S HEAD.....study)......coveted by Satan.

RETURN (IYYAR 5.....2520 days past SIGNING at THUR! MAY 5, 2030 is TAURUS 15 (DEUT 33:17, "gores Nations").......

..... 30 days mourning Isa 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE on GEMINI 15 ('twins'...JESUS & REMNANT).....

.....& 45 more days of JUDG of the NATIONS is trib end, LEO 1 (12th MAZZAROT sign/LION of JUDAH).

RETURN (IYYAR 5) minus 23 days tilt loss ("days cut short") is APRIL 15 (TAURUS 15)..... 75 to LEO 1, trib end.

RETURN May also be THUR, MAY 5....2520 days past SIGNING.


ISA 63 TEMPLE MT ENTRANCE (MAY 14-15, 2030 & GEMINI 15) 120 days ("4 mths to HARVEST"....since SUCCOTH is the HARVEST FEAST) is SEPT 15, the new/straight-earth/Millen TISH 15, SEPT 15, LIBRA 15....TABERNACLES (ZECH 14).

EARTH straight at APR 14-15, 2030...... 150 days (as Noah delay) is also TABERNACLES).


As for the date of the Ezek 38 Victory (JUNE 13...?).....then 7 mths (7 moons/192 days) Burying/Bldg Temple....... 2300 days (Dan 8)....perhaps TEVET 10 (Dec 22, 2023) 2300 ( 3 n.c.) to the day earth is straight, NISAN 10, 2030.

Anyway, the above points seem to 'suggest' a possible RAPTURE this SUNDAY, JUNE 11.

JANET HERSCU - June 12th, 2023 at 5:45pm

Via spec, this WED, JUNE 14, also fits very well.


30 mourn: SIVAN 6 (SHAVUOT.....ISA 6 into TEMPLE......GEM 15.....MILLEN AGE BEGINS.

7 mths Bury 'may be' EZEK 38?.....5th FEAST/TISH 1, 2023 to NIS 1, 2024 (EZEK 45:18, NUM 19)....

...& NIS 1 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) is trib end, JULY 26, 2030 (before tilt loss is considered).

JUNE 5, 2022..... 1-yr warning is JUNE 5, 2023..... 370 (as Noah) is SIGNING, JUNE 11.

FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (APR 18, I Cor 15:20) 1-yr warn is APR 18, 2023.... 52 (75-22 tilt) is SIGNING.

IYYAR 28, 2023 (FIG TREE) 23 tilt is SIGNING.

Eve of NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39), 2023 75 n.c. = JUNE 14.

JUNE 14 is GEMINI 24 (888).....'twins' in harmony (Jesus Church).

EARTH STRAIGHT APR 15, TAUR 15, 2030 (Deut 33:17)...... 30 mourn = GEM 15 (JESUS REMNANT to TEMPLE, ISA 63)....

.... 45 days judg nations/DAN 12:12 = LEO 1 (trib end), LION OF JUDAH, 12th/last MAZZAROT sign.

MID TRIB a.c. satanically rises NOV 28, 2026 is SAGIT 8 (1260 days past rapture).

SEPT 1 (future TISH 1), 2023 280 days Church Gestation 7 days last warning is JUNE 14.

Earth straight TAURUS 15 (DEUT 33:17, APR 15, 2030) 150 (5 mths...as Noah) is TABERNACLES.

Earth straight TAURUS 15 (APR 15, 2030) 120 ("4 mths to Harvest") is TABERNACLES (ZECH 14:15-18).

LAST 7-day warning (as to Noah before flood start) is possibly JUNE 7 - JUNE 14, 2023.


Interesting ultra-mega spec: TRUMP'S B-DAY is JUNE 14......& possible "TRUMP of GOD" blasted.

....'could be' this WED, JUNE 14.....

JANET HERSCU - June 14th, 2023 at 10:03am

Brief spec:

NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39) 75 n.c. is JUNE 15, 2023.

Earth is straight NISAN 17, 2030 ( 75 n.c. to trib end/DAN 12:12)



JUNE 5, 2022 SHAVUOT - JUNE 5, 2033 = 1 yr warn....., 7 last warning is SIGNING, JUNE 12.

FIRSTFRUITS 2022, APR 18 I Cor 15) 1-yr warn is APR 18, 2023..... tilt (will minus) is SIGNING, JUNE 12.

June 15 is GEMINI 24 ('twins'...888), if MAZZAROT applies.



Mid-trib ABOM DESOL (NOV 29, 2026) is SAGIT 8.....& 3 a.c. rises SAGIT 11, if Mazzarot applies.

MARCH 10, future straight-earth NISAN 10, plus 97 (75 tilt) is JUNE 15.

97 days is also NISAN 17, 2030 (earth straight) to trib end (JULY 26-27) befire tilt loss is considered.

7 mths bury may be ROSH 2023 to NISAN 1, 2024 (3rd Temple, EZEK 45:18) 2300 days to ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR.

.........RAPTURE 'could be' THURS, JUNE 15.....

.JANET HERSCU - June 15th, 2023 at 9:28pm

Spec points coordinating w/ this SUNDAY, JUNE 18 (SIVAN 29), as a possible RAPTURE date:

NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39) 75 n.c. is JUNE 15 SIGNING (SIVAN 26).

NISAN 17, 2030, earth is straight (RETURN minus tilt loss).

NISAN 10 - 17 (w/ 7 yrs n.c.) is PASSION WEEK.


75 minus 22 days tilt loss is 53 days; & IYYAR 5 (YOM HA ATZMAUT/FIG TREE) 53 is RAPTURE.

SIGNING JUNE 15 (if MAZZAROT applies) is GEMINI 24 (10th sign/'twins'/888)....2520 count start.

TRIB END/Dan 12:12 (before tilt loss)......RETURN 75.....at JULY 27, 2030 is end of 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) from NISAN 1, 2024 (EZEK 45:18, NUM 19).....7 mths burying/bldg 3rd Temple past TISH 1, 2023.

The last 7-day warning (as to Noah) may be JUNE 8, 2023 to JUNE 15 SIGNING......

....& note JUNE 8,1967 was 1st full day of Israel's Temple Mt possession according to Golda Meir.

COUNTS start on SUNDAYS: RAPTURE.......MID-TRIB A.C. SATANICALLY RISES (start 1260-day Great Trib).

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (KISLEV 16.....9x16=144), NOV 27, 2026, minus 75 n.c. is TISH 1 (5th Feast/ROSH).

RAPTURE at SIVAN 29 minus 23-day future tilt loss will be as SIVAN 6 (SHAVUOT).

SIVAN 6, 2022 to SIVAN 6, 2023/END CHURCH AGE was likely the 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46).

CHURCH AGE began at SIVAN 6 (ACTS 2) & ENDS at SIVAN 6, 2023 (RAPTURE minus tilt).


97 days (75 22 tilt) are on ea side of the trib:

......MAR 10, 2023....future straight-earth NISAN 10 & ARIES 10 (MATT 23:39)

......NIS 17, 2030 earth straight 97 to trib end, July 27, 2030 (before tilt loss), DAN 12:12

NISAN 17, 2030 (APR 20) 5 mths (as Niah delay) is SEPT 15, future TISH 15 TABERNACLES (Zech 14:15-18)....and 30 days mourning/IYYAR 17, plus "4 mths to Harvest" is also TABERNACLES.

RETURN, THUR, MAY 9, 2030, is IYYAR 6, anniv MAY 15, 1948 (1st full day Israeli Statehood).

Although more connects, this SUNDAY, JUNE 18 (FATHER'S DAY....no connection) seems likely.

JANET HERSCU - June 18th, 2023 at 1:24pm

...my latest guess: THUR, JUNE 22 (TAMMUZ 3):

JUNE 22 is CANCER 1.....JOHN 10:28.....11th Mazzarot Sign/11=judg, has praesepe.

SUNDAY SHAVUOT 2023 (SIV 8) 22 tilt (will minus) is possible SIGNING, MON, JUNE 19.....

.......& SHAVUOT 2022 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) is SHAVUOT 2023.

FIRSTFRUITS 2023 (I Cor 15:20) 75 n.c. is JUNE 22 RAPTURE.

FIRSTFRUITS 2022 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) is FIRSTFRUITS 2023.

SEP 10 via straight earth will be LIBRA 10 & TISH 10......

....& SEP 10, 2022 280 days CHURCH GESTATION is SIGNING, JUNE 19 (trib start of 2520).

75 minus tilt is '54'......& IYYAR 5 (FIG TREE) 54 days is JUNE 19 SIGNING.

96 days (75 tilt) are on each side of the trib:

.......MAR 17 (future straight-earth NISAN 17) 75 days is JUNE 22.

.......NISAN 17, 2030, earth straight, 96 is trib end (JULY 27, 2030) w/out tilt loss.

NOTE too the TILT# difference between MAR 17 & APR 8 (FIRSTFRUITS 2023).

RETURN (MON, MAY 13, 2030...?) minus tilt loss will be NISAN 17, FIRSTFRUITS.

MAY 13 is TAURUS 24 ('bull/888'....DEUT 33:17), if Mazzarot applies.

TRIB END (75 days past RETURN) will be JULY 27, 2030......

......also end of 2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib)...DAN 8:13-14....past NIS 1, 2024 (EZEK 45:18).

NISAN 1, 2024 is 7 mths (Burying/Bldg 3rd Temple.....?) past TISHREI 1, 2023.

Interesting indeed: coveted day (1260 days past RAPTURE a.c. satanically rises)....

..... KISLEV 23-24, 2026....HAGGAI 2......"DARLING OF THE NATIONS COMES".....spec.

Also interesting: trib end date (w/ tilt loss) is JULY 9, 2030....straight-earth/Millen AV 9.....spec.

The entire scenario: NISAN 17, 2023 ( 75 to Signing, n.c.) to NISAN 17, 2030 earth straight.

So 'could be' THUR, JUNE 22.....although mega spec.

JANET HERSCU - June 19th, 2023 at 3:07pm

.....even clearer via spec: FRIDAY, JUNE 23 (TAMMUZ 4) fits the following:

If Mazzarot applies, TUES, JUNE 20 (SIGNING?) was CANCER 1 (11th Sign/John 10:28)...has praesepe.

JUNE 20 is a TUESDAY (3rd day....as Ketubah Contract/'Wedding'.....start of 2520-day trib.

RAPTURE (FRI, JUNE 23...?) 1260 days a.c. satanically rises on KISLEV 24 (HAG 2)....DEC 4, 2026.

HAG 2 (3 times: "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES".....a day likely coveted by Satan).

MAY 14, 2023 (FIG TREE) 40 'testing' is RAPTURE (JUNE 23) & RETURN is MAY 14, 2030.

SHAVUOT 2022 1-yr warn (Jer 51:46) was SHAVUOT 2023... 23 tilt (will minus) is SIGNING, JUNE 20.

Another 1-yr warning was SUCCOTH/TISH 15, 2022 355 (shana) to ELUL 15, 2023.. 280 = SIGNING.

FIRSTFRUITS (SUN, Apr 9, 2023.....I Cor 15:20) 75 days n.c. is RAPTURE......

.....& earth is also STRAIGHT on FIRSTFRUITS 2030 (APR 21).....23 tilt back from MAY 14 RETURN.

So the scenario spans FIRSTFRUITS 2022 75 n.c. trib, minus tilt to FIRSTFRUITS 2030, earth straight.

As for FIG TREE IYYAR 5, 55 days n.c. (75 minus tilt) span Apr 26 (IYYAR 5) to SIGNING, JUNE 20.

(Know too that the difference between IYYAR 28 & IYYAR 5 is 23 days, if significant).

In 2030 MARCH 17 straight earth will be NISAN 17 & ARIES 17.......all in sync for eternity.

....& MAR 17, 2023 (exactly 23 tilt to APR 9, 2023 FIRSTFRUITS) 97 days (75 tilt) is RAPTURE....

....& there are also 97 days (75 22 tilt) from FIRSTFRUITS 2030 to trib end July 27 (before tilt loss).

FIRSTFRUITS 2030 (earth straight) 75 is JULY 9 trib end (w/ tilt loss)......

........& JULY 9 will be AV 9 & LEO 9.....all in sync......"FAST DAY to JOY," ZECH 8:19.

The 7 mths burying bodies/bldg 3rd Temple still seem to span SEPT 16 (TISH 1/ROSH/5th Feast, next Feast to be fulfilled) to NISAN 1, 2024 (EZEK 45:18, Num 19)....

....& NISAN 1 2300 days TEMPLE DESECRATION (Dan 8:13-14) is JULY 27, trib end (before tilt loss)....spec.

If MAZZAROT applies, RETURN is TAURUS 24 (DEUT 33:17....JESUS as a 'BULL'/888)....

.... 30 days mourning is GEMINI 24....10th Sign/'twins'/JESUS & REMNANT...ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR.

The EZEK 38 BATTLE/VICTORY could occur anywhere within the next 2 1/2 mths... ???

....so RAPTURE 'could be' this FRIDAY, JUNE 23.....though no one knows the day since 1 day is 72 hrs.....AND clarity (promised in DANIEL) only applies if the owner WATCHED CONSTANTLY.

JANET HERSCU - June 22nd, 2023 at 10:46pm

Since COUNTS begin on SUNDAYS, a shift forward to this SUN, JUNE 25 seems to apply (spec):

The 7-yr trib is NOT COUNTED because the HOLY SPIRIT is RESTRAINED for the 7 yrs....

...& also know there are 75 more days after JESUS RETURNS til trib is actually ended (DAN 12:11-12).

75 days plus 22 days (tilt/will minus) is 97 days.....so 97 days are virtually 'NOT COUNTED.'

Well, MAR 17, 2023 (future straight-earth NISAN 17 FIRSTFRUITS) 97 is TH, JUNE 22 SIGNING.

Also, the day earth is straight (APR 24, 2030, NIS 21) 97 days is trib end before tilt loss is considered.

That trib-end day (JULY 28-29, 2030) minus tilt will be JULY 9, future straight-earth FAST AV 9 (& LEO 9).

Also, JULY 28-29, 2030 is END of 2300 days TEMPLE DESECRATION ( 3 n.c. mid trib), DAN 8:13-14....

....& 2300 days starts at NIS 1, 2024 (3rd Temple/EZEK 46:18/NUM 19), 7 mths bury past TISH 1, 2023.

If so, RETURN is TAURUS 24 (BULL/888, DEUT 33:17) 30 mourning is GEM 24 (888), into TEMPLE.

NOTE: FIRSTFRUITS 2023 (APR 8, NISAN 17) 75 days (n.c.) is SIGNING (count start of 2520 days).

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past RAPTURE) is the coveted SAGIT 15-18 (666)....start Great Trib.....

.....and A.C. sits in Temple as God on eve of KISLEV 24 (HAG 2...coveted...Dec 3, 2026)....spec.

The 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) 'may have been' JUNE 5, 2022 (SHAVUOT) 1 yr to JUNE 5, 2023......

.....plus the tilt (21 days, will minus) is RAPTURE, SUN, JUNE 25, 2023.

Also a 1-yr warning: FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I Cor 15:20) 1 yr to FIRSTFRUITS 2023... 75 to SIGNING.

SIGNING (start 2520-day trib) via Mazzarot (Job 38) is CANCER 1 (11th Sign/judg/JN 10:28)...spec.

SEPT 15 (future SUCCOTH/straight earth), 2022 280 (ISA 26:20) is SIGNING, trib count start.

Also if applic, FIG TREE IYYAR 28 (was June 7, 1967), 2023 37 (2557-2520=37) is RAPTURE.


There's more; but again, the above (total speculation as before) may occur thusly; & if not, one keeps close watch.

Since COUNTS begin on SUNDAYS, a shift forward to this SUN, JUNE 25 seems to apply (spec):

The 7-yr trib is NOT COUNTED because the HOLY SPIRIT is RESTRAINED for the 7 yrs....

...& also know there are 75 more days after JESUS RETURNS til trib is actually ended (DAN 12:11-12).

75 days plus 22 days (tilt/will minus) is 97 days.....so 97 days are virtually 'NOT COUNTED.'

Well, MAR 17, 2023 (future straight-earth NISAN 17 FIRSTFRUITS) 97 is TH, JUNE 22 SIGNING.

Also, the day earth is straight (APR 24, 2030, NIS 21) 97 days is trib end before tilt loss is considered.

That trib-end day (JULY 28-29, 2030) minus tilt will be JULY 9, future straight-earth FAST AV 9 (& LEO 9).

Also, JULY 28-29, 2030 is END of 2300 days TEMPLE DESECRATION ( 3 n.c. mid trib), DAN 8:13-14....

....& 2300 days starts at NIS 1, 2024 (3rd Temple/EZEK 46:18/NUM 19), 7 mths bury past TISH 1, 2023.

If so, RETURN is TAURUS 24 (BULL/888, DEUT 33:17) 30 mourning is GEM 24 (888), into TEMPLE.

NOTE: FIRSTFRUITS 2023 (APR 8, NISAN 17) 75 days (n.c.) is SIGNING (count start of 2520 days).

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past RAPTURE) is the coveted SAGIT 15-18 (666)....start Great Trib.....

.....and A.C. sits in Temple as God on eve of KISLEV 24 (HAG 2...coveted...Dec 3, 2026)....spec.

The 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) 'may have been' JUNE 5, 2022 (SHAVUOT) 1 yr to JUNE 5, 2023......

.....plus the tilt (21 days, will minus) is RAPTURE, SUN, JUNE 25, 2023.

Also a 1-yr warning: FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I Cor 15:20) 1 yr to FIRSTFRUITS 2023... 75 to SIGNING.

SIGNING (start 2520-day trib) via Mazzarot (Job 38) is CANCER 1 (11th Sign/judg/JN 10:28)...spec.

SEPT 15 (future SUCCOTH/straight earth), 2022 280 (ISA 26:20) is SIGNING, trib count start.

Also if applic, FIG TREE IYYAR 28 (was June 7, 1967), 2023 37 (2557-2520=37) is RAPTURE.


There's more; but again, the above (total speculation as before) may occur thusly; & if not, one keeps close watch.

JANET HERSCU - June 24th, 2023 at 9:50pm

....& if MONDAY, JUNE 26, the following seems to hold via spec:

1260 days past FRI, JUNE 23 SIGNING is KISLEV 24....coveted date (HAG 2).....ABOM DESOL.....

...and KISLEV 24, 2026 (DEC 4) is SAGITTARIUS 15 (coveted Mazzarot point....JOB 38).

MAY 14 (FIG TREE, 75 yrs) 40 days 'testing' is SIGNING, JUNE 23 (start 2520-day trib count).

SUNDAY, FIRSTFRUITS 2023 (I Cor 15:20) 75 n.c. is SIGNING, JUNE 23.

1-yr warn (Jer 51:46): SHAVUOT, JUNE 5, 2022 to JUNE 5, 2023....plus 21 (will minus) is RAPTURE.

APR 9, FIRSTFRUITS 2023 is tilt difference (22) from MAR 17, future Nisan 17 (straight earth).

Since TRIB is NOT COUNTED (H. S. restrained), trib start & end STAY at NISAN 17-18, 2023.


SEPT 15 (future straight-earth TISH 15....ISA 26:20) 280 Church Gestation is SIGNING, JUNE 23.

CANCER 1, 2022....JOHN 10:28 praesepe (JUNE 21) 370 days (as Noah delay) is RAPTURE.

NISAN 1, 2024: likely 3rd Temple Dedic (EZEK 45:18, NUM 19/ashes).... 2300 to trib end.

7 mths burying/BLDG 3rd Temple: TISH 1/ROSH 2023 to NISAN 1, 2024 (3rd Temple).....

.....plus 2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib)....DAN 8:13-14....is trib end JULY 30, 2030 (before tilt loss).....

....& minus tilt, JULY 30 is JULY 9, Millen/straight-earth FAST AV 9.....ZECH 8:19, DAN 12:12.

30 days past RETURN (FRI, MAY 17, 2030...w/out tilt loss) is JUNE 16 (SIVAN 15)......

......& plus "4 mths to Harvest" is TISH 15, TABERNACLES, ZECH 14:15-19.

7-year legal trib span (Lev 23): YOM KIP YR 2022 (RAPTURE YR) to YOM KIP YR 2029 (RETURN YR)....

....and the true 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) was YOM KIP 2021 to YOM KIP 2022......

.....& Yom Kip yr 2021 minus 20 yrs n.c. is YOM KIP YR 2001 (6001).......

.....and YOM KIP 6001 is start of 121st JUB, 7th MILLEN, GEN 6:3.

Via straight earth, all AV 9 events will be 'as occurring' on TAMMUZ 17; & JESUS (fertilized ovum) was implanted into uterine wall TEVET 10 & YOM KIP (TISH 10)...so all FAST DAYS "to joy" ZECH 8:19....spec.

All else is virtually same........'could well be' this coming MONDAY, JUNE 26, TAMMUZ 7.

JANET HERSCU - June 26th, 2023 at 10:15pm

If WED, JUNE 28 is a possible RAPTURE date, the following seemingly significant points connect:


2. Via MAZZAROT (Job 38), if applic, note:

.....RAPTURE: CANCER 8 (11x8=88) & JOHN 10:28 ( praesepe)

.....MID TRIB: SAGITTARIUS 15-18 (666)...coveted

.....RETURN: GEMINI 1 ('call-back' day/harmony), MAY 22

.....INTO TEMPLE 30 days later: CANCER 1 (praesepe is Remnant), JUNE 21

.....TRIB END 45 days later: LEO 15 (middle/LION of JUDAH), AUG 6

3. TISH 1, FIFTH Feast (next to be fulfilled), 2023... 9 days AWE....possible EZEK 38.

4. YOM KIP 2023 7 mths (moons?) BURY = NISAN 1, 3rd Temple Dedic (Ezek 45:18, Num 19).....

5. ....9 days later is NISAN 10, LAMB into Temple (Desecration/DAN 8), APR 18, 2024......

6. ....& NISAN 10 2300 days is TRIB END, AUG 6, 2030 (before tilt loss).

7. SEPT 21 (LIBRA 1, future Tish 1), 2022..... 280 days 'Church Gestation' is JUNE 28.

8. 1-yr warn/Jer 51:46: FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I COR 15:20) 360 (perf yr) 75 n.c. is SIGNING.

9. SIGNING (3 days before RAPTURE) is a SUNDAY, when counts begin.

10. Other 1-yr warn is JUNE 5, 2022 SHAVUOT to JUNE 5, 2023 tilt (will minus) is RAPTURE.

11. TRIB END AUG 6, 2030 minus tilt is TRIB END JULY 15 (new/Millen/straight-earth AV 15).

12. ALL of the above matches: 1260, 1290, 1335, 7 mths, 2520, 2550.......etc, etc......

.....There's more.........could be WED.......

JANET HERSCU - June 27th, 2023 at 1:05pm

Via the last spec scenario, also note:


IYYAR 28 (JERUSALEM DAY) is the most significant FIG-TREE date (was JUNE 7, 1967).

IYYAR 28, 2023 40 days 'testing' is SIGNING (start 2520-day trib).

RETURN minus tilt to straight earth 30 is TEMPLE ENTR, IYYAR 28 (JERUSALEM DAY), 2030.

....intriguing, if valid.....

JANET HERSCU - June 28th, 2023 at 3:28pm

....continued 'clarification' attempt:

The only other date I'm thinking 'may' match the spans at this point is now FRI, JUNE 30.

....TUES (SIGNING, JUNE 27) is the 3rd day, ancient Wedding day/Ketubah-Contract day.

....TEVET 1 (8th day after CREATION) was JESUS' Conception (since 280 was SUCCOTH/BIRTH).

....TEVET 1, 2026 (8th day, 8th Feast), a.c. satanically rises.....thus a 'coveted day.'

....RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING) is still GEMINI 1.... 30 is CANCER 1.... 45 is LEO 15.

....IYYAR 28 40 'testing' is SIGNING & ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR 2030 is IYYAR 28 (Jerusalem Day).

....FIRSTFRUITS 2022 1-yr warn (I Cor 15:20, Jer 51:46) 365 75 n.c. Is SIGNING.

....Other 1-yr warn SHAVUOT 2022 (JUNE 5) 1 yr is JUNE 5, 2023...... 22 tilt is SIGNING.

....All told, 97 days are virtually n.c. (75 tilt); & MAR 1 (future NIS 1, ARIES 1) 97 is SIGNING.

....Also 97 days: day earth is straight (MAY 1, 2030/GEMINI 1) to trib end AUG 5 (w/out tilt loss).

....SEPT 1 (future ROSH, 5th Feast) 280 Church Gestation 22 tilt is RAPTURE.

....RAPTURE (JUNE 30...?) is CANCER 11.......11th MAZZAROT Sign, 11th day.

....7 mths BURYING may span YOM KIP 2023 (Tish 10) to NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB).... 2300 to trib end.

....The 9 days of AWE may span TISH 1-10, 2023 (EZEK 38..?) & NIS 10, 2024, LAMB/DESECRATION.

.... Earth straight, MAY 1, 2030 (GEM 1) "4 mths to Harvest" is SEP 1, new/Millen TISH 1/ROSH.

There's more; but this FRI, JUNE 30, looks like a spec possibility.

JANET HERSCU - June 29th, 2023 at 5:57pm

.....continued spec w/ a view of this SAT, JULY 1 (TAMMUZ 12):

IYYAR 28 (FIG TREE) 40 'testing' = SIGNING (WED, JUNE 28) & IYYAR 28 is TEMPLE ENTR, 2030 (straight earth).

Via MAZZAROT (Job 38):

....SIGNING: CANCER 8 (11x8=88)....

....RAPTURE: CANCER 11 (double 11, double judg)

....MID TRIB: SAGIT 18 (666)

....RETURN: GEMINI 1 ('call-back' day)

....INTO TEMPLE: (start 45-day judg Nations): CANCER 1 (Remnant & Jesus/Jn 10:28/ praesepe)

....TRIB END: LEO 15 (LION of JUDAH in charge...& #12 = perfect gov't)

1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) APR 17, 2022 FIRSTFRUITS (I Cor 15:20) 1 yr to APR 17, 2023, 75 n.c. to RAPTURE.

Other 1-yr warning: JUNE 5, 2022 (SHAVUOT) to JUNE 5: 2023....plus 23 tilt (will minus) to SIGNING.


In 2022, SEPT 1, future/straight-earth TISH 1 (5th Feast) 280 CHURCH GESTATION tilt (will minus) is SIGNING.

MID-TIB A.C. SATANICALLY RISES: 8th day HANUKKAH (TEV 2, 2026...Jesus' Concep anniv......

.....see JOHN 10. & TEV 2, 2026 minus 75 n.c is SUCCOTH 2026; so, coveted.

RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) is WED, MAY 22, 2030 (GEMINI 1)....JESUS & priceless REMNANT TOGETHER.

......minus tilt loss is straight-earth MAY 1....... 4 mths ("to Harvest") is SEPT 1, Millen TISH 1 & LIBRA 1.

NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB) 2300 (Dan 8:13-14) is trib end AUG 5 (before tilt loss).

7 mths burying spans TISH 10/YOM KIP 2023 to NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB/DESECRATION).

Most else same.......'could be' this SAT....amidst the 72 hrs, of course.......

JANET HERSCU - July 2nd, 2023 at 1:30pm

....& to continue w/ a spec view of 3rd day/TUES, JULY 4 (w/ SIGNING SAT, JULY 1).....'marching points' below:

....ROSH HASHANA (5th Feast/next to be fulfilled), SEPT 26-27, 2022 plus 280 Church Gestation is JULY 4.

....SHAVUOT 2023 plus 40 days 'testing' is JULY 4.

....SHAVUOT 2022 plus 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) is SHAVUOT 2023...plus 40 is JULY 4

....FIRSTFRUITS, APR 17, 2022 (I Cor 15:20) plus 1-yr warning is APR 17, 2023....plus 75 n.c. Is SIGNING.

....The DAN 8:13-14 TEMPLE DESECRATION...2300 days...span PASSOVER 2024 to trib end, AUG 13, 2030.

....Tilt loss at RETURN will be 19-22 days & MAY 6, 2023 (future straight-earth SIVAN 6) plus 56 (75 -19) is SIGNING.

....RETURN in 2030 minus tilt loss is MAY 6 (new/straight-earth SIVAN 6) as well.

....7 mths BURY: SUCCOTH 2023 to PASSOVER 2024 (lamb/blood/desecration) plus 2300 ( 3 n.c.) to AUG 13, 2030.

....MID TRIB when a.c. satanically rises (1260 past RAPTURE/TUES, DEC 15, 2026) is SAGIT 24....

.........& SAGIT 24 via straight earth will be NOV 24 and KISLEV 24 (HAG 2....,satanically-coveted day.

....MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) is TEVET 2, Jesus' Conception anniv, 75 past SUCCOTH.

....TEVET 2 is 8th day of 8th Feast (CREATION WEEK)....& after CREATION, count started on the 8th day.

....TRIB END in 2030 (w/out tilt loss AUG 13, AV 15....w/ tilt loss/JULY 24)...LEO 24 (LION OF JUDAH...12,12,12).



....TUESDAY is 3rd day, ancient Wedding Day.....& HOS 6:2-3, if applic.

....Earth is straight MAY 6, 2030....plus 30 mourn is JUNE 6 (actual SIVAN 6, SHAVUOT)...into Temple/ISA 63.


....If applic via MAZZAROT (JOB 38):

........SIGNING CANCER 11......11,11)

........RAPTURE CANCER 14-15...John 10:28... praesepe

........MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL SAGIT 24 (future KIS 24, HAG 2)

........RETURN: GEMINI 8 (80....'twins' in harmony/'call-back' day)

........INTO TEMPLE CANCER 8 (11x8=88)

........TRIB END LEO 24 (12,12,12....'perf gov't'

....There's more; but TUES, JULY 4, looks plausible....

JANET HERSCU - July 5th, 2023 at 1:06pm

....& if THURS, JULY 6, via spec, the following points match:

1. JULY 6, 2023 (RAPTURE?) is FAST of TAMMUZ 17 (ZECH 8:19).

2. SIGNING MON, JULY 3....?.....280 days Church Gestation past ROSH HASHANA 2022.

3. ROSH HASHANA, 5th Feast, is next to be fulfilled.

4. One-yr warning: SHAVUOT 2022 to SHAVUOT 2023..... 40 testing is RAPTURE.

5. July 6 RAPTURE is CANCER 15....JOHN 10:28......11th Sign/judg # & has praesepe.

6. Mid-trib ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNNG) is SAGIT 24.....coveted.

7. SAGIT 24 via straight-earth will be NOV 24 & KISLEV 24.....HAG 2......all in sync.

8. PASSOVER 2024 2300 is trib end (3 n.c.), AUG 13........minus tilt = JULY 24 (LEO 24).

9. SACRIFICE of a LAMB, PASSOVER 2024 starts desecration (Dan 8), 7 mths past SUCCOTH.

10. 96 days (75 tilt) are n.c. on both sides of trib; & NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39) 96 is RAPTURE.

11. ELIJ & MOSES RISE on FAST of TEVET 10, 2026 (3 1/2 days past day a.c. satanically rises).

12. Earth straight MAY 6 (future straight-earth SIVAN 6)..... 30 mourn: SHAVUOT 2030....into Temple.

13. SHAVUOT 2030: start MILLEN AGE (just as SHAVUOT ACTS 2 started CHURCH AGE).

14. There's much more......but all else virtually same as last review.

15. So RAPTURE is perhaps this THURS, JULY 6.....

JANET HERSCU - July 5th, 2023 at 8:46pm

......FRIDAY, JULY 7 seems to fit more points.

TUESDAYS (3rd day/Ketubah-Contract day) come into play again: SIGNING/ABOM DESOL/RETURN......

........thus, HOS 6:2-3 may apply ("3rd day Israel raised up").

A.c. 'may' be seen as the 'DARLING OF THE NATIONS' by mid trib (HEB: hemdat amim).

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (Dec 15, 2026): SAGIT 24, straight-earth NOV 24/KISLEV 24 (HAG 2)....coveted.

SIGNING (covert) at TUES, JULY 4: CANCER 15 (11th sign/#11=judg/MATT 23:39/inescapable 'grip').

All told, 97 days are not counted on ea side (75 22 tilt, will minus); & NISAN 10 (Apr 1) 97 is JULY 7.

The 97 on the other side span RETURN to AUG 13 which ends 2300 (3 n.c.) past PASSOVER 2024.

All else virtually same as last review.......'could be' FRI, JULY 7. After that, it's 'anyone's guess.'

JANET HERSCU - July 7th, 2023 at 12:03am

SAT, JULY 8 (or even to SUNDAY, JULY 9) seems to fit as well via spec:

SHAVUOT, SIVAN 6, 2023 (ENDS CHURCH AGE) plus 40 days 'testing' is SIGNING.


A.c. 'may' be seen as the 'DARLING OF THE NATIONS' by mid trib (HEB: hemdat col ha goyim).

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (Dec 16, 2026): SAGIT 24, straight-earth NOV 24/KISLEV 24 (HAG 2)....coveted.

SIGNING (covert) at WED, JULY 5, CANCER 15 (11th sign/#11=judg/JOHN 10:28/inescapable 'grip').

All told, 98 days are not counted on ea side (75 plus 23 tilt, will minus); & NISAN 10 (Apr 1) plus 98 is JULY 8.

The 98 on the other side span RETURN to AUG 14 which ends 2300 (3 n.c.) past PASSOVER 2024.

LIBRA 10, 2022 (future, straight-earth TISH 10/YOM KIP) plus 280 Church Gestation is SAT, JULY 8-9.

FIG TREE MAY 14, 2023 plus 52 days (75 minus 23 tilt loss) is SIGNING, JULY 5.

FIG TREE IYYAR 5 (MAY 8) is day earth is straight in 2030.

RAPTURE minus future tilt loss will be JUNE 17, future FAST of TAMMUZ 17.

RETURN plus 2 days straightening/Hos 6:2-3 is FIG TREE IYYAR 28....JERUSALEM DAY (May 31, 2030).

FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I Cor 15:20) plus 1-yr warn is APR 17, 2023...plus 75 n.c. plus 7 last warn is JULY 8-9, 2023.

All else virtually same as last review....'could be' SAT-SUN, JULY 8 - 9. After that, it's 'anyone's guess.'

JANET HERSCU - July 7th, 2023 at 2:10pm

CLARIFICATION: RAPTURE is very possibly this SUNDAY, JULY 9.

....future/straight-earth FAST of AV 9 will be JULY 9.

....counts start on SUNDAYS.

....JULY 9 minus future tilt loss (earth straightens) is JUNE 17, future Millen FAST TAMMUZ 17.

....FAST TISH 10 (Yom Kip) 2023 (EZEK 38 Victory?) plus 210 days (7 x 30) burying....

....and 7 perf mths Burying/Bldg 3rd Temple) is PASSOVER 2024, NISAN 15.

....PASSOVER 2024 (LAMB/BLOOD, Apr 22 & TAUR 1....Deut 33:17, spec)....7 mths past YOM KIP...

....and plus 2300 ( 3 n.c.)....DAN 8:13-14....is trib end AUG 13, 2030.


....SIGNING: CANCER 15 (JULY 6)....JOHN 10:28....'inescapable grip.'

....RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) is JERUSALEM DAY/IYYAR 28....minus tilt is IYYAR 5.

....A.C. satanically rises FAST TEVET 10 (DEC 20, 2026)

....So, all 4 FAST DAYS are "turned to joy"....ZECH 8:19.

....SHAVUOT 2022 - SHAVUOT 2023 (1-yr warn....JER 51:46...plus 40 'testing' is SIGNING.

....MAY 14 (FIG TREE) 53 (75 minus future 22 tilt loss) is SIGNING.

....FIG TREE dates: IYYAR 5, IYYAR 28, MAY 14......all in above scenario.

....4 FAST DAYS: TAMMUZ 17, AV 9, TISH 10, TEVET 10......all in above scenario.

....MID TRIB ABOM DESOL minus 23 tilt loss will be NOV 24, SAGIT 24, KISLEV 24 (all in sync.

....KISLEV 24 relates to HAGGAI 2:7....."DESIRE of NATIONS."

....KISLEV 24....9x24=216 (2160 miles/diam moon (spec).

....LIBRA 10 (future TISH 10, YOM KIP) plus 280 Church Gestation is RAPTURE (Church born).

....COUNTS actually span YOM KIP 2021 (yr of 280-day Church Gest) to YOM KIP 2029 (yr of RETURN).

....YOM KIP 2021 minus 20 yrs n.c. is YOM KIP 2001 (6001)....GEN 6:3.....start 121st JUB/7th Millen.

....75 days are n.c. on each side.......& note 280 plus 75 = 355......shana.

All else virtually same......RAPTURE possibly this SUNDAY.

JANET HERSCU - July 10th, 2023 at 1:34pm

Here's what 'seems' to harmonize now......w/ a spec view of RAPTURE, WED, JULY 12.

Mid-trib ABOM DESOL/killed (1260 past SUN, JULY 9 SIGNING): FAST TEVET 10 & CAPRIC 1.

CAPRIC is sacrificial goat & live fish (Jewish believers to Petra) & "Joy" of TEVET 10.....ZECH 8:19.

Know that CAPRIC 1 via straight earth = DEC 1 & TEVET 1 (JESUS' CONCEPTION ANNIV)...coveted.

JULY 9 in Millen (straight earth) will be FAST AV 9......minus tilt will be JUNE 17, FAST TAMMUZ 17.

SHAVUOT 2022 plus 1-yr warn is SHAVUOT 2023 (end of Church Age).....plus 40 'testing' is SIGNING.

As for FIG TREE, IYYAR 5 plus 75 n.c. is SIGNING.....& 53 days (75 minus tilt) from IYYAR 28.

As for FIRSTFRUITS (I Cor 15:20)....NIS 17 (Apr 8) plus 95 days (75 plus tilt) is JULY 12 RAPTURE.


IF EZEK 38 Victory is ROSH 2023 (5th Feast/next to be fulfilled), plus 7 mths Burying is NISAN 1, 2024.

OR EZEK 38 Victory on FAST YOM KIP 2023......plus 210 days (7x30) burying/bldg Temple is NISAN 1.

280-day CHURCH GESTATION (to birth) spans FAST YOM KIP 2022 (OCT 5, LIBRA 15) to RAPTURE.

Via straight earth, OCT 5 will be SEPT 15 & LIBRA 15, future/straight-earth SUCCOTH....ISA 26:20.

RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) on SUN, JUNE 2, 2030 (GEMINI 10.....100...'twins in harmony'....'call-back day'), minus tilt is MAY 10.......

.....and plus 30 mourning is the ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE, SUNDAY, SHAVUOT, JUNE 9, 2030.


SHAVUOT 2030 plus 45 more days (to end of 1335 days, DAN 12:12) is trib end, JULY 25-27....

....& JULY 27, 2030 (straight earth) ENDS 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) from NISAN 1, 2024.

NISAN 1, 2024 (APR 8-9): EZEK 45:18, NUM 19.

All 4 FAST DAYS are in order (TAM 17, AV 9, TISH 10, TEV 10) ... FIG TREE dates (IYY 5, IYY 28).

If signif, RAPTURE on JULY 12 is CANCER 22 (11, 11, 11.....triple judg#)......& JOHN 10:28... praesepe/beehive nebulae (believers safe).

So, via spec, RAPTURE 'could be' this WED, JULY 12.

JANET HERSCU - July 11th, 2023 at 10:55pm

....even seemingly clearer (via spec)........RAPTURE perhaps this FRI, JULY 14.

July 14 is CANCER 24 (11, 888.....#11=judg, John 10:28.....plus praesepe).

96 days (75 tilt/will minus) are n.c. on each side of the trib.

96 days on this side span FIRSTFRUITS/NISAN 17, 2023 (I Cor 15:20) to JULY 14.

As for FIG TREE, IYYAR 5 (Statehood anniv) plus 75 n.c. is SIGNING, TUES, JULY 11.....

....& 75 minus tilt is 53.....& IYYAR 28 (Jerusalem Day) plus 53 is JULY 11 SIGNING.

TUES (Signing) is 3rd day, ancient Wedding/Ketubah Contract/Covenant day & HOS 6:2-3, if applic.

TUESDAYS: SIGNING.........MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (& killed).........RETURN (Hos 6:2-3).

LIBRA 15 (future/straight-earth SEP 15 & TISH 15.....ISA 26:20) plus 280 is JULY 14, 2023.

JUNE 4 (GEMINI 15) plus 40 days 'testing' is JULY 14.....& RETURN is JUNE 4 (2030).

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL at TUES, DEC 22, 2026 is CAPRICORN 1 (believingJews/fish to Petra).

That day minus tilt is also straight-earth DEC 1, future TEVET 1, Jesus' Conception anniv.

RETURN JUNE 4, 2030 (GEMINI 15) plus 3 days straightening is June 7....SHAVUOT, earth straight.

JUNE 7 is also FIG TREE anniv of Yom Jerushalaim 1967.

JUNE 7, 2030 minus tilt is FIG TREE MAY 14-15 (GEMINI 15)....

.....& plus 45 days judg of nations is JUNE 15 (CANCER 15)......

......plus 45 days judg of nations is trib end, AUG 1, VIRGO 1.....DAN 12:11-12).

Straight-earth AUG 1, 2030 trib end is VIRGO 1.......first day of the entire MAZZAROT....'pure' day.

AUG 1, 2030 is also END of DAN 8:13-14.......2300 days ( 3 n.c. mid trib).....past NISAN 1, 2024 (3rd Temple/EZEK 45:18, NUM 19).

NISAN 1, 2024 is also 7 Jewish mths BURYING/BLDG 3rd Temple past TISH 1, 2023 (EZEK 38?)....

.....& 7 perf/prophetic mths (210) past YOM KIP, 2023.

A.C. satanically rises (1260 past rapture), TEV 15, DEC 25, 2026, minus tilt will be KISLEV 24 (HAG 2).

The post-Return 96 span day earth is straight (MAY 14-15, 2030) to AUG 21, 2030 (30-day ...

.......& minus tilt will be AUG 1.

....possibly FRI, JULY 14.....

JANET HERSCU - July 13th, 2023 at 10:35pm

SAT, JULY 15 seems more accurate for RAPTURE w/ SIGNING 3 days previous, JULY 12.

JULY 15 is CANCER 24......11, 888......JOHN 10:28....."can't snatch".... praesepe.

97 are n.c. on ea side of trib w/ trib end (w/out tilt loss) AUG 20-21 (75 past JUNE 5, 2030 RETURN)....

....& 97 days span FIRSTFRUITS 2023, I CORIN 15:20 (Apr 8.....& ARIES 17) to JULY 15.

In the MILLEN NISAN 17 will be ARIES 17 & MAR 17 (& MAR 17 to JULY 15 is 120...."4 mths").

JUNE 5, 2023 (1-yr warn/Jer 51:46 past JUNE 5 SHAVUOT 2022) plus 40 'testing' is JULY 15....

....& JUNE 5, 2030 is the RETURN (2520 past SIGNING).....

.....& JUNE 5 on the MAZZAROT is GEMINI 15...'twins in harmony'....'call-back' day.

YOM KIP 2022 (OCT 5 & LIBRA 15...future/straight-earth TISH 15...ISA 26:20) plus 280 is SIGNING....


RETURN at JUNE 5, 2030 plus 2 days straightening (HOS 6:2-3) will be JUNE 7 SHAVUOT, SIV 6.

SIGNING, JULY 12 'may be' CANCER 22 (11,11,11.....triple judg).

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is still CAPRIC 1, DEC 23, 2026......

.......& minus tilt is DEC 1, future TEVET 1, Jesus' Conception anniv ( 280 was SUCCOTH Birth).

All else virtually SAME....but add 1 day to last review.

JANET HERSCU - July 15th, 2023 at 8:54pm

OY, VEY!....SUCH a DELAY!' (...as if any fallen human is in control!...much less be 'privy to such timing!').

Anyway, via spec, TUES (3rd day/ancient Wedding Day), JULY 18, looks possible.

Earth's 23-day tilt will minus at RETURN.....& the 75 days n.c. plus 23 is 98.....n.c.

So note 98 days from FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (NISAN 17...I Corin 15:20) to SIGNING, SAT, JULY 15.

Also, via the 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46), JUNE 5 SHAVUOT 2022 plus 1 yr was JUNE 5, 2023......

.....plus 40 days 'testing' is SAT, JULY 15 SIGNING (CANCER 24....11th sign/judg 24 = 888...spec)

Also SUCCOTH 2022 (ISA 26:20) plus 280 days 'Church Gestation' is TUES, JULY 18.

75 days minus tilt loss is 53 days......& SIVAN 6 SHAVUOT 2023 plus 53 is JULY 18.


....plus 75 days (30 mourn/45 judg Nations) is VIRGO 1 (if MAZZAROT applies), trib end.

TRIB END straight earth will be AUG 1, 2030........2300 days (3 n.c. mid trib) past NIS 1, 2024.

NISAN 1, 2024 (3rd TEMPLE....EZEK 45:18, NUM 19), 7 mths burying past ROSH 2023, 5th Feast.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 days past SIGNING) is SAT, DEC 26, 2026 (TEV 16)....

.....& minus future tilt loss will be KISLEV 24...HAG 2.....'coveted' day.




CHURCH AGE 'CLOSED' SHAVUOT 2023.....plus 53



All else virtually 'same'......'could be' TUES, JULY 18.....

JANET HERSCU - July 17th, 2023 at 10:16pm

......& if, via spec, this WED, JULY 19, the following holds:

RETURN, 2520 days past JULY 16 SIGNING, is SHAVUOT 2030 (SUNDAY, JUNE 9).

CHURCH AGE began on SHAVUOT & MILLEN AGE likely begins on SHAVUOT.


SUCCOTH 2022 (ISA 26:20) plus 280 days Church Gestation is JULY 19.

FIRSTFRUITS 2023 (NIS 17-18, I Cor 15:20) plus 98 (75 plus tilt, n.c.) is JULY 16.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (Dec 27, 2026, TEVET 17) minus tilt will be KISLEV 24 (HAG 2).

W/ tilt loss, mid-trib's 6-7 days (Abom Desol to 2 wit's rise) is CREATION WK: KIS 24 - TEV 1).

TEVET 1 was Jesus' Conception since plus 280 GESTATION is SUCCOTH (TISH 15).

TEVET 1 is 8th day of 8th Feast.

ROSH 2023 (5th Feast, next to be fulfilled) plus 7 mths (Bury/Bldg 3rd Temple?) is NISAN 1.

NISAN 1, 2024 (red heifer/NUM 19/Ezek 45:18).....

.......plus 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14)...3 days n.c....is AUG 1, 2030, trib end (straight earth).

AUG 23, 2030 is trib end w/out tilt loss & AUG 1 w/ tilt loss.........& VIRGO 1, 1st day Mazzarot).

Signing plus 1260 = mid trib....plus 1260 = RETURN....plus 30, into Temple....plus 45 = trib end.

Via DAN 12, MID TRIB plus 1290 is ISA 63 Temple Entrance & MID TRIB plus 1335 is trib end.

2557 (7 solar yrs) vs 2520 days trib is 37 days (7 yrs n.c.)....& any CANCER 24 to VIRGO 1 is 37.

75 days are n.c. on each side of trib; & 75 minus tilt is 53 days n.c.).

So note a 53-day span from SHAVUOT 2023 (SIVAN 6) to WED, JULY 19.

The day earth is straight, MAY 17, 2030 (23 days back from JUNE 9 RETURN) plus 53 is AUG 1.

Also note 30 days mourn past MAY 17 will be ISA 63 into Temple, JUNE 17 (in 30-day mths).....

.....& JUNE 17 will be new/Millen FAST TAMMUZ 17 & CANCER 17.....all in sync (& ZECH 8:19).

May 17, 2030 (earth straight) plus "4 mths/120 days to Harvest" will be SEPT 15, 2030....

.....& SEPT 15 will be new/Millen TISH 15 (TABERNACLES/ZECH 14) & LIBRA 15....all in sync.

So, RAPTURE 'could be' this WED, JULY 19......

JANET HERSCU - July 19th, 2023 at 5:50pm

& IF, via spec, this FRI, JULY 21, note the following:

JULY 21 is LEO 1 (LION of JUDAH, 12th Sign of MAZZAROT)

2520 days past RAPTURE is RETURN (GEMINI 24, JUNE 14, 2030).....

....reverts back to MAY 24 (Millen/straight-earth GEMINI 24...10,888....'call-back day/twins in harmony').....

......& plus 75 days (DAN 12:12) is FAST of AV 9, trib end.

The 2300 days (Dan 8) span NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB into TEMPLE...MATT 23:39) to AV 9, trib end (3 n.c.).

Day earth is straight (MAY 24, GEMINI 24).....

.......& plus 30 mourning is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE, CANCER 24 (11, 888).

The 280 .church gestation spans mid SUCCOTH (JOHN 7:14.....ISA 26:20) to RAPTURE (wrath start).

7 mths BURYING/BLDG 3rd TEMPLE spans YOM KIP 2023 (TISH 10) to NISAN 10, 2024.

FAST of TAMMUZ 17 plus 370 (as Noah delay) is also JULY 21, 2023.

SIGNING is TUES, JULY 18, 3rd day (as Ketubah/Wedding Contract.....& HOS 6:2-3.

All else 'virtually' same (but add 1-2 days to all)......so 'could be' this FRIDAY, JULY 21.

JANET HERSCU - July 21st, 2023 at 1:23pm

LUKE 12:39 & MATT 24:43-44: 'IF one watches CONSTANTLY, will SEE thief at door'.....

....SO, to continue:

Via the most recent letter (but add a day......to SAT, JULY 22), note:

JULY 22 is LEO 1 (12th Mazzarot sign/LEO/LION of JUDAH/JESUS.

JULY 22 is a SABBATH.....as is MID-trib A.C. RISES....& SABBATH RETURN (JUNE 15, 2030).

RETURN minus tilt loss (back to MAY 24, 2030) plus 75 days is trib end FAST of AV 9......

....& AV 9 trib end is END of 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) past NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB)....(3 days n.c.).

FAST of YOM KIP 2023 plus 7 mths burying is NISAN 10, 2024.

Via Mazzarot, RETURN at JUNE 15, 2030 is GEMINI 24 (10/888...'twins'/'call-back' day....

....plus 30 mourning is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE (RECONSECRATION) CANCER 24 (11/888).

Via MAZZAROT, 37 days in reverse (2557 -37 = 2520) is LEO 1 to VIRGO 8 (RAPTURE to TRIB END)....

....in REVERSE, since the 7-yr trib is NOT COUNTED (H.S. restrained).

5th FEAST (2023), TISH 1, ROSH HASHANA, is next to be fulfilled & 'may be' EZEK 38.

SHAVUOT 2023 plus 54 (75 minus tilt) is SIGNING (WED, JULY 19).

SHAVUOT 2022 - SHAVUOT 2023 is a 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46).....'end Church Age.'

FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (Apr 17)....I COR 15:20...plus 1-yr warning plus 96 (75 plus tilt...n.c.) is JULY 22.

SUCCOTH 2022 (LIBRA 15, future straight-earth TISH 15) plus 280 is SIGNING.

FAST of TEVET 10, 2021 plus 280 is TISHREI 21-22 (ISA 26:20)....then plus 280 is JULY 22.

FAST of TAMMUZ 17, 2022 plus 370 (as Noah delay after flood end) is JULY 22.

RETURN JUNE 15, 2030 plus "4 mths to Harvest" is TABERNACLES, ZECH 14:15-19.

ALL AV 9 catastrophes via straight earth will be 'as ' TAMMUZ 17 from then on.

MID-TRIB A.C. RISES (TEV 23, JAN 2, 2027...1260 past RAPTURE....minus tilt will be TEV 1...

....& TEV 1 was Jesus' Conception day (coveted).

All 4 FAST DAYS are 'accounted for' above (ZECH 8:19).

MAY 6 will be the future/straight-earth SIVAN 6 SHAVUOT in Millen....

.....& MAY 5-6, 2023 plus 75 days (.n.c.) is SIGNING, JULY 19.

Know that Church Gestation (to RAPTURE 'birth') needs plus 75 (post Return) to = 355 (yr).

See DAN 12:12 (1260 plus 75 = 1335).

So, even though the above is spec, a few interesting connections are intriguing.....

....so, 'could be' this SATURDAY, JULY 22.

JANET HERSCU - July 23rd, 2023 at 9:54pm

No need to heed my constant spec reviews; but a few points seem relatable to this WED, JULY 26.

.....8th day SUCCOTH 2022/TISH 22, ISA 26:20), plus 280 Church Gestation is SIGNING, JULY 23.

.....8th day SUCCOTH 2022, OCT 17 is Jesus' solar birthdate (280 past JAN 11-12 (really DEC 31)

.....SUNDAY, JULY 23 is LEO 1....12th Sign/LION of JUDAH.

.....RAPTURE on WED, JULY 26 is EVE of AV 9....& trib end w/ tilt loss is AV 9.

.....RETURN plus 30 mourning (2550 days later) is EVE of TAMMUZ 17 (Isa 63, into Temple).

.....RETURN (Siv 15, JUNE 16, 2030) minus tilt is earth straight/MAY 24, 2030......

.....& plus 75 days (DAN 12:12) is AV 9 trib end.

.....ENTIRE TRIB (w/ tilt loss considered) is virtually AV 9 to AV 9 (2023 - 2030).....worst FAST DAY.

.....RETURN SIVAN 15, 2030 plus "4 mths to Harvest" is TABRNACLES, TISH 15, ZECH 14.

.....7 mths BURYING is perhaps TISH 10/YOM KIP 2023 (EZEK 38?) to NISAN 10, 2024.

.....NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB) plus 2300 (3 n.c. mid trib)....Dan 8:13-14....is trib end, AV 9, 2030.

.....5th Feast (ROSH HASHANA) is next to be fulfilled.....perhaps EZEK 38 plus 9 days awe.

.....1-yr warning: FIRSTFRUITS 2022, APR 17 (I Cor 15:20) plus 1 yr is APR 17, 2023.....

.....& APR 17, 2023 plus 98 (75 plus tilt...both n.c.) is SUNDAY, JULY 23 SIGNING.

....FAST of TEVET 10 (still in YOM KIP yr 2021) plus 280 is TISH 22, 8th day SUCCOTH 2022.

.....SHAVUOT 2022 (SUN, JUNE 5) plus 1-yr warning is SUNDAY, MAY 28, 2023....

.....and plus 55-56 days (75 minus tilt) is SIGNING, JULY 23.

.....37 days is 2557 (7 solar yrs) minus 2520 trib....a special PRIME #.

.....& SIGNING/TRIB COUNT START/LEO 1 plus 37 (w/ 7 yrs n.c.) is VIRGO 8, trib end, AV 9, 2030.

....37 x 24 = 888.........& all 4 FAST DAYS are accounted for (ZECH 8:19) as well.

.....MID TRIB (a.c. satanically rises, 1260 past RAPTURE)) is CAPRIC 15 (division/Remnant to Petra).

.....MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL, JAN 3, 2027 (1260 past SIGNING) minus tilt = TEV 1, Jesus' Concep anniv.

.....RETURN minus tilt loss (to earth straight) is GEM 24....plus 30 is CANCER 24.....plus 45 is VIRGO 8.

.....RAPTURE yr legal count start: YOM KIP 2022 yr to RETURN yr/YOM KIP 2029 yr....

......& legal counts of years can only start & end on YOM KIP (LEV 23).

.....Any 280 Gestation plus 75 = 355, shana (year)......and age counts only started on whole #'s...

......as JUBILEES begin on a ONE yr 51, 101, 151 (120 Promised) to 2001 (6001)....GEN 6:3....

.....w/ 20 full yrs not counted.

.....'could be' this WED, JULY 26.....

JANET HERSCU - July 25th, 2023 at 9:26pm

.................continued spec 'clarification/readjustment:'

Points that still seem relatable to this THUR, JULY 27, FAST of AV 9 (ZECH 8:19), possible RAPTURE:

....FAST of AV 9 minus future tilt loss is FAST of TAMMUZ 17.....ZECH 8:19.

.....MAY 14, 75 yrs Statehood......FIG TREE, plus 75 days n.c. is RAPTURE.

.....8th day SUCCOTH 2022/TISH 22 (ISA 26:20) plus 280 Church Gestation is SIGNING, JULY 24.

.....8th day SUCCOTH 2022, OCT 17 is Jesus' solar birthdate (280 past JAN 11-12 (really DEC 31).


.....MON, JULY 24 is LEO 1,12th Sign/LION of JUDAH (JULY 24 minus 23 loss will be JULY 1, LEO 1)

.....RAPTURE on TH, JULY 27 is AV 9....& trib end w/ tilt loss is AV 9 (AUG 8, 2030).

.....RETURN plus 30 days mourning (2550 days later) is TAMMUZ 17 (Isa 63, into Temple).

.....RETURN (Siv 16, JUNE 17, 2030) minus tilt is earth straight/MAY 24, 2030......

.....& plus 75 days (DAN 12:12) is AV 9 trib end.

.....ENTIRE TRIB (w/ tilt loss considered) is virtually AV 9 to AV 9 (2023 - 2030).....worst FAST DAY.

.....RETURN SIVAN 15-16, 2030 plus "4 mths to Harvest" is TABERNACLES, TISH 15, ZECH 14.

.....7 mths BURYING is perhaps TISH 10/YOM KIP 2023 (EZEK 38?) to NISAN 10, 2024.

.....NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB) plus 2300 (3 n.c. mid trib)....Dan 8:13-14....is trib end, AV 9, 2030.

.....5th Feast (ROSH HASHANA), next to be fulfilled, perhaps EZEK 38 plus 9 days awe to YOM KIP.

.....1-yr warning: FIRSTFRUITS 2022, NISAN 17, APR 18 (I Cor 15:20) plus 1 yr is APR 18, 2023.....

.....& APR 18, 2023 plus 98 (75 plus tilt...both n.c.) is MON, JULY 24, SIGNING.

....FAST of TEVET 10 (still in YOM KIP yr 2021) plus 280 is TISH 22, 8th day SUCCOTH 2022.

.....SHAVUOT 2022 (SUN, JUNE 5) plus 1-yr warning is SUNDAY, MAY 28, 2023....

.....and plus 55-56 days (75 minus tilt) is SIGNING, JULY 24.

.....37 days is 2557 (7 solar yrs) minus 2520 trib....a special PRIME #.

.....& SIGNING/TRIB COUNT START/LEO 1 plus 37 (w/ 7 yrs n.c.) is VIRGO 8, trib end, AV 9, 2030.

....37 x 24 = 888.........& all 4 FAST DAYS are accounted for (ZECH 8:19) as well.

.....MID TRIB ABOM DESOL, 1260 days past SIGNING) is CAPRIC 15 (division/Remnant to Petra).

.....RETURN minus tilt loss (to earth straight) is GEM 24....plus 30 is CANCER 24.....plus 45 is VIRGO 8.

.....RAPTURE yr legal count start: YOM KIP 2022 yr to RETURN yr/YOM KIP 2029 yr....7 yrs.

......& legal counts of years can only start & end on YOM KIP (LEV 23).

.....Any 280 Gestation plus 75 = 355, shana (year)......and age counts only started on whole #'s...

......as JUBILEES begin on a ONE yr 51, 101, 151 (120 Promised) to 2001 (6001)....GEN 6:3....

.....w/ 20 full yrs not counted.

.....280 days Church Gestation plus 75 post RETURN completes a year of 355 days.

.....'could be' this THUR, JULY 27.....

JANET HERSCU - July 27th, 2023 at 12:06am

Via spec, FRIDAY, JULY 28 is better:

TUES (JULY 25) SIGNING....3rd day/as Ketubah


MAY 14 (FIG TREE, 75 yrs STATEHOOD) plus 75 is JULY 28.

JUNE 5 SHAVUOT 2022 plus 1-yr warning is JUNE 5, 2023 & plus 52 (75 minus tilt) is JULY 28.

JULY 28 minus tilt loss will be JULY 9, Millen AV 9 & LEO 9 (straight earth, all in sync).

Trib end w/ tilt loss is AV 9 (Aug 8, 2030)....& end of 2300 days past NIS 10 (LAMB), 2024 (3 n.c.).

RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) is SIVAN 17.....plus 30 mourning is TAMMUZ 17.

This FRI, JULY 28, 2023, minus the future tilt loss is TAMMUZ 17.

5th Feast (ROSH 2022), next to be fulfilled, plus 280 plus the tilt (𝘁𝗼𝘁𝗮𝗹 302) is JULY 25 SIGNING.

Most else virtually same.........'could be' this FRI, JULY 28.......(????)....

JANET HERSCU - July 27th, 2023 at 9:25pm

....not my nature to be such a 'bother' (pitifully 'hemmed in' by the 'base meaning' of Luke 12:39-48 & MATT 24:43-44)........however, via spec, this SAT. JULY 29 fits well.

JULY 29 is LEO 9 & via straight earth (tilt loss) will be JULY 9, LEO 9, FAST AV 9.....all in sync.

2550 days later (2520 plus 30 mourn) is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE LEO 1 (JULY 22, 2030)....

...& JULY 22, 2030/straight earth will be JULY 1 (still LEO 1,LION of JUDAH, 12th Mazzarot sign).

Know that #12 means 'PERFECT GOV'T.'

FIG TREE MAY 15....75 yrs STATEHOOD.....plus 75 days is SAT, JULY 29.

JUNE 5, 2022 (SHAVUOT) plus 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) was JUNE 5, 2023.....

.....& plus 54 days (75 minus tilt) is WED, JULY 26 SIGNING (AV 8, trib start of 2520 days).

The 2300 days (3 n,c. mid trib): 2023 PASSOVER/LAMB SLAIN - TRIB END AV 15, 2030.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (SIGNING plus 1260): CAPRIC 15, JAN 6, 2027 (Gk Ortho Christmas).

RETURN (2520 past RAPTURE): CANCER 1.....plus 30 = LEO 1, LION OF JUDAH (ISA 63).

EARTH is straight (2030) JUNE 1, CANCER 1 (JOHN 10:28.....ISRAEL SAFE in His HAND).


If 377 days apply (as Noah delay), 1-yr warning = JULY 22, 2022 plus 377 to JULY 29, 2023.

SIGNING WED, JULY 26, 2023 minus future tilt loss is FAST of TAMMUZ 17 (JULY 6).

Know too that the SPAN betw FAST AV 9 & FAST TAMMUZ 17 is always tilt # (22-23 days).

210 days exact (7 mths burying) span YOM KIP 2023 to PASSOVER 2024 (LAMB SLAIN).

The 2 wit's RISE SHEVAT 2-3 (JAN 9-10, 2027); & minus future tilt loss will be FAST TEVET 10.

FAST of TEVET 10 was perhaps JESUS' IMPLANTATION DAY, 10th day CONCEPTION.......& FAST YOM KIP was 'turned to joy" when the veil tore.

Thus, all 4 FAST DAYS seem accounted for (ZECH 8:19).

EARTH IS STRAIGHT JUNE 1, SIVAN 1, 2030....& plus "4 mths to harvest" is TISHREI 1, ROSH.

Also, if signif, 5th Feast/ROSH/TISH 1, 2022 plus 280 Gestation plus tilt (303 total) is the SIGNING.

....looks possible, albeit mega spec.......so perhaps this SATURDAY, JULY 29....

JANET HERSCU - July 29th, 2023 at 9:38am

SUNDAY (when counts START). JULY 30 fits well also.

SIGNING was perhaps this past Thurs on FAST of AV 9, July 27 (minus tilt: FAST TAMMUZ 17).

JULY 30 is LEO 9 & via straight earth (tilt loss) will be JULY 9, LEO 9, FAST AV 9.....all in sync.

2550 days later (2520 plus 30 mourn) is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE LEO 1 (JULY 23, 2030)....

...& JULY 23, 2030/straight earth will be JULY 1 (still LEO 1, LION of JUDAH, 12th Mazzarot sign).

Know that #12 means 'PERFECT GOV'T.'

FIG TREE IYYAR 5 (Apr 26) plus 95 (75 plus tilt.....n.c.) is JULY 30.

JUNE 5, 2022 (SHAVUOT) plus 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) was JUNE 5, 2023.....

.....& plus 55 days (75 minus tilt) is THUR, JULY 27 SIGNING (AV 9, trib start of 2520 days).

The 2300 days (3 n,c. mid trib): 2023 PASSOVER/LAMB SLAIN - TRIB END AV 15, 2030, Aug 14-15.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (SIGNING plus 1260): Thur, JAN 7, 2027 (Gk Ortho Christmas, if signif).

RETURN (2520 past RAPTURE): CANCER 1.....plus 30 = LEO 1, LION OF JUDAH (ISA 63).

EARTH is straight (2030) JUNE 1, CANCER 1 (JOHN 10:28.....ISRAEL SAFE in His HAND).


If 377 days apply (as Noah delay), 1-yr warning = JULY 23, 2022 plus 377 to JULY 230, 2023.

SIGNING THUR, JULY 27, 2023 minus future tilt loss is FAST of TAMMUZ 17 (JULY 6).

The SPAN betw FAST AV 9 & FAST TAMMUZ 17 is always tilt # (22-23 days).

210 days exact (7 mths burying) span YOM KIP 2023 to PASSOVER 2024 (LAMB SLAIN).

The 2 wit's RISE SHEVAT 2-3 (JAN 10, 2027); & minus future tilt loss will be FAST TEVET 10.

FAST of TEVET 10 was perhaps anniv of JESUS' IMPLANTATION DAY, 10th day CONCEPTION.......& FAST of YOM KIP was 'turned to joy" when the veil tore.

Thus, all 4 FAST DAYS seem accounted for (ZECH 8:19).

EARTH IS STRAIGHT JUNE 1, SIVAN 1, 2030....& plus "4 mths to harvest" is TISHREI 1, ROSH.

....looks possible, albeit AGAIN mega spec.......so perhaps this SUNDAY, JULY 30....

JANET HERSCU - July 30th, 2023 at 1:38pm

....SUCH a seeming delay!....but, who am I to complain!? Only GOD knows the spiritual situation AND the remaining 'last-minute' potential conversions.

God gave us clear signs, obvious number spans and specific Scriptures......all of which clarify the 'midnight hour'.....thus I continue guessing. Read or delete.

MONDAY, JULY 31 (AV 13) fits the following:

SIGNING (July 28..?) was LEO 8..... 2550 (2520 30) is LEO 1, 2030 TEMPLE CLEANSING (Isa 63).

MON, JULY 31, 2023 minus future tilt loss will be LEO 9, JULY 9, AV 9 from then on (straight earth, all in sync).....thus RAPTURE will be recorded as this DAY OF JOY.

FIG TREE/MAY 14, 2023 (STATEHOOD, 75 yrs) plus 75 is SIGNING.

FIG TREE/IYYAR 5, 2023 plus 96 (75 tilt) is SIGNING (note til difference betw June 7 & May 14).

JULY 28 SIGNING minus tilt will be FAST TAMMUZ 17.

YOM KIP 2022 280 Gestation tilt (will minus) is JULY 31.

FAST YOM KIP 2023 plus 210 days (7 mths burying) is PASSOVER 2024/LAMB slain....

.....& 2300 days (3 n.c.) ends at trib end (w/ tilt loss)...RECONSECRATION (Dan 8).

RETURN (June 21, 2030) is CANCER 1.

30 mourning is LEO 1 (12th Sign, LION OF JUDAH into TEMPLE)

A.c. RISES SHEVAT 2-3, 2027 (JAN 11) & minus tilt will be FAST TEV 10......

.....& JAN 11 (really DEC 31) was orig TEV 1, Jesus' Conception anniv (8th day of 8th ?Feast)

75 minus tilt is 55-56.....& June 5, 2023 (1-yr warn past SHAVUOT 2022) 56 is SIGNING.

So, all 4 FAST DAYS seem accounted for....ZECH 8:19.

JULY 21, 2022 377 (Noah delay) is SIGNING....& JULY 21, 2030 is TEMPLE ENTR (Isa 63).

Earth is straight JUNE 1, 2030, SIVAN 1...... "4 mths to Harvest" is TISH 1, 5th Feast.

RETURN minus tilt is JUNE 1..... 30 mourning is LEO 1, JULY 1...all in sync.

...a few seeming nonsensical points above, but via mega spec/a real stretch, RAPTURE 'could be' MONDAY, JULY 31.

JANET HERSCU - July 30th, 2023 at 10:51pm

TUESDAY fits even better.....AUG 1, LE0 12 (12, 12)...AV 14 (#14 = 'DELIVERANCE.'

TUES is a 3rd day, ancient Wedding day & HOS 6:2-3, if applic.

SATURDAY SIGNING, JULY 29, LEO 9....will be AV 9 & JULY 9, straight earth, all in sync.



Mid-trib ABOM DESOL is SHEVAT 1 (11th mth....judg#)

RETURN is still CANCER 1.... 30 is LEO 1 (into Temple...2550 past SIGNING).

FIG TREE signs (MAY 14-15, IYYAR 5, IYYAR 28) all fit spans.....

ALL else is virtually same as last letter.......but add 1 day.

JANET HERSCU - July 31st, 2023 at 4:15pm

.....gleanable points from last few letters/possible WED, AUG 2 (AV 15...Tu b'AV) RAPTURE:

AV 15 is ISRAEL'S 'VALENTINES DAY,' if applic....tribe of Benjamin 're-instated'/Jewish history.

AUG 2 via MAZZAROT (Job) is LEO 12....#12 = perf gov't....LION of JUDAH in charge.

Counts begin on SUNDAYS (an 8th day).

SUNDAYS: SIGNING (July 30).....ABOM DESOL (JAN 10, 2027).....RETURN (JUNE 23, 2030)

SIGNING, July 30 is LEO 9, minus tilt will be straight-earth LEO 9, AV 9, JULY 9, all in sync.

FIG TREE IYYAR 28 (JERUSALEM DAY), 2022 plus 75 n,c. is RAPTURE.....

.....and IYYAR 28, 2030, earth is straight.......so 7 yrs IYYAR 28 to IYYAR 28.

98 = 75 plus 23 tilt....& FIG TREE IYYAR 5 (75 yrs Statehood) plus 98 is RAPTURE.

Also note 98 days post RETURN (day earth is straight/IYYAR 28) to trib end SEP 8 (w/out tilt loss).

The 280-day CHURCH GESTATION seems to span CHESVAN 1 (8th mth) to RAPTURE.

The 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) still span PASSOVER 2024 (NIS 15) to trib end (w/ tilt loss).

ALL AV 9 catastrophes in history will be 'as having occurred' on FAST of TAMMUZ 17 once earth is straight since those 2 FAST DAYS are tilt# apart.

("FAST DAYS to JOY".....ZECH :19).

Mid-trib ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) minus future tilt loss = FAST TEVET 10.

7 mths (210) BURYING: TISH 10, FAST of YOM KIP 2023 to PASSOVER 2024 (LAMB slain/desecration).

Day earth is straight (MAY 31-June 1-2...SIV 1, 2030) plus "4 mths to Harvest" is ROSH/5th Feast...

....opens FALL FEASTS/5th FEAST, next Feast to be fulfilled....plus 14 days to ZECH 14:15-18.

EARTH is straight CANCER 1.....plus 30 mourning is LEO 1, into TEMPLE, ISA 63....LION of JUDAH leads REMNANT up to Jerusalem.

2 wit's rise SHEVAT 8 (88), JAN 16, 2027, 3 1/2 days after a.c. satanically rises & kills them.

Note 23-day tilt# difference between IYYAR 5 & IYYAR 28....."watch the Gig Tree").

Return on a SUNDAY plus 30 mourning to ISA 63 Temple Entr is a TUES, 3rd day, Hos 6:2-3.

HOS 6:2-3 'may' also apply to a TUESDAY RAPTURE of the 'SPIRITUAL ISRAEL.'

TUES (blessed twice at Creation) was ancient Wedding Day (& as 3rd day Wedding in Cana).

JAN 10, 2027 (1260 past RAPTURE) minus 11-day calendar error is really DEC 31, the orig TEVET 1, Jesus' CONCEPTION DAY (since plus 280 days Gestation was Birth/SUCCOTH/TABERNACLES.

According to the Orthodox calendar, those 280 days were perhaps JAN 12-13 to OCT 18....?....

....and day a.c. satanically rises: JAN 13.

483 yrs punishment (land-rest D͏e͏bt) completed at the CROSS....plus 7-yr trib = 490 yrs complete (Daniel's 70th week, DAN 9).

....so, via spec 'could be' this WED, AUG 2......at least my 70th guess!!!

JANET HERSCU - August 2nd, 2023 at 3:18pm

...perhaps FRIDAY, AUG 4.....

"4 mths to Harvest" could be NISAN 17 (FIRSTFRUITS) to AV 17 (Aug 4).

The 280 days CHURCH GESTATION still span YOM KIP 2022 (Oct 5)....plus tilt (will minus) to AUG 4....

....but note that OCT 5 was also LIBRA 15, future straight-earth TISHREI 15 & SEPT 15.

FIG TREE IYYAR 28 (minus tilt = FIG TREE IYYAR 5) plus 75 is SIGNING, AUG 1.

SIGNING is TUES, 3rd day (as Ketubah/ancient Wedding Contract).

The 2300 spans (much more reasonably) NISAN 1, 2023 (EZEK 45:18, Num 19, RED HEIFER, 3rd Temple) to the TEMPLE ENTRANCE (JULY 25-27) 30 days past RETURN.

Earth is straight SIVAN 1...plus 4 mths is TISH 1, 2030...plus 14 days to TABERNACLES (ZECH 14).

The 7 mths BURYING span TISH 1, ROSH 2023 (EZEK 38...?....5th Feast) to NISAN 1, 2024.....the plus 2300 tp TEMPLE RECONSECRATION (ISA 63).

If signif, ROSH 2023, SEPT 16, is SCORPIO 24.

The SIGNING (TUES, AUG 1....?) is still 23 1/2 days (tilt #, will minus) past JULY 9, the future/straight-earth AV 9.....& if only future 30-day mths are considered, it's 23 exact.

Via MAZZAROT, RAPTURE at AUG 4 is LEO 15....middle LION of JUDAH.

Mid-trib ABOM DESOL (a.c. satanically rises, 1260 past RAPTURE) is CAPRICORN 24 (coveted).

TUESDAYS: SIGNING.......ABOM DESOL......RETURN (plus 2 days straightening/Hos 6:2-3....?)

...so, via spec, 'could be' this FRIDAY, AUG 4.

JANET HERSCU - August 3rd, 2023 at 10:39pm

....latest thoughts....not much to go on......but perhaps SUN, AUG 6.....LEO 15:

AUG 6, 2022 (FAST of AV 9) plus 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) is SUN, AUG 6, 2023.

NISAN 17 (FIRSTFRUITS, I Cor 15:20) plus 120 days ("4 mths to Harvest"/snatching) is SUN, AUG 6.

Return minus tilt loss is earth straight SIVAN 6 (SHAVUOT 2030), JUNE 7, 2030.

APR 28 (future IYYAR 28, JERUSALEM DAY) plus 97 (tilt plus 75 n.c.) is SIGNING, AUG 3.

NISAN 1, 2024 (Ezek 45:18, Num 19, 3rd Temple) is 7 mths BURYING past ROSH 2023......

.....& NISAN 1, 2024 plus 2300 days is Isa 63 TEMPLE Reconsecration, JULY 27, 2030 (LEO 8, 30 days past RETURN.....& 2550 days past AUG 6, 2023.....

.......any LEO 15 to LEO 8 (7 yrs) is 2550 days (2520 30)....same span as 583 B.C. to 1967.

SUCCOTH 2022 (ISA 26:20) plus 280 plus tilt (will minus) is AUG 6, 2023.

PURIM 2023 plus 5 mths (150, as Noah) is SIGNING.


SIGNING was LEO 12 (12,12)....Aug 3.

....much more/no time....

So via spec, 'could be' this SAT or SUNDAY, AUG 6.....& if not, God's timing is better anyway.

JANET HERSCU - August 7th, 2023 at 3:15pm

O.k!.....here are some seemingly awesome points (IF TRUE)!.....perhaps WED, AUG 9!!!

SHAVUOT 2023 75 n.c. is AUG 9.

SHAVUOT 2030 (earth straight) 75 n,c. is trib end.


END of CHURCH AGE is SHAVUOT 2023....plus 75 n.c. to RAPTURE,

START of MILLEN AGE is SHAVUOT 2030, TUES, JULY 9, Millen AV 9, LEO 9...all in sync.

FIRST-FRUITS 2023 (I Cor 15:20) 120 ("4 mths to harvest") is AUG 6 SIGNING (start of 2520).

303 days is 280 Church Gestation 23 tilt....& SUCCOTH (Isa 26:20) 2022 303 is AUG 9.

RETURN minus tilt loss is SHAVUOT 2030 & plus 30 mourning is JULY 9, LEO 9, Millen AV 9...

....& that is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE DAY.....& a TUES!


RETURN (SUN, JUNE 30, 2030) plus 30 mourn is JULY 30 which is 2300 days ( 3 n.c.) past NISAN 1, 2024 (7 mths burying past ROSH 2023).


7 moons (196) BURYING/BLDG 3rd Temple past YOM KIP 2023 is also NISAN 1, 2024.

ROSH HASHANA 2023 (5 weeks past RAPTURE) is 5th Feast, next Feast to be fulfilled (EZEK 38....?).

Tuesdays (in 2030): Temple Entr 30 days past Return/same day as tilt loss 21 days before, TUES,JULY 9.

Also, HOS 6:2-3, "ISRAEL (REMNANT/true Israel) SHALL BE RAISED UP ON 3rd DAY".....TEMPLE ENTRANCE, TUES, JULY 9, new/Millen AV 9 (ZECH 8:19) & LEO 9......straight earth.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL when a.c. satanically rises (indwelt by Satan) is AQUARIUS 1 (Jan 20, 2027).

If signif, CHESVAN 8 (8,8) plus 280 Gestation is AUG 9, 2023 possible RAPTURE.

Also, the 2 wit's RISE on SHEVAT 15.....mid 11th (judg#) mth.....JAN 23, 2027.

JANET HERSCU - August 7th, 2023 at 3:58pm

CORRECTION: 6th line down from top of last letter should read:

MILLEN AGE BEGINS SHAVUOT, 2030, JUNE 9, SUN, SICAN 8, earth straight.

JANET HERSCU - August 9th, 2023 at 2:06pm

...slight change in the spec 'figuring'......RAPTURE perhaps FRI, AUG 11 (AV 24).

SIGNING: TUES (3rd day, as Ketubah/Wedding Contract), Aug 8 (LEO 18...666, if applic).

FIRSTFRUITS APR 8, 2023 plus 4 solar mths ("to Harvest") is TUES, AUG 8, SIGNING.

SHAVUOT 2023, SUN, MAY 28 plus 75 n.c. is FRI, AUG 11.

RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING) is TUES (3rd day....HOS 6:2-3), JULY 2, 2030....

.......& plus 3 straightening is JULY 5.....same day as straight-earth SUN, JUNE 9 SHAVUOT.

SHAVUOT 2030, earth straight 30 mourn is JULY 9, LEO 9, Millen AV 9 (ISA 63, into Temple).

JULY 5, 2030 (earth straight) plus 30 days mourning will be AUG 5.....

.....& AUG 5 is END of 2300 days past eve NISAN 10, 2024 (APR 17, 2023)....7 mths past YOM KIP.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) is SHEVAT 11 (11,11) & AQUARIUS 1 (coveted).

TISH 15 (Isa 26:20) plus 280 is CHESVAN 8.....8,8......plus tilt (will minus) is SIGNING, AUG 8.

SHAVUOT is SIVAN 6, but must be a SUNDAY.

Note SHAVUOT 2023 (CHURCH AGE ENDED..... 75 n.c.)....& SHAVUOT 2030 earth straight.

Also note SIV 6, Mt Sinai..........SIV 6 PENTECOST/ACTS 2......END CHURCH AGE SHAVUOT 2023.......& EARTH STRAIGHT 2030 START MILLEN AGE.......

......ALL SHAVUOT, start of each dispensation: LAW......GRACE......MILLEN....

Earth is straight CANCER 11...plus 30 is LEO 12 (12,12.....'perf gov't'), TEMPLE ENTRANCE.

20 FULL YRS (20 yrs 365.9999 days) are n.c., still 'on schedule' via GEN 6:3, full 120 JUB'S.

Anyway, 'could be' this FRIDAY, AUG 11.....

JANET HERSCU - August 10th, 2023 at 9:22pm

...via spec, SAT, AUG 12 fits MANY points:

SUN, APR 9, 2023, actual FIRSTFRUITS (I Cor 15:20) plus 4 solar mths ("to Harvest"/'snatching') is WED, AUG 9 SIGNING......plus 3 to RAPTURE.

SHAVUOT, SIVAN 6 (FRI, MAY 26, 2023) plus 75 days n.c. is SIGNING.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is AQUARIUS 1.....('Age of Aquarius') coveted Mazzarot point.....WED, JAN 20, 2027.

RETURN (2520 days past RAPTURE) is SAT, JULY 6, 2030, CANCER 15 (Jn 10:28)....plus 30 mourning is LEO 15 (into Temple, ISA 63).

RETURN (SAT, JULY 6, 2030) plus 30 days mourning is AUG 5, LEO 15 (into Temple/LION of JUDAH plus REMNANT)....

...plus 45 days judg of nations (to complete the 1335 days...DAN 12:12) is trib end at LIBRA 1.....

.....& LIBRA 1 is future straight-earth TISH 1 & SEPT 1.....5th Feast/ROSH start of FALL FEASTS.

There must be a ROSH HASHANA (5th Feast) to precede YOM KIP & TABERNACLES.

The 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) span NISAN 10 (LAMB), 2024, to AUG 5, 2030 (Temple Entr, Isa 63).

NISAN 10, 2024 is 7 mths BURYING/BLDG 3rd Temple past YOM KIP 2023.

ROSH 2023 (TISH 1...5th Feast/next to be fulfilled) plus 9 days AWE is YOM KIP 2023 (EZEK 38....?).

7 mths burying also spans TISH 1, ROSH 2023 to NISAN 1, 2024.....3rd Temple Cleansing/red heifer/EZEK 45:18, NUM 19......then plus 9 days to NISAN 10 (LAMB), start of the 2300 days to Temple Reconsecration 30 days past RETURN.

SIGNING (WED, AUG 9....?) is LEO 18 (666), if MAZZAROT applies.

1-yr (365 days) warning (Jer 51:46) spans AV 15, 2022 (AUG 12) to AUG 12, 2023 RAPTURE.........

.....& TEMPLE ENTR (Isa 63) on straight-earth JULY 15, 2030 is the new/Millen/straight-earth AV 15 (& LEO 15).....all in sync......plus 45 more days is trib end/new TISHREI 1, ROSH/LIBRA 1 & SEPT 1.

Again, CHURCH AGE spanned ACTS 2 SHAVUOT/PENTECOST to SHAVUOT 2023 (CHURCH AGE CLOSES)......plus the 75 n.c. to the SIGNING (trib count start of the first 1260).

Know that after JESUS' RETURN, there are 75 more days to trib end (Dan 12:12); & both of the 75's are 'not counted.'

Know too that any 280-day Gestation plus 75 is 355 (300, 50, 5.....shana).

If ISA 26:20 applies, mid Succoth 2022 (John 7:14) plus 280 days 'Church gestation' plus another 22 days tilt (will minus) is the RAPTURE.....spec.

MID TRIB when a.c. satanically rises (JAN 23, 2027) is SHEVAT 15 (mid 11th mth/judg#).

The 2550 days (2520 trib plus 30 mourning) span AUG 12, 2023 RAPTURE/LEO 22 to LEO 15, 2030 (AUG 5) ......i.e. AUG 12 to AUG 5 (7 yrs n.c.) is 2550 days......

.....& 2550 YRS also spanned 583 B.C. to 1967.

Note in 2030 earth straight, CANCER 15, JUNE 15.....& plus "4 mths to Harvest" is TISH 15, actual SUCCOTH (ZECH 14:15-18), Oct 12, 2030.


(LEV 23) Yom Kip 2022 (the year we are in) minus 20 full yrs n.c. (20 yrs plus 364.9999 days) is YOM KIP 2001 (6001).....start 121st JUB/7th Millen....Gen 6:3.....so all is 'still on schedule'......you know the rest.

In Israel, age 1-20 (full) was n.c. in tribal counts.......same w/ the 6000 full yrs completed plus 21 yrs n.c. God, the MASTER MATHEMATICIAN, still handles NUMBERS & SPANS as in Bible times.

7 yrs fuel use may span ROSH 2023 (EZEK 38?) to the new/Millen ROSH 2030, trib end.

So, all spans seem to 'harmonize'....whatever it's worth, my 75th guess!.......'could be' this SAT, AUGUST 12.

JANET HERSCU - August 12th, 2023 at 2:43pm

SUNDAY, AUG 13 seems to fit all as well.

AUG 13 is LEO 24 ('LION/888' if signif).

Counts start on SUNDAYS.

MID SUCCOTH (John 7:14, ISA 26:20), TISH 18, 2022 plus 280 plus tilt (will minus) is AUG 10 SIGNING.

SHAVUOT 2023 plus 75 n.c. is AUG 10 SIGNING.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is AQUAR 1 and SHEVAT 13 (11 judg, 13 rebellion).

RETURN at CANCER 15....plus 30 is LEO 15 (ISA 63).....plus 45 more to trib end, LIBRA 1, Millen TISH 1, ROSH.

5th & 6th Feasts must precede 7th Feast, TABERNACLES.

The 2300 days span NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB) to AUG 5, 2030......30 days past RETURN.

TRIB END (w/ tilt loss) is SEPT 1, LIBRA 1, Millen TISH 1 (5th Feast, next to be fulfilled).

Most else same.......could be TODAY & TOMORROW!!!

JANET HERSCU - August 13th, 2023 at 1:30pm

....AND if MON, AUG 14, then via spec, the following points seem to harmonize:

AUG 14 is LEO 24 (12,12,12 & 12,888).

AV 9 plus 370 (as Noah, post-flood delay) is AUG 11 SIGNING.....& AV 9 minus tilt is TAM 17.

SHAVUOT 2023 (Sun, May 28, SIVAN 8) plus 75 n.c. is AUG 11 SIGNING.

MID-SUCCOTH (Jn 7:14, Isa 26:20) plus 280 gestation plus tilt (will minus) is AUG 11.

MAY 6 (future, straight-earth/Millen SIVAN 6) plus 97 (75 plus tilt) is AUG 11.

1-yr warn (Jer 51:46) may span APRIL 17 FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I Cor 15:20) to APR 17, 2023.....

.....& plus "4 mths to Harvest" (snatching/harpazo) is AUG 14.

OCT 17, 2022 (TISH 22.....280 past TEV 10) plus 280 & plus tilt is AUG 14.

NIS 10, 2024 (LAMB) is 7 mths burying past YOM KIP 2023...

....and plus 2300 days (DAN 8) is AUG 5, 2030 (30 days mourning past RETURN).

TRIB END (w/ tilt loss) is SEPT 1, LIBRA 1, Millen TISH 1 (5th Feast).....plus 14 is SUCCOTH.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) is still AQUAR 1 (Jan 22, 2027).

Via Mazzarot, SIGNING is LEO 21-22...plus 2550 (2520 plus 30) is LEO 15 (Aug 5, 2030), ISA 63.

Note also that all the catastrophes of AV 9 via straight earth will be as TAM 17 (ZECH 8:19).

Actual 7-yr count (483 yrs plus 7 = 490) is YOM KIP 2022 to YOM KIP 2029 (RETURN YR), Lev 23.

All else 'same'......'could well be' this coming MON (or TUES)....

JANET HERSCU - August 14th, 2023 at 10:59pm

Via spec, all now seems to also fit this WED, AUG 16 (AV 29), as well.

Future tilt loss taking 2-3 days is a loss of 20 days ("days cut short"); & AUG 16 minus 20 is FAST AV 9.

Apr 18, 2023 (1-yr warning past APR 18, 2022, NIS 17, I Cor 15:20).....plus 120 (4 mths) is AUG 16.

Mid-SUCCOTH 2022 (Isa 26:20, John 7:14), Oct 13 (TISH 18), plus 280 plus tilt is SIGNING, AUGUST 13.

SIGNING, AUG 13 is LEO 24 (12,12,12).

SUN, JULY 7, 2030 RETURN plus 2 days straightening (Hos 6:2-3) plus 30 days mourning is FAST AV 9 (TEMPLE ENTRANCE, ISA 63, AUG 8, 2030)..........

.....same day as FAST TAMMUZ 17 w/ tilt loss.

RETURN plus 30 days mourning is END of the 2300 days starting at NISAN 10 (LAMB), 2024.....7 mths past YOM KIP 2023 (EZEK 38?).......

......& those 2300 days span NISAN 10, 2024 to AUG 6, 2030...or AUG 8 w/ 2 days straightening (ISA 63).

Earth is virtually straight JUNE 15, 2030 plus "4 mths to Harvest" is TABERNACLES, OCT 12...ZECH 14.

Trib end w/ all considered is SEPT 1, LIBRA 1, new/Millen TISH 1 (5th Feast)........7 yrs fuel use (Ezek 39:9) past TISHREI 1 (ROSH), 2023.....EZEK 38...??...plus 9 days AWE to YOM KIP 2023......then plus 7 mths burying/bldg 3rd Temple is NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB) & plus 2300 days to ISA 63.

& NISAN 1, 2024 (EZEK 45:18, NUM 19, RED HEIFER?) is 7 'moons 196' past YOM KIP 2023.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL at SUN, JAN 24, 2027 minus tilt is JAN 4 which, due to the 12-day calendar error, is DEC 24, the original KISLEV 24 (HAG 2...."Desire of nations"....coveted date).....

....& JAN 24, 2027 plus 3 days a.c. satanically rises/kills 2 wit's who rise 3 1/2 days later on SHEVAT 22 11,11,11), triple judg.

W/ counts beginning on SUNDAYS, SHAVUOT 2023 plus '75' days n.c. is SIGNING. There are also 75 post-Return days n.c. (DAN 12:12......1335 minus 1260 = 75) since Jesus is already back to earth.


...'could be' this WED, AUG 16....probably NOT, but we can hope....what to do when certain spans still fit?

JANET HERSCU - August 16th, 2023 at 8:09am

Via spec RAPTURE 'could be' this FRI, AUG 18 (ELUL 1).

Now the FAST of AV 9 (ZECH 8:19) seems to 'enclose' the entire scenario as I see it!

AV 9, 2022 (AUG 6) plus 377 days (as Noah delay) is AUG 18, if applic.

AV 9, 2023 plus the tilt (will minus) is FRI, AUG 18.

AV 9 (Isa 63 Temple Entrance) is also 30 days past the RETURN.....

.....& that AV 9 minus the tilt loss is TAMMUZ 17.....'as same day'......

......& earth is straight (Return minus 22) JUNE 17, 2030, the new/Millen FAST of TAMMUZ 17.

TUESDAYS (3rd day/Hos 6:2-3) reign: SIGNING (as Wedding Ketubah), ABOM DESOL, RETURN.

Trib end is still LIBRA 1 (SEPT 22-23 before tilt loss, SEPT 1...new TISH 1 straight earth).

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (Tues, JAN 26, 2027) is SHEVAT 18 (judg/666).....

....& minus future tilt loss is JAN 4 which is REALLY DEC 24 (due to 12-day calendar error).

DEC 24 was the original KISLEV 24.....HAG 2....."Desire of Nations".....likely coveted.

FIRSTFRUITS 2022, APR 17, (I Cor 15:20) plus 1-yr warn (Jer 51:46) is APR 17, 2023....

.....& plus tilt (will minus) is SIGNING, TUES, AUG 15......& AUG 15 is LEO 24 (LION/888).

Via a last 7-day warning (as to Noah before Flood start), SUN, MAY 28 SHAVUOT plus 75 n.c. plus 7 days last warning is FRI, AUG 18.

RAPTURE at AUG 18 is ELUL 1 (2023)...& TRIB END w/ tilt loss is 'ELUL 1' (7 completed Jewish yrs).

As for SUCCOTH 2022 (ISA 26:20, TISH 22, anniv Jesus' Brit Mila/Circumcision 8th day), TISH 22, 2022 (SHMENI ATZERET) plus 280 days Church Gestation plus tilt (will minus) is SIGNING (start of the 2520-day trib to RETURN). (Know that blood clots on 8th day....prothrombin/Vit K.....kicks in.

If applic, FAST of TEVET 10 plus 280 days is TISHREI 22 (8th day SUCCOTH).

30 days past the RETURN is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE on AV 9 ("JOY"), the END of 2300 days Temple

Desecration (3 n.c. mid trib).....Dan 8:13-14..... past NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB into Temple)......spec.

7 mths (solar) BURYING/BLDG 3rd Temple spans TISH 1/ROSH/5th Feast 2023 to NISAN 10, 2024.

7 Jewish mths span YOM KIP, TISH 10 , 2023 to NISAN 10, 2024.

7 moons (196 days) span ROSH 2023 to NISAN 1, 2024 (3rd Temple/EZEK 45:18/NUM 19/RED HEIFER).

As for 'close of CHURCH AGE' at Shavuot 2023.....spec:



.....SIVAN 6, 2023 CHURCH AGE CLOSES (plus 75 & 7 n.c.to SIGNING).

YOM KIP 2022 (legal count start) to YOM KIP 2029 (RETURN YR) is the actual 7-yr count/Lev 23......& YOM KIP 2022 minus 20 FULL YRS (20 yrs plus 364.999 days) is YOM KIP 2001/6001, start 121st JUB, 7th Millen (GEN 6:3). In the military, a 20-yr old soldier could stay home 1 more yr if he marries (since 20 yrs was n.c. in tribe # counts). So all still seems 'on schedule.'

Anyway, that's what seems to be clear to me at this point via the accompanying spans.

JANET HERSCU - August 16th, 2023 at 2:48pm

Jesus said, "watch the FIG TREE."

MAY 14 (75 yrs Statehood) plus 75 plus tilt (96 total days n.c.) is this FRIDAY, AUG 18.

....'could be' applicable....

JANET HERSCU - August 18th, 2023 at 12:44am

ADD A DAY....to SAT, AUG 19.....if you can 'stomach' another spec date.

RAPTURE is possibly SAT, AUG 19 (w/ SIGNING 3 days previous, AUG 16).

Could "THE DAY OF THE LORD" be 7 yrs ELUL 2 - ELUL 3...?

This SAT, AUG 19, is ELUL 2.......& trib end w/ tilt loss is ELUL 3 (Sept 1, 2030).

A.c. satanically rises on the worst calendar day, SHEVAT 22 (11,11,11....triple 11 & a SABBATH.

Via MAZZAROT, SIGNING (Wed, Aug 16..?) was LEO 24 (12,12,12)....start of the 2520-day trib.

RETURN plus 30 days (adjusted 30-day Jewish mths) will be FAST of AV 9 (into Temple).

AV 9 minus tilt loss will be 'same day' as FAST of TAMMUZ 17 (ISA 63 into Temple).

The FAST of AV 9, 2030 (into Temple/RECONSECRATION) ends 2300 days desecration ( 3 n.c.) starting at NISAN 10 (LAMB), 2024.......7 Jewish mths burying past TISH 10, YOM KIP (EZEK 38...?).

MAY 14, 2023 (75-yr Statehood anniv/FIG TREE) plus 97 days (75 plus tilt...both n.c.) is SIGNING.

Firstfruits Promise (I Cor 15:20), APR 18, 2022, NIS 17......plus 1-yr warning to APR 18, 2023.....plus 120 days ("4 mths to Harvest") is SIGNING.

All else 'same' as last letter....'could be' this SATURDAY, .AUGUST 19.

JANET HERSCU - August 19th, 2023 at 9:57pm

FAST of AV 9 plus tilt (21 tilt) is SIGNING, FRI, AUG 18, 2023....

......so straight RAPTURE date will be AV 9 (ZECH 8:19).

APR 18, 2022 (NIS 17...I Cor 15:20) plus 1-yr warning is APR 18, 2023 plus "4 mths" is SIGNING.

MAY 14, 2023 (FIG TREE, 75 yrs) plus 96 (75 plus tilt....both n.c.) is SIGNING.

378 days (as Noah in Ark) spans AV 9, 2022 to SIGNING.

RAPTURE is VIRGO 1 (1st day Mazzarot/purity)....& trib end (7 yrs n.c.) is LIBRA 10......40 days total.

PASSOVER 2024 (7 mths past YOM KIP 2023) plus 2303 (Dan 8) is TEMPLE ENTR 2030....

& w/ tilt difference, NISAN 1, 2024 plus 2300 (3 n.c.) is TEMPLE ENTR JULY 24, 2030 (LEO 24).

RETURN CANCER 24.....plus 30 is LEO 24 (into Temple).....plus 45 more = LIBRA 10 (new Tish 10).

Trib end LIBRA 10 (Millen YOM KIP, Tish 10) plus 5 days is LIBRA 15...Millen TISH 15 (ZECH 14).

RETURN (JULY 15, 2030) plus 75 (Dan 12:12) is ROSH, 5th Feast.....

....& YOM KIP (6th Feast) must precede TABERNACLES 2030.

Anyway, via spec, could well be this MON, AUG 21....ELUL 4.

JANET HERSCU - August 22nd, 2023 at 10:25am

.......or possibly this WED, AUG 23, via spec, can't surmise a scenario beyond that (said that before!).

All virtually same as last letter, but add a day........plus counts begin on SUNDAYS.

Note also VIRGO 1 (RAPTURE) to LIBRA 10 (TRIB END).....w/ 7 yrs n.c......is 40 days (as Flood span).

Also MID-TRIB when a.c. satanically rises is SHEVAT 26 (11, 13, 13.....'judg/double rebellion').

IYYAR 5 (FIG TREE) plus "4 mths to harvest" is also AUG 23.

JULY 14, 2023 plus 40 is AUG 23.......& RETURN is JULY 14, 2030.....7 solar yrs......both CANCER 24.

CANCER 24 (11,888)......God's 'protective grip'..... JOHN 10:28.....

......plus 30 days mourning is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE LEO 24 (12,12,12 & 12/888).....LION OF JUDAH.

Whether AUG 23 or not, it's surely soon.

JANET HERSCU - August 23rd, 2023 at 1:06pm

....& the NEXT 'speculatively-surmised' date: FRI, AUG 25.

CHURCH AGE, FEASTS 1-4 completed....L..trib: FALL FEASTS (5,6,7) completed.

SIGNING TUESDAY/3rd day/as Ketubah, AUG 22 (ELUL 5 & VIRGO 1....pure Virgin/Church...spec).

FIG TREE IYYAR 5, 2023 (anniv 75 yrs) plus "4 Jewish mths to Harvest" is ELUL 5 SIGNING.

VIRGO 1 plus 40 days (as Flood....40: # of testing) is LIBRA 10, 2030, trib end.

VIRGO 1, 2023 (SIGNING/trib count start of 2520 days) to LIBRA 10 (will be new/straight-earth YOM KIP/TISH 10) is 40 days (w/ the 7 yrs n.c.)....."as in the days of Noah."

1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) was perhaps FAST AV 9, 2022 (AUG 6) to AUG 6, 2023......

.....then plus the 19-20 days tilt is FRI, AUG 25, 2023 (RAPTURE?).

RAPTURE plus 20-21 days (tilt #) is SEP 16, 2023 ROSH HASHANA 5th Feast.....possible EZEK 38 Victory......

....so when earth is straight, RAPTURE & ROSH HASHANA will be 'as occurring on the same day.'

In other words, w/ future tilt loss considered, RAPTURE is on ROSH HASHANA.

7 Jewish mths burying bodies/bldg 3rd Temple spans ROSH 2023 to NISAN 1, 2024 (has 2 ADARS).

NISAN 1, 2024 plus 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) is ISA 63 Temple Entrance (RECONSECRATION), JULY 27, 2030 (w/ tilt loss considered).

NISAN 1, 2024: EZEK 45:18, NUM 19, RED HEIFER


.....plus 30 days mourning (ZECH 12:10, 13:6) is LEO 24 (into Temple), AUG 15, 2030 (before tilt loss).

TRIB END is new/Millen 6th FEAST (YOM KIP, SEPT 10, LIBRA 10)......

.....& plus 5 more days is 7th Feast, TABERNACLES (ZECH 14:15-18).....FALL FEASTS COMPLETED.

If MAZZAROT applies, a.c. satanically rises AQUAR 15 ('Age of Aquar'), FEB 5, 2027....1260 days past RAPTURE.

Via straight-earth, 360-day yr, any CANCER 24 plus the 75 days to trib end is LIBRA 10.

So, the above looks plausible.....

JANET HERSCU - August 23rd, 2023 at 10:43pm

CHESVAN 24 (8,888) could be the most 'beautiful # day' on the JEWISH CALENDAR.....

...& CHESVAN 24 (Church 280-day Gestation?) is FRI, AUG 25 (birth).

Also, 75 days are n.c. on both sides of the trib....& 75 plus tilt is 95.

So also note FIG TREE IYYAR 28 plus 95 is SIGNING, TUES, AUG 22.

JANET HERSCU - August 24th, 2023 at 7:07pm

....and if this SUNDAY (when counts start), Aug 27, then via spec, the following seems to apply:

RAPTURE plus 21 days is ROSH HASHANA.....& via 21-day future tilt loss, the days are 'the same.'

FIG TREE IYYAR 5 (75 yrs) plus 97 (75 plus 22 tilt.....n.c.) plus 4 mths (120) is SIGNING, AUG 24.


Eve CHESVAN 24 (8,888) plus 280 Church Gestation (mega spec) is AUG 24 (start of the 2520 days).

FAST AV 9, 2022 (AUG 6) plus 1-yr warn (Jer 51:46) is AUG 6, 2023 plus 21 tilt is SUN, AUG 27.

EZEK 38 may occur on TISH 1 (5th Feast, next Feast to be fulfilled....or YOM KIP, 6th Feast, 2023).....plus 7 moons (196) BURYING/BLDG 3rd Temple is APR 9, NISAN 1, 2024 (EZEK 45:18, NUM 19 RED HEIFER.....

....& plus 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR/SAT, JULY 27, 2030 (straight earth).

...or 2520 days trib past RAPTURE (SUN, AUG 27...?) is RETURN, SUN, JULY 21, 2030 (LEO 1).....

.....& plus 30 days mourning is VIRGO 1 (into TEMPLE/pure Remnant) plus 45 is trib end LIBRA 15....

....& of course LIBRA 15 will be the Millen/straight-earth TABERNACLES/TISH 15 (ZECH 14:15-18).....

......or RETURN is 3 days earlier on FAST TAMMUZ 17, THUR, JULY 18, 2030 (2520 days past SIGNING).....followed by 3 days straightening...to JULY 21 (LEO 1).

"FAST DAYS TO JOY" (ZECH 8:19) may be:


....EZEK 38 YOM KIP 2023

....AV 9, 2022 was the 1-yr warning

....SEPT 10 (75 past day earth is straight, JUNE 27, 2030) is new/Millen TISH 10

....FAST TEVET 10, 2021 plus 1-yr warn (355) to ELUL 10, 2022....plus span to RAPTURE (minus tilt), so not a full yr/uncountable

FALL FEASTS (#'s 5,6,7)

RAPTURE plus 21 days is ROSH (Sep 16, 2023)

ROSH 2023 minus future tilt loss will be AUG 27 (RAPTURE)...'as same day' when earth is straight

TISH 1, 2023 EZEK 38...or

YOM KIP 2023 EZEK 38...or

Sept 10, 2030, the new/Millen YOM KIP

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) is AQUAR 15 ('mid Age of Aquar'), Th, FEB 4, 2027.

3 days later...satanically rises....AQUAR 18 (666)....FEB 7....SHEVAT 30.

SUNDAYS (counts start): RAPTURE......A.C. RISES.......RETURN (if not 3 days earlier).

RETURN on the SUNDAY would be LEO 1, LION OF JUDAH....plus 30 = VIRGO 1 (REMNANT into Temple)........plus 45 = LIBRA 15 (DAN 12:12........1260 plus 1260 plus 30 plus 45......to trib end).

NISAN 1, 2024 (APR 9)....start of 2300 days desecration/Dan 8:13-14 is TAURUS 18 (666)......& DEUT

33:17, if applic/spec.




....A.C. RISES AQUAR 18 (666)



....TRIB END LIBRA 15 (will be straight-earth TISH 15, SUCCOTH)

....'could be' this SUNDAY, AUG 27 (ELUL 10) .since so far, nothing is late & "fullness of time" is obvious.

.JANET HERSCU - August 24th, 2023 at 9:06pm

The 97 days (75 plus 22 tilt) span FIG TREE IYYAR 28 (May 19, 2023) to SIGNING.

The 120 days/4 mths span FIG TREE/75 yrs anniv IYYAR 5 (APR 26, 2023) to SIGNING.

JANET HERSCU - August 26th, 2023 at 10:23pm

.......seemingly clearer (via spec)...perhaps this MONDAY, AUG 28...FITS SO MUCH! What to do?

Via amazing MAZZAROT points:

RAPTURE:VIRGO 8, VIRGIN CHURCH (plus 2550 days is VIRGO 1 into Temple)



ISA 63 INTO TEMPLE: VIRGO 1 (pure/Virgin Remnant)

TRIB END: LIBRA 15....straight-earth SEP 15, new TISH 15 (TABERNACLES)

ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR on VIRGO 1 (straight-earth AUG 1, 2030) is RECONSECRATION/PURIFICATION.....

.......2300 days desecration (Dan 8:14-14) past NISAN 1, 2024 (3 days n.c. mid trib).

NISAN 1, 2024 (3rd Temple, EZEK 45:18, NUM 19, RED HEIFER) is 7 mths burying past ROSH 2023.

75 days are n.c. & plus tilt is virtually 94-95 days......& SHAVUOT (SIV 6) plus 94 n.c. is RAPTURE.

CHURCH AGE ACTS 2 to SIVAN 6, 2023 (END CHURCH AGE).....plus 94-95 n.c. is RAPTURE.

CHESVAN 24 (8,888), NOV 18, plus 280 days CHURCH gestation is FRI, AUG 25 SIGNING.

AUG 6, AV 9, 2022 plus 1 yr warning (Jer 51:46) is AUG 6, 2023.....plus 22 tilt (will minus) is RAPTURE.

This ROSH (5th Feast/next to be fulfilled) may be EZEK 38 INVAS/Victory (plus 9 days AWE to YOM KIP).

The spans from IYYAR 5 & IYYAR 28 (FIG TREE, tilt differ) to the SIGNING also harmonize.

Signing, FRI, AUG 25, is also tilt# past AV 15, if significant.

RAPTURE is VIRGO 8 (pure/Virgin Church).....& REMNANT enters TEMPLE VIRGO 1 (2550-day differ).

1260 plus 1260 plus 30 mourning is 2550......DAN 12:11-12.

...MUCH MORE...virtually same as last letter....add 1 day. WHY STOP NOW?!.....perhaps MONDAY!

JANET HERSCU - August 28th, 2023 at 12:15pm

TUES, AUG 29 (ELUL 12) fits all, as well.

TUESDAYS (3rd day, ancient Wedding day): RAPTURE, A.C. RUSES, RETURN (Hos 6:2-3)

RETURN LEO 1........into Temple VIRGO 1.......trib end LIBRA 15

ALL virtually same as last spec review.....

JANET HERSCU - August 28th, 2023 at 7:04pm

W/ these 'daily guesses,' i'm either a maniac OR 'somethin's up;' but perhaps it's the 'clarifying' process spoken of in Daniel....&/or the 'constant watching' of MATT 24:43-44....would like to think so.

Anyway, this WED, AUG 30 (ELUL13) fits many spans.

FAST of TEVET 10 plus 280 days Church Gestation plus tilt (total 302) is AUG 30.

SIVAN 6 (SHAVUOT) plus 75 n.c. plus tilt (total 96) is AUG 30.

FAST of TAMMUZ 17 plus 52 (75 minus future tilt loss) is SUN, AUG 27 SIGNING.

FAST AV 9 (Aug 6, 2022) plus 1-yr warn/Jer 51:46 is AUG 6...plus tilt (n.c.) is SIGNING, AUG 27.


RETURN (SUN, JULY 24, 2030) plus 30 mourn is TEMPLE ENTRANCE, a TUES, HOS 6:2-3.


.....plus 45 days (DAN 12:12) is trib end at FAST of YOM KIPPUR, 2030 (OCT 7).....

......same day (w/ tilt loss) as SEPT 15, LIBRA 15, Millen TISH 15, TABERNACLES (ZECH 14:15-18).

TEMPLE ENTR 30 days past RETURN is straight-earth AUG 1, VIRGO 1, 2300 past NISAN 1, 2024.

ROSH, 5th FEAST, TISH 1, 2023 plus 7 mths Burying/Bldg 3rd Temple is NISAN 1, 2024.....plus 2300 is RECONSECRATION.


ALL 4 FAST DAYS "to joy:" ZECH 8:19 (TAM 17, AV 9, TISH 10, TEV 10)

Via MAZZAROT, if applic:


...MID TRIB: AQUAR 18 (666)



...TRIB END: LIBRA 15 (Millen Tish 15, SEPT 15, all in sync)

ROSH, TISH 1, 5th Feast is next to be fulfilled (perhaps EZEK 38).

NISAN 1, 2024: LAND CLEANSED/TEMPLE CLEANSING/EZEK 45:18, NUM 19, Red Heifer (Desecration)

VIRGO 8, 2023 plus 2550 days is VIRGO 1, 2030......2520 plus 30 = 2550 days (DAN 12:11).

For trib to end at YOM KIPUR....but MAZZAROT point at LIBRA 15 (new TISH 15), the days TISH 10 to 15 'seem to disappear.'

Trib end w/ tilt loss (at SEPT 15, 2030) is ELUL 15......355 days (shana)....also 1-yr warning....past YOM KIP 2029......7 yrs trib count past YOM KIP YR 2022 (RAPTURE YR)......via legal count only on YOM KIP, LEV 23.

Most else same.......could well be this WED, AUG 30....

JANET HERSCU - August 29th, 2023 at 6:20pm

Well, via spec as I see it now, this FRIDAY, SEPT 1 coordinates many spans as well.

96 days n.c. (75 plus tilt) past SHAVUOT is FRI, SEPT 1.

AV 9 (AUG 6, 2022) plus 1-yr warn is AUG 6, 2023...plus tilt (will minus) is SIGNING, TUES, AUG 29.

TUES (SIGNING): as 'Ketubah-contract' day


RETURN (FRI, JULY 28, 2030......2520 days past RAPTURE) plus 75 days (DAN 12:12) is SUCCOTH.

H.S. will be 'restrained/gone from earth' for 7 yrs (2520 days)....483 plus 7 = 490 (Dan 9)....done.

TRIB END/SUCCOTH/TABERNACLES 2030 (OCT 12, 2030, ZECH 14:15-18), 75 past RETURN.

RETURN minus tilt loss is JULY 6, 2030 (earth straight).....

........& plus 30 days mourning is TEMPLE RECONSECRATION, AUG 5.....

....& AUG 5 RECONSECRATION (ISA 63) is 2300 (DAN 8:13-14) past NISAN 10 (LAMB), 2024.

FAST YOM KIP 2023 (EZEK 38...?) plus 7 mths burying/bldg 3rd Temple is NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB).

EZEK 38 VICTORY may also be ROSH 2023/TISH 1, 5th Feast; & plus 9 days AWE is YOM KIP.

Or if ROSH HASHANA 2023 is the EZEK 38 Victory....plus 7 Jewish mths burying is NISAN 1....

....& NISAN 1, 2024 is possibly the EZEK 45:18, NUM 19 RED HEIFER TEMPLE CLEANSING....

....& plus 9 days to NISAN 10, LAMB (....plus 2300 = Isa 63 TEMPLE ENTR, AUG 5, 2030).

As for the 280 CHURCH GESTATION, TEVET 1 (Jesus' Conception anniv), 2021 plus 1-yr warning....355 days....(Jer 51:46) is KISLEV 1, 2022 (Nov 25).....plus 280 days is RAPTURE......spec.

FAST TEVET 10 2022 plus 280 plus tilt (301 days) is SIGNING, TUES, AUG 29.

FAST TAMMUZ 17 plus 54-55 days (75 minus tilt loss) is also SIGNING, TUES, AUG 29.

If applic, TISH 15, 2029 plus 1-yr warn.....360 days/real yr.....is straight-earth trib end SEPT 21-22, future/Millen TISHREI 21-22 as well as SEPT 21-22 & LIBRA 21-22 (all in sync) from then on.....

....& Sept 21-22, 2030 (straight-earth trib end) plus 360 days (first perf yr) will be SEPT 15, 2031....TISHREI 15 TABERNACLES & LIBRA 15.....all in sync.

All the FAST AV 9 tragedies via straight earth will be as FAST .TAMMUZ 17.

4 FAST DAYS "to joy".....ZECH 8:19......seemingly fulfilled above.

Although the above is my most 'doubt-filled' review so far, the above outlines the only span connections via the dates that still fit the 120-Jub's/6000-yr (minus 21 yrs n.c.) promise (GEN 6:3).

However, it is surely difficult to see trib end beyond the promised TABERNACLES, OCT 12, 2030......

ZECH 14:15-18.

JANET HERSCU - September 1st, 2023 at 10:25pm

This SUN, SEPT 3 (ELUL 17), works via spec in many ways as a possible RAPTURE date.

150 days (as Noah delay) span FIRSTFRUITS (I Cor 15:20), NISAN 17 to ELUL 17, 2023.

KISLEV 1, 2022 (NOV 25) was 1-yr warn (355, shana)...Jer 51:46...past TEV 1 (Jesus' Concep).

SHAVUOT, SUN, MAY 28 (SIVAN 8) plus 98 days (75 n.c. plus 23 tilt....will minus) is SUN, SEP 3.

RETURN (2520 past SIGNING, AUG 31) at TH, JULY 28, 2030 plus 75 is TABERNACLES.

NISAN 10 (LAMB), 2024 plus 2300 (Dan 8:13-14) is ISA 63 TEMPLE RECONSECRATION AUG 5, 2030.

7 mths BURYING span TISH 10 (YOM KIP 2023) to NISAN 10, 2024.


Trib end w/ tilt loss is SEP 20, 2030.....plus 360 (1st perf/Millen/straight-earth yr) is SEPT 15, yearly SUCCOTH, TISHREI 15 (& LIBRA 15.....all in sync) for the 1000-yr Millen.

Anyway, this SUNDAY, SEPT 3, is the latest 'guess.'

JANET HERSCU - September 2nd, 2023 at 11:00pm

Just to let you know, all seems to coordinate more accurately w/ MON, SEPT 4 as well & in several respects even BETTER w/ most same as last review; but add a day......no reason or time to review.

JANET HERSCU - September 4th, 2023 at 1:30pm

Lots to think about via this TUES, 9/5:

TUES, 3rd day, ancient Wedding Day & Hos 6:2-3 (if applic).

NISAN 17 (I Cor 15:20....Apr 8, 2023) plus 150 (as Noah delay) is Sept 5.

SHAVUOT, SUN, SIVAN 8 (MAY 28) plus 97 (75 plus tilt) is SIGNING, SAT, SEPT 2 (start 2520 trib).

A.C. rises I ADAR 9 which, minus 75 days n.c., is KISLEV 24, HAG 2..."DESIRE of NATIONS"/coveted.

RETURN minus tilt loss (to earth straight) is JULY 9, 2030, the Millen AV 9 & LEO 9.....all in sync....

....& plus 30 mourning is AUG 8, actual AV 9 (AUG 8, 2030), ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR (& ZECH 8:19).

DAN 8:13-14.......2300 days (plus 3 n.c. mid trib) span NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB) to AV 9 TEMPLE ENTR.

7 mths burying spans TISH 10 YOM KIP 2023 to NISAN 10, 2024.

RAPTURE SEPT 5 is VIRGO 15 (middle pure/Virgin Church), if applic.



AV 9, 2023 plus 40 days 'testing' & TEMPLE ENTR 2030 (AUG 8) is also AV 9.

This ROSH (5th Feast....next to be fulfilled) 'could be' the EZEK 38 BATTLE/VICTORY....plus 9 days AWE to YOM KIP.

There's more; but amidst 'patient watching' (kidding), this TUESDAY looks 'plausible.'

JANET HERSCU - September 6th, 2023 at 1:30pm

This THURS, SEPT 7, fits in many respects via mega spec as well.

APR 8, 2023 (NISAN 17 FIRSTFRUITS.....I CORIN 15:20) plus 5 mths (as Noah delay) is SEPT 7.....

.......& APR 8 was ARIES 17 (future/straight-earth MAR 17 & NISAN 17, all in sync).

CHESVAN 16 (8,88), possible 'start CHURCH GESTATION,' plus 280 plus tilt is SEPT 7....BIRTH.

CHESVAN 16 may be the 'most perfect calendar date'.....all 8's....via HEBREW calendar #'s.

The 2300 days (plus 3 n.c. mid trib) is NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB) to FAST AV 9, 2030 (ISA 63).

RETURN (2520 past MON, 9/4 SIGNING, ELUL 18....666) is MON, JULY 29, minus tilt = JULY 9, earth straight.....

....all else virtually same......too much to review.....so via spec, 'could be' this THURS.

JANET HERSCU - September 6th, 2023 at 7:04pm

If you also relish constant spec 'guessing,' try moving the date to this FRIDAY, SEPT 8.

Works thusly:

FAST of AV 9 plus 40 'testing' is SIGNING, SEPT 5 (VIRGO 15).

FIRSTFRUITS 2023 plus 5 mths (as Noah) is FRI, SEPT 8.

Those 5 mths via Mazzarot are ARIES 17 to VIRGO 17.

In Millen NISAN 17 will be ARIES 17 & MAR 17......all in sync/straight earth.

CHESVAN 16 (888) plus 302 (280 gestation plus tilt n.c.) is SEPT 8.

TUES, 3rd day SIGNING....as Ketubah Contract


2300 (plus 3 n,c. mid trib) spans NIS 10, 2024 to ISA 63 AV 9, 2030

7 mths burying span YOM KIP 2023 to NISAN 10, 2024

A.C. rises PISCES 1 (FEB 19, 2027).....PISCES....

......7th SIGN: REMNANT/FISH/BELIEVERS safe in Petra....I ADAR 12 (12,12).

FAST TEVET 10, 2021 plus 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46....355 days) is Kislev 10, 2022.....

....& KISLEV 10, 2022 plus 280 Gestation is SEPT 8.

SEPT 8 is ELUL 22 (6th mth, double 11.....'judg'), if applic.

RETURN (TUES, AUG 2, 2030....LEO 12) plus 3 days straightening is LEO 15.....

....& plus 30 mourning is VIRGO 15......7 Mazzarot yrs past VIRGO 15 SIGNING.

FAST AV 9 plus 40 is SIGNING....

.....& straight-earth TEMPLE ENTR 7 yrs later is also AV 9 (ZECH 8:19).

TRIB END is LIBRA 22, straight-earth Millen SEPT 22 & TISHREI 22....shmeni atzeret...

....& TISH 22 is last/8th day of last Feast, Jesus' Circumcision day.

....most else same........perhaps this FRIDAY....

JANET HERSCU - September 7th, 2023 at 10:01pm

......AND to continue, this SAT, SEPT 9 (VIRGO 18....666 grip....spec) seemingly fits all as well.

SIGNING: VIRGO 15 (WED, SEPT 6, 2023)......plus 2550 (2520 plus 30 mourn) is SEPT 6, 2030, ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR (30 past AUG 6, 2030 RETURN).

AUG 6, 2030 RETURN is LEO 15 (mid LION OF JUDAH) minus tilt loss is AV 15 (tu b'AV), ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR.

RETURN in 2030 minus tilt loss is JULY 14-15, straight earth (& LEO 15) & new/Millen AV 15....

.....and plus 75 days (Dan 12:12) to trib end is ROSH HASHANA, TISH 1, SEPT 28, 5th Feast.

If EZEK 38 BATTLE/VICTORY is ROSH 2023 (SEPT 16), plus 7 yrs fuel use (EZEK 39:8) ends on ROSH 2030.

The spans preceding SIGNING 2023 (SEPT 6):

......AV 9 plus 40 more days 'testing'

......CANCER 1 (judg) plus 75 days n.c.

......4 mths past MAY 6, future/straight-earth SIVAN 6

Spans that precede presumed RAPTURE (SEPT 9):

......CHESVAN 16 (8,88) plus 303 days (280 Gestation plus tilt/willminus)

......KISLEV 10 (1-yr warn past TEV 10) plus 280 is SEPT 9

......APR 9 (FIRSTFRUITS, I COR 15:20) plus 5 mths (Noah) is SEPT 9

......FIG-TREE JUNE 7 plus 95 days (75 plus tilt/will minus) is SEPT 9

......AV 15 (AUG 3) plus 37 (2557 minus 2520) is SEPT 9


NISAN 10, 2024 (7 mths burying past YOM KIP 2023) plus 2300 (Dan 8) is the RETURN (AUG 6, 2030).

VIRGO 15 is SIGNING ('PURE CHURCH' trib start of 2520) & TEMPLE ENTR 2030/'PURE REMNANT.'

A.C. rises at mid trib PISCES 1, FEB 20, 2027 (1260 days past RAPTURE).....& I ADAR 13.

......& PISCES (7th Mazzarot Sign) relates to 'FISH'/BELIEVERS/RESCUED REMNANT (safe in Petra).

RETURN AV 7, 2030 plus 2 days straightening...?....) if HOS 6:2-3 applies) is FAST of AV 9, earth straight.....ZECH 8:19.

Albeit total spec again, the above is the only review that still coordinates significant spans.

5th Feast (next to be fulfilled) is this SEPT 16.....plus 9 days of AWE to YOM KIP (SEPT 25).

....so, lame indeed, 'could be' this SAT, SEPT 9......

.JANET HERSCU - September 8th, 2023 at 1:00pm

Did you catch the 5th line down in last letter? TRIB END (straight earth) at SEPT 28, 2030 is ROSH HASHANA, TISHREI 1, the 5th Feast (next to be fulfilled); and ROSH HASHANA must open the FALL FEASTS (5th thru 7th) to TABERNACLES/ZECH 14:15-18.........perhaps just 'a bit' significant!

JANET HERSCU - September 8th, 2023 at 9:23pm

....AND if SUNDAY 'COUNT-START DAY' applies, then one can consider this SUNDAY, SEPT 10 w/out significantly altering any major points via the last letter.

RETURN (2520 days past RAPTURE) at SUNDAY, AUG 4, 2030 (2300 days......DAN 8....past eve NISAN 10 2024/LAMB...& 7 mths burying past YOM KIP 2023) minus tilt is straight earth JULY 14, 2030..

......& plus 30 mourn is a SUNDAY, AUG 14 (now in 30-day mths), into Temple, ISA 63 (& AV 15....♥️).

......& plus 45 more days (DAN 12:11-12) is ROSH HASHANA SEPT 28.....trib end, start of the HIGH HOLY DAYS/FALL FEASTS....plus 14 days = TABERNACLES (ZECH 14:15-18); so the scenario still holds.

If significant, this SUNDAY is ELUL 24 (6x24=144) & the 144,000 JEWS will be SEALED at the arrival of ELIJAH & MOSES (at RAPTURE, since their ministry in Israel will be the first 1260 days).

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL/FEB 18, 2027 (1260 days past SEPT 7 SIGNING....VIRGO 18....666.....?) is PISCES 1......JEWS (believers/'fish') to PETRA.

ALL ELSE virtually same......

.....so after this SUNDAY, I'll likely stubbornly settle for a 'NO MAN KNOWS' mindset.....

.....'fun' while it lasted!

JANET HERSCU - September 9th, 2023 at 5:44pm

If one could bring himself to add a day......to MON, SEPT 11.....take note:

2520 days past SEPT 11, 2023 is FAST of AV 9....minus tilt = FAST of TAMMUZ 17 (Zech 8:19).

FAST of AV 9 is AUG 8, 2030 & FAST of TAMMUZ 17 is JULY 18, 2030 (tilt difference).

FAST of AV 9, 2030 is END of 2300 (DAN 8:13-14) past NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB)....(3 n.c.mid trib).

Earth is straight JULY 15 (tilt# back from AV 9)....& plus 75 (DAN 12:11-12) is ROSH, SEP 28.

JULY 15, 2030 (earth straight) plus 30 mourning is AV 15❤️......

.......and 40 days 'testing' before SEPT 11 RAPTURE is AV 15❤️ as well.

FIG TREE MAY 14 plus "4 mths to harvest"....120 days) is SEPT 11....

.....& FIG TREE MAY 14 to FIG TREE JUNE 7 is the tilt# difference as well.

5 mths (as post-Flood/Noah) span FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I COR 15:20) to SIGNING (SEP 8).....

.....& SEPT 8 is ELUL 22 (mth 6 and double 11....'judg'), if applic.

TRIB END (straight-earth) is SEPT 28, 2030 (TISH 1, 5th FEAST...opens FALL FEASTS)......

.......plus 14 more days is TABERNACLES (ZECH 14:15-18).

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (a.c. is killed) at FEB 19, 2027 is PISCES 1 (multiplication of FISH)....

.......the day the REMNANT is commanded to flee to PETRA.

FAST of TEVET 10 ZECH 8:19) plus 1 yr warn (355...shana) was KISLEV 10.....

....& plus 280 days Gestation is SEPT 11, 2023.

Perhaps EZEK 38, GOG-MAGOG battle/Victory (?) occurs ROSH to YOM KIP ZECH 8:19)....

......& plus 7 mths BURYING BODIES/BLDG 3rd TEMPLE is NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB), APR 18.

The spans still work (via 7 Moon mths burying) for the NISAN 1, 2024, 3rd TEMPLE DEDIC......

.....EZEK 45:18, NUM 19 RED HEIFER (APR 9, 2024) as well.

...so much more; but since the day earth is straight plus 75 still reaches SEPT 28, ROSH, the 5th FEAST, TISH 1, 2030, then a SEPT 11, 2023 RAPTURE, albeit SPEC, still coincides.

If tilt loss is not considered, trib end is OCT 18, 2030, HOSHANA RABAH (TISH 21) as well as the probable solar birthdate of Jesus (280 past JAN 12).

....'could be' MON, SEPT 11....

JANET HERSCU - September 10th, 2023 at 9:49pm

.....FAST of TEVET 10 plus 1-yr warning (355, shana, JER 51:46) is KISLEV 10....

.....& plus 280 Gestation is SEPT 11

RETURN plus 3 days straightening is FAST of AV 9 (AUG 8, 2030)....

......& minus tilt loss is FAST of TAMMUZ 17 (JULY 18), earth straight.

All 4 FAST DAYS seem accounted for above as well....ZECH 8:19.

....so, HOLD ON!!!!........SEPT 14 (VIRGO 24.....'virgin Church'/888) is a 'possibility'.....

.....FAST of TEVET 10 plus 1-yr warning (355, shana, JER 51:46) is KISLEV 10....

.....& plus 280 Gestation is SEPT 11

RETURN plus 3 days straightening is FAST of AV 9 (AUG 8, 2030)....

......& minus tilt loss is FAST of TAMMUZ 17 (JULY 18), earth straight.

All 4 FAST DAYS seem accounted for above as well....ZECH 8:19.

....so, HOLD ON!!!!........SEPT 14 (VIRGO 24.....'virgin Church'/888) is a 'possibility'.....

JANET HERSCU - September 12th, 2023 at 9:34pm

Spec points via THURS, SEPT 14 as a possible RAPTURE date.

RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING, MON, SEPT 11) is MON, AUG 5, 2030 (LEO 15).

AUG 5, 2030 minus tilt will be JULY 15 (earth straight)....plus 75 is ROSH, TISH 1, SEP 28.

ROSH/5th FEAST opens HIGH HOLY DAYS....plus 14 to TABERNACLES/ZECH 14:15-18.

RETURN at MON, AUG 5 is END of 2300 days (DAN 8:13-14) past NISAN 10 (LAMB), 2024.

NISAN 10, 2024 is 7 mths burying past FAST of YOM KIP/TISH 10, 2023 (EZEK 38....?).

1260 days past SIGNING is mid-trib ABOM DESOL, MON, FEB 22, 2027, PURIM KATAN.

Pre-trib spans preceding SEPT 11 SIGNING:

.....FIG TREE MAY 14 (75 yrs Statehood) plus 120 days (4 mths) is SEPT 11

.....FIG TREE JUNE 7 plus 96 days (75 plus tilt)

.....AV 15 plus 40 days 'testing'

.....FAST of TEVET 10 plus 1-yr warning (355, shana, JER 51:46) is KISLEV 10....

.....& plus 280 Gestation is SEPT 11

RETURN plus 3 days straightening is FAST of AV 9 (AUG 8, 2030)....

......& minus tilt loss is FAST of TAMMUZ 17 (JULY 18), earth straight.

All 4 FAST DAYS seem accounted for above as well....ZECH 8:19.

....so, HOLD ON!!!!........SEPT 14 (VIRGO 24.....'virgin Church'/888) is a 'possibility'.....

Interesting: YOM KIP 1973 to YOM KIP 2023 (EZEK 38..?) = 50 yrs, a JUBILEE span.....

.....& YOM KIP 2023 plus 7 Jewish mths burying/bldg 3rd Temple is NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB)....

.....& plus 2300 days...3 n.c. mid trib....(Dan 8:13-14) is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR on FAST AV 9, 2030.....

.....& minus tilt loss is FAST of TAMMUZ 17 earth straight).

Also note SEPT 21, LIBRA 1, 2022 (future TISH 1, ROSH, 5th Feast).....

.......& plus 355 days....shana.....Jer 51:46....is SEPT 11 SIGNING.

Also note AV 15, 2023 plus 40 = SIGNING........& straight-earth TEMPLE ENTR in 2030 is AV 15.

One more span: FIG TREE IYYAR 5, 2023 (75 yrs) plus 4 mths is ELUL 5.....

.....& plus tilt (20 days, will minus) is SIGNING (trib start of the 2520 days).

Although spec, interesting, none the less.

JANET HERSCU - September 13th, 2023 at 7:49pm

.....& via spec, could also be this SAT, ROSH HASHANA, 5th FEAST (next Feast to be fulfilled).

1-yr warning (JEREM 51:46) is ROSH 2022 to ROSH 2023.

RETURN (2520 days past WED, SEPT 13 SIGNING...?) is WED, AV 8-9.....AUG 7-8, 2030.......

.......minus tilt is FAST of TAMMUZ 17 (via 3 days straightening..?..making up for 3 mid trib).

EARTH is straight JULY 15, 2030 (& LEO 15....LION of JUDAH, 12th Mazzarot sign).....

.....& plus 75 (DAN 12:12) is ROSH 2030, SEP 28, trib end (opens FALL FEASTS, ZECH 14:15-18).

EZEK 38 Victory is likely FAST of YOM KIP, 2023 (50 yrs/JUBILEE SPAN past YOM KIP WAR '73)....

.....& YOM KIP 2023 plus 7 mths Burying is NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB)....plus 2300 to TEMPLE ENTR (3 n.c).

If #'s are clarified, SIGNING to earth straight (SEP 13, 2023 to JULY 15, 2030) = 2497 days......

.....and 2520 days trib minus 23 future tilt loss is also 2497 days........so the math works as well.

& RAPTURE at SEP 16 is VIRGO 24 (pure/Virgin Church/888/Jesus' RIGHTEOUSNESS)....if MAZZAROT applies.

ROSH 2023 plus 9 days of AWE (BATTLE/EZEK 38/GOG-MAGOG ?) is YOM KIP, SEPT 25, 2023, 6th FEAST.

APR 17 FIRSTFRUITS 2022 plus 1-yr warning is APR 17, 2023......plus 5 mths (Noah) is SEPT 16.

CHESVAN 24 (8,888....'conception of Church?'......plus 303 days (280 plus 23 tilt) is SEPT 16....

......still in the YOM KIP year 2022.....minus 21 yrs (20 FULL YRS) n.c........is YOM KIP 2001 (6001) start of the 121st JUBILEE, 7th MILLEN......GEN 6:3.....

.....& RETURN is still in the YOM KIP yr 2029......SEVEN yrs past YOM KIP 2022 (legal 7-yr trib count via LEV 23).

MAY 14 plus 4 mths "to Harvest" is SIGNING.

JUNE 7 & MAY 14 are tilt# apart.

IYYAR 5 plus 4 mths is ELUL 5......& plus tilt is SIGNING.

All other (4 mths, tilt#, 280, 4 mths, 98 (75 & tilt).....etc, virtually same as last letter....futile to repeat.

LAST TRUMP 'may' refer to the last of the SHOFAR BLASTS of FEAST OF TRUMPETS: I THESS 4:15-18.

It's also interesting that the name TRUMP has been in the news so often.......perhaps to help us WATCH.

Anyway, now it looks like RAPTURE 'could be' this SATURDAY, ROSH HASHANA, 5th FEAST.

JANET HERSCU - September 15th, 2023 at 7:57pm

Since COUNTS always started on a SUNDAY, this SUNDAY, SEPT 17 (2nd day of ROSH HASH-ANA, 5th FEAST), is fine as well.

RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING/Sept 14) is the FAST of AV 9......& minus future tilt loss is FAST of TAMMUZ 17 (earth straight).

8 days past the RAPTURE, the EZEK 38 VICTORY 'may' occur on the FAST of YOM KIP (6th FEAST, SEPT 25, 2023....50 yrs past YOM KIP '73)......

......and plus 7 mths (burying?) reaches NISAN 10, 2024 (LAMB, APR 18)....plus the 2300 days Temple Desecration (DAN 8:13-14)....w/ 3 days mid trib n.c......is the RETURN, FAST of AV 9, (Thur, AUG 8, 2030)......2520 days trib past Thur, SEPT 14, 2023 SIGNING (VIRGO 24....pure Church/888....if Mazzarot applies).

FAST of TEVET 10, 2022 plus 1-yr warning (JER 51:46) is KISLEV 15 (DEC 9-10).....& plus 280 days Gestation is SIGNING.

The "4 FAST DAYS turned to joy" seem to apply above........ZECH 8:19.

75 days are n.c. on each side of the trib; & 75 minus future tilt loss is '52 days'.....

.....& FAST of AV 9 plus 52 is this SUN, SEPT 17.......& RETURN is also FAST of AV 9 in 2030;......

....so in a sense, the trib is 'enclosed' on each side of the trib by the FAST of AV 9, worst FAST DAY in JEWISH HISTORY.

All the other spans seem to still virtually fit........so, again, we'll see!......

JANET HERSCU - September 17th, 2023 at 1:19am

....& to continue via spec, this TUES, SEPT 19, seems very possible as a RAPTURE date.

TUES/3rd day is ancient wedding day (& HOS 6:2-3, if applic).

SIGNING SAT, ROSH HASHANA, SEPT 16, 5th FEAST is next Feast to be fulfilled.

RETURN minus tilt loss is JULY 24, 2030 earth straight.....

.....& plus 75 days (Dan 12:12) is YOM KIP, 6th FEAST (trib end).....

.....plus 5 more days prep is TABERNACLES, 7th FEAST, OCT 12 (ZECH 14:15-18).

SO FEASTS 5, 6 & 7 may be fulfilled thusly above.

A Northern Invasion of ISRAEL (EZEK 38) may occur 6 days past RAPTURE on YOM KIP.....

......50 yrs (a JUBILEE SPAN) past the YOM KIP WAR of 1973.

PASSOVER 2024 (LAMB SLAIN) is 7 mths burying past YOM KIP & SUCCOTH 2023.....

.....& PASSOVER plus 2300 days (3 n.c.) is RETURN, TUES, AUG 13, 2030 (2520 past RAPTURE).



FAST of AV 9, 2023 plus 54 days (75 minus tilt) is TUES, SEPT 19.

FAST of TAMMUZ 17, 2023 plus 75 days is TUES, SEPT 19.

FAST of TEV 10, 2022 plus 1-perf yr of 360 is DEC 10, 2022....plus 280 Gestation is SIGNING.

So all 4 FAST DAYS seem to be accounted for above (ZECH 8:19).

IYYAR 5, 2023 (75 yrs Statehood) plus "4 mths"....is ELUL 8....plus tilt is SIGNING.

ROSH 2022 (judg day) plus 1-yr warning (JEREM 51:46) is ROSH 2023 SIGNING.

FIRSTFRUITS 2022 (I Cor 15:20) plus 1 yr is APR 17....plus 5 mths (as Noah) is SIGNING.

The other spans reviewed previously are still virtually the same....plus 1-2 days.

Via MAZZAROT, SIGNING SEPT 16 ROSH is VIRGO 24 (pure virgin Church/888...trib count start).

....'could well be' TUES, SEPT 19, start of LIBRA 1 cusp (& future ROSH, TISH 1).

JANET HERSCU - September 19th, 2023 at 1:28pm

Since COUNTS begin on SUNDAYS (SIGNING?...SUN, 2nd day ROSH, 5th Feast, SEPT 17...?), WED, SEPT 20 looks plausible as a possible spec RAPTURE date.

RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING) is SUN, AUG 11, 2030......plus 2 days (Hos 6:2-3) is TUES (HOS 6:2-3) AUG 13, end of the 2300 days Temple Desecration (3 days n.c. mid trib) which starts on PASSOVER 2024 (APR 23, LAMB SLAIN/BLOOD), 210 days (7 mths burying) past YOM KIP 2023 (50 yrs past YOM KIP '73).

Earth is straight (loses tilt) on JULY 24, 2030 (& LEO 24......all in sync).

Add 75 to trib end, OCT 7, YOM KIP 2030......plus 5 prep to TABERNACLES.

W/out tilt loss considered, CHESVAN 1 is trib end (8th mth).

All else virtually same.....'could be' this WED - THURS......maybe even FRI upon further 'study.'

JANET HERSCU - September 19th, 2023 at 8:23pm

O.K., the following just 'may' make sense:

RAPTURE at FRI, SEP 22, LIBRA 1 will be SEP 1, LIBRA 1 & Millen TISH 1 (5th Feast) when earth is straight.....all in sync.

RAPTURE is END of "4 mths to Harvest (Harpazo)" past SIVAN 6, SHAVUOT.

RAPTURE is 5 mths (as Noah delay) past IYYAR 5 (75 yrs anniv Statehood).

RAPTURE is TISHREI 7......'double perfection'......spec.

RAPTURE is 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) past ROSH 2022 (ROSH is 'judg day'...Yom Ha Din).

2520 days past SIGNING is RETURN at TUES, AUG 13, 2030, exact END of the DAN 8:13-14.....2300 days past PASSOVER 2024, LAMB SLAIN/BLOOD........(3 days mid-trib n.c.)......

......& PASSOVER 2024 is 7 mths (210 days) BURY/BLDG 3rd Temple past YOM KIP 2023.

YOM KIP 2023 (3 days after RAPTURE) 'may be' the EZEK 38 Victory (50 yrs past Yom Kip 1973).....

....& YOM KIP 2023 to YOM KIP 2030 (trib end) May be the 7 yrs fuel use (EZEK 39:9).

RETURN at AUG 13, 2030 (2520 past SIGNING) minus tilt loss is JULY 24 (LEO 24)....earth straight....

......& JULY 24, 2030 plus the 75 days (DAN 12:12) is trib end, YOM KIP 2030 (OCT 7).....

......490 yrs LAND REST DEBT completed (forgiven); & plus 5 days prep is SUCCOTH, ZECH 14:15-18'.

All counts begin & end at YOM KIP (LEV 23).....& the only stat dates of JUBILEES as well.

Note ROSH 2022, SEP 26 (start of 1-yr warning of 360 days.....& still in YOM KIP YR 2021)....reaches the RAPTURE date........

.......& the RETURN is in the YOM KIP yr 2029.......so YOM KIP 2021 to YOM KIP 2029 is 8 years.....ONE-YR WARNING PLUS 7 YEARS TRIB.

SIGNING (SEP 19, 2023) is a TUES (3rd day, as Ketubah Wedding Contract) & exactly 75 days past TAMMUZ 17.

SEPT 19 is possible SDG GOALS SIGNING as well.

SIGNING is also 54 days past AV 9 (& 54 plus 21 tilt = 75).

TEVET 10 (anniv Jesus' 10th day Conception/IMPLANTATION) plus 280 Church Gest SIGNING.

So, all 4 FAST DAYS seem accounted for above (ZECH 8:19).

As for mid trib (REMNANT to PETRA/multiplication if believers/fish), 1260 days past RAPTURE the a.c. satanically rises on PISCES 15 (mid fish sign), MAR 5, 2027.

If MAZZAROT applies (JOB), RETURN is LEO 24 (12,12,12....LION of JUDAH).....& plus 30 days is TEMPLE ENTRANCE on VIRGO 24 ('purified/Virgin 888.....REMNANT into TEMPLE, led by Messiah, ISA 63).

If signif, the 2 witnesses (ELIJ & MOS) rise 75 days after TEVET 10, 2026.



....5th: ROSH (1-yr warning & RAPTURE/straight-earth position at LIBRA 1, MILLEN TISH 1)

....6th: YOM KIP EZEK 38

....7th: TABERNACLES 2030 (ZECH 14).

Also, NISAN 1, 2023 (NIS 1, future New Yrs Day/Ezek 45:18) plus 6 mths (180 exact) is SIGNING.

So, via spec, the above points seem to 'validate' a FRI, SEPT 22 RAPTURE.

B - September 20th, 2023 at 2:41pm

Why do you keep trying?? You're never right. You're never going to be right. You're spending so much time trying to figure out when instead of actually doing something meaningful with your life. When you stand before God, do you think He'll praise you if you got it right on your 56th guess??

JANET HERSCU - September 21st, 2023 at 9:36pm

DARE' to add a day (to this SAT, SEP 23, TISHREI 8).....w/ SIGNING, WED, SEPT 20.

SEP 23 is LIBRA 1, future straight-earth SEP 1, LIBRA 1, TISHREI 1 (5th FEAST)....all in sync.

YOM KIP 2023 (6th FEAST), EZEK 38 VICTORY?...plus 7 moons (196 days) burying/bldg 3rd Temple is NISAN 1, 2024.....APR 9.....(ashes RED HEIFER/desecration)....EZEK 45:18, NUM 19.....

......& plus 2300 days (Dan 8) is SAT, JULY 27, 2030, day earth is straight (AUG 14, 2030 RETURN minus 21 tilt loss)......

.....plus 75 days (DAN 12:12) to trib end is TABERNACLES 2030, OCT 12, 2030....ZECH 14:15-18.

ROSH 2022 plus 1-yr warn (Jer 51:46) is TISH 1, ROSH 2023, plus last 7-day warning is TISH 8.

1260 days past WED, SEP 20, 2023 SIGNING is mid-trib ABOM DESOL/a.c. in TEMPLE/is killed.....

........& on HEBREW CALENDAR: ADAR 24 (# perf gov't....12,12,12), WED, MAR 3, 2027.

The 4 FAST DAYS (ZECH 8:19) & fulfillment of the 3 FALL FEASTS seem accounted for.


ALL ELSE virtually same as last letter spans (plus a day).....spec, of course:


....SIVAN 6 (end Church Age) plus "4 mths to harvest/HARPAZO" is SIGNING

....TEVET 10 plus 280 is SIGNING (count start of the 2520-day trib)

....TAMMUZ 17 plus 75 days is trib count start of 2520 days

....AV 9 plus 53 (75 minus tilt) is SIGNING

....IYYAR 5 (75 yrs STATEHOOD) plus 5 mths (Noah) to TISH 5 SIGNING

....NISAN 1 plus 6 mths....so trib end can be TABERNACLES

....SEPT 1 (future TISH 1) precedes RAPTURE by 22 days (will minus)

....SEPT 16 (ROSH 2023) plus 7-day last warning (as to Noah) is RAPTURE

......so perhaps this SATURDAY....

JANET HERSCU - September 22nd, 2023 at 6:24pm

......downright 'maddening, perturbing, frustrating, disgusting, repetitive, sickening, ridiculous'..........these CONSTANT SPEC LETTERS!......I know!!!!!....but take note (unless the MATT 24:43-44 'OWNER' fell into a coma!):

SUNDAY was always 'count-start' day.

SEPT 24 is LIBRA 1 (future/tilt loss straight-earth SEPT 1, LIBRA 1 & TISHREI 1 (5th Feast).

SAGIT 24 is future straight-earth NOV 24 & KISLEV 24....HAG 2.....& count from SAGIT 24, DEC 14, 2022 (FAST TEVET 10) plus 280 CHURCH GESTATION to trib count start of the 2520 days at the SIGNING, THURS, SEPT 21 (TISHREI 6)......

....& SIVAN 6 (4th Feast, SHAVUOT 2023....END CHURCH AGE) plus "4 mths to HARVEST" is SIGNING.

7 sidereal mths (7 moons burying) past YOM KIP 2023 (EZEK 38...?....TISH 10-13....?) is NISAN 1, 2024 (3rd Temple, EZEK 45:18, NUM 19, Red Heifer)....

.....& plus 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) is JULY 27, 2030, the day earth is straight (RETURN minus 20)...

....& plus 75 more days (DAN 12:12) is trib end at TABERNACLES, OCT 12, 2030, Millen 30-day mths count.......7th FEAST, ZECH 14:15-18.

RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING) at THURS, AUG 15, 2030 is LEO 24 (12,12,12, perf gkv't)....

....& plus 30 days mourning is VIRGO 24 ('purified/Virgin Remnant' into Temple...ISA 63).

IYYAR 5, 2023 plus 5 mths (as Noah 5-mth delay) is SIGNING.

YOM KIP 2030 (6th Feast) is YOM KIP '73 plus 50 yrs.......& FIG TREE IYYAR 5, 2023 is 75 yrs Statehood.

Mid-trib ABOM DESOL (1260 days past SIGNING) at MAR 4, 2027, is PISCES 15 ('multiplication of fish'/believing Remnant to PETRA).....& 3 days later when a.c. satanically rises is PISCES 18 (666).

5th, 6th & 6th FEASTS are fulfilled above.

All else virtually same......so 'could well be' this SUNDAY, SEPT 24.......& as far as I'm concerned, if we're here on MONDAY, we endure the trib! ...so be it.....but GOD IS STILL PERFECT IN ALL HIS WAYS.....so NO PROBLEM!

JANET HERSCU - September 23rd, 2023 at 8:57pm

......almost gave up!!!....(don't you wish!)...note TUES, TISH 11....77....7 times 11, 'perf judg.'

1-yr warn (Jer 51:46): SEPT 26, 2022 (ROSH HASHANA/'judg day,' TISH 1) to TUES, SEPT 26.

SIVAN 8 (SHAVUOT, SUN, MAY 28) plus "4 mths to Harvest" is TISH 8, SIGNING (TH, SEPT 23).

SEPT 23 is LIBRA 1, Millen/straight-earth SEPT 1 & TISHREI 1 (5th Feast).

7 mths (moons,193 days, 7 times 27.5 bury/bldg 3rd Temple) span TISH 13, SEPT 28, 2023 (EZEK 38...?) to APR 9, NISAN 1, 2024 (3rd Temple, EZEK 45:18, NUM 19, RED HEIFER)......

.......& plus 2300 days (DAN 8:13-14) is day earth is straight, JULY 27, 2030...plus 75 days (Dan 12:12) is SUCCOTH (in 30-day mths).

Via a 280-day Church Gestation span, KISLEV 24 (HAG 2...DEC 17-18, 2022) 280 is SIGNING........& to the RAPTURE, GEMINI 1 (DEC 21) plus 280 days span holds......although spec.

All other spans are virtually same........but note:

Concerning the fulfillment of FEASTS 5, 6 & 7, GOD'S 8 FEASTS are sacred & eternal (1 thru 4 fulfilled by Jesus); and there is a reason that the only Millen/post-RETURN FEAST to be observed is the 7th Feast/TABERNACLES (ZECH 14:15-18). Why?....because 6th FEAST YOM KIP was "turned to joy" at the Cross when the veil tore (FORGIVENESS PROCURED); and ROSH HASHANA (5th Feast) was the serious 9-day spiritual preparation leading up to the day of FORGIVENESS HOPE.

TUESDAY is, of course, a 3rd day, ancient WEDDING DAY (& HIS 6:2-3)...and SABBATHS reign as well: SIGNING........MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL.......RETURN......TABERNACLES 2030.

LEV 23 says that SUCCOTH (days 1 & 8) must both be SABBATHS.......& such is the case in 2030.

So the scenario reviewed above 'could' come upon the earth very suddenly, very soon......perhaps this coming TUES.....TISHREI 11......77........'as an unexpected return of the bloodied AZAZEL/goat' the day after YOM KIPPUR.

JANET HERSCU - September 25th, 2023 at 6:24pm

All that is left in my 'study' is the slight possibility of something occurring between SEPT 27 & 30.

The following holds IF the SIGNING/RAPTURE is this WED, SEPT 27 OR SAT, SEPT 30:


RETURN (2520 days past SEPT 27, 2023) minus tilt is AUG 1, 2030 (VIRGO 1).....earth straight.....

.....& plus 30 days mourning is SEPT 1, new/Millen ROSH HASHANA, the ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE on the Millen SEPT 1, 5th FEAST, TISH 1, LIBRA 1.......all in sync.

SEPT 30, 2023 (EZEK 38....??) plus 7 sidereal mths (191 days) bury/bldg 3rd Temple reaches NISAN 1, 2024 (APR 9).....3rd Temple, EZEK 45:18, NUM 19, RED HEIFER).......

....& plus 2300 days (plus 3 n.c.....DAN 8) is day earth is straight, JULY 30-AUG 1, 2030 (VIRGO 1).

"4 mths to HARVEST" spans this last SHAVUOT (SUN, MAY 28) to SEPT 27, 2023, if applic.

When earth is straight w/ all in sync, DEC 1 will be GEMINI 1 (10th Mazzarot sign/twins: CHRIST & CHURCH......since Jesus was conceived on TEVET 1, the future DEC 1, straight earth.......

......so 280 days CHURCH GESTATION span GEMINI 1 (DEC 21, 2022) to this WED, SEPT 27.

Yom Kippur doesn't come into the picture likely because forgiveness was already procured at the Cross (veil to Holy of Holies tore); but the new/Millen ROSH HASHANA 2030 (SEPT 1) seems to open the FALL FEASTS in 2030 after all (ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE....LIBRA 1, SEPT 1, new TISHREI 1).

As for mid trib, the a.c. satanically rises on PISCES 24 (1st day of supernatural protection in Petra), MAR 13, 2027.

Also (if applic), SEPT 30, 2023 minus the tilt loss will be straight earth SEPT 10, the future, straight-earth TISHREI 10, YOM KIP.........so that may be the 'fulfillment' of the 6th FEAST.

....remains to be seen......perhaps WED or SAT......

JANET HERSCU - September 25th, 2023 at 7:45pm

...same info plus some clarification:

All that is left in my 'study' is the slight possibility of 'something occurring' between SEPT 27 & 30.

The following holds IF the SIGNING/RAPTURE is this WED, SEPT 27 OR SAT, SEPT 30:


SUCCOTH/TABERNACLES is JESUS' BIRTHDAY (280 days past TEVET 1....8th day, 8th Feast).

RETURN (2520 days past SEPT 27, 2023) minus tilt is AUG 1, 2030 (VIRGO 1).....earth straight.....

.....& plus 30 days mourning is SEPT 1, new/Millen ROSH HASHANA, the ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE on the Millen SEPT 1, 5th FEAST, TISH 1, LIBRA 1.......all in sync.

SEPT 30, 2023 (EZEK 38....??) plus 7 sidereal mths (191 days) bury/bldg 3rd Temple reaches NISAN 1, 2024 (APR 9).....3rd Temple, EZEK 45:18, NUM 19, RED HEIFER).......

....& plus 2300 days (plus 3 n.c.....DAN 8) is day earth is straight, JULY 30-AUG 1, 2030 (VIRGO 1).

"4 mths to HARVEST" spans this last SHAVUOT (SUN, MAY 28) to SEPT 27, 2023, if applic.

When earth is straight w/ all in sync, DEC 1 will be TEVET 1 & CAPRIC 1....

......so 280 days 'CHURCH GESTATION' spans CAPRICORN 1 (DEC 22, 2022) to this WED, SEPT 27.

TEVET 1 (8th day 8th Feast) plus 280 days Gestation (Jesus) is TISH 15, SUCCOTH, HIS BIRTH.

Yom Kippur doesn't come into the picture likely because forgiveness was already procured at the Cross (veil to Holy of Holies tore); but the new/Millen ROSH HASHANA 2030 (SEPT 1) seems to open the FALL FEASTS in 2030 after all (ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE....LIBRA 1, SEPT 1, new TISHREI 1).

As for mid trib, the a.c. satanically rises on PISCES 24 (888)....1st day of supernatural protection in Petra, MAR 13, 2027.....spec.

Also (if applic), SEPT 30, 2023 minus the tilt loss will be straight earth SEPT 10, the future, straight-earth TISHREI 10, YOM KIP.........so that may be the 'fulfillment' of the 6th FEAST.

.........perhaps WED or SAT (TABERNACLES, JESUS' BIRTHDAY & the possible BIRTH of the CHURCH)..........

JANET HERSCU - September 29th, 2023 at 5:24pm

The only spec 'guess' now is this SUN, OCT 1 (2nd day SUCCOTH) since counts start on SUNDAYS.

The 280-day CHURCH GESTATION (w/ the MATT 24 'birth pangs') spans DEC 25, 2022 (TEVET 1, Jesus' Conception anniv, 8th day of 8th Feast) to this SUNDAY, OCT 1, possible RAPTURE.

The "4 mths to Harvest" span SHAVUOT, SUN, MAY 28 to SEPT 28 SIGNING.......

......& Thur, SEPT 28 is also TISH 13 (#13 = 'rebellion'), if applic.

Via Mazzarot, the SIGNING is LIBRA 8 & plus 2550 days (2520 plus 30 mourn) is LIBRA 1, 2030.

LIBRA 1 (2030) straight earth is SEPT 1, Millen 5th FEAST, TISH 1, LIBRA 1....opens FALL FEASTS.

This SUN, OCT 1, minus tilt loss (-22) is SEPT 10 (straight-earth YOM KIP, 6th FEAST, new TISH 10).

7 mths burying/bldg 3rd Temple 'could' span END of SUCCOTH (EZEK 38...?) to IYYAR 6, 2024....

....plus 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) end at straight-earth SEP 1, 2030, ISA 63 Temple Reconsecration.

IYYAR 6, 2024 is MAY 14.....76-yr Statehood anniv.

If signif, RAPTURE on OCT 1 is LIBRA 11......#11 = 'judgment'.....IN the judg sign of LIBRA (scales).

The last 7-day warning (as to Noah) could be LIBRA 1, 2023 to LIBRA 8, 2023.......7 days.

Also if applic, mid trib when A.C. RISES is PISCES 24 ('fish/believers 888' REMNANT safe in PETRA)....spec.

....RAPTURE 'could be' this SUNDAY.....

JANET HERSCU - October 1st, 2023 at 12:45am

Latest spec: perhaps TUES, OCT 3......TUES is 3rd day (ancient Wedding Day).

OCT 3 is LIBRA 11.......straight earth/Millen TISHREI 11 (77 = perf judg).

OCT 3 is TISH 18, mid Succoth/John 7:14.....as Jesus' arrival at mid Feast.

SIGNING is 3 days previous, SAT, SEPT 30, 7th FEAST, TISH 15......count start of 2520.

SEPT 30 SIGNING is 280 Church Gestation past TEV 1 (8th day, 8th Feast, Jesus' Conception).

TISH 15, 2023 SIGNING is 6 mths past NISAN 15 PASSOVER.

TISH 15, 2023 SIGNING is 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) past YOM KIP 2022 (Oct 5).

Rapture at OCT 3 is 23 tilt# past SEPT 10, future straight-earth TISH 10, YOM KIP, 6th FEAST.

RETURN (VIRGO 1, AUG 24, 2030) minus tilt is AUG 1, VIRGO 1, Millen ELUL 1.....

........plus 30 days mourning is TEMPLE ENTRANCE SEPT 1, Millen TISH 1, 5th FEAST (LIBRA 1).

.SABBATHS: trib count start/SIGNING.......ABOM DESOL.......RETURN

All else virtually same.......'could be' TUES, OCT 3......since FEASTS 5, 6 & 7 seem fulfilled above.

JANET HERSCU - October 4th, 2023 at 2:16pm

Via spec, there's a big chance SIGNING was TUES, OCTOBER 3, w/ RAPTURE 3 days later, FRIDAY, OCT 6.......HOSHANA RABAH, 7th day 7th Feast.......so the two 1260's work properly.

Via straight earth, TISH 15 SUCCOTH will be SEPT 15 & LIBRA 15......all in sync.....

.....& FRI, OCT 6 is LIBRA 15 (ISA 26:20).

SIGNING at TISH 18 is also 666, if applic.

Also, trib start count of 2520 days starts at SIGNING......& SIGNING was 4th day of SUCCOTH, MID FEAST (JOHN 7:14, ISA 26:20), TISHREI 18 (666) ..& a TUES when Wedding Ketubbahs are signed.

Following 7 moons burying & bldg 3rd Temple, PASSOVER 2024 plus the 2300 days end at the day earth is straight (after tilt loss/"days cut short") on the FAST of AV 9 (AUG 8), 2030.....ZECH 8:19.


ABOM DESOL: PISCES 24 (888)....JEWS to PETRA.....plus 3, a.c. rises....plus 3 1-2 is PURIM, 2 wit's rise.

1-yr warning (JEREM 51:46) could be TISH 11 (77....'perf judg'....(OCT 6) to OCT 6, 2023.

SO much more; but I'll let YOU figure out the rest......too much to review.....all else 'virtually same,' give or take.....'could be FRIDAY.

JANET HERSCU - October 5th, 2023 at 11:24pm

Spans fitting a possible RAPTURE OCT 10, TUES, (3rd day, Wedding Day & HOS 6:2-3...?):

....FAST of AV 9, 2023 plus 75 days (n.c. on each side....& DAN 12:12) is OCT 10.

....FAST of AV 9 minus future tilt loss is FAST of TAMMUZ 17.

....370 days (as Noah) span YOM KIP 2022 to OCT 10.

....FAST of TEVET 10, 2023 plus 280 days Church Gestation is OCT 10.

....SIGNING (OCT 7...?) is LIBRA 15, future straight-earth TISH 15 & SEPT 15 ISA 26:20)....all in sync.

....TISH 15 SUCCOTH plus last 7-day warning (as to Noah) is SIGNING, TISH 22 (last/8th day SUCCOTH).

....SIGNING minus future tilt loss is 5th FEAST ROSH HASHANA (SEPT 16, 2023).

....PASSOVER 2024 (LAMB SLAIN, APR 23) plus 2300 days desecration is day earth is straight, AUG 10, 2030....

....& plus 30 days mourning is SEPT 10, future straight-earth LIBRA 10 & TISH 10, YOM KIP....all in sync.


....TRIB END in 2030 (w/ tilt loss) is OCT 24, new/Millen CHESVAN 24 (8,888).....spec.

....1260 days past SIGNING is Mid-Trib ABOM DESOL, II ADAR 12 (12,12,12).....coveted......if applic.

....All 4 FAST DAYS seem accounted for above (ZECH 8:19)......as well as FALL FEASTS (5,6 & 7) fulfilled.

....OCT 10 is LIBRA 18.....future straight-earth LIBRA 18 & TISH 18, mid SUCCOTH...John 7:14......spec.

....'could be' TUES, OCT 10.......

....or RAPTURE possibly SAT, OCT 7.....MEGA SPEC......if 3 days between SIGNING & RAPTURE are n.c....perhaps compensating for mid-trib when a.c. is dead (just as NIS 14-17, JESUS in grave n.c. to count start on NISAN 17, SUNDAY.

JANET HERSCU - October 9th, 2023 at 9:16am

...via spec, still looks like TUES, OCT 10.....

OCT 6, 2022 was worst/most fearful day on the Hebrew calendar.......TISHREI 11.....7 times 11 = 77....'perf judg'.......plus 1-yr (solar) warning (Jerem 51:46) is OCT 6, 2023 (HAMAS INVASION)......

.....50 yrs since YOM KIP WAR '73........& 75 yrs Statehood (#50 & #75 always signif).

In 2030, ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE (JESUS, HIGH PRIEST) LIBRA 10 (straight earth): LIBRA 10, SEPT 10, Millen TISHREI 10.....& know that YOM KIP starts 121st JUBILEE, 7th MILLEN.....GEN 6:3, LEV 23.

YOM KIP 2022 (start of 1-yr warning) minus 20 FULL YRS n.c. (20 yrs plus 364.9999 days) will be YOM KIPPUR 2001 (6001)......

....& since 7 yrs trib is n.c., the yr 'STAYS' at YOM KIP 2022 (start of 1-yr warning)........then minus 21 full yrs = YOM KIP 2001 (6001).....start of 121st JUBILEE w/ JESUS' ISA 63 ENTRANCE into 4th TEMPLE.

Counts can ONLY begin on YOM KIP.

Via future tilt loss, RAPTURE YR is YOM KIP YR 2022....RETURN in YOM KIP YR 2029....SEVEN YRS.

The bodies to be buried (taking 7 mths) after God's EZEK 38 Victory 'may' be gathered from Lebanon & much of Syria since those areas are a part of the real ISRAEL (Abrahamic Covenant)....remains to be seen.

.....all 'same' as last letter.....can't see beyond....

JANET HERSCU - October 10th, 2023 at 2:11pm

Points to note IF RAPTURE is this THUR, OCT 12........spec, but seemingly worthy of attention:

OCT 12 last yr was SUCCOTH.........and plus 1-yr warn, Jer 51:46, is OCT 12, 2023.

Mid-trib ABOM DESOL is PURIM 2027 & ARIES 1 (MAR 22), future straight-earth NISAN 1.

RETURN (via Mazzarot) on THURS, SEPT 5, 2030 is VIRGO 15.....

....and plus 30 days mourning is LIBRA 15, straight-earth SEPT 15 & Millen TISHREI 15....

....& the Millen TISHREI 15 (TABERNACLES/ZECH 14:15-18) is TEMPLE ENTR (Isa 63).

Trib end is SAGITTARIUS 1....'Conqueror/Rider/Messiah/Victor/Avenger'....DANIEL 12:12.

EZEK 38 VICTORY (shortly after RAPTURE) plus 7 mths (moons,193 days) is PASSOVER 2024....

...& PASSOVER 2024 (NIS 15, lamb slain, Apr 23) plus 2300 (& 3 n.c.) earth is straight, AUG 14-15, 2030.

Add: SIGNING (?) OCT 9, 2023...plus 196...plus 2300 (& 3 n.c.)...plus 21 tilt (will minus) = 2520 days.

If SIGNING (covert) was, by chance, OCT 9, that day via Mazzarot is LIBRA 18, the future/straight-earth TISHREI 18 & SEPT 18, mid SUCCOTH.....JOHN 7:15, ISA 26:20 (3 days between SIGNING & RAPTURE are n.c.). LIBRA 18 is also 666, if applic (SIGNING w/ a.c.....666).

As for the pre-SIGNING spans, note the 4 FAST DAYS (ZECH 8:19)::

....FAST TEVET 10 plus 280 Church Gestation

....FAST AV 9 plus 75 n.c.

....FAST TAMMUZ 17 is AV 9 minus 22 tilt loss

....FAST YOM KIP 2022 plus 1 yr warn is OCT 5, 2023 plus 7 last warning to OCT 12

As for fulfillment of the FALL FEASTS

....5th FEAST: plus tilt (will minus) is SIGNING

....6th FEAST: the 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46), OCT 5 - Oct 5.....plus 7 last warning (Noah)

....7th FEAST: ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE 2030....new/straight-earth SEPT 15

RAPTURE is LIBRA 22 (future straight-earth TISH 22 & SEPT 22.....8th day SUCCOTH.

LIBRA is the judg sign & 22 is double 11 ('double judg') p, if applic.

If JOB had not challenged the reader to "understand the MAZZAROT" (plus Chuck Missler's study), I wouldn't give attention to the MAZZAROT; however note these points:







Surely EZEK 38 is on the horizon amidst such horror......so perhaps THURS, OCT 12....

JANET HERSCU - October 11th, 2023 at 10:39pm


AV 9 plus 75 is OCT 10.....plus 3 is OCT 13, possible RAPTURE.

TAMMUZ 17 plus tilt is AV 9.

TEVET 10 plus 280 gestation is OCT 10.


RETURN (SEPT 6, 2030) is VIRGO 15.....

.....plus 30 mourning is TEMPLE ENTRANCE, LIBRA 15.

Via straight earth, LIBRA 15 will be SEPT 15 & Millen TISHREI 15 (SUCCOTH).

The original purpose of SUCCOTH was 70 sacrifices offered for 70 nations.

So too, Isa 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE starts the 45-day judg of the Nations.

PASSOVER 2024 (7 moons past EZEK 38) plus 2300 (plus 3 n.c.) is day earth is straight.

OCT 6, 2022 was TISH 11 (77).....plus 1-yr warn is OCT 6, 2023 plus 7 last warn is OCT 13.

OCT 6 in each case is LIBRA 15, future/straight earth SEPT 15, TISHREI 15, SUCCOTH).

SIGNING (???...spec), OCT 10 is LIBRA 18 (666)......future TISHREI 18, straight earth.....

......& TISHREI 18 was also mid-Feast (John 7:14, Isaiah 26:20).

RETURN plus 30 is eve YOM KIP 2030 (OCT 6-7), ISA 63 HIGH PRIEST/JESUS into Temple.....

.....same day as straight-earth SEPT 15, Millen TISH 15 TABERNACLES (ZECH 14:15-18).

TRIB END (RETURN plus 75) is SAGIT 1 (also CHESVAN 24...8,888...before tilt loss).

OCT 6, 2023 (TISH 21) minus future tilt loss is 5th Feast, TISHREI 1, ROSH HASHANA.

Again, probably nothing will happen; but the above spec points still seem to be plausible.

coming soon - October 12th, 2023 at 2:52pm

jesus is coming soon

JANET HERSCU - October 12th, 2023 at 9:23pm

.........& if SAT, OCT 14, 2520 days trib plus 30 mourn (DAN 12:11, ISA 63) is YOM KIP (OCT 7, 2030).


YOM KIP 2030 minus tilt loss is 'same day' as SEPT 15 (LIBRA 15 & Millen TISH 15....all in sync).


FIRST FRUITS 2024 plus 2300 days (DAN 8:1-14) is day earth is straight, AUG 15, 2030....

...plus 30 days is SEPT 15, LIBRA 15, Millen TISH 15 (ZECH 14:15-18).

SAT, OCT 14, 2023 (RAPTURE?) is LIBRA 24 ('judg/freedom'....888), if applic.

FIG TREE/75 yrs/MAY 14, 2023 plus "4 mths to Harvest" is OCT 14.

OCT 14 is also an eclipse ("signs in sun & moon"), if signif.


LIBRA 1 straight earth will be TISH 1 & SEPT 1.....

.....& LIBRA 1, 2022 to LIBRA 1, 2023 is possibly the 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46)....

.....& LIBRA 1, 2023 plus 23 days (tilt#, will minus) is LIBRA 24, OCT 14, 2024.

Trib end (RETURN plus 75) is SAGIT 1, NOV 21, 2030 ('HERO/CONQUEROR/VICTOR/MESSIAH')

Surely the horrific situation in Israel CANNOT continue w/out the Lord's intervention!!.....sort of like a NIGHTMARE where one cannot wake up!; so hopefully the EZEK 38 Victory is soon.

Know that the JEWS willing to live & work on a Kibbutz (even close to enemies) are the most trusting/Zionistic/obedient/sacrificial to God's command concerning the use of the land (EZEK 37). God knows each heart intently; so many of the murdered victims (of course ALL the children) are with the Lord.....

......& I've never been so 'thankful' for the 'GIFT OF DEATH' (GEN 3:22-23) in all my life.....

....so, perhaps, this SATURDAY (after 'THE DAY OF JIHAD')........???.......

JANET HERSCU - October 12th, 2023 at 10:57pm

...wrong YEAR at end of this line......near bottom of letter....

.....& LIBRA 1, 2023 plus 23 days (tilt#, will minus) is LIBRA 24, OCT 14, 2023.

JANET HERSCU - October 14th, 2023 at 12:45pm

SUCH a desperate situation in Israel!..obvious that the "DAY IS APPROACHING" (of 3 days/72 hrs....no o,ne knows the DAY).

Counts begin on SUNDAYS & this SUNDAY, OCT 15 seems to fit many points:

OCT 15 is LIBRA 24 (888), if Mazzarot applies.

OCT 12 (a SIGNING?/covert) is 1-yr warning/promise past OCT 12, 2022 (SUCCOTH)....ISA 26:20.

YOM KIP 2030 (2550 days.....2520 plus 30 mourning) is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE, OCT 7.

RAPTURE at OCT 15, 2023 is tilt# (21 days.....will minus) past YOM KIP 2023 (SEPT 25)......

....thus, the legal 7-yr trib count w/ tilt loss considered (LEV 23) seems to be YOM KIP 2023 to YOM KIP 2030.

RETURN (ELUL 10, 2030) plus 75 days is still SAGIT 1.

RETURN in 2030 minus tilt loss plus 30 mourn is SEPT 15, the Millen TISH 15 (SUCCOTH) & LIBRA 15....

.....same day as YOM KIP 2030 w/ tilt loss considered.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is II ADAR 17, virtually NISAN 17 (1 yr past NISAN 17).....coveted day.

COUNT START/FIRSTFRUITS, SUN, APR 28, 2024 plus 2300 (plus 3 n.c.) is day earth is straight, AUG 16, 2030.

A 'stretch,' but JAN 5-6 is REALLY DEC 24, the original KISLEV 24 (HAG 2 promise), plus 280 days 'CHURCH GESTATION' is OCT 12, 2023 as well.


Also, the last 7-day warning 'may' be TISH 23 (SIMCHA TORAH, HAMAS invasion) to OCT 15.

....'could be' this SUNDAY, OCT 15........'wishful thinking' at best.

Fred Fox - October 16th, 2023 at 3:23pm

Thank you for the sermon notes.

JANET HERSCU - October 17th, 2023 at 9:22am

VERY possibly this WED, OCT 18 (CHESVAN 3.....3 times 8 = 24.....888.........spec)....

....& OCT 18 is likely Jesus' original solar birthdate of (280 days Gestation past JAN 12, the orig 8th day of the GK ORTHODOX CHRISTMAS/8th day of 8th FEAST, JESUS' CONCEPTION....plus 280 was BIRTH.

OCT 18 is 23 days (will minus) past FAST of YOM KIP, 2023 (ZECH 8:19).

SIGNING (SUN, OCT 15, was LIBRA 24......888......judg of the 888/LAMB).

Mid trib (RAPTURE plus 1260 days) at APR 7, 2027, is ARIES 17, Millen NISAN 17 & MAR 17, FIRST FRUITS....coveted.......straight earth......all in sync.

Earth is straight AUG 15, 2030 (& VIRGO 15) plus 30 days mourning is SEPT 15, the Millen TISH 15, TABERNACLES & LIBRA 15.....all in sync.......(Isa 63 into Temple).....

....plus 45 days judg of the nations is trib end at SAGIT 1 (NOV 1).

REALLY looks like this WED, OCT 18!!! (....ISRAEL needs the EZEK 38 RESCUE!!!!).

JANET HERSCU - October 19th, 2023 at 9:28am

Possibly FRI, .OCTOBER 20

JAN 12 plus 280 is OCT 17 (orig solar birthdate of Jesus)

TUES, OCT 17 SIGNING....3rd day....

SUCCOTH 2022 plus 370 (Noah) is OCT 17.

YOM KIP 2023 plus tilt (will minus) is OCT 17.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL at APR 6, 2027 is ARIES 17 (future NISAN 17 & MAR 17), coveted.

RETURN plus 2 (Hos 6:2-3) is SEPT 12.....plus 30 mourn is OCT 12, SUCCOTH, into TEMPLE, ISA 63.

TRIB END straight earth is CHESVAN 8 (8,8).

IYYAR 28 (FIG TREE) 2024 plus 2300 is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE, SEPT 22, 2030....same day as SUCCOTH 2030.

.....more....but this FRI, OCT 20 looks plausible....albeit spec.....

JANET HERSCU - October 23rd, 2023 at 3:53am

All points still 'fit' for TUES, OCT 24.

TUES: ancient Wedding Day, 3rd day (Hosea 6:2-3).

SIGNING, OCT 21 (?) is tilt # past SUCCOTH (ISA 26,20).

OCT 24 (RAPTURE....?) is SCORPIO 1.....'death sign.'

Mid-trib is ARIES 14-17 (will be NISAN 14-17.....PASSOVER & FIRSTFRUITS).....coveted....SATAN mimics.

SHAVUOT 2024 plus 2300 is ISA 63 Temple Entrance, LIBRA 22 (will be TISH 22).

OCT 17 (280 past JAN 12) was likely Jesus' Birth.....plus 7 (last warning) is OCT 24.

RETURN: VIRGO 24 (888) plus 30 mourning is LIBRA 24 (888)......if applic.

......much more......too much to review.....looks like TUES, OCT 24 now......spec, of course.

JANET HERSCU - October 23rd, 2023 at 8:44pm

If JESUS was born OCT 18 (280 days past JAN 12....8th day Gk Ortho Christmas), then Jesus' 8th-day Dedication/Circumcision/TISHREI 22 (8th day SUCCOTH....SHMENI ATZERET) was OCT 25.....

.....& the RETURN in 2030 minus tilt loss plus 30 days mourning is SEPT 22, straight-earth LIBRA 22, the future TISHREI 22 (8th/last day SUCCOTH) from then on.......ISA 26:20 (virtual trib span)....

.......& SEPT 22, 2030 is END of 2300 days TEMPLE DESECR/DAN 8:13-14) past SHAVUOT 2024.

If a last 7-day warning applies (as to Noah before Flood), note OCT 18 plus 7 days is SUN, OCT 25, RAPTURE.

RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING) is SEPT 15, 2030 (future SUCCOTH/TISH 15); & plus 54 days (75 minus tilt.....n.c.) end at NOV 8, (straight-earth....now 30-day mths).

There are also 54 days n.c. from SEPT 1, 2023 (future straight-earth 5th FEAST/TISH 1 & LIBRA 1) to RAPTURE, OCT 25.

If Mazzarot applies, SIGNING ('death covenant') at OCT 22 is SCORPIO 1 (death sign).

If 'DAY OF THE LORD' applies literally (w/ 7-yr trib n.c.), CHESVAN 7, 2023 (SIGNING) to straight-earth trib end at CHESVAN 8, 2030 is virtually 'ONE JEWISH DAY.'

Most intriguing to me (via MAZZAROT) is MID TRIB in 2027 w/ the SUN, APR 4 ABOM of DESOL at ARIES 14 (future/straight-earth NISAN 14 PASSOVER....& MAR 14) w/ a.c. satanically rising on ARIES 17.....the future/straight-earth NISAN 17 FIRSTFRUITS.......seemingly 'mimicking' JESUS' death & resurrection dates.

SUNDAYS (count-start day): SIGNING.......MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL......RETURN

When all is 'figured,' the REAL 7-yr LEGAL COUNT (LEV 23....& 483 yrs plus 7 yrs trib) is YOM KIP 2022 to RETURN YR YOM KIP 2029 when all the n.c. days & spans are considered.....so nothing is 'late.'

RAPTURE subject on FOX NEWS!!!? (ad of David Jeremiah's book)....ISRAEL REELING!!!???......c'mon!!!...is SOMETHIN' UP or NOT!!!??

Probably the above info is a 'false alarm' again; but one must agree that a few points above are 'slightly' thought-provoking to say the least......so perhaps this WED, OCT 25......

JANET HERSCU - October 26th, 2023 at 8:23pm

Via continued spec, RAPTURE 'could be' this SAT, OCT 28 (CHESVAN 13).

54 days are n.c. (75 minus 21 future tilt loss)....& 54 days are RETURN to trib end (straight earth)......

.....& SEPT 1 (future TISH 1, 5th FEAST) plus 54 days is WED, OCT 25, 2023 possible SIGNING.

SEPT 1, 2030 is also the day earth is straight (SEP 21 RETURN minus tilt loss).

FAST of TEVET 10 (100...'implantation day'/10th day Conception), plus 280 is OCT 7, 2023 (TISH 22).....

.....& plus 22 days (will minus) is SAT, OCT 28, possible RAPTURE.

SIGNING at OCT 25 was likely orig TISH 22, 8th day SUCCOTH, JESUS' CIRCUM DAY (if OCT 18 was birth).

JAN 11 plus 280 Gestation is OCT 18.....plus 7 last warning is OCT 25 SIGNING.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 days past SIGNING) at APR 7, 2027 is ARIES 17, future NISAN 17 & MAR 17....coveted.

RETURN (2520 days past RAPTURE) at SEPT 21, 2030, is LIBRA 1, future straight-earth 5th Feast, TISH 1.....opens FALL FEASTS.

As for the 2300 days, SHAVUOT 2024 plus 2300 (DAN 8:13-14) is Oct 1, 2030, ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR DAY 30 days past RETURN.

So earth is straight LIBRA 1.......plus 30 is SCORPIO 1, start judg Nations......plus 45 is SAGIT 15, trib end.


....much more, but 'could be' this SAT, OCT 28.....

JANET HERSCU - October 26th, 2023 at 8:43pm

Via continued spec, RAPTURE 'could be' this SAT, OCT 28 (CHESVAN 13).

54 days are n.c. (75 minus 21 future tilt loss)....& 54 days are RETURN to trib end (straight earth)......

.....& SEPT 1 (future TISH 1, 5th FEAST) plus 54 days is WED, OCT 25, 2023 possible SIGNING.

SEPT 1, 2030 is also the day earth is straight (SEP 21 RETURN minus tilt loss).

FAST of TEVET 10 (100...'implantation day'/10th day Conception), plus 280 is OCT 7, 2023 (TISH 22).....

.....& plus 22 days (will minus) is SAT, OCT 28, possible RAPTURE.

SIGNING at OCT 25 was likely orig TISH 22, 8th day SUCCOTH, JESUS' CIRCUM DAY (if OCT 18 was birth).

JAN 11 plus 280 Gestation is OCT 18.....plus 7 last warning is OCT 25 SIGNING.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 days past SIGNING) at APR 7, 2027 is ARIES 17, future NISAN 17 & MAR 17....coveted.

RETURN (2520 days past RAPTURE) at SEPT 21, 2030, is LIBRA 1, future straight-earth 5th Feast, TISH 1.....opens FALL FEASTS.

As for the 2300 days, SHAVUOT 2024 plus 2300 (DAN 8:13-14) is Oct 1, 2030, ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR DAY 30 days past RETURN.

So earth is straight LIBRA 1.......plus 30 is SCORPIO 1, start judg Nations......plus 45 is SAGIT 15, trib end.


....much more, but 'could be' this SAT, OCT 28.....

JANET HERSCU - October 29th, 2023 at 7:49pm

Via spec, possibly this TUES, OCT 31 (CHESVAN 16.....8,88) & SCORPIO 11.....

TUES, 3rd day, is the ancient Wedding day & HOS 6:2-3.


SAT, OCT 28, 2023 SIGNING is 22 days (tilt#, will minus) past OCT 7 (TISH 22, LIBRA 15, future TISH 15).....ISA 26:20, if applic.

FAST of TEVET 10 (100), 10th day Gestation (implantation) plus 280 days 'Church Gestation' is OCT 7, 2023.

FAST of AV 9 plus 96 days (75 plus 21 tilt....n.c.) is TUES, OCT 31....

....& there are also 96 days from day earth is straight (SEPT 1, 2030) to trib end DEC 7 (before tilt loss).

TUES, OCT 31 RAPTURE is SCORPIO 11.....death sign & #11 = judg.

OCT 28 SIGNING (SCORPIO 8) is CHESVAN 13 (#13 is 'rebellion').

If NOV 15 is EZEK 38 Victory, plus 7 solar yrs fuel use (Ezek 39:9) is trib end, Nov 15 , 2030 (straight earth).

7 mths bury bodies in Israel span NOV 13-15 (SCORP 24), 2023, to SHAVUOT 2024 (June 11-13....3rd TEMPLE)......

.....& plus 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) end at ISA 63 Temple Entrance, OCT 1, 2030....SCORPIO 1, Millen CHESVAN 1.

RETURN at SAT, SEPT 21, 2030 (2520 days past SIGNING) is LIBRA 1.....plus 30 days mourning is SCORPIO 1.......& plus 45 days judg of Nations is SAGIT 15.

RETURN minus tilt loss is still LIBRA 1, SEPT 1, Millen TISHREI 1 (5h Feast, opens FALL FEASTS).

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL/a.c. satanically rises (1260 days past RAPTURE) is a TUES (APR 13, 2027).

Via straight earth, all AV 9 tragedies will be 'as' FAST of TAMMUZ 17.

Legal count (LEV 23) is still YOM KIP yr 2022 (start of 280) to YOM KIP yr 2029 (RETURN yr).

RAPTURE could well be this TUES, OCT 31.....CHESVAN 16.....SCORPIO 11.....

JANET HERSCU - October 30th, 2023 at 5:10pm

Via spec, likely one day off if COUNTS begin on SUNDAYS......thus possibly WED, NOV 1, CHESVAN 17.

NOV 1 is also 'ALL SAINTS DAY,' if applic (& not Biblical).

Return (2520 days trib count past SIGNING on SUN, OCT 29...?) is SUN, SEPT 22, 2030, LIBRA 1.....

......& minus tilt loss will be straight-earth, SEPT 1, Millen 5th FEAST, TISH 1 & LIBRA 1....all in sync.

Note SEPT 10, 2023 plus 52 days...n.c. (75 minus tilt) is also NOV 1.....

....& SEPT 10 will be the Millen TISHREI 10 (FAST of Yom Kip).

The days between TISH 1 & TISH 10-11 are the 10 days of AWE ('in reverse' 2023 to 2030....7yrs).

FAST of AV 9 (JULY 27, 2023) plus 97 days (75 plus 22 tilt.....n.c.) is NOV 1.......& there are also 97 days from SEPT 1, 2030 (earth straight) to trib end DEC 8 (w/out tilt loss).

OCT 7 (TISH 22....& LIBRA 15) plus 22 days tilt n.c. (will minus) is SIGNING, SUNDAY, OCT 29.....

...& LIBRA 15 in Millen will be SEPT 15 & TISH 15.....all in sync.....so ISA 26:20 could apply.

OCT 7 was also 280 days 'Church Gestation' past FAST of TEVET 10....implantation/10th day Conception.

MID-TRIB/A.C. satanically rises (1260 days past RAPTURE) is WED, APR 14, 2027, ARIES 24 (8,888).

RETURN 2520 days past SIGNING, SUN, SEPT 22, 2030 plus 30 days mourning is a TUES, 3rd day, HOS 6:2-3, ISA 63 TEMPLE RECONSECRATION, same day as straight-earth OCT 1 w/ tilt loss considered.....

....& OCT 1, 2030 is 2300 days TEMPLE DESECRATION (Dan 8:13-14) past SHAVUOT 2024 (7 mths burying/bldg 3rd Temple past EZEK 38 VICTORY (mid Nov...?).

So, via MAZZAROT w/ attn to DAN 12:11-12), if applic:

SIGNING is SCORPIO 8 (plus 2550 days....2520 plus 30) is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR

RAPTURE is SCORPIO 11 (death sign & #11 judg)

MID TRIB a.c. satanically rises is ARIES 24 (8,888)....coveted

RETURN is LIBRA 1 (Millen TISH 1, 5th Feast, opens FALL FEASTS

Isa 63 into Temple is SCORPIO 1...

...plus 45 judg Nations is trib end SAGITTARIUS 15 (mid CONQUEROR/MESSIAH/VICTOR)

Via straight earth, all AV 9 FASTS will be as FAST of TAMMUZ 17....ZECH 8:19...all 4 accounted for.

All else same.....much more....'could be' WED, NOV 1.

JANET HERSCU - October 31st, 2023 at 6:38pm

.....also works well (via spec) for THURS, NOV 2, CHESVAN 18 (666).....& SCORPIO 11.

Return (2520 days trib past SIGNING on MON, OCT 30...?) is MON, SEPT 23, 2030, LIBRA 1.....

......& minus 22-day loss will be straight-earth, SEPT 1, 5th FEAST, TISH 1, LIBRA 1....all in sync.

5th FEAST (ROSH HASHANA) opens Millen FALL FEASTS......AGE OF GRACE fulfilled FEASTS 1-4.

Note SEPT 10, 2023 plus 53 days...n.c. (75 minus tilt) is also NOV 2....

....& SEPT 10 will be the Millen TISHREI 10 (FAST of Yom Kip).

The days between TISH 1 & TISH 10-11 are the 10 days of AWE ('in reverse' 2023 to 2030....7yrs).

FAST of AV 9 (JULY 27, 2023) plus 98 days (75 plus 23 tilt....will minus) is NOV 2.....& there are also 98 days from SEPT 1, 2030 (earth straight) to trib end DEC 8 (w/out tilt loss).

OCT 7 (TISH 22....& LIBRA 15....ISA 26:20) plus 23 days...will minus....is SIGNING, MON, OCT 30....

...& LIBRA 15 in Millen will be SEPT 15 & TISH 15.....all in sync.....so ISA 26:20 could apply.

So via straight earth, the SIGNING/trib count start if 2520 days will be as occurring on OCT 7 (LIBRA 15).

OCT 7 was also 280 days 'Church Gestation' past FAST of TEVET 10....end of implantation/10th day Conception.

MID-TRIB/A.C. satanically rises (1260 days past RAPTURE) is THUR, APR 15, 2027, ARIES 24 (8,888).

RETURN 2520 days past SIGNING, MON, SEPT 23, 2030 plus 30 days mourning at OCT 23 is the ISA 63 TEMPLE RECONSECRATION, same day as straight-earth OCT 1 (SCOPIO 1.....start 45-day judg Nations) w/ tilt loss considered.....

....& OCT 1, 2030 is 2300 days .....plus 3 n.c......TEMPLE DESECRATION (Dan 8:13-14) past eve SHAVUOT 2024 (7 mths burying/bldg 3rd Temple past EZEK 38 VICTORY (mid Nov...?).....& mid Nov is LIBRA 24 (888), if signif.

So, if MAZZAROT applies (w/ attn to DAN 12:11-12....1260, 1290, 1335):

...SIGNING is SCORPIO 8 (plus 2550 days....2520 plus 30) is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR

...RAPTURE is SCORPIO 11 (death sign & #11 judg)

...MID TRIB a.c. satanically rises is ARIES 24 (8,888)....coveted

...RETURN is LIBRA 1 (Millen TISH 1, 5th Feast, opens FALL FEASTS

...Isa 63 into Temple is SCORPIO 1...

...plus 45 days judg Nations is trib end SAGIT 15 (mid CONQUEROR/MESSIAH/VICTOR)

Via straight earth, all AV 9 FASTS will be as FAST of TAMMUZ 17....ZECH 8:19....all 4 accounted for.

If signif, NOV 2, 1917 was BALFOUR DECL......106 yrs ago.

Also, if signif, 5 mths (as Noah) span JUNE 7 to NOV 2...

....and 4 mths ("to harvest") span FAST of TAMMUZ 17 to NOV 2.

Also, 2550 days (2520 plus 30) span the 7 yrs from SCORPIO 8 SIGNING to SCORPIO 1, TEMPLE ENTR.

All else same.....much more....'could be' THUR, NOV 2....

JANET HERSCU - November 2nd, 2023 at 7:06pm

continued spec via MATT 24:43-44....can't know "day or hour"......but of 3 days....72 hrs):

5th Feast (next to be fulfilled) is THUR, SEPT 26, 2030.....2520 days trib past SIGNING!

RETURN (TISH 1, 2030) minus tilt loss (likely takes 3 days) is ELUL 10.....

.....plus 30 mourn is YOM KIP 2030, HIGH PRIEST/JESUS into Temple/RECONSECRATIO/ISA 63.

SIGNING is SCORPIO 11 (THURS, NOV 2, 2023), CHESVAN 18 (666)......plus 2520 is RETURN.

FAST of TEVET 10 (Jan 3, 2023) plus 280 days Gestation plus tilt (will minus) is SIGNING, NOV 2.

Mid-trib ABOM DESOL (& killed) via Mazzarot is ARIES 24 (8,888......coveted)......

....plus 3 days dead a.c. satanically rises SUN, NISAN 11......& kills 2 witnesses who rise on PASSOVER.

The 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) span SHAVUOT 2024 to day earth is straight, SEPT 29, 2030.....3 days past RETURN......

......i.e. RETURN is TISH 1 (5th FEAST, SEP 26, 2030) plus 3 days straightening is SEPT 29, 2030 end of the 2300 days.

SUNDAYS (count start): RAPTURE...........A.C. RISES..........EARTH STRAIGHT

75 days n.c. plus the 23-degree earth tilt (will minus) is 98 days (virtually n.c.).....

.....and FAST of AV 9 (JULY 27) plus 98 is SIGNING.

Also, all AV 9 tragedies will be 'as having occurred' on FAST of TAMMUZ 17.

So, ALL 4 FAST DAYS seem to be accounted for ("to joy") above (ZECH 8:19).

In HAGGAI 2, something amazing & marvelous will occur (or be 'concluded') on the real/straight-earth KISLEV 24; so note RETURN plus 75 days (plus 3 straightening.....so plus 78 days) is NOVEMBER 24, 2030.......

.....& straight-earth NOV 24 trib end will also be Millen KISLEV 24 & SAGIT 24......all in sync.....the ONLY point which 'seems' to connect......albeit mega spec: KISLEV 24 (888), SAGIT 24 (888), NOV 24 (888).

SEPT 10 (future straight earth TISH 10 YOM KIP & LIBRA 10) plus 52-53 days is SIGNNG......as one notes that 75 days n.c. minus future tilt loss is 53 days.

There are also 53 days from RETURN 2030 to trib end w/ tilt loss considered.

The RAPTURE (SUN, NOV 5....?) is the tilt# past CHESVAN 1 (8th mth); & the ISA 63 Temple RECONSECRATION 30 days past RETURN (w/out tilt loss considered) is also CHESVAN 1, 2030.

If EZEK 38 VICTORY in ISRAEL (oh!, SO NEEDED) is 9 or 10 days chaos/N invasion of Israel after RAPTURE, then there are 7 mths (210 days) BURYING BODIES/BLDG 3rd TEMPLE.......ending at SHAVUOT 2024 (JUNE 12.....3rd TEMPLE).

If the 2 wit's are killed NIS 11 (2027), plus 3 days to their Resurrection is PASSOVER.......'could be.'

The start of the 280-day Gestation (plus the tilt) at FAST of TEVET 10, 2023 (JAN 3) is in the YOM KIP yr 2022......& minus the 21 yrs n.c. (20 FULL YRS.....just as under 20 yrs n.c. in Biblical Tribal counts) is YOK KIP YR 2001 (6001)....start 121st JUB...7th MILLEN....GEN 6:3.......LEV 23 legal count start & end...

.....so all in all, YOM KIP 2022 plus 1-yr warning (Jerem 51:46) is YOM KIP 2023.......then plus 7 yrs trib is YOM KIP 2030 (TEMPLE ENTRANCE).

....can't see beyond the dates above.....but knowing me, I'll likely soon 'come up w/ something!'

SO, perhaps this SUNDAY, NOV 5......🕛🇸🇻🎺🙏

JANET HERSCU - November 5th, 2023 at 10:23am

This WED, NOV 8, is CHESVAN 24, (8,888), a significant HEBREW CALENDAR #.

JANET HERSCU - November 8th, 2023 at 12:17pm

O.k., it never got this good! Points below (amidst spec) view FRI, NOV 10.....(w/ SIGNING NOV 7).

....5th FEAST/ROSH 2023 (Sept 16) plus 53 (75 minus tilt) is NOV 7.

....SUCCOTH 2023 (ISA 26:20) plus 40 more days 'testing' is NOV 10.

....OCT 18 (280 gestation/same as Jesus' past JAN 12) plus 23 tilt (will minus) is NOV 10.

....NOV 7 SIGNING is SCORPIO 18 ('death sign' & 666), if applic.

....Mid-trib ABOM DESOL (1260 days past SIGNING) at APR 20 is TAURUS 1 (Deut 33:17).

....TUESDAYS (as KETUBAH/3rd day/ancient Wedding Day): SIGNING.....ABOM DESOL....RETURN

....RETURN (2520 days past RAPTURE....after 3 days straightening) is YOM KIP 2030 (OCT 7).

....OCT 7, 2030 is LIBRA 15 which is straight-earth SEPT 15 & Millen TISH 15 all in sync.

....So, in 2030 earth is straight (RETURN minus tilt) SEPT 15, Millen TABERNACLES (ZECH 14:15-18).

....RETURN plus 75 days (DAN 12:11-12) is trib end at KISLEV 24 (HAG 2, CREATION DAY & =1260/moon).

....RETURN at LIBRA 15 plus 75 is trib end, CAPRIC 1 & DEC 1 (Millen TEV 1, JESUS' CONCEP anniv).

....The 2300 days Temple Desecration (DAN 8) perhaps span SHAVUOT 2024 to the RETURN.

....EZEK 38 Victory (KISLEV 7 or before?, NOV 20...?????) plus 7 Jewish mths burying/bldg 3rd Temple is SHAVUOT 2024......then plus 2300 to RETURN.

....MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) is NISAN 13 (# rebellion).....plus 3 a.c. rises NIS 16.

....RETURN minus tilt to straight earth is STILL in YOM KIP yr 2029......7 yrs legal count (LEV 23) past YOM KIP yr 2022 (YOM KIP yr of 280 Church gestation start).......& minus 20 FULL YRS is YOM KIP 2001, 6001, start of 121st JUB, 7th MILLEN (GEN 6:3....120 full Jubilees promised)....so all is 'on schedule.'

....5th FEAST......6th FEAST.......7th FEAST......all accounted for above....

....very likely this FRI, NOV 10....

JANET HERSCU - November 10th, 2023 at 12:01am

SAT, NOV 11 is better.....& here's WHY:

1260 days past SIGNING is MID-TRIB NISAN 14 to NISAN 17....(Apr 21-24, 2027)......PASSOVER to FIRSTFRUITS......'slightly intriguing dates.'

If so, then A.C. will 'mimic' Jesus' death & resurrection....(Satan indwells a.c. NISAN 17, 2027).

Mid trib is also TAURUS 1 (Deut 33:17)......"as a BULL/GORES NATIONS."

SIGNING (WED, NOV 8...?) was SCORPIO 18 ('death sign' 666)....as 'COVENANT w/ DEATH' (cease fire???).

RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING) is LIBRA 15, WED, OCT 5, 2030......(TISH 8)....plus 2 to straighten YOM KIP, OCTOBER 7, 6th FEAST.

......& minus tilt (to straight earth) is SEPT 15, Millen TISH 15 & LIBRA 15 (all in sync/ZECH 14:15-18).

Plus 30 mourn is actual TISH 18 (SAT, OCT 15, mid-Succoth, John 7:14), JESUS to Temple (Isa 63).

SABBATHS: RAPTURE............A.C. RISES MID TRIB.........ISA 63 INTO TEMPLE (straight earth)





....SCORP 15 start 45-days judg Nations

....CAPRIC 1.....trib end (sacrifice to live fish complete)

Note why SATAN covets NISAN 17:

....JESUS' RESURRECTION (Satan was doomed when Jesus arose)



....plus others...

Trib end w/out tilt loss at DEC 20, 2030 is KISLEV 24 (HAG 2)......& minus tilt is same day as DEC 1, Millen TEVET 1 (8th day, 8th Feast/Jesus' Concep day) from then on.

Further review is not needed since only one day is added.....so all else virtually same....so glean from last letter.

JANET HERSCU - November 11th, 2023 at 9:28pm

MON, NOV 13.....?

The 5th, 6th, 7th FEASTS still need to be fulfilled (FEASTS 1-4 already fulfilled in the Age of Grace).

5th FEAST/ROSH HASHANA (SEPT 16), 2023 plus 55 days (75 days minus future tilt loss) is SIGNING (trib count start of the 2520 days).

6th FEAST/YOM KIPPUR (OCT 7, 2030) is the RETURN (2520 days trib count past SIGNING).

7th FEAST/TABERNACLES will be day earth is straight (22 days tilt loss back from YOM KIP RETURN)....

.....& that day will be SEPT 15, the new/Millen TABERNACLES/TISH 15 & LIBRA 15, all in sync.

30 days mourning later will be OCT 15, the actual TISH 18 (mid Succoth), ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE......same date as Jesus' Entrance during SUCCOTH, John 7:14.

On THIS side of the trib, note Jesus' birthdate OCT 18.......plus 21-23 days tilt (will minus); and NOV 10 (possible SIGNING) minus 23 is OCT 18....

....& OCTOBER 18 was lIkely Jesus' birthdate (280 days Gestation past JAN 12....8th day 8th Feast, orig TEVET 1). We know that because of the historically-kept 'JAN 5 to JAN 12' (really DEC 24 - DEC 31....due to 1500's calendar change)......JAN 12, orig 8th day of 8th Feast, orig TEVET 1 (plus 280 = TISH 15 SUCCOTH).

If so, then the CHURCH has the same 280-day gestation span dates as that of JESUS (BODY of CHRIST).

Also, when REMNANT follows Jesus into the Temple (TISH 18....?, Isa 63), they are the BODY OF CHRIST.

The RETURN on YOM KIP 2030 seems to be 'too late/beyond' the promised 120 full Jubilees (plus 20 full yrs n.c.)....GEN 6:3.....but earth reverts back to SEPT 15, still in the YOM KIP YR 2029.

Also, trib end (w/ tilt loss) will be DEC 1, 2030......Millen TEVET 1, JESUS' CONCEPTION ANNIV.....8th day of 8th Feast........plus 280 = SUCCOTH BIRTH.

All else virtually same as last letter.....plus a day......'could be' MON, NOV 13...spec, of course.....

JANET HERSCU - November 12th, 2023 at 9:50am

I'm repeating this presumed spec scenario since these 2 Jewish FEAST DAYS (TISH 1 & 10) hold such huge significance.

Via the last letter, note that ROSH HASHANA 2023 (5th FEAST) to YOM KIPPUR 2030 RETURN....w/ 7 yrs n.c.......are the 9 DAYS OF AWE.


The HIGH PRIEST entered the HOLY of HOLIES only once a year....on YOM KIPPUR, TISH 10.

Rosh Hashana 2023 (Sept 16) plus the 55 days to SIGNING (covert/Nov 10?) are not counted (the 75 minus tilt loss).....

.....& there are also 55 days (n.c.) from the RETURN to trib end at DEC 1. 2030 (the new/Millen TEVET 1)......w/ the 20-22-day tilt loss considered......

.....then at the RETURN earth settles back to straight-earth position at SEPT 15, the new/Millen TISHREI 15, TABERNACLES....ZECH 14:15-18.......& celebrated yearly for the MILLEN.....& likely for eternity.

Thus, since ROSH HASHANA is the NEXT FEAST to be fulfilled , the 5th, 6th & 7th FEASTS will perhaps be fulfilled thusly as reviewed above.

JANET HERSCU - November 12th, 2023 at 8:36pm

con't spec:

.....& if RAPTURE is TUES, NOV 14 (3rd day/Wedding day....& HOS 6:2-3), the mid trib ABOM DESOL 1260 days past SAT, NOV 11 SIGNING, is FIRSTFRUITS/NISAN 17 (most coveted day) & RETURN is end of YOM KIP.......on into Tishrei 11 (77).

Earth still 'backs up' to SEPT 15, the Millen TISH 15, TABERNACLES.

...all else virtually same as last letter......can't see beyond TUES, NOV 14......

JANET HERSCU - November 14th, 2023 at 7:54pm

My 'confidence in KNOWING is waning'......of 3 days, of course.....via "constant watching/owner won't LET the thief enter" (MATT 24:43-44). However, the following review seems plausible with # points matching a possible RAPTURE date this SAT, NOV 18 (w/ SIGNING NOV 15) since the scenario involves the FALL FEASTS.

2520 days trib past SAT, NOV 18 is RETURN, SAT, OCT 12, 2030, TABERNACLES, Tishrei 15, ZECH 14:15-18 (& JESUS' B-DAY).

SEPT 1 is the future, straight-earth LIBRA 1 & TISH 1, 5th Feast, next to be fulfilled).....

....so note that 75 days are n.c. on each side of the trib....& SEPT 1, 2023 plus 75 is Thur, NOV 15, SIGNING.

54 days (75 minus 21-day tilt loss) span YOM KIP (6th Feast) to NOV 18; and there are also 54 days from the RETURN to trib end when the 21-day tilt loss is considered.

Since counts only begin on YOM KIPPURS (Lev 23), the 1-yr warning (Jerem 51:46) likely spans YOM KIP 2022 to YOM KIP 2023......then plus the 54 days (n.c.) to RAPTURE.

RETURN (2520 days past RAPTURE) is TABERNACLES, SAT, TISH 15, 7th FEAST/ZECH 14:15-18....

....& RETURN plus 75 is trib end at TEVET 1 (8th day/8th Feast, Jesus' Conception anniv (since plus 280 was His SUCCOTH Birth).

So the FALL FEASTS (5th, 6th, 7th) seem to be fulfilled thusly.

RETURN minus tilt is ELUL 22 & plus 30 mourn is TISH 22 (8th day Succoth, into TEMPLE (ISA 63)......

.....& plus the 45 days judg of the nations (Dan 12:11-12) is trib end at DEC 5-6, 2030, END of 2300 days (DAN 8:13-14) past the FAST of AV 9, 2024 (Aug 13).....spec.

The 2300 days also span FAST of TAMMUZ 17 (July 23, 2024) to NOV 11-12, 2030 which is 30 days mourning past the TABERNACLES RETURN; but Nov 11 will be OCT 22 w/ tilt loss....

....(21-day tilt difference between any TAMMUZ 17 & AV 9).

As for FAST of TEVET 10, TISHREI 22, 2030, straight-earth ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE is the end of 280 days past TEVET 10, 2029.

Another connection to FAST of TEVET 10 (DEC 23, 2023), TEVET 10 'may be' the EZEK 38 Victory because plus 7 solar mths burying is JULY 23, 2024, TAMMUZ 17.....then plus 2300 (3 n.c.) is NOV 11, 2030 which is 30 days past SUCCOTH RETURN.

There's a 'slight glimmer of hope' that KISLEV 24 (HAG 2) is the EZEK 38 VICTORY (Dec 7) as well.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL 1260 days past SIGNING is WED, MAY 1, 2027 (TAURUS 11....99....DEUT 33:17), if Mazzarot applies.

As for the 280-day Church Gestation (via "birth pangs"), the 280-day span seems to be the same as that of Jesus' gestation (JAN 11, 2023 to OCT 16 BIRTHDATE anniv)...& plus 7 is OCT 23, His 8th day Circumcision anniv........

......& add the tilt of 21-22 days (will minus) to OCT 23 to arrive at NOV 15 SIGNING/SCORPIO 24 ('wrath/death sign/888') if MAZZAROT applies.

GK Orthodox CHRISTMAS JAN 5-11 or 12 is really 11 days earlier, DEC 24 to DEC 31, orig KISLEV 24 to TEVET 1 (8th day 8th Feast), Jesus' Conception day anniv.


If one realizes that the 7-yr trib is n.c., SEPT 1, 2023 (plus 75 n.c. to SIGNING) to SEPT 22 (day earth is straight in 2030) is ALL THE FALL FEASTS....& LIBRA 22 (via the perf/Millen calendar w/ all in sync).

The earth is straight BEFORE YOM KIP 2030.....so not 'too late.'

So, that's the latest via the 'watching frenzy'.......'could be' this SAT, NOV 18.

JANET HERSCU - November 17th, 2023 at 10:18pm


TUESDAY is 3rd day, ancient wedding day (& HOS 6:2-3, if applic).

SAT, NOV 18 SIGNING (?) is 54 days n.c. (75 minus tilt) past YOM KIP (Sept 25).....

.....& there are also 54 days (n.c.) from the SUCCOTH RETURN to trib end (w/ tilt loss).

2520 days past SAT, NOV 18 SIGNING (trib count start) is TABERNACLES 2030 RETURN (SAT, OCT 12).

1260 days past SIGNING is ABOM DESOL, SAT, MAY 4, 2027, TAURUS 15 (DEUT 33:17).....

.....& plus 3 days a.c. satanically rises TAURUS 18 (666), start of GREAT TRIB.

RETURN minus tilt is ELUL 22, then plus 30 mourning is SAT, TISHREI 22, 8th day Succoth, SHMENI ATZERET, ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE.......& SUCCOTH day 1 & 8 must be SABBATHS.

RETURN at SUCCOTH/TABERNACLES plus 75 is TEVET 1 (Jesus' Conception anniv).

All else virtually same as last review........so, perhaps TUES, NOV 21.

JANET HERSCU - November 20th, 2023 at 11:59pm

....continued spec.....perhaps this WED, NOV 22 (KISLEV 9, SAGITTARIUS 1).

SIGNING (SUN...when counts start....NOV 19....?) is 55 days (75 minus tilt) past YOM KIP.

There are also 55 days from RETURN to trib end (w/ tilt loss).

MID-TRIB when a.c. satanically rises is TAURUS 15 (DEUT 33:17).

Fast of TEVET 10 (Jan 3) plus 280 Church Gestation plus 40 'testing' is SIGNING, NOV 19.

RETURN at LIBRA 22 minus tilt loss is SEPT 22, new/Millen TISH 22 & LIBRA 22....all in sync.

TISH 22 (SHMENI ATZERET) is 8th/LAST day of TABERNACLES (Jesus' 8th day/Circumcision).

RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) at OCT 13 plus 2 days (Hosea 6:2-3) is OCT 15, 2030........

.....& OCT 15 is TISH 18....earth straight....mid-Succoth as JOHN 7:14.

If "4 mths to Harvest" (& as 120 yrs) applies, FAST of AV 9 plus 4 mths is KISLEV 9, RAPTURE.

FAST of TAMMUZ 17 plus 2300 (plus 3 n.c. mid-trib is NOV 12, 2030.....

....& that day is Isa 63 Temple Entr 30 days past RETURN (Dan 8:13-14) before tilt loss.

All 4 FAST DAYS seem accounted for above.....ZECH 8:19.

JANET HERSCU - November 21st, 2023 at 4:27pm

.....& if FRIDAY, NOV 24 (KISLEV 11), the following spec points seem to coordinate.

SUCCOTH 2023 (ISA 26:20) plus 52 (75 minus tilt) is SIGNING....TUES, 3rd day....

.....& TUES was ancient Wedding/Ketubah-SIGNING day.

TUES, NOV 21, 2021 SIGNING...?.....trib count start of 2520 days) is also SAGITTARIUS 1.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 days past signing) is TAURUS 15...plus 3 = TAUR 18 (666, BEAST).

OCT 15, 2030 RETURN (as in JOHN 7:14) is mid-SUCCOTH (TISH 18)....a TUES, 3rd day & HOS 6:2-3....

.....& earth backs up to SEPT 22, new TISH 22 (8th day SUCCOTH) & LIBRA 22....straight-earth, all in sync.


There's much more; but most else is same as last letter, give or take......

........so perhaps FRI, NOV 24 (KISLEV 11......99).

JANET HERSCU - November 22nd, 2023 at 2:45pm

SAME LETTER w/ one correction: SIGNING in 2023 (not 2021)....4th line from top

.....& if FRIDAY, NOV 24 (KISLEV 11), the following spec points seem to coordinate.

SUCCOTH 2023 (ISA 26:20) plus 52 (75 minus tilt) is SIGNING....TUES, 3rd day....

.....& TUES was ancient Wedding/Ketubah-SIGNING day.

TUES, NOV 21, 2023 SIGNING...?.....(trib count start of 2520 days) is also SAGITTARIUS 1.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 days past signing) is TAURUS 15...plus 3 = TAUR 18 (666, BEAST).

OCT 15, 2030 RETURN (as in JOHN 7:14) is mid-SUCCOTH (TISH 18)....a TUES, 3rd day & HOS 6:2-3....

.....& earth backs up to SEPT 22, new TISH 22 (8th day SUCCOTH) & LIBRA 22....straight-earth, all in sync.


There's much more; but most else is same as last letter, give or take......

........so perhaps FRI, NOV 24 (KISLEV 11......99).

JANET HERSCU - November 24th, 2023 at 4:04pm

Via spec, SO MUCH fits this SAT, NOV 25.....KISLEV 12 (9x12=108).

At the RETURN (SAT, TISH 22, OCT 19, 2030), earth backs up (-21) to 5th FEAST, TISH 1, SEPT 28.


MID-TRIB: TAURUS 15-18.....DEUT 33:17.....18=666, BEAST, a.c. rises...........MAY 5-8, 2027.

RETURN: LIBRA 24...888....OCT 16, 2030, TISH 19, as Jn 7:14, plus 3 days straightening...?...to OCT 19, 2030).

RETURN: TISH 22 (HOLY DAY, LEV 23, 8th day of 7th Feast...Shmeni Atseret).....OCT 19, 2030.

SUCCOTH 2023, 7th FEAST (ISA 26:20 PROMISE) plus 53 days (75 minus 22 tilt) is SIGNING, NOV 22.

There are also 53 days n.c. from OCT 19, 2030 RETURN to TRIB END DEC 12 (w/tilt loss).

7 mths BURYING spans TEVET 10, 2023 to 3rd Temple (?), AV 15, 2024 (then plus 2300....DAN 8:13-14....3 days n.c... is trib end/w/tilt loss).

The EZEK 38 DIVINE VICTORY 'could be' KISLEV 24 (HAG 2 ), DEC 7, 2023, 11-12 days past RAPTURE.

Future/straight-earth YOM KIP date of SEPT 10 plus 75 (n.c.) is SIGNING, NOV 22, 2023, SAGIT 1.

TRIB END (before tilt loss) is JAN 5, 2031, which (due to 11-day calendar error) is REALLY DEC 24, 2030, orig KISLEV 24 (HAG 2).....& orig CREATION DAY, 1st day 8th Feast.

7 yrs fuel use (EZEK 39:9) spans TEV 10, 2023 to TEV 10, 2031.....(JAN 5), trib end (before tilt loss).....10x10=100.

2 witnesses RISE on IYYAR 5, 2027 (79 yrs Statehood).....3.5 days past the day a.c. satanically rises (MAY 8, 2027.......TAURUS 18.....9, 99.....DEUT 33:17.....start 1260-day GREAT TRIB.

Via MAZZAROT, PISCES 1 (7th Sign/fish/believers), 2023, plus 280 'Church Gestation' is NOV 25, 2023.

YOM KIP year 2022 (yr of 280-day start) plus 7 yrs trib is day earth is straight (ROSH, TISH 1), YOM KIP year 2029........since YEAR COUNTS only begin & end on YOM KIPPURS (Lev 23).

483 yrs completed at the CROSS.....plus 7 yrs trib = 490 yrs complete.....DAN 9 (Daniel's 70th week).

All AV 9's thru history will be 'as occurring' on TAMMUZ 17 when earth is straight.

So all 4 FAST DAYS (TAM 17, AV 9, TISH 10, TEV 10) seem 'accounted for' above.....ZECH 8:19.

Also, the 5th, 6th, 7th FEASTS seem fulfilled above as well.

Future YOM KIP (straight earth) will be SEPT 10.......& SEPT 10, 2023 plus 75 (n.c.) is SIGNING, trib count start (NOV 22, 2023).


30 days past day earth is straight (ROSH 2030) is CHESVAN 1 (8th mth), ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR.

So, via spec, looks like this SATURDAY, NOV 25.

JANET HERSCU - November 25th, 2023 at 2:32pm




MID TRIB: TAURUS 15-18 (DEUT 33:17), MAY 6-9, 2027....& minus tilt loss will be NIS 10-11).....

.....& the 2 witnesses rise on IYYAR 5 (Statehood anniv).

RETURN: SIMCHA TORAH (TISH 23, 2030) plus 30 mourn is TEMPLE ENTR CHESVAN 24 (8,888).

RETURN minus tilt loss is ROSH, 5th Feast, SEPT 28, 2030.....earth straight.......

.....& plus 30 mourn is CHESVAN 1 (OCT 28), TEMPLE ENTR, straight earth.

75 days (minus tilt = 53-54 days) are n.c. on each side of the trib.....

.....& SUCCOTH (ISA 26:20) 2023 (SEPT 30) plus 54 days is SIGNING (TH, NOV 23).

Trib still ends on TEVET 10 (JAN 5-6, 2031......before tilt loss considered).

W/ tilt loss, trib end is KISLEV 16, DEC 12-13, 2030.......2300 days past AV 15, 2024 (3 n.c.).

The 7 yrs fuel use (EZEK 39:9) may be TEV 10, 2023 to TEV 10, 2031 (JAN 5-6, 2031).....

.....and JAN 5-6 is REALLY DEC 24 (due to the 11-day calendar error).

JAN 5-6 is also the GK ORTHODOX CHRISTMAS......keeping our knowledge of orig 8th Feast date.

SUNDAYS: RAPTURE.......A.C. satanically rises........RETURN.

All else virtually same........so, perhaps this SUNDAY, NOV 26.....????

JANET HERSCU - November 25th, 2023 at 11:34pm

VIA SPEC, RETURN, FRI, OCT 18, 2030 (2520 days trib past FRI, NOV 24 SIGNING is TISH 21.....

......& TISHREI 21 RETURN, 7th day of SUCCOTH, is HOSHANA RABAH....MATT 23:39....

.....& it is the 7th day of the 7th FEAST.

Minus tilt will be ROSH HASHANA, 5th FEAST, TISH 1 (earth straight), SEPT 28, 2030.

RETURN plus 3 days straightening is TISHREI 24......

.......& plus 30 mourn is CHESVAN 24 (8,888), ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR (CHESVAN 1 w/ tilt loss).

SEPT 10 (future/Millen YOM KIP) plus 75 days n.c. is NOV 24 SIGNING.

When earth is straight......3-day difference......via MAZZAROT:


....MID TRIB: TAURUS 15-18 (DEUT 33:17)




Almost all else is SAME as last letter, but add 1 day to a possible RAPTURE, MON, NOV 27.

JANET HERSCU - November 27th, 2023 at 12:36am

.....con't spec w/ a view of TUES, NOV 28, 2023, KISLEV 15, as a possible RAPTURE date.

RAPTURE: SAGIT 8....plus 2550 days (2520 plus 30 mourn) is SAGIT 1, TEMPLE ENTR (ISA 63).

TUES is a 3rd day (HOS 6:2-3) as well as the ancient WEDDING day.

If MAZZAROT applies, MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is TAURUS 18 (666), DEUT 33:17.

RAPTURE minus future tilt loss will be 'as having occurred' on CHESVAN 24 (8,888).....

....& ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE 30 days past RETURN is CHESVAN 24 (8,888) as well.

RETURN at OCT 19, 2030 is the LAST/8th day of SUCCOTH, the 7th Feast.....

.......& the 8th day of SUCCOTH is SHMENI ATZERET/HOLY DAY/LEV 23.

SABBATHS: SIGNING (11/25...?)......MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL.....RETURN (TISH 22, 2030).


Earth still backs up 21 days to TISH 1 (SEPT 28, 2030), 5th FEAST.....earth straight.

All in all, the entire scenario fits MAZZAROT thusly (if applic):


.....ABOM DESOL: TAURUS 18 (666)




SUCCOTH (TISH 15), 2023 plus 54-55 days (75 minus tilt) is SIGNING.....

......& RETURN (OCT 19, 2030) to trib end (w/ tilt loss) is also 54-55 days.

Also, entire 7-yr trib from RAPTURE to trib end (w/ tilt loss) is KISLEV 15 to KISLEV 15....7 Jewish yrs).

All else virtually same........'could well be' this TUESDAY, NOV 28 (KISLEV 15).

JANET HERSCU - November 27th, 2023 at 1:36pm

.....addendum to last spec letter:

KISLEV 24 (HAG 2), DEC 7, 2023, EZEK 38 Victory?....PLUS 2300 DAYS (DAN 8:13-14) IS RETURN!!!!!.....

.....w/ 3 days n.c........so 2303 days.

KISLEV 24, 2023 plus 7 JEWISH MTHS burying/bldg 3rd Temple is SIVAN 24, 2024 (JUNE 30)......

.........then plus 2300 days (& 3 n.c.) is RETURN (OCT 19, 2030).

Ezek 38 & HAG 2 (battle & victory) are virtually the 'same language.'

As for an obvious 'SIGN' in the sky (in ORION), super-nova activity of Betelgeuse....streaming now.....'may' hold signif.

KISLEV 24 (1st day HANUKKAH) was orig 8th FEAST (CREATION DAY); & 8th day, TEVET 1, was Jesus' Conception anniv (since plus 280 Gestation is SUCCOTH, Jesus' B-day).

KISLEV 24 in #'s (9 x 24)is 216......& MOON diameter is 2160 mi........if applic.

JANET HERSCU - November 28th, 2023 at 12:24am

This KISLEV 24 (DEC 7) BATTLE/VICTORY is also likely the EZEK 38 BATTLE/VICTORY,

so WED, NOV 29 RAPTURE seems more accurate (w/ possible SIGNING SUN, NOV 26).

MID-SUCCOTH (as John 7:14) plus 54 days (75 minus 21 tilt loss) is NOV 26 (& 54 RETURN to trib end).

CHESVAN 24 (8,888) is 21 days previous to the NOV 29 RAPTURE.....

....& CHESVAN 24 (8,888), 2030 is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE....& a TUES (Hos 6:2-3).

ISRAEL of HOS 6:2-3 is the REMNANT (led by Jesus, ISA 63, on SAGIT 1, 2030 (NOV 22).

RAPTURE NOV 29 is SAGIT 8 & plus 2550 days is TEMPLE ENTR (NOV 22, 2030, CHESVAN 24).

RAPTURE is KISLEV 16 & trib end is KISLEV 16 (w/ tilt loss)......7 Jewish yrs.

KISLEV 24 (DEC 7, 2023) plus 7 Jewish mths BURYING/BLDG 3rd Temple is SIVAN 24.....

.....then plus DAN 8:13-14 DESECRATION/2300 days (3 n.c.) ends at RETURN (SUN, OCT 20, 2030).

At the RETURN earth still backs up to TISHREI 1, 5th FEAST.

MID TRIB at MAY 9-12, 2027 (IYYAR 2 to IYYAR 5 (STATEHOOD), a.c. satanically rises.


TAURUS/BULL relates to Deut 33:17.

MID TRIB ABOM DESOL (2027) minus future tilt loss will be NISAN 10, 14, 17 (2 wit's rise).

MUCH MORE, but 5 other spans (1-yr, 280, 75, 40, 21, 97) precede SIGNING.....too much to review.

ALL ELSE SAME.....but add a day to last letter w/ possible RAPTURE this WED, NOV 29.

JANET HERSCU - November 30th, 2023 at 6:53pm

Via spec, consider SUNDAY, DEC 20 (KISLEV 20).

RAPTURE/KISLEV 20.....& trib end w/ tilt loss is also KISLEV 20 (7 Jewish yrs).

Counts start on SUNDAYS:........RAPTURE......A.C. SATANICALLY RISES

SIGNING: likely TH, NOV 30, SAGIT 8, KISLEV 17 (9x17=153, 'fish/believers'), trib count start of 2520 days.

ROSH/5th FEAST, SEP 16, 2023 plus 75 n.c. is NOV 30, 2023....& RETURN plus 75 also n.c. (DAN 12-11-12).

75 minus tilt is '54' days & TISH 22 (ISA 26:20) plus 54 is NOV 30, & also 54 from RETURN to trib end (w/ tilt loss).

SIGNING/TRIB-COUNT START NOV 30 minus 23 days future loss is CHESVAN 24 (8,888).....'straight-earth' date.

RAPTURE DEC 3 plus 7 days (chaos/N. Invasion of Israel) is KISLEV 24 (HAG 2), possible EZEK 38 VICTORY...???.....

.....and plus 7 mths bury/bldg 3rd Temple (210 days....7x30) is JULY 5, 2024 (3rd Temple).....

....& plus 2300 days (DAN 8:13-14) is RETURN, THUR, OCT 24, 2030 (2520 count past SIGNING, NOV 30).

RETURN at OCT 24, 2030 is SCORPIO 1 (if Mazzarot applies)....& plus 30 mourning is NOV 22-23.

NOV 22-23, 2030 is SAGIT 1 (ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE),....& plus 45 is trib end, CAPRIC 15 (sacrifice/believers).

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (TH, MAY 13, 2027, IYY 6...1260 past SIGNING) is TAUR 24 (888...DEUT 33:17, BULL).

3 days later A.C. SATANICALLY RISES SUN, MAY 16......which, minus tilt, will be NISAN 17 (coveted).

RETURN minus tilt will be OCT 1....the possible TISH 1 of Jesus' Birth yr, since His Solar birth date is OCT 15-17 (was TISHREI 15, SUCCOTH. OCT 1 (straight earth) will be SCORPIO 1.

The legal 7-yr trib count, w/ all considered (LEV 23) still spans YOM KIP 2022 to YOM KIP 2029 (7 yrs).....

....and YOM KIP 2022 minus 21 yrs (20 full yrs n.c.) is YOM KIP 2001 (6001), start 121st JUB, 7th MILLEN, GEN 6:3.

TRIB END (before tilt loss is considered....i.e OCT 24, 2030 plus 75 days....is JAN 5, 2031, TEVET 10.

TEVET 10 also spans JAN 3, 2023 (TEVET 10) plus 280 days Gestation to TISH 22, 2023, OCT 7.....then plus the 54 days to NOV 30 SIGNING.

So, many spans seem to connect to this SUNDAY, DEC 3, as a VERY possible RAPTURE date.

JANET HERSCU - December 1st, 2023 at 1:22am


JANET HERSCU - December 3rd, 2023 at 1:16am

God said that "no man knows the day or the HOUR." Why down to the word HOUR?.....knowing some would deal w/ month/week/day (of 3) in multiple attempts to discover the time of the Rapture (& via MATT 24:43-44....owner could 'know' if he watched constantly).

HAG 2:7: "DESIRE/DARLING of NATIONS COMES" (on KISLEV 24.....3 times). That's the only verse that announces a specific DAY for an arrival....intriguing....but know that 1 day is 72 hrs beginning to end.

If that day is to be noted, the points below 'connect' well w/ KISLEV 24 (Thur, DEC 7, 2023)...1st day HANUKKAH.

KISLEV 24 was likely CREATION DAY (8th FEAST....7 days long/count start on 8th day.......KISLEV 24 - TEVET 1).

Jesus was CONCEIVED on 8th day 8th Feast since plus 280 days Gestation is SUCCOTH/TABERNACLES TISHREI 15, His Birth.....

....& there must be a reason (ZECH 14:15-18) that TABERNACLES will be celebrated every yr in the Millen...perhaps the anniv DAY the EARTH IS STRAIGHT (TABERNACLES, OCT 12, 2030...20 days tilt loss back from OCT 31 RETURN).....start of the MILLEN (a 360-day perf yr from then on)......as well as JESUS' BIRTHDAY.

THUR, DEC 7, 2023 plus 2520 days trib count is THUR, OCTOBER 31 RETURN.

There are always 75 days from TISH 15 SUCCOTH to TEVET 1.....& the day earth is straight (SUCCOTH 2030) plus 75 is TEVET 1 (& note 75-day difference between 1260 & 1335....DANIEL 12:11-12).

If EZEK 38 Battle/Victory is concluded on TEVET 1 this yr (DEC 14), "SEVEN YRS FUEL USE" (EZEK 39:9) end at TRIB END, TEVET 2, 2030.....75 days past SUCCOTH, the day earth is straight.

If that is the case, 7 solar mths BURYING/BLDG 3rd TEMPLE span DEC 14 to JULY 14, 2024......then plus the 2300 days TEMPLE DESECRATION (Dan 8:13-14) end at the RETURN, Thur, OCT 31, 2030.

If MAZZAROT applies (spec), RAPTURE is SAGITTARIUS 15.

There's more; but I thought it necessary to draw attention to KISLEV 24 this year JUST IN CASE it's a date we are to note as a possible RAPTURE day.

JANET HERSCU - December 3rd, 2023 at 11:23am

CORRECTION: 4 sentences up from end of last letter should read TEVET 1, not TEVET 2.

Also, the 75 days plus 280 complete a Jewish year of 355 days (SHANA....sheen/300, nun/50, heh/5).

Every one of the 8 FEASTS was & is fulfilled by JESUS.

The 5th & 6th Feasts (ROSH HASHANA & YOM KIPPUR) have likely 'been fulfilled' due to the tearing of the VEIL at the CROSS....eliminating the need for the terrible 10 judgment days of AWE (TISH 1 to TISH 10)....& since FORGIVENESS was ALREADY PROCURED when the veil to the HOLY of HOLIES tore (our HIGH PRIEST/JESUS was on the Cross).

Another seeming confirmation of the scenario via the last letter is that SEPT 23 is always LIBRA 1; and LIBRA 1 will be the future/straight-earth TISHREI 1 and SEPT 1......all in sync/perfect 360-day calendar.....

......& the 75 days on each side of the trib are 'not counted'.......'balance out' each other.


1st/PASSOVER...........................JESUS, the PASSOVER LAMB


3rd/FIRSTFRUITS........................JESUS AROSE


5th/ROSH HASHANA.............,,...

6th/YOM KIPPUR........................


8th/8th day/CREATION................JESUS' CONCEPTION (8th day)

The span from 8th day Creation count start (TEVET 1) to SUCCOTH is 280 days Gestation.

Note too that SEPT 23, 2023 (LIBRA 1) plus 75 days on THIS side of the trib is DEC 7, KISLEV 24.

FEASTS 1 through 4 (& 8) were already fulfilled during the Age of Grace; & the above review was to try to explain the fulfillment of the FALL FEASTS (5th, 6th & 7th).

JANET HERSCU - December 6th, 2023 at 5:54pm

CREATION DAY (KISLEV 24...1st day of 8th FEAST) was a SUNDAY & COUNTS BEGIN on SUNDAYS........so, possibly this SUNDAY, KISLEV 27 (also 9,999 if signif).

SIGNING (trib start of the 2520 days) was possibly THURS, KISLEV 24 (HAG 2:7.... ).

All else 'same'......but add 3 days.

JANET HERSCU - December 6th, 2023 at 11:34pm

REVIEW of the SUNDAYS: an 8th day/HEAVENLY/outside of earth's perfection #7

....CREATION DAY (1st day)





"JESUS is the FIRSTFRUITS of ALL WHO SLEEP"....believers rise on a SUNDAY as well....?

Also, the COUNT START of the 49 days to SHAVUOT was to be a SUNDAY.

JANET HERSCU - December 10th, 2023 at 10:56am

Well, SO MUCH FOR THAT!.......HOWEVER, via spec, note:

This Tuesday (3rd day/ancient Wedding Day & HOS 6:2-3), DEC 12, fits the following:

SEPT 26, 2023, TISHREI 11 (77='perf judg'/worst day on Jewish calendar) plus 75 n.c. is SAT, DEC 9 SIGNING......

......& the 75 days from day earth is straight (TABERNACLES) plus 75 n.c. is trib end, TEV 1.

Note 1260 plus 75 = 1335 (DAN 12:11-12).

SIGNING on DEC 9 is KISLEV 26.......& #26 is double 13, 'double rebellion.'

KISLEV 26 (DEC 9) is also SAGIT 18 (666) if Mazzarot applies.

MID TRIB ABOM DESOL (1st day of flight to PETRA), 1260 days past SIGNING, is GEMINI 1 (10th Sign, 'twins in harmony'), if MAZZAROT applies.

The SAT, NOV 2, 2030 RETURN (2520 days trib past SIGNING) minus tilt loss is TABERNACLES.

TABERNACLES (ZECH 14) is SAT, OCT 12, 2030.....plus 75 n.c. is trib end, TEVET 1 (Jesus's Conception anniv day, 280 days before SUCCOTH BIRTH).



EZEK 38 'may occur' TEVET 1 or TEVET 10, just days from now.......spec.....

.....& trib end (straight earth) in 2030 is TEVET 1 as well.

If applic, in 2030, day earth is straight, OCT 12 is SAGIT 12 as well.

All else virtually same as last letter.....'could be' this TUESDAY.

JANET HERSCU - December 11th, 2023 at 7:30pm

If you tried to figure out what "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES on KISLEV 24" means, read on:

HAG 2: KISLEV 24 arrival-day promise:......SAGITTARIUS 24........& future NOV 24......!!!!

Via the probable original & future/straight-earth 360-day yr (via GOSPEL in the STARS/MAZZAROT), KISLEV 24 was NOV 24 (& future, straight-earth SAGITTARIUS 24........all in sync).

Well, note this DEC 15 (SAGITTARIUS 24) minus the future tilt loss is NOVEMBER 24, the straight-earth SAGITTARIUS 24 & KISLEV 24!!

So, via the HAG 2 Promise "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES" (on KISLEV 24), a DEC 15 RAPTURE date makes sense, since it will revert back to NOV 24, the future/eternal KISLEV 24.....& still SAGIT 24.

SIGNING 'may be' TUES (as Ketubah/conference/Dubai?....."2030 plan?"), this DEC 12.....spec.

2520 days trib past DEC 15, 2023 (RAPTURE?) is RETURN, TUES, Nov 5, 2030......

....& minus tilt will be mid SUCCOTH, 4th day, TISHREI 18 (as JOHN 7:14, Jesus' Arrival).

RETURN, TUES (HOS 6:2-3, THIRD DAY) plus 75 to trib end is AQUARIUS 1, "AGE of AQUARIUS").

SIGNING (TUES, DEC 12, 2023?) is 75 days (n.c.) past SUCCOTH 2023 (SEPT 30).

EZEK 38 VICTORY 'may be' DEC 21, FAST of TEVET 10 (& CAPRICORN 1, if MAZZAROT applies),.......

.......& plus 7 mths bury/bldg 3rd Temple is JULY 21, 2024, LEO 1, 3rd TEMPLE......

........& plus '2300 days' desecration (DAN 8:13-14) is RETURN at TUES, NOV 5, 2030.

TUESDAYS (3rd day):......SIGNING.........ABOM DESOL (IYY 18)........RETURN

......so, 'could be' this FRIDAY, DEC 15 (SAGIT 24), future straight-earth NOV 24 & KISLEV 24...

JANET HERSCU - December 13th, 2023 at 11:36am

Interesting spec points, if applic:

This FRI, Jan 15 is 8th day HANUKKAH (see JOHN 10....whole chapter).

JOHN 10:27: Jesus shouted "My sheep HEAR My Voice (shout/Trumpet blast)"on 8th day HANUKKAH.

Also, in order to reach trib end precisely at AQUAR 1 (JAN 1, 2031, straight earth), 3 days must pass......just as Jesus waited 3 days before arriving to the SUCCOTH FEAST on TISH 18.......

......& Earth is straight on TISH 18 (OCT 15, 2030).....3 days past TABERNACLES, TISH 15.

Note the ONE-YR WARNING (Jer 51:46): SHANA (355 days), DEC 25, 2022 to DEC 15, 2023 (TEVET 1 to TEVET 3)....spec.

Also note #37 (special prime #.....24x37=888)........& 2557 vs 2520 (7 solar yrs vs 7 perf/prophetic yrs) = 37; and via MAZZAROT, any SAGIT 24 (DEC 15) plus 37 is AQUARIUS 1 trib end (37 days w/ 7 yrs trib n.c.).

The 7 yrs are 483 plus 7 trib = 490 yrs completed (Daniel's 70th wk).

Via last letter the 2300 was not 'clarified;' but 2300 days span AV 15, 2024 to TEMPLE ENTRANCE (DEC 5, 2030) 30 days mourning past RETURN.......a possibility.

JANET HERSCU - December 14th, 2023 at 6:23pm

STILL WATCHING???!!?......attn to MATT 24:43-44 (constant watching) & HAG 2:7:

TEVET 1.....8th day 8th Feast possible SIGNING (w/ ANTI CHRIST...likely covert....KING CHARLES? HARARI? MACRON? OBAMA? GELLER?....?..?...?).

IF SAT, DEC 16 is RAPTURE ("no one knows day or hr".....anywhere w/in 72 hrs), the following fits:

DEC 16 is SAGIT 24, future/straight-earth KISLEV 24 & NOV 24 via HAG 2 KISLEV 24 'arrival promise.'

SIGNING was perhaps WED, DEC 13, TEVET 1, 8th day of 8th Feast (Jesus' Conception anniv....since plus 280 is His SUCCOTH TISHREI 15 TABERNACLES BIRTH).....

.....& TEVET 1, 2022 plus 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) would be TEVET 1, 2023 (SIGNING...start 2520 count..?).

75 days are n.c. on each side of the trib (note 1335 minus 1260....DAN 12).....

.......& 75 days previous to the TEVET 1 SIGNING was SUCCOTH, SEPT 30, TISH 15.....ISA 26:20.

RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) at WED, NOV 6, 2030 (SAGIT 24) minus tilt loss is TISH 18, mid-Feast, 4th day SUCCOTH (as Jesus' arrival.....JOHN 7:14).......& ZECH 14:15-18.....then all else same as last letter.

That day (TISH 18, 2030, mid Feast) is also a TUESDAY: HOS 6:2-3, if signif.

If MAZZAROT applies, ELIJ & MOS ('twins?') rise on GEMINI 10 (10x10 100)....June 1, 2027 (spec).

Also, trib end is AQUARIUS 1 ('Age of Aquarius'.....?), straight earth JAN 1, 2031....orig TEV 1.


Since the 75 days are n.c., the 280-day 'Church Gestation' count spans TEVET 1 to SUCCOTH 2023......same gestation span as that of Jesus (& Church is Body of Christ).

Note too that any SAGIT 24 to AQUAR 1 is 37 days.

.....37 books O.T.

.....37 x 24 = 888

.....special prime #

.....many others

Also, IF the Ezek 38 VICTORY is JAN 21-22, 2024 (AQUAR 1), SEVEN YRS FUEL USE (EZEK 39:9) would span JAN 21, 2024 to trib end at JAN 21-22, 2031AQUAR 1 to AQUAR 1 (before tilt loss is considered).

TEVET 1 in history:

.....8th day 8th Feast (KIS 24 plus 7 days is TEV 1)

.....Celebrated by Jesus...JOHN 10



.....An 8th day (new/Heavenly/outside of perf 7)

KISLEV 24 is 9 x 24 = 216 and moon diam = 2160 mi (if applic).

Via the Millen/straight earth calendar w/ all in sync, KISLEV 24/NOV 24/SAGIT 24 will hold.

So too, NISAN 1 will be ARIES 1 (8th Sign Mazzarot/LAMB) & MARCH 1, etc.

All else virtually same....but add a day......so perhaps this SATURDAY....

JANET HERSCU - December 14th, 2023 at 9:49pm

8th point from the top beginning w/ RETURN in 2030, NOV 6, SAGIT 24 should read SCORPIO 15.

JANET HERSCU - December 15th, 2023 at 6:54pm

& COUNTS BEGIN ON SUNDAYS (DEC 17).....?......all else same.

JANET HERSCU - December 18th, 2023 at 9:58am

The only other surmised 'date' via my spec study is this TUES, DEC 19 (TEVET 7).

TUES is a 3rd day (ancient Wedding Day & HOS 6:2-3, if applic).

SIGNING was possibly SAT, DEC 16, SAGIT 24 (future straight-earth KISLEV 24 & NOV 24, HAG 2).

SIGNING is the count start of the 2520-day trib.

RETURN in 2030 minus tilt is TISHREI 22...8th day SUCCOTH OCT 19, ZECH 14:15-18, a SABBATH.

SABBATHS: SIGNING........ABOM DESOL........RETURN (plus 3 straightening)

TUESDAYS: RAPTURE.......A.C. RISES..........RETURN (HOS 6:2-3, if applic).

Mid Feast (JOHN 7:14) plus the '75' days n.c. span OCT 2-3, 2023 to the SIGNING, DEC 16.

All else virtually 'same' as last letter....

JANET HERSCU - December 19th, 2023 at 10:48pm

.....the only 'ponderable' spans that still remain w/ a spec view of a THUR, DEC 21 (TEV 9) RAPTURE:

ROSH HASHANA, 5th FEAST, SEPT 16, 2023 plus 97 days (75 plus tilt.....both 'n.c.') is DEC 21.

TISHREI 22, LAST DAY SUCCOTH (OCT 7, 2023) plus 75 days n.c is DEC 21......

.....& earth is straight LAST DAY SUCCOTH/TISHREI 22, 2030 (23 days back from NOV 11, 2030 RETURN.

So 7-yr trib (w/ uncounted days considered) is virtually TISH 22 to TISH 22.

AV 9 to TEVET 9 RAPTURE is 5 mths (as Noah delay).....& minus tilt loss will be TAMMUZ 17.

DEC 21 is CAPRICORN 1.....sacrificial goat/live fish.

2300 days (DAN 8:13-14) span ❤️Tu b'AV (AUG 19, 2024) to DEC 11 (30 days past NOV 11, 2030 RETURN).

DEC 11, 2030 is TEMPLE RECONSECRATION (DAN 8:13-14).

210 days (7 mths BURYING) span JAN 21, 2024 (AQUAR 1....EZEK 38?) to AUG 19, 2024.

Earth is straight TISH 22, 2030 (8th day SUCCOTH).....& plus 75 is JAN 5 which is REALLDEC 24, the orig KISLEV 24....HAG 2......signif if the 7-yr trib & the 75 days are 'not counted.'

JAN 5 is also the GK ORTH CHRISTMAS (minus 11 days calendar error...1500's...is DEC 24...HAG 2).

TEVET 10 plus 280 is TISH 22.....& trib end (w/ tilt loss/straight earth) is TEVET 10 (75 past TISH 22).

The FAST DAYS (ZECH 8:19) seem accounted for (real yr counts are only YOM KIPPURS)....LEV 23.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL....(MAY 31 to JUNE 6, 2027)....is 'GEMINI 10 to GEM 15' (2 wit's/twins RISE)...if MAZZAROT applies.....

....& mid-trib (a.c. rises) minus tilt loss is IYYAR 5.....& plus 3.5 days minus tilt is MAY 14.

.......'could be' this THURS, DEC 21......seems to fit quite a few spans.

JANET HERSCU - December 20th, 2023 at 12:37pm

DEC 1 will be TEVET 1 when earth is straight & all is in sync (TEVET 1, DEC 1, CAPRIC 1)....360-day yr.

DEC 1 will be TEVET 1, the 8th day of the 8th Feast.....JESUS' CONCEPTION DAY since plus 280 Gestation was TISHREI 15, TABERNACLES, HIS BIRTH.

HAG 2 speaks of "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMING ON KISLEV 24"........but the COUNT START of KISLEV 24 is TEVET 1, the 8th day (TEVET 1).

This THURS is CAPRIC 1 (DEC 21); and minus the tilt loss will still be CAPRIC 1, but DEC 1 & TEV 1.

Thus, the ARRIVAL on KISLEV 24 (w/ COUNT START on 8th day, TEVET 1) perhaps HOLDS!

Note: CREATION DAY was KISLEV 24....but until CREATION was completed, the count did not start....only on the 8th day, TEVET 1.

So, go figure!

JANET HERSCU - December 20th, 2023 at 8:35pm

Spans (via spec) 'matching' FRI, DEC 22 (CAPRICORN 1), FAST of TEVET 10.

Trib also ENDS on TEVET 10 (earth straight), JAN 5, 2031 (really Dec 24, orig KISLEV 24).

The 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) may have been TEVET 10, 2023 (JAN 3) to TEVET 10 RAPTURE.

RETURN (TUES, NOV 12, 2030) minus tilt loss is OCT 21 (TISH 24), straight earth.....

.....& plus 30 mourning is NOV 20, TEMPLE RECONSECRATION (2300 days past FAST TAMMUZ 17, 2024).

That TEMPLE ENTRANCE DAY (Nov 20, 2030) is CHESVAN 24 (8,888)....best CALENDAR DAY......


.....& NOV 20, 2030, CHESVAN 24, plus 280 days Gestation will be SEPT 1, 2031, future TISH 1 & LIBRA 1.

ROSH HASHANA, 2023, 5th FEAST, plus 97 n.c. (75 plus tilt, both n.c.) is Dec 22, possible RAPTURE.

ADAR 24 (12,12,12, 'Divine/perfect govt') plus 280 days Church Gestation is also DEC 22, 2023.

NOV 24, 2022 (future KISLEV 24, HAG 2) plus 7 days to count start is DEC 1 (future CAPRIC 1, straight earth); & RAPTURE minus future tilt loss will be DEC 1 (& CAPRICORN 1 & TEVET 1...8th day 8th Feast).

The 7 days from KISLEV 24 to count-start TEVET 1 is likely related to the '7-day warning (as Noah).

5 mths (as Noah delay) is AV 9 to TEVET 10.

7 mths burying bodies/bldg 3rd Temple possibly span end of DEC 2023 to JULY 23, 2024 (TAMMUZ 17)......

......then plus 2300 days is the NOV 20, 2030 CHESVAN 24 TEMPLE RECONSECRATION date.

TUESDAYS (3rd day, ancient Wedding Day): SIGNING......ABOM DESOL......RETURN (Hos 6:2-3)

OCT 7 (TISH 22), 2023 plus 75 days n.c. (in 30-day mths) is DEC 22, 2023, possible RAPTURE.

MID TRIB ABOM DESOL (JUNE 1, 2027) minus tilt loss will be IYYAR 5 (Statehood anniv).

A.c. satanically rises JUNE 4, 2027.......GEMINI 15, if MAZZAROT applies.....& plus 3.5 days ELIJ & MOSES rise on JUNE 7 (anniv Temple Mt 1967).

There are 8 yrs in all (1-yr warning plus 7-yr trib).....

.....& the actual legal count of the 7 yrs is actually YOM KIP to YOM KIP (Lev 23).....

.....so all 4 FAST days seem accounted for (Zech 8:19).

So, 'could be' this FRIDAY, DEC 22.....

JANET HERSCU - December 22nd, 2023 at 12:53am


HAG 2:7: "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES".......to WHERE??.....to JERUSALEM, of course!!!


From then on, every year all the NATIONS will also come UP to JERUSALEM (ZECH 14).

Via last letter, straight-earth NOV 24 will be KISLEV 24 & SAGIT 24 (all in sync).

Well, 2520 days from this SAT, DEC 23, is RETURN at SCORPIO 24 (SAT, NOV 16,2030).

Minus tilt reverts back to OCT 24 & plus 30 mourning is NOV 24, ISA 63 march from Petra.

Via straight earth, NOV 24 will be SAGIT 24 & KISLEV 24.....Mazzarot & calendars in sync, 360-day yr.

Pray tell me, can one place "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES" anywhere else in time?

Most else same as last letter......'could be' this Saturday for HAG 2:7 to occur on that day.

(HAG 2:7: "Ooh vaooh Chemdat col ha goyeem"........'DARLING OF THE NATIONS SHALL COME').

JANET HERSCU - December 23rd, 2023 at 11:34am

Counts start on SUNDAYS.....so, via spec, RAPTURE is likely this SUNDAY, DEC 24 (TEV 12):

LIBRA 15 (future, straight-earth TISHREI 15 & SEPT 15) plus 75 n.c. is CAPRICORN 1 (SIGNING, DEC 21).

Via straight earth, CAPRIC 1 will be DEC 1 & TEVET 1.....8th day of 8th Feast (count start of KISLEV 24 CREATION).

7 days (as Noah's last warning) before CAPRICORN 1 is SAGIT 24 (future KISLEV 24).......

....& the future KISLEV 24 will be NOV 24 as well as SAGIT 24 which is the case in 2030.

RETURN in 2030 (2520 past SIGNING) is NOV 14 (SCORPIO 24).....

......& minus the tilt to straight earth will be OCT 24.....

....plus 30 mourning is NOV 24, SAGIT 24, new/Millen KISLEV 24 (HAG 2.....ISA 63 into Temple).

Mid-trib is GEMINI 15-18 (666), 2027......'twins'...PETRA protection begins.

CREATION DAY was KISLEV 24 but CREATION COUNT started on the 8th day (TEVET 1).

OCT 7 (TISH 22, 2023) plus 75 n.c. is DEC 21 SIGNING (CAPRIC 1).

MAZZAROT points (if applic):


.....GEMINI 1 MID-TRIB ABOM (is killed)

.....GEMINI 18 (666...a.c. satanically rises)




The 2300 days still span Tammuz 17, 224 to TEMPLE ENTRANCE in 2030 (straight earth).

Future Millen/NISAN 17, MARCH 17 (ADAR 24.....12,12,12) plus 280 is also DEC 24 (if

ROSH 2023 plus 97 (75 plus tilt/will minus).....& 97 = day earth is straight to trib end (before tilt loss).

SAGIT 24 to CAPRICORN 1 was possibly the last 7-day warning (DEC 14 - DEC 21 SIGNING).

The 2 witnesses rise on SHAVUOT 2027.....spec.

I know the above comes across as 'gibberish,' any mention of Mazzarot is revolting & few believe that the earth will straighten; but too much fits this SUNDAY, DEC 24, to ignore......AND, I cannot see workable spans after this SUNDAY.

JANET HERSCU - December 23rd, 2023 at 4:10pm


3rd TEMPLE SACRIFICE, YOM KIP 2024 (OCT 12).....???......'could be!'

Trib end (75 days past NOV 14, 2030 RETURN) is JAN 27-28, 2031 which is exactly 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) past YOM KIP 2024 (3rd Temple sacrifice....?).......perhaps significant.

...also note DAN 12:12 (1335 days past mid trib Abom Desol).....1335 days minus 75 is 1260 days.

If so, EZEK 38 VICTORY may be a ways off.....

Janet Herscu - December 23rd, 2023 at 10:39pm

Via spec, MON, DEC 25 fits better.


....most else 'same'......add 1 day to all....

JANET HERSCU - December 26th, 2023 at 10:16am

If WED, DEC 27 (SIGNING 3 days previous), the following 'fits:'

RETURN (2520 past WED, DEC 27) is WED, NOV 20, CHESVAN 24 (8,888), 2030........

......plus 30 mourning is KISLEV 24 (HAG 2), ISA 63 "DESIRE of NATIONS" into Temple.....

.....plus 45 more (completing 1335 days, DAN 12:12) is trib end, JAN 31, 2031.

Trib end at JAN 31, 2031 is also end of 2300 days past YOM KIP 2024 (3 n.c. mid trib)....

280 spans ARIES 1 (future NISAN 1), MAR 21, to SIGNING (if MAZZAROT applies).

.....much else to consider.....most else 'same'.....perhaps futile to ponder or review......but 'could be' this WED, DEC 27 (TEV 15).

JANET HERSCU - December 26th, 2023 at 7:55pm

Every DAY a new date!....WOW!....not sure if that's what WATCHING meant.....anyway, note:

SIGNING: perhaps WED, DEC 27 which is:

.....97 days (75 plus tilt) from LIBRA 1, future SEPT 1 & TISH 1 (5th Feast)

.....280 days past MAR 17, future NISAN 17 & ARIES 17 Firstfruits

.....5 mths (as Noah) past FAST of AV 9 (& minus tilt will be FAST of TAMMUZ 17)

RAPTURE: perhaps SATURDAY, DEC 30 which is:

.....75 days past Jesus' solar birthdate (OCT 16....280 past JAN 11)

.....280 days past ARIES 1 (future NISAN 1 & MAR 1)

.....NOV 20 (SAGIT 1) plus 40 'testing' & plus 7 yrs trib is NOV 20, 2030 RETURN

.....tilt # past DEC 10, the future FAST of TEVET 10

This SAT, DEC 30 is CAPRICORN 10, future/straight-earth FAST of TEVET 10.

2520 days trib past SIGNING (WED, DEC 27, 2023) is RETURN, NOV 20, 2030 which is:

.....CHESVAN 24 (8,888)

.....SAGIT 1 (straight-earth NOV 1

Plus 30 days mourning is ISA 63 (HAG 2) TEMPLE ENTRANCE KISLEV 24 (DEC 20, 2030).

Mid-trib ABOM DESOL at WED, JULY 9, 2027 (1260 past SIGNING) is GEMINI 18 (666).....

....plus 3 days a.c. satanically rises/kills 2 wit's Sat, JULY 12, SHAVUOT (GEMINI 24).

RETURN/2030 minus tilt loss is straight-earth NOV 1, SAGIT 1...future KISLEV 1....

....plus 30 mourning is DEC 1, CAPRIC 1, new/Millen TEVET 1 (8th day Creation anniv).

Plus 45 days is straight-earth trib end JAN 15, AQUAR 15, new/Millen SHEVAT 15 ('balanced judg').

The 2300 days still span YOM KIP 2024 (to SUCCOTH) o trib end FEB 3-4, 2031 (before tilt loss).

SABBATHS: RAPTURE....A.C. RISES (& no transportation to Petra)

FAST DAYS seem accounted for: ZECH 8:19.

Note TEMPLE ENTRANCE KISLEV 24, 2030 (HAG 2) is the 'same day' as straight-earth DEC 1, the new/Millen TEVET 1......virtually 8th FEAST/CREATION WEEK: KISLEV 24 to TEVET 1.

Again, likely 'gibberish;' but some of the above still 'makes sense' to me......

.....so perhaps this SAT, DEC 30...

Janet Herscu - December 29th, 2023 at 9:29pm

This SUNDAY, DEC 31 (via spec) fits better:

SIGNING: perhaps THUR, DEC 28 (TEV 16) which is:

.....TILT # past KISLEV 24 (HAG 2)....so via straight earth, trib start is KISLEV 24.

.....280 days past MAR 21, ARIES 1, future ARIES 1 & NISAN 1.

.....5 mths (as Noah) past AV 15.....spec.

RAPTURE: perhaps SUNDAY, DEC 31, which is:

.....97 days (75 tilt) past Yom Kip 2023 (SEP 25)

.....1-yr warn: YOM KIP 2022-YOM KIP 2023 (Jer 51:46)

.....75 days past Jesus' solar birthdate (OCT 17, 280 days past JAN 12, CONCEPTION)

.....280 days past ARIES 1 (future NISAN 1 & MAR 1)....EZEK 45:18....TEMPLE CLEANSING

.....NOV 21 (SAGIT 1) plus 40 days 'testing' & plus 7 yrs trib is NOV 21, 2030 RETURN

.....Tilt # past DEC 10, the future FAST of TEVET 10


SAGITTARIUS: Messiah, Rider, Victor, Conqueror, Avenger, King.......

This SUN, DEC 31 is CAPRICORN 10, future/straight-earth FAST of TEVET 10....straight-earth/future DEC 10.

2520 days trib past SIGNING (THUR, DEC 28, 2023) is RETURN, NOV 21, 2030 which is

SAGIT 1 (straight-earth NOV 1).

Plus 30 days mourning is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR CAPRIC 1 (Millen TEVET 1, 8th day 8th Feast).

Mid-trib ABOM DESOL at THUR, JULY 10, 2027 (1260 days past SIGNING) is SIVAN 3....

....plus 3 days a.c. satanically rises/kills 2 wit's SUN, JULY 13, real SHAVUOT (GEMINI 24).

RETURN/2030 minus tilt loss is straight-earth NOV 1, SAGIT 1...future KISLEV 1....

....plus 30 mourning is DEC 1, CAPRIC 1, new/Millen TEVET 1 (8th day Creation anniv).

Plus 45 days is straight-earth trib end JAN 15, AQUAR 15, new/Millen SHEVAT 15 ('balanced judg').

The 2300 days span SUCCOTH 2024 to trib end FEB 4, 2031 (before tilt loss).

KISLEV 24 (1st day 8th Feast) was CREATION DAY.....& TEVET 1, 8th day, was COUNT START.

.....so perhaps this SUN, DEC 31....

JANET HERSCU - January 2nd, 2024 at 5:36pm

There is still hope for a soon RAPTURE (THUR, TEV 23, JAN 4....?).....spec info below, nevertheless intriguing:

TEVET 23 (RAPTURE...?) minus the future tilt loss is TEVET 1 (occasionally TEV 2).

Due to the 11-day calendar error, JAN 4 is REALLY DEC 24, the original KISLEV 24 (HAG 2).

Also, 96 days (75 & 21 tilt that will minus) are NOT counted on each side of the trib.

So note SUCCOTH 2023 (SEPT 30).....ISA 26:20....plus 96 days is JAN 4, possible RAPTURE.

God likely 'kept' the JAN 4-11 dates (GK ORTHODOX CHRISTMAS......11 days past DEC 24).....as calendar evidence of JESUS' CONCEPTION DATE on TEV 1 (8th day 8th Feast) on JAN 11 (7 days past JAN 4).

JAN 11 (was TEV 1, JESUS' CONCEPTION) plus 280 days Gestation was OCT 18 (minus tilt was CHES 24....8,888)....& OCT 18 plus 75 days (n.c.) is MON, JAN 1, 2024, possible SIGNING (trib count star5 of 2520 days).

Also know that 75 days complete a Jewish year of 355 days (280 plus 75 is 355....shana).

Any 75 minus tilt is 54 days (thus CHESVAN 24....8,888....to OCT 18, 2023).....spec conclusion.

If MAZZAROT applies, JAN 4 is CAPRIC 15 (mid: sacrificial goat/live fish...believers).

As for the 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14), ROSH 2024 OCT 2-3) plus 2300 days end at straight earth trib end, JAN 18, 2031. The 7 mths bury/bldg 3rd Temple would span II ADAR 1 to TISH 1, ROSH HASHANA, 5th FEAST.

RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) is MON, NOV 25, 2030......minus 21 tilt loss is NOV 5, earth straight.....

....NOV 5 plus 30 days mourning is DEC 5 (ISA 63 into TEMPLE).

DEC 5 plus 280 days .....the 10th 280 from SIGNING.......is SEPT 15, 2031, new/Millen SUCCOTH.....now 30-day mths due to a 360-day yr.

Via the perfect 360-day yr Millen calendar, TABERNACLES will be SEP 15, TISH 15, LIBRA 15.

So the 1st TABERNACLES celebrated in the MILLEN (ZECH 14:15-18) will likely be so.

Know that 2520 days (trib) is 7 times 360.......& 9 times 280........& the 10th 280 reaches SUCCOTH 2031.

10 times 280 is 2800 which is 70 times 40......perfect 'testing.'

Note too that TEVET 1 is count start (8th day) of the KISLEV 24 CREATION ANNIV (1st day 8th Feast)........

.....and TEVET 1, 2023 (DEC 13) plus the tilt (will minus) is the RAPTURE.

Via the 96 days mentioned above (2nd sentence), there are also the 96 days from day earth is straight (Nov 5) to FEB 8, 2031, trib end date before tilt loss is considered.

...much more, too much to review............perhaps THURS, JAN 4......

JANET HERSCU - January 3rd, 2024 at 10:52pm

...plus 1 day....?....'continued guessing,' just in case......pertinent/edited notes below:

....still hope for a soon RAPTURE (FRI, TEV 24, JAN 5......GK ORTHOD CHRISTMAS).

TEVET 24 (RAPTURE...?) minus future 23-day tilt loss is TEVET 1 (Jesus' Conception anniv).

Due to the 13-day calendar error, JAN 5 is REALLY DEC 24, the original KISLEV 24 (HAG 2).

Also, 97 days (75 & 22 tilt that will minus) are NOT counted on each side of the trib.

So, note SUCCOTH 2023 (SEPT 30).....ISA 26:20....plus 97 days is JAN 5, possible RAPTURE.

God likely 'kept' the JAN 5-12 dates (GK ORTHODOX CHRISTMAS......13 days past DEC 24).....as calendar evidence of JESUS' CONCEPTION DATE on TEV 1 (8th day 8th Feast) on JAN 12 (7 days past JAN 5).

JAN 12 was TEV 1, JESUS' CONCEPTION) plus 280 days Gestation was OCT 18-19 (minus tilt was CHESVAN 24....8,888)....& OCT 18-19 plus 75 days (n.c.) is TUES, JAN 2, 2024, possible TEV 21 SIGNING (trib count start of 2520 days). TUES is a third day, WEDDING Ketubah-Signing day.

Also know that 75 days complete a Jewish year of 355 days (280 plus 75 is 355....shana).

Any 75 minus tilt is 55 days (thus CHESVAN 24....8,888....to OCT 18-19, 2023).....spec conclusion.

If MAZZAROT applies, JAN 5 is CAPRIC 15 (mid: sacrificial goat/live fish...believers).

As for the 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14), ROSH 2024, OCT 3, plus 2300 days end at straight earth trib end, JAN 19, 2031. The 7 mths bury/bldg 3rd Temple would span II ADAR 1, 2024 to TISH 1, ROSH HASHANA 2024, 5th FEAST.

RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) is TUES, NOV 26-27, 2030....KISLEV 1....minus 22-day tilt loss is NOV 5, earth straight.....

....NOV 5 plus 30 days mourning is DEC 5 (ISA 63 into TEMPLE).....plus 280 = SUCCOTH 2031.

DEC 5 plus 280 days .....the 10th 280 from SIGNING.......is SEPT 15, 2031, new/Millen SUCCOTH.....now 30-day mths due to a 360-day yr.

Via the perfect 360-day yr Millen calendar, TABERNACLES will be SEP 15, TISH 15, LIBRA 15.

So, the 1st TABERNACLES celebrated in the MILLEN (ZECH 14:15-18) will likely be so.

Know that 2520 days (trib) is 7 times 360.......& 9 times 280........& the 10th 280 reaches SUCCOTH 2031.

10 times 280 is 2800 which is 70 times 40......or 7 times 400.....perfect 'testing.'

Note too that TEVET 1 is count start (8th day) of the KISLEV 24 CREATION ANNIV (1st day 8th Feast)........

.....and TEVET 1, 2023 (DEC 13) plus the 23 tilt (will minus) is the TEVET 24 RAPTURE.

Via the 97 days mentioned above (2nd sentence), there are also the 97 days from day earth is straight (Nov 5) to FEB 10, 2031, trib end date before tilt loss is considered.

Also interesting, trib spans TEVET 24, 2024 to TEVET 24, 2031, trib end w/ tilt loss.

Also, RETURN in 2030 is virtually KISLEV 1.....plus 30 mourning is TEMPLE ENTRANCE, TEVET 1.


280 days Gestation span ARIES 10 (MAR 31) to JAN 5...... if Mazzarot applies......ARIES 10 will be NISAN 10 & MAR 10 in the MILLEN.

...much more, too much to review............perhaps FRI, JAN 5......not much 'works' after that.....

JANET HERSCU - January 4th, 2024 at 11:06pm

ALL STILL FITS.....but add another day....to SATURDAY......'continued SPEC guessing,' just in case......pertinent/edited notes below:

....still hope for a soon RAPTURE (SAT, TEV 25, JAN 6....GK ORTHOD CHRISTMAS).

TEVET 22, SIGNING minus future 21-day tilt loss is TEVET 1 (Jesus' Conception anniv and the TEMPLE ENTRANCE 30 days mourning past the KISLEV 1 RETURN in 2030 (NOV 27) is also TEVET 1 (Dec 27, 2030).......so TEVET 1 to TEVET 1 (8th day of 8th Feast, Jesus' Conception anniv day).

Due to the 11-day calendar error, JAN 3 SIGNING/trib count start is REALLY DEC 24, the original KISLEV 24 (HAG 2)....."DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES.".....COUNT START of 2520-DAY TRIB.

96 days (75 & 21 tilt that will minus) are NOT counted on each side of the trib.

So, note SUCCOTH 2023 (SEPT 30).....ISA 26:20....plus 96 days is JAN 3, possible SIGNING.

Also know that 75 days complete a Jewish year of 355 days (280 plus 75 is 355....shana).

If MAZZAROT applies, JAN 6 is CAPRIC 15 (mid: sacrificial goat/live fish...believers).

As for the 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14), ROSH 2024, OCT 3, plus 2300 days end at straight earth trib end, JAN 19, 2031. The 7 mths bury/bldg 3rd Temple would span II ADAR 1, 2024 to TISH 1, ROSH HASHANA 2024, 5th FEAST.

RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) is WED, NOV 27, 2030....KISLEV 1....minus 22 day tilt loss is NOV 5, earth straight.....

....NOV 5 plus 30 days mourning is DEC 5 (ISA 63 into TEMPLE).....plus 280 = SUCCOTH 2031.

DEC 5 plus 280 days .....the 10th 280 from SIGNING.......is SEPT 15, 2031, new/Millen SUCCOTH.....now 30-day mths due to a 360-day yr.

Via the perfect 360-day yr Millen calendar, TABERNACLES will be SEP 15, TISH 15, LIBRA 15.

So, the 1st TABERNACLES celebrated in the MILLEN (ZECH 14:15-18) will likely be so.

Know that 2520 days (trib) is 7 times 360.......& 9 times 280........& the 10th 280 reaches SUCCOTH 2031.

10 times 280 is 2800 which is 70 times 40......or 7 times 400.....perfect 'testing.'

Note too that TEVET 1 is CREATION count start (8th day) of the KISLEV 24 CREATION ANNIV (1st day 8th Feast)........

.....& TEVET 1, 2023 (DEC 13) plus the 21 tilt (will minus) is the TEVET 22 SIGNING (trib count start).

Via the 96 days mentioned above (5th sentence), there are also the 96 days from day earth is straight (Nov 5) to FEB 10-11 2031, trib end date before tilt loss is considered (30-day mths via straight earth).

Also interesting, trib spans TEVET 22, 2024 to TEVET 22, 2031, trib end w/ tilt loss.

RETURN in 2030 is virtually KISLEV 1.....plus 30 mourning is TEMPLE ENTRANCE, TEVET 1.

SABBATHS: RAPTURE......MID TRB A.C.RISES (no transportation)

280 days Gestation span ARIES 10 (MAR 31) to JAN 6.... if Mazzarot applies......ARIES 10 will be NISAN 10 & MAR 10 in the MILLEN.

MID TRIB is GEMINI 24 (if Mazzarot applies) w/ a.c. rising on a Sabbath (JUNE 19, 2027).

...much more, too much to review.....perhaps SAT, JAN 6...not much 'works' after that.....

JANET HERSCU - January 5th, 2024 at 6:09pm

STILL VIRTUALLY FITS ALL.....but via spec, add a day....to this SUNDAY, JAN 7 (w/ SIGNING JAN 4):

Signing: JAN 4 (?), actually 11-12 days earlier, DEC 24, orig KISLEV 24 (HAG 2: "DESIRE OF NATIONS").

Calendar is 11-12 days off.

Signing is start of 2520 days to RETURN.....plus 3 days to SIGNING n.c. (a.c. dead/mid-trib 3 days n.c.).

All were on SUNDAYS:






DISCIPLES GATHERED WKLY on 1st day of the wk


(In Millen SATURDAY will again be observed weekly.......(SUNDAY during AGE of GRACE).

Most same as last letter....so perhaps this SUNDAY....(& GK ORTHOD CHRISTMAS, if applic).

JANET HERSCU - January 7th, 2024 at 11:29am

Spec points for a possible MON, JAN 8 RAPTURE (& SIGNING JAN 5, CAPRIC 15):

JAN 5 is really 13 days previous, DEC 24, orig Kislev 24 (HAG 2..."DESIRE OF NATIONS").

Mid-trib A.C. satanically rises: CANCER 1 (11th Sign/judg/crab grip).

RETURN (2520 past Jan 5 SIGNING) is NOV 29, 2030 (& SAGIT 8).....

.....minus 22-day tilt loss plus 30 days mourning is DEC 7, ISA 63 into TEMPLE.....

.....& DEC 7 plus 280 Gestation is SEPT 15, LIBRA 15, new TISHREI 15/TABERNACLES (ZECH 14).

97 days are n.c. on each side (75 & 22 tilt).....

.......& SUCCOTH 2023 (ISA 26:20) plus 97 is JAN 5 SIGNING.

97 days also span day earth is straight (NOV 7, 2030) plus 97 is FEB 13-14, 2031 (before tilt loss).

Trib end (75 past RETURN....DAN 12:12) via Mazzarot is AQUARIUS 24 (888).

Mid-trib when ELIJ & MOSES RISE minus tilt is IYYAR 29 (anniv JUNE 7, 1967).

SIGNING JAN 5 (TEVET 24) minus 22-23 tilt is TEVET 1-2, straight-earth position of 2520-day trib-count start.

Much else 'same' as last review.......so possibly this MON, JAN 8.....

JANET HERSCU - January 7th, 2024 at 10:29pm

Via con't spec, RAPTURE possibly this TUES, JAN 9 (TUES (3rd day), ancient wedding day).....

.....& note HOS 6:2-3, "Israel raised up on 3rd day"/a TUESDAY.......spec & if applic.

JAN 6 (SIGNING) was CAPRICORN 15......& JAN 6 is really DEC 24 (orig KIS 24, HAG 2).



.........& MID-TRIB A.C. SATANICALLY RISES (& CANCER 1, judg, 11th Sign).


..........SIGNING (SAT, JAN 6, 2024)

..........ABOM DESOL MID TRIB (TUES, JUNE 24, 2027)

..........RETURN (SAT, NOV 30, 2030......2520 days past SIGNING)

The future tilt loss to consider will likely be 23 days (to straight earth, 360-day yr, 30-day mths).

All else is virtually 'same' as last review.......so perhaps TUESDAY....

JANET HERSCU - January 9th, 2024 at 11:50pm

& to continue via spec.......perhaps this FRIDAY (JAN 12, SHEVAT 2), "4 mths" past Harvest, 5th Feast/ROSH HASHANA, TISH 1-2.......since the following points seem to 'fit:'

97 days (75 n.c. & 22 tilt/will minus) span TISH 22, OCT 7, 2023 to JAN 12.

JAN 12 is really 11 days earlier, DEC 31, the orig TEVET 1, 8th day 8th Feast (count start of KISLEV 24....HAG 2....."DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES").

Mid-trib ABOM DESOL is JUNE 22, 2027 (1260 past JAN 9 SIGNING, a TUES/as Ketubah contract).

MID-TRIB JUNE 22, 2027 is CANCER 1 (11th Mazzarot Sign/CRAB GRIP.

RETURN (2520 days past RAPTURE) is DEC 6, 2030 (SAGIT 15)........

......& plus 280 is SEPT 15, LIBRA 15, Millen TISH 15 (ZECH 14:15-18), TABERNACLES.

That 280 is the 10th 280 from the RAPTURE (since 2520 = 7x360 & 9x280).

DEC 6, 2030 RETURN plus 30 mourning is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE, JAN 5, FAST of TEVET 10.


YOM KIP 2024 (OCT 12)...."FAST DAY TO JOY," ZECH 8:19......spans 2300 days (& 3 n.c.) to trib end, FEB 1, 2031 (tilt loss considered). Via straight earth, FEB 1 will be PISCES 1 & Millen ADAR 1.

The 7 mths burying may span II ADAR 10 to YOM KIP 2024......& if 7 moons, then PURIM to YOM KIP.

Of course I am ready for a 'no show' (after all, "NO MAN KNOWS"), but the above points give some hope (to me, anyway).

JANET HERSCU - January 10th, 2024 at 9:39am

When earth is straight in the Millennium, the great NISAN 17 (Jesus' Resurrection) will be:

NISAN 17, ARIES 17 & MARCH 17......all in sync (360-day yr).

Well, note that APRIL 6, 2023 was ARIES 17........and plus 280 days 'Church gestation' Is JAN 12.

.....perhaps applies....(I Thess 4:13-18)....

JANET HERSCU - January 11th, 2024 at 11:41pm

Below are spans that still seem to fit if RAPTURE is this SAT, JAN 13 (& CAPRIC 24, if applic):

SAT, NISAN 17, 2023 (APR 8, I THESS 4:13-18) plus 280 days Church Gestation is this SAT, JAN 13.

RETURN SAT, DEC 7, 2030 plus 280 days (30-day mths) is straight-earth LIBRA 15, SEPT 15 & new/Millen TISHREI 15 (TABERNACLES, ZECH 14:15-18)....11th 280 completed from RAPTURE.

3rd TEMPLE/YOM KIP 2024 (OCT 12) plus DAN 8:13-14.....2300 (& 3 n.c.) is straight-earth trib end, FEB 1, 2031.

RAPTURE minus the future tilt loss is FAST of TEVET 10 (ZECH 8:19).

DEC 7, 2023 (KISLEV 24, HAG 2) plus 37 days (7 yrs n.c.) is JAN 13......(2557 minus 37 = 2520).

Earth is straight NOV 15, 2030......SAGIT 15 (MESSIAH in charge).

JAN 10, 2024 SIGNING is REALLY DEC 31......orig TEVET 1 which is COUNT START of KISLEV 24........1st day of 8th Feast is KISLEV 24 & 8th day is TEVET 1 (& Jesus' Conception anniv date).

The Remnant must arrive to PETRA before a SABBATH ("....pray that your flight is not on a Sabbath").....and note that a.c. satanically RISES on a SABBATH, JUNE 26, 2027 which is 1260 days past the RAPTURE.

There's more, but via spec, RAPTURE 'could be' this SATURDAY if the above facts are valid.

JANET HERSCU - January 12th, 2024 at 4:43pm

......but THEN, COUNTS BEGIN on SUNDAYS.......JAN 14.......could be!.....

& if so, SIGNING was perhaps SHEVAT 1 (11th mth.....#11=judgment (TH, JAN 11, really DEC 31).

A RETURN at SUNDAY, DEC 8, 2030, KISLEV 12 (2520 days past RAPTURE) still 'fits all.'

JANET HERSCU - January 17th, 2024 at 12:28pm

SPEC NOTES (for a THURS, JAN 18 RAPTURE presumption):

THE "DESIRE OF THE NATIONS COMES" from PETRA (ISA 63) to JUDGE THE NATIONS for 45 days (HAG 2.....DAN 12:11)......on KISLEV 24 (DEC 20, 2030)!

KISLEV 24, 2023 plus 40 days 'testing' is the SIGNING (MON, JAN 15, 2024).

RAPTURE is SHEVAT 8 (11 x 8 = 88.....'perfect/Heavenly judg').

MID-TRIB A.C. SATANICALLY RISES: CANCER 11 (Thur, JULY 1, 2027).....if Mazzarot applies.

Earth is STRAIGHT NOV 20, 2030......plus 280 (30-day mths now) will be SEPT 1, LIBRA 1, new TISH 1....

.....5th FEAST......plus 9 is 6th FEAST......plus 5 is 7th FEAST (ZECH 14, TABERNACLES).

ALL of the FALL FEASTS must be fulfilled.....in ORDER.

YOM KIP 2024 (7 moons/mths burying past PURIM...???) plus 2300 (& 3 n.c.) is FEB 2, trib end (straight earth).

ROSH 2023 (SEPT 16) plus 4 mths ("to Harvest/Rapture") is SIGNING.

TEVET 1 plus 37 (2557 minus 37 is 2520) is RAPTURE (SHEVAT 8).

As per Noah delay of 377 days, JAN 5 (really DEC 24, orig KIS 24/CREATION, 8th Feast) plus 377 is JAN 18, 2024.

Original KISLEV 24 was DEC 24 & CAPRICORN 24......& JAN 15 SIGNING is CAPRIC 24.

As per Mazzarot, trib end (straight earth) at FEB 1-2, 2031 is PISCES 1 ('fish/believers').....spec.

All counts legally begin on YOM KIP......& YOM KIP yr 2022 plus 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) plus 7 yrs trib is 8 yrs. (RETURN, DEC 9, 2030, is in YOM KIP YR 2030.....and 2022 plus 8 yrs is 2030).

NISAN 17-19 (FIRSTFRUITS....I Thess 4) plus 280 MORE days is SIGNING/trib count start of 2520 days.

....so much more....but 'could be' THURS, JAN 18......

JANET HERSCU - January 17th, 2024 at 8:52pm

ALL virtually 'same'....but works better from TUES SIGNING 1/16 & RAPTURE FRI, 1/19......no need to review.

JANET HERSCU - January 18th, 2024 at 5:18pm

.....got the WHOLE THING FIGURED OUT!......WHOA!, shocked myself!....anyway (spec):


RETURN in 2030 (2520 days past a SUN, JAN 21, 2024 RAPTURE) is SUN, SAGIT 24, NOV 15....

....& minus tilt (to straight earth) is NOV 24, SAGIT 24 & eternal KISLEV 24....all in sync.

So the RETURN (COMING of "DESIRE OF NATIONS") is the Millen KISLEV 24 after all! (HAG 2).

RAPTURE on SUNDAY (when counts start), JAN 21, is SHEVAT 11 (11,11....#11 = judg).

It is also exactly "4 mths to Harvest" past YOM KIP 2023 (SEPT 25).

It is also 75 days (n.c.) past CHESVAN 24 (8,888), if signif.

SIGNING at THUR, JAN 18 (SHEVAT 8....88....11x8) is CALRIC 27, 280 Gestation past ARIES 17....

......since throughout eternity NISAN 17, ARIES 17 & MARCH 17 (straight earth) will be in sync.

The NISAN 17 promise: I THESS 4;13-18, BODY OF CHRIST (arose) is the CHURCH.

As for 378 days NOAH DELAY, JAN 5 (really DEC 24, orig KIS 24) plus 378 is JAN 18 SIGNING.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL 1260 past SIGNING at TH, JULY 1, 2027 is CANCER 11 (11,11...#judg).

EARTH is straight NOV 23-24, 2030.....& plus 280 Gestation is SEPT 1, the new/Millen TISH 1, 5th Feast.

SEPT 1...plus 9 days is YOM KIP (6th Feast)...plus 5 is TABERNACLES/ZECH 14:15-18)....FALL FEASTS.

RETURN (2520 past RAPTURE) is a SUNDAY.....& plus 30 mourning is a TUES/ISA 63 into TEMPLE....& HOS 6:2-3, "REMNANT.....RAISED UP".....if applic.

As for DAN 8:13-14...2300 days, ROSH 2024 (OCT 3) plus 2300 days is JAN 15-18, 2031, TEMPLE RECONSECRATION.

So, the 7 Jewish mths burying (after EZEK 38 Victory) 'may span' II ADAR 1 to TISH 1 (MAR 11, 2024 to OCT 3, 2024).

Intriguing via MAZZAROT alone (hmmm):


....MID TRIB CANCER 11 (inescapable grip)


Lots more....but since so much seemed to 'coordinate,' I 'went out on a limb AGAIN' & presumed thusly.

So, perhaps this SUNDAY, JAN 21.....(but don't fret....for if a 'no show,' more dates will likely follow since I sadly took MATT 24:43-44 literally & way too seriously: "...wouldn't let thief enter").

JANET HERSCU - January 20th, 2024 at 11:48pm

.....but 'ON SECOND THOUGHT'......(102nd?)......2520 days trib past this TUES, JAN 23, is TUESDAY, KISLEV 24......HAG 2......RETURN, DEC 20, 2030 earth straight....doesn't get better than that!!! (if true)....

......plus 30 days mourn is JAN 19, 2031, end 2300 days past ROSH 2024 (OCT 3), DAN 8:13-14.

RETURN, KISLEV 24 minus 23 tilt loss is KISLEV 1 & plus 30 mourn is TEVET 1 (8th day 8th Feast).

So RETURN is 1st day 8th Feast........& ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR is 8th day 8th Feast.

Note that RETURN in 2030 'could also be' 3 days earlier, DEC 17......2520 days past SIGNING, meaning earth's straightening may take 3 days......(DEC 17-DEC 20).

SIGNING (SAT, JAN 20, 2024?) is AQUARIUS 1 (if Mazzarot applies).

TUESDAYS (3rd day....HOS 6:2-3....ancient Wedding Day):


.......A.C. satanically rises






TISHREI 10 (YOM KIP, 2023) plus "4 mths to Harvest" is SHEVAT 10 (SIGNING).

MID TRIB/a.c. rises on 'GRIP' of CANCER 15 (if Mazzarot applies), JULY 6, 2027.

RAPTURE on JAN 23 is SHEVAT 13......#11.....#13......'bad' calendar #'s (spec).

EARTH is straight NOV 27, 2030 (KISLEV 1)......plus 30 days is TEVET 1, 10th mth.

TEVET 1 is also Jesus' Conception Anniv (since plus 280 Gestation was TISH 15, TABERNACLES).

If RETURN is perhaps 3 days earlier, SAT, DEC 17, plus 3 days straightening is DEC 20.....

....DEC 17 minus the tilt would be NOV 24 & SAGIT 24......& plus 280 days is SEPT 1.

SEPT 1 will be the Millen/straight-earth TISHREI 1 & LIBRA 1 (5th Feast).

SEPT 1......LIBRA 1........TISHREI 1.......all in sync.

ROSH plus 9 days is 6th FEAST (YOM KIP) plus 5 days is 7th FEAST, TABERNACLES (ZECH 14:15-18).

SEPT 1......LIBRA 1........TISHREI 1.......all in sync.

Thus the FALL FEASTS (5th,6th,7th) are fulfilled (FEASTS 1-4 during AGE OF GRACE).

......much more.....'could be' this TUES, JAN 23......

JANET HERSCU - January 22nd, 2024 at 3:34pm

The most 'SOLID' spans if RAPTURE (via spec) is this FRI, JAN 26:

RETURN (2520 days past TUES , JAN 23, 2024 SIGNING) is KISLEV 24, 2030 (HAG 2).

"DESIRE OF (DARLING) NATIONS COMES"....HAG 2.....3 times noted in chapter.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL & satanic resurrection of a.c. (JULY 6-9, 2027) is CANCER 15-18 (666).

JAN 19, 2031 (30 days mourning past RETURN) is end 2300 days past ROSH 2024....

....so 7 mths burying may be II ADAR 1 to TISH 1 2024 (3rd Temple, 5th Feast).

RAPTURE is SHEVAT 16 & TRIB END (w/ tilt loss) is also SHEVAT 16 (7 Jewish yrs).

EARTH is straight KISLEV 1......plus 30 mourning is TEVET 1, ISA 63 into Temple).

KISLEV 24 to TEVET 1 (8 days) is CREATION WEEK (8th FEAST).

Earth is straight KISLEV 1......& plus 280 is SEPT 10, Millen YOM KIP (6th Feastj

.....& plus 5 is TABERNACLES, 2031....ZECH 14:15-18.

SIGNING minus future tilt loss is JAN 1, AQUARIUS 1 ('Age of Aquarius).

TUESDAYS (3rd day/ancient Wedding/Ketubah day): SIGNING/ABOM DESOL/RETURN

75 days n.c. minus tilt loss will be 52 days n.c......

.....and KISLEV 24, 2023 (HAG 2) plus 52 is RAPTURE, JAN 26.

Also, JAN 26 minus tilt loss is JAN 4, which is really DEC 24, the orig KISLEV 24.

Also, via "4 mths to Harvest" spans TISH 15 SUCCOTH 2023 to RAPTURE.

....there's more......but FRI, JAN 26 looks plausible.....

JANET HERSCU - January 26th, 2024 at 7:39pm

AND....counts start on SUNDAYS....if RAPTURE is this SUN, JAN 28, SHEVAT 18.

Note this fireSHEVAT 18 (judg/666).....& trib end ( tilt loss) is also SHEVAT 18 (2031)....FEB 11, 2031 w/ the full minus of a 23-degree tilt loss at the RETURN.

......RETURN minus the full 23 days = NOV 28, 2030 & plus 75 days is trib end).

Straightening of the earth will likely take 3 days (ISA 13:13; 24:1,19,20; 2:2, ZECH 14:10 & "DAYS CUT SHORT").


2550 days (2520 30 mourning) span the 7 yrs AQUAR 8 to AQUAR 1.....

........& via Mazzarot, AQUAR 1 starts 'AGE of AQUARIUS' (ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR).

"4 mths past Harvest" (SUCCOTH, ISA 26:20) span TISH 15 to SHEVAT 15 SIGNING.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is CANCER 18 (11th sign/judg/'crab grip,' 666), JULY 8, 2027.

75 days are n.c. on ea side of trib......& 75 minus tilt loss is 52 days.....

.....& 52 days on this side span KISLEV 24 (HAG 2) to JAN 28.

If applic, as well, 75 days before ABOM DESOL is NISAN 17 (FIRSTFRUITS/coveted).

RETURN at DEC 22, 2030 (2520 days past JAN 25, 2024 SIGNING) is CAPRIC 1......

.....& minus tilt loss will be DEC 1, CAPRIC 1, new/Millen TEVET 1......all in sync.

... 30 is AQUAR 1, JAN 22 (30-day mths), end 2300 (DAN 8) past ROSH, 5th Feast, 2024 (3 n.c.).

TEVET 1 (8th day, 8th Feast) was Jesus' Concep since plus 280 Gestation = SUCCOTH BIRTH.

If applic, NISAN 10, 2023 (MATT 23:39), 2023, 280 Gestation ( tilt/will minus) is JAN 28, 2024.

RETURN at THUR, DEC 22, 2030 minus tilt is DEC 1, earth straight, new TEVET 1, CAPR 1.

.......& plus 280 Gestation (30-day mths) is SEPT 10, 2031, YOM KIP.

YOM KIP 2031 (6th Feast) initiates TABERNACLES (ZECH 14).....7th FEAST 5 days later......

....w/ 'no need' for 10 days of AWE (ROSH to YOM KIP)/forgiveness already procured.

Remember that "No man knows day or hr" (1 day is 72 hrs); & w/ constant 'watching owner could PREVENT ("not allow"....an action verb) a thief from entering (MATT 24:43-44).

There's more/too involved to explain; but SO MUCH seems to 'fit' this SUN, JAN 28....

JANET HERSCU - January 28th, 2024 at 11:46am

...or if this TUES, JAN 30........(or perhaps/less likely, FRIDAY, FEB 2).....via spec, note:

RETURN (after 2520 days trib) is TUES, DEC 24, orig Kislev 24 (Hag 2..DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES")......

......plus 3 days straightening (to DEC 27) is FRI, TEVET 1 (8th day 8th Feast).

TEVET 1 (Jesus' Conception anniv) is count start of KISLEV 24 (HAG 2).

All 8 FEASTS 'ARE JESUS' in a sense....8th FEAST was CREATION (KIS 24) & 8th day count start was TEVET 1.

RAPTURE at JAN 30 is 280 Church Gestation past IYYAR 5 (eve of Statehood).

75 days n.c. minus tilt is 53-54 days......& KISLEV 24 (Hag 2) plus 54 is JAN 30.

TUES, 3rd day, is ancient Wedding/Ketubah-Signing Day.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (JULY 13, 2027) is CANCER 22 (11th sign, 11,11....'triple judg'), if Mazzarot applies.

YOM KIP 2024 (eve of......OCT12) ...3rd Temple....plus 2300 days (Dan 8) is SHEVAT 1 (11th sign, judg), JAN 27, 2031, ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE (RECONSECRATION).

ANY TEVET 1 (RETURN) plus 280 Gestation is TISHREI 15...ZECH 14:15-18 (JESUS' BIRTHDAY).

So, 3 days straightening past RETURN is TEVET 1....plus 280 is 1st Millen TABERNACLES in 2031.

Via more detail, DEC 24, 2030 RETURN minus the full 23-day tilt loss is DEC 1, CAPRICORN 1 & new/Millen TEVET 1 (count start of 8th Feast/Jesus' Concep anniv.....all in sync.

Also, DEC 24 was the orig KISLEV 24 (HAG 2)......since GK OTHOD CHRISTMAS JAN 5-6 minus 11-day calendar error is DEC 24.


W/ all considered (earth straight/tilt minus), RAPTURE is AQUAR 8 & ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE is AQUAR 1 ('AGE OF AQUARIUS').......if Mazzarot applies....see JOB.....MISSLER....SEISS....GOSPEL IN THE STARS.

In one sense, the 7-yr trib is 'SHEVAT 1 to SHEVAT 1'.....since JAN 1 Temple Entrance in 2031 will be the new/Millen SHEVAT 1.......& the RAPTURE minus the future tilt loss will be virtually SHEVAT 1 w/ straightening considered. SHEVAT is the 11th Jewish mth/judg.

New/Millen SHEVAT 1 in 2031 is 11th mth (judg #), start of 45-day JUDG OF THE NATIONS (DAN 12:12).

....much more......could be this TUES, JAN 30 (or perhaps FRIDAY, FEB 2)......spec, of course.....

JANET HERSCU - January 29th, 2024 at 6:40pm

I was HOPING that was the case!.......w/ possible RAPTURE FRI, FEB 2 (SHEVAT 23).

75 n.c. minus 23 days tilt loss is 52 days......& TEVET 1, 2023 (DEC 14) plus 52 n.c. is RAPTURE.

TEV 1, DEC 14, 2023 was also SAGIT 24, future/straight-earth NOV 24, KISLEV 24 & SAGIT 24.....all in sync......see HAG 2.

So w/ 52 days n.c., RAPTURE ("DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES") perhaps relates to KISLEV 24, HAGGAI 2:7 after all!

FIRSTFRUITS, NISAN 17, (I Thess 4:13-18) plus 280 days Church gestation plus tilt (n.c.) is RAPTURE.

2520 days trib span FRI, FEB 2 (SHEVAT 23), 2024, to FRI, TEVET 1, 2030, DEC 27 (earth straight).

The RETURN (2520 past TUES, JAN 30, 2024 SIGNING) at TUES, DEC 24, 2030 is still 2520 days trib past the JAN 30, 2024 SIGNING;.....

....but plus 3 days straightening will be earth straight DEC 27, 2030, TEVET 1.......

......& plus 30 days mourning (now 30-day mths) is JAN 27, ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE/RECONSECRATION, END of 2300 days TEMPLE DESECRATION past YOM KIPPUR 2024 (OCT 12), 3rd TEMPLE.......7 mths past EZEK 38 VICTORY.

JAN 27, 2031 (end of the 2300) is also 2550 days (1260 1260 30.....Dan 12:11) past SIGNING.

RAPTURE is SHEVAT 23 & trib end w/ tilt loss (straight-earth 30-day mths) is also SHEVAT 23, 2031 (FEB 16).....so 7 JEWISH YRS.

Note the other spans in last letter.

ALL else virtually' 'SAME' as last letter; but RAPTURE 'could WELL be' this FRIDAY.....& nothing is LATE!

JANET HERSCU - February 1st, 2024 at 11:44pm

All works via spec for this SATURDAY, FEB 3 (SHEVAT 24....11,888) as well.

NISAN 17 FIRSTFRUITS plus 280 (I THESS 4:13-18) plus tilt (will minus) is FEB 3.


SHEVAT 1, 2024 (11th mth/judg#) plus tilt (will minus) is FEB 3......

......& plus 7 yrs is also SHEVAT 1, 2031, JAN 27, ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR/RECONSECRATION;

JAN 27 is also 30 days mourning past RETURN......

.......& end of the 2300 days desecration (Dan 8) from 3rd TEMPLE/YOM KIP 2024).

RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) plus 280 is TABERNACLES, OCT 2, 2031 (ZECH 14).

SABBATHS are across the board.

MUCH more.....'could well be' this SAT, FEB 3.

JANET HERSCU - February 2nd, 2024 at 7:54pm

.....not expecting anything at this point; but the following is just 'slightly' interesting:

COUNTS START on SUNDAYS......& SUN, FEB 4 via spec is possible RAPTURE.

FIRSTFRUITS, SUN, APR 8 (NIS 18 plus 280 Church Gestation 21 tilt (will minus) is FEB 4.

SIGNING, THURS, FEB 1, SHEVAT 22 is triple 11 (satanic grip).....plus 3 days is FEB 4.

75 n.c. minus tilt will be 52 days & TEVET 1 plus 52 is FEB 4.

TISH 22 (8th day Succoth, OCT 7) plus 120 days ("4 mths to Harvest"...?) is FEB 4.

FEB 4 via Mazzarot is AQUARIUS 15 (middle of 'Age of Aquarius').

FIG TREE, IYYAR 5-6 (Statehood anniv) plus 280 is SIGNING, FEB 1.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (JULY 15, 2027) via Mazzarot is CANCER 24 (protective grip,888)......

......start of 1260-day PETRA PROTECTION (JOHN 10:28).

RETURN plus 30 mourn is JAN 27, 2031, END 2300 (Dan 8) past YOM KIP 2024 (3rd Temple).

ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR is SHEVAT 1; & SHEVAT 1, 2024 plus 21 (will minus) is SIGNING.

RETURN (virtually TEV 1) plus 280 Gestation is TABERNACLES, TISH 15, 2031, ZECH 14.

.....could be SUNDAY, FEB 4......

JANET HERSCU - February 3rd, 2024 at 5:28pm

More accurate (via spec): perhaps this MON, FEB 5.

Now RETURN/2030 is TEVET 1, plus 280 is TABERNACLES 2031 (TISH 15, OCT 2, ZECH 14).

RETURN at TEVET 1 plus 30 mourn is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR, SHEVAT 1 (Jan 27, 2030).

SHEVAT 1 (11th mth, #11, judg) starts 45-day judg of the Nations (Dan 12-12).

SHEVAT 1, 2031 is also END of 2300 days (Dan 8) past YOM KIP 2024 (3rd Temple).

MID TRIB is still CANCER 24 (11,888), July 16, 2027, JN 10:28, start Petra protection.

FIRSTFRUITS (I Thess 4,"sleepers rise") plus 280 Church Gestation plus tilt (n.c.) is FEB 5.


Also, ELIJ & MOSES rise on LEO 1 (& FAST of TAMMUZ 17, 2027).

RETURN minus tilt/earth straight, KISLEV 10, plus 30 mourn is FAST TEVET 10 (into Temple).

RAPTURE is SHEVAT 26 (11, 13 13) & trib end w/ tilt loss is SHEVAT 26 (Feb 19, 2031).

& if applic, "4 mths to Harvest" spans LIBRA 15 (future/straight earth SUCCOTH/TISH 15)....

......to AQUAR 15 (& note ISA 26:20).

TEVET 1 (DEC 14, 2023, SAGIT 24 (future KISLEV 24, HAG 2) 53 (75 minus tilt) is FEB 5.....

.....& RETURN is TEVET 1 as well.

So much more.....sure looks like MONDAY......

ALL ELSE virtually 'same' as last letter......'could be' MONDAY.

JANET HERSCU - February 4th, 2024 at 10:27pm

This TUES (ancient Wedding Day/3rd day & HOS 6:2-3) FEB 6, fits better in every way.......spec, of course.

Almost everything is same as last letter.

JANET HERSCU - February 5th, 2024 at 2:42pm

I know....'CRAZY,' indeed, to keep going like this; but the following now 'fits' this WED, FEB 7.

FIRSTFRUITS, SUN, NISAN 18 plus 280 Church Gestation tilt (n.c.) is SIGNING, FEB 4.

See I Thess 4:15-18....."sleepers rise" Promise (spec).

A.C. satanically RISES (1260 days past RAPTURE) on LEO 1 (coveted)....July 21, 2027.

SIGNING (MAZZAROT) is AQUAR 15 ('Age of Aquarius'), "4 mths" past LIBRA 15 (future TISH 15, ISA 26:20).


TEMPLE ENTRANCE (straight earth) is still FAST of TEVET 10 (Jan 5, 2031)....10 x 10 = 100....completion.

....& the 2300 days still span YOM KIP 2024 to TEMPLE ENTR w/out tilt loss (JAN 27-28, 2031).

All else virtually 'same'......but add a day........'could be' this WED.

JANET HERSCU - February 6th, 2024 at 8:19pm

Points that still seem to fit w/ a spec view of THURS, FEB 8 as the RAPTURE:

SIGNING MON, FEB 5 is AQUARIUS 15 & SHEVAT 26 (11,13,13.....#11=judg, #13=rebellion).

FIRSTFRUITS (I Thess 4:15-18) plus 280 plus 22 tilt (will minus) is 2520 trib-count start at SIGNING.

SIGNING at AQUAR 15 is "4 mths to Harvest" (ISA 26:20) past LIBRA 15 (future TISH 15).

75 n.c. minus tilt = 53........& DEC 14 (SAGIT 24, future KISLEV 24...HAG 2) plus 53 .n.c. is SIGNING.

MID TRIB/a.c. satanically rises (1260 past RAPTURE) is LEO 1 ('LION of JUDAH'), JULY 22, 2027, coveted.

The 2300 days (3 n.c. mid trib) of Dan 8 span YOM KIP 2024 to TEMPLE ENTR, JAN 29-30, 2031.

RETURN (DEC 29, 2030.....2520 past SIGNING) plus 280 is TABERNACLES....to OCT 2....OCT 5 actual.

OCT 5, 2031 (before tilt loss) is LIBRA 15, new/Millen TISH 15 & straight-earth SEPT 15....ZECH 14.

All else virtually 'same'.......so THURS, FEB 8 looks plausible.

JANET HERSCU - February 8th, 2024 at 7:38pm

Here we are w/ 50 previous guesses (you'd think I'd get the point!....."no man knows").....

......but, via spec, this SAT, FEB 10 (ADAR 1), matches' several points:

ADAR is 12th mth & #12 = 'perfect gov't,' if applic.

75 days n.c. minus tilt loss will be 54 days.......

.......& DEC 15 (SAGIT 24, future KISLEV 24, HAG 2) plus 54 is SIGNING (Wed, Feb 7).

SIGNING (via MAZZAROT) at FEB 7 is AQUARIUS 18 (666), if applic.

NOV 24 (future/straight-earth SAGIT 24 & KISLEV 24.....HAG 2) plus 75 n.c. is SIGNING.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is still LEO 1 (12th Sign/LION of JUDAH/coveted), JULY 21-24, 2027.

RETURN 2520 days past SIGNING at WED, DEC 31, 2030 plus 30 mourning us JAN 30.......

.....& JAN 30 is END of 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14)...plus 3 n.c...past YOM KIP 2024 (3rd Temple).


If applic, APR 9, 2024 was ARIES 17 (if MAR 23 was ARIES 1);.....

.....& plus 280 days plus tilt (will minus) is SIGNING (2520-day trib count start).

ARIES 17 will be straight-earth NISAN 17, MARCH 17 & ARIES 17.....all in sync.

The EZEK 38 Victory 'could be' PURIM (MAR 23-24, 2024) because plus 7 mths/moons burying/bldg 3rd Temple is YOM KIP 2024 (OCT 12)......then plus the 2300 days desecration.

EARTH is straight (2520 past SIGNING) DEC 9, 2030 & plus 280 Gestation is SEPT 15, 2031......

......& SEPT 15 will be straight-earth TISH 15 & LIBRA 15......TABERNACLES, ZECH 14:15-18.

There's 'more,' but this SAT, FEB 10 seems to connect thusly.

JANET HERSCU - February 11th, 2024 at 1:00pm

Oh, I'm not giving up on this presumptive/speculative search because now TUES, FEB 13 looks plausible.

Too much connects to ignore at this point.

If this TUES:

....Trib end is ARIES 1 (future/straight-earth MAR 1 & NIS 1 (EZEK 45:18), legal start of Millen.

....Earth straight (DEC 12, 2030) plus 280 is 5th Feast/SEPT 18 (must start Fall Feasts).

....RETURN JAN 4, 2031, really DEC 24, orig KIS 24 (HAG 2) due to 11-day calendar error.

....Any CAPRIC 15 (JAN 4, 2031 RETURN) plus 75 days is ARIES 1.

....30 days mourn past RETURN is FEB 3, END of 2300 days (3 n.c.) past YOM KIP 2024.

The post-Return 75 is obvious: DAN 12:12.

The 7 mths burying 'may' span PURIM 2024 (EZEK 38...?) to YOM KIP, 2024.

Mid-trib ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) is LEO 1 (JULY 24, 2027), if Mazzarot applies.

RETURN JAN 4....to JAN 12 (straight earth) ISA 63 Temple Entrance...is 'CREATION WK'....which is really DEC 24 - DEC 31, original Creation wk (KISLEV 24 to TEVET 1).

SIGNING (SAT, FEB 10) is 75 n.c. past NOV 24 (future KISLEV 24, HAG 2).......& note that JAN 4 RETURN is really DEC 24 as well.........thus the HAG 2 connection KISLEV 24 to KISLEV 24......spec.

If Mazzarot applies, RAPTURE at FEB 13 is AQUAR 24 ('Age of Aquar, 888').


TUESDAYS (3rd day, ancient Wedding Day & Hos 6:2-3): RAPTURE....A.C. RISES

97 days all told are n.c, (75 plus tilt); & CHESVAN 24 (8,888) plus 97 are n.c.

If the 280 span applies to the Church, note MAY 6, 2023 (MAY 6 future/straight-earth SIV 6, SHAVUOT/4th Feast) plus 280 days is RAPTURE.......AND MAY 6 is TAURUS 15 (DEUT 33:17), if applic..

If "4 mths to Harvest" applies, LIBRA 21 (future TISH 21) to AQUAR 21 (SIGNING) is 4 mths.....& ISA 26:20.

...so much more......but this TUES seems plausible, for what it's worth....

JANET HERSCU - February 17th, 2024 at 7:11pm

Clearer (via spec)/possibly TUES, FEB 20.....w/ con't attn to HAG 2 & MATT 24:43-44.

KISLEV 24 (plus 75) plus 2520 is RETURN, & minus tilt loss is KISLEV 24......7 Jewish yrs.

MAY 13-14 (FIG TREE, 75th anniv Statehood) plus 280 is SAT SIGNING plus 3 is TUES, FEB 20.

KISLEV 24 (HAG 2).....HAG 2.....plus 75 days n.c. is TUES, FEB 20.

TUES is a 3rd day....HOS 6:2-3 & ancient Wedding Day.

Earth is straight KISLEV 24 (HAG 2), DEC 20, 2030 (22 days tilt loss back from JAN 11 RETURN).

KISLEV 24, 2031 (DEC 20) plus 280 is YOM KIP (6th Feast) plus 5 is TABERNACLES, ZECH 14.

5th FEAST (ROSH 2024) plus 2300 (Dan 8:13-14) is JAN 20, 2031, TEMPLE RECONSECRATION

So all 3 FALL FEASTS (5th,6th,7th) are fulfilled.

TEMPLE ENTR (Isa 63) JAN 20, 2031 is 30 days mourn past day earth is straight (KIS 24).

KISLEV 24 (day earth is straight) plus 75 days n.c. is trib end, MAR 6......

....& plus 360 (1st perf/Millen yr) is MAR 1, ARIES 1, new/Millen NISAN 1, all in sync & EZEK 45:18.

If MAZZAROT applies, RAPTURE FEB 20 is PISCES 1 (7th sign), multip of believers (fish).

SAT, JULY 31, 2027, MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) minus tilt will be JULY 9....

....& JULY 9 will be the future/Millen/straight-earth AV 9.



ELIJ & MOS rise on LEO 15 (AUG 6, 2027), if Mazzarot applies....mid LION if JUDAH.

RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) at JAN 11, 2031 is REALLY 11 days earlier, DEC 31, orig TEV 1, 8th day, 8th Feast, Jesus' Conception day.....since plus 280 Gestation was SUCCOTH BIRTH.

7 yrs is JAN 11, 2024 (plus 40 testing to RAPTURE) plus 7 solar yrs is JAN 11 RETURN (2031).

All 9 AV 9 tragedies throughout Jewish will be TAMMUZ 17's, straight earth.

If MAZZAROT applies, trib end is ARIES 8 (8,8).

So, this TUES, FEB 20 looks plausible.

JANET HERSCU - February 19th, 2024 at 6:29pm

ALL SAME as last letter.....but add 1 day....via spec, this WED, FEB 21, 'fits' better......plus it is ADAR 12 (12,12)......

.....& 3 days previous (SIGNING) was PISCES 1, if Mazzarot applies.

After Jesus returns, the TUES, FEB 11, 2031 ISAIAH 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE/RECONSECRATION (30 days past the JAN 12, 2031 RETURN) will be 'as a 'WEDDING PROCESSION' on a TUES, 3rd day (JESUS leads REMNANT up to Jerusalem)......& see HOS 6:2-3.

That day, FEB 11, 2031 via straight earth, will be the 'same day' as JAN 20, 2031 w/ 23-day tilt loss, thirty days mourning past the day earth is straight, KISLEV 24 (DEC 20, 2030).....HAG 2.

SUNDAYS (when counts start): SIGNING.......MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL........RETURN

The entire span from the legal count start of YOM KIP 2023 (Lev 23) is 8 yrs (1-yr warning/Jer 51:46 plus 7 yrs trib)......

.....spanning YOM KIP 2022 to RETURN YR YOM KIP 2030 RETURN YEAR). The Millen must begin in YOM KIP yr 2001(6001.........GEN 6:3) since 21 yrs (or 20 FULL yrs) are not counted.....just as all age 21 (20 full) & above at the EXODUS did not enter the Promised Land.....only Moses, Joshua & Caleb.

Give con't attn to MATT 24:43-44, MARK 13 & HAG 2.

ALL virtually SAME as last letter.....but this WED, FEB 21 fits better, so add a day.

JANET HERSCU - February 20th, 2024 at 8:56pm

Via further spec 'study,' FRI, FEB 23, also looks possible...w/ too much to review in detail:

KISLEV 24 (HAG 2), 2023 (DEC 7) plus 75 days n.c. is SIGNING, TUES, FEB 20.

FEB 20 is PISCES 1......'multip fish'/believers.

SIGNING is on a 3rd day.....TUES (as a Ketubah Contract).

FIG TREE IYYAR 28 plus 280 days is FEB 23 RAPTURE.

.FIG TREE MAY 15 plus 280 is SIGNING.

MID TRIB (AUG 3 - 6 - 9, 2027) is LEO 12, LEO 15 RISES, LEO 18...666....TWO WIT'?s RISE.

TUESDAYS reign: SIGNING......ABOM DESOL......RETURN (3rd day/HOS 6:2-3)

MOST ELSE SAME.....add 2-3 days to your own study.....'could be' FRIDAY.....

JANET HERSCU - February 23rd, 2024 at 6:46pm

Spans w/ a spec view of a possible SUNDAY, FEB 25 RAPTURE:

We are commanded to "Watch yet he FIG TREE".....IYYAR 5 & IYYAR 28

FIG TREE IYYAR 5 plus 280 plus tilt (will minus) is FEB 22 SIGNING (start 2520 days trib).

FIG TREE IYYAR 28 plus 280 is SIGNING (ADAR 12...double 12....#12 = perf gov't).

KISLEV 24 (HAG 2, "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES"....DEC 7, 2023)........

.......plus 75 n.c. (in Millen mths) is SIGNING (trib count start)

YOM KIP SEPT 25, 2023, plus 5 solar mths (as Noah) is FEB 25 RAPTURE.

JAN 4 (really DEC 24, orig KISLEV 24) plus 52 n.c. (75 minus tilt) is RAPTURE.

SUNDAYS (counts start) are across the board: RAPTURE.....A.C. RISES......RETURN

MID TRIB (AUG 5, 2027) ABOM DESOL is LEO 15 (if Mazzarot applies)......coveted by Satan.

A.C. RISES AUG 8, LEO 18 (666) & kills 2 wit's who RISE on FAST of AV 9 (Aug 12).

RETURN minus tilt loss is TEVET 1 (Dec 27, 2030) 8th day 8th Feast, earth straight.

So KISLEV 24 (1st day 8th Feast) plus 75 n.c. & plus 7 days (7 yrs n.c.) is TEVET 1 RETURN.

Thus the trib (w/ all considered) is CREATION WEEK (KISLEV 24 - TEVET 1).

There will be 2300 days TEMPLE DESECRATION til RECONSECRATED (Dan 8:13-14)......

......& 2300 days is YOM KIP 2024 (Oct 12, 3rd Temple) to JAN 27-28, 2031 (ISA 63).

TEVET 1 was Jesus' Conception Day.....& plus 280 was birth on TISH 15 SUCCOTH.

TEVET 1, 2030 (day earth is straight) plus 280 days is TABERNACLES 2031 (ZECH 14:15-18).

TEVET 1, 2030 (day earth is straight) plus 30 days mourning is SHEVAT 1.....

....& SHEVAT is 11th mth (#11 = judg), start 45-day judg of the nations (DAN 12:11-12).

ALL COUNTS begin & end on YOM KIP....& YOM KIP 2023 to YOM KIP yr 2030 = 7 yrs.

483 yrs were done at the CROSS....plus 7 is 490 punishment complete (DAN 9....70th wk).

RETURN may be either 2520 days past SIGNING or 2520 days past RAPTURE.

If 2520 past SIGNING (3 days n.c.), then RETURN (TH, JAN 16, 2031) is CAPRIC 24.......

........& plus 30 days mourning is AQUAR 24 (888), into Temple ('AGE of AQUAR 888').

PURIM 2024 'may be' EZEK 38 & plus 202 days (7 mths/moons) burying is YOM KIP 2024.

YOM KIP 2023 (RAPTURE yr) is 50 yrs (Jubilee) past 1973 YOM KIP WAR & ROWE WADE.

There's more......but this SUNDAY, FEB 25, looks plausible.

JANET HERSCU - February 25th, 2024 at 7:15pm

Via spec, can't 'figure/surmise' anything past this TUES, FEB 27.

TUES, FEB 27, ADAR 17 (72 hrs total....3 x 24) looks like a possible RAPTURE date (but "no one knows DAY or HOUR")......never said "week, month, yr"......plus con't attn to MATT 24:43-44.

Any IYYAR 28 (FIG TREE) plus 280 is ADAR 17 (FEB 24, 2024).

Any IYYAR 5 (FIG TREE) plus 23 (tilt#) is IYYAR 28 (note 23 days tilt# betw 2 FIG TREE dates).

If KISLEV has 29 days (instead of 30), TEVET 2 is the 8th day 8th Feast.....

.....& plus 75 days n.c. is this TUES, ADAR 17, possible RAPTURE.

SIGNING 3 days previous was perhaps SAT, ADAR 14, FEB 24, 2024.

SIGNING plus 1260 days is LEO 18 (666), AUG 7, 2027, ABOM DESOL/is killed.

RETURN (1260 past SIGNING) at SAT, JAN 18, 2031 minus tilt will be TEVET 1 (earth straight).....

......& plus 30 days mourning will be SHEVAT 1, start 45-day judg of the nations.

If straightening ("days cut short') takes 3 days, then RETURN (2520 past RAPTURE) is JAN 21.....

.....& JAN 21 is AQUAR 1 ('AGE OF AQUARIUS') plus 75 (DAN 12:12) is trib end, ARIES 10-17.

If ARIES 17, straight earth will be NISAN 17 & MAR 17.....but ARIES 10 will be NISAN 10.

TEVET 1, day earth is straight, SAT, DEC 27, 2030, plus 280 is TABERNACLES 2031 (ZECH 14).

TEVET 1, day earth is straight, SAT, DEC 27, 2030 plus 30 mourning is JAN 27, 2031, TEMPLE RECONSECRATION/ISA 63 which is the END of 2300 days TEMPLE DESECRATION (DAN 8:13-14).

Day earth is straight (TEVET 1, 2030, DEC 27) plus 75 days (DAN 12:12) is trib end PURIM, 2031.

7 yrs fuel use (Ezek 39:9) previous to PURIM 2031 is PURIM 2024, EZEK 38 Victory (MAR 24, 2024)...?

75 'uncounted' days before RAPTURE at TEVET 1, 2023 was DEC 14......SAGIT 24; & via straight earth, SAGIT 24 will be NOV 24 & KISLEV 24 (HAG 2 "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES").

Also, if applic, SUCCOTH 2023 (ISA 26:20) plus 5 mths (as Noah delay) is RAPTURE, FEB 27, 2024.

5 mths also span YOM KIP 2023 (SEPT 25....1973 plus 50) to SIGNING, SAT, FEB 24, 2024.



There's more/much same as last letter, but 'could be' this TUES (3rd day, Wedding Day & HOS 6:2-3).

JANET HERSCU - February 27th, 2024 at 11:07am

This WED, FEB 28, 'fits' in all respects as well.

TEV 1, 2023 (plus 75 n.c.) to TEV 1, 2030, earth straight.....plus 280 to SUCCOTH 2031.

COUNTS begin on SUNDAYS: SIGNING (2/25/24).....ABOM DESOL.......RETURN.

....too much to review, but spec study leads to a possible FEB 28 date.

Janet Herscu - February 27th, 2024 at 5:41pm

One more spec 'guess'.......perhaps this THUR, FEB 29....280 past SHAVUOT!!

FAST of AV 9, MID-TRIB A.C. satanically rises (1260 past RAPTURE) on AUG 12, 2027.

RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING) on Mon, JAN 20, 2031 (1st day AQUARIUS).

EARTH is straight TEVET 1-2.....& 280 is TABERNACLES 2031 (ZECH 14:15-18).

TEVET 1-2, 2023 plus 75 n.c. is SIGNING, FEB 26, trib count start of 2520 days trib.


.....& plus 280 days Gestation is RAPTURE (BIRTH of CHURCH).

30 days past day earth is straight (TEV 1-2, 2030, DEC 28) is JAN 28, END of the 2300...

.....since YOM KIP 2024 (OCT 12), plus 2300 days (DAN 8) is JAN 28, 2031 RECONSECRATION.

Vis straight earth in 2031, ADAR 16 is trib end; & SIGNING is also ADAR 16 (so 7 Jewish yrs).

Looks like this THURS...

JANET HERECU - February 28th, 2024 at 6:08pm

Via spec, this FRIDAY, MAR 1 (ADAR 20) is possibly the RAPTURE....fits many spans.

SIGNING 2/27 is 75 n.c. past TEVET 2 (8th day 8th Feast, JESUS' Concep anniv) if KISLEV has 29 days.

SHAVUOT 2023 (anniv CHURCH Conception) plus 280 Gestation is BIRTH (RAPTURE).

BIRTH PANGS only precede a BIRTH.

A.C. SATANICALLY RISES AUG 13, 2027, LEO 24 (12,12,12), AV 10.

SEPT 30, SUCCOTH 2023, plus 150 days....(5 mths as Noah delay) is SIGNING.

SIGNING (2/27) is a TUES (3rd day & as Ketubah contract).

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is a TUES (AUG 10, 2027, AV 7).

RETURN is a TUES, a 3rd day (HOS 6:2-3).

RETURN is AQUAR 1 (if Mazzarot applies), TUES, JAN 31, 2031.

TRIB END (plus 75) via MAZZAROT is ARIES 17 (APR 6, 2031), Millen NISAN 17....


TRIB END w/ tilt loss will be MAR 17, the new/straight-earth NISAN 17 (& ARIES 17).

3rd TEMPLE YOM KIP (OCT 12, 2024) 2300 days (DAN 8) is JAN 27, 2031 (or 31st if straightening = 3 days), ISA 63 TEMPLE .ENTRANCE/RECONSECRATION.....

.....& YOM KIP 2024 is end of 7 mths (moons?) BURYING/BLDG 3rd Temple past PURIM (spec)....EZEK 38?

Most else virtually same......'could be' this FRIDAY.

JANET HERSCU - March 1st, 2024 at 12:00pm

Latest spec:

This SUNDAY, MAR 3, is exactly 280 days Gestation past the true/SUNDAY SHAVUOT.

SHAVUOT was CONCEPTION of CHURCH & RAPTURE is BIRTH preceded by birth pangs.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is FAST of AV 9 (& minus future tilt loss is FAST of TAMMUZ 17).

SIGNING plus 2520 days is RETURN, THUR, JAN 23, 2031 & minus tilt is JAN 1, AQUAR 1.

YOM KIP (FAST TISH 10) 2024 plus 2300....plus 3 n.c. mid trib...(Dan 8) is JAN 31, 2031 (ISA 63)

EARTH is STRAIGHT, JAN 1, 2031, AQUAR 1, & new/Millen SHEVAT 1 (11th mth/judg).

AQUAR 1 plus 75 is trib end at NISAN 17, ARIES 17 & straight-earth MAR 17....all in sync.


MID TRIB A.C. satanically RISES, AUG 15, 2027 (AV 12), LEO 24 (12,12,12), coveted.

COUNTS begin on SUNDAYS: RAPTURE......A.C. RISES.......

MAR 3 is ADAR 22......& 22 is double 11 ('double judg').....spec.

Also, SUCCOTH 2023 plus 5 mths delay (as Noah in Ark) is SIGNING.

....so much more, but via spec, sure looks like this SUNDAY, MAR 3....

JANET HERSCU - March 4th, 2024 at 11:35am

Just to clarify that the great NISAN 17 can be a NISAN 16, 17, 18, 19 or even 20 depending on it landing on a SUNDAY. So note that in 2031, SUNDAY, APR 13 is NISAN 20.

JANET HERSCU - March 4th, 2024 at 8:49pm

A last guess?

......'could be' this WED, MAR 6:

SUN, SHAVUOT 2023 plus 280 Church Gestation is SIGNING, SUN, MAR 3.

FAST of TEVET 10 (DEC 22, 2023) plus 75 n.c. is MAR 6....& earth is straight TEV 10.

YOM KIP 2024 plus 2300 days is RETURN, SUN, JAN 26, 2031.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is LEO 24 (coveted....12,12,12) if Mazzarot applies (plus 3 = AV 15).

RETURN minus tilt (to earth straight) is FAST of TEV 10 & plus 280 is TISH 22, 2031.

TISH 22, 2023 (OCT 7) plus 5 mths (as Noah delay) is SIGNING.

TISH 22, 2023 (OCT 7) plus 8 Jewish yrs isTISH 22, 2031 (which is 280 past TEV 10, 2031).

8 yrs is 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) plus 7-yr trib (also completing 490 yrs).


30 days past TEV 10, 2031 30 mourning is SHEVAT 11 (11,11), start 45-day judg Nations.

Trib end (before tilt loss, 75 days past RETURN) is NISAN 18 (FRI).....SUNDAY = NIS 20.

....hopefully this WED, MAR 6, the last presumptive date.....

JANET HERSCU - March 6th, 2024 at 1:04pm

This SAT, MAR 9 'fits' too much to ignore.

Spans via spec that still fit:

YOM KIP 2024 (SAT, OCT 12....3rd Temple) plus 2300 days is RETURN, WED, JAN 29, 2031.

JAN 29, 2031 is 2520 days trib past WED, MAR 6 (PISCES 18....666), possible SIGNING.

RETURN in 2031 (JAN 29) 75 days is SUNDAY, NISAN 20 (count of Nis 17), trib end.....

.....& w/ tilt loss, trib end is MAR 24, 25, NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18....Temple can be cleansed).

STRAIGHT-earth In 2031 (MAR 24) will be ARIES 24 (8, LAMB, 888).

MAR 24-25, 2024 (PURIM) plus 7 yrs fuel use is also trib end at MAR 24-25, 2031 (NIS 1).

MID-TRIB when a.c. satanically rises, 1260 days past RAPTURE, is VIRGO 1 (SAT, Aug 21, 2027).....

.....since A.C. (indwelt by Satan) attempts to 'own' the Mazzarot.

RETURN minus tilt loss is straight earth date, JAN 10 (really Dec 31, orig TEV 1, Jesus' Concep.

PURIM (MAR 24, 2024) is 'possible' EZEK 38 Victory plus 7 mths (moons) burying is YOM KIP.

EVE SHAVUOT 2023 plus 280 days Gestation plus a last 7-day warning (as to Noah) is SAT, MAR 9.

355-day, 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) is NIS 1, 2023 to EVE of II ADAR 1, 2024 (RAPTURE).

FAST of TEVET 10 (DEC 22, 2023) plus 75 n.c. is SIGNING, MAR 6.

ABOM DESOL In 2027 (WED, AUG 18) is AV 15 (tu b'Av), Israel's 'VALENTINES DAY.'


Note that GOD told the CHURCH to "WATCH THE FIG TREE".....& if they don't, OCT 7 occurred!.....thus the current/primary news.

At the RETURN (Jan 29, 2031), TEMPLE DESECRATION will END (DAN 8:13-14).....

...so, although much more to note, this coming SAT (MAR 9), looks plausible.

JANET HERSCU - March 8th, 2024 at 8:58pm

& to con't via spec: SUNDAY, MAR 10 (II ADAR 1) , seems to fit better.

7 mths burying (after EZEK 38) spans PURIM (2 wks past RAPTURE) to YOM KIP 2024.

7 yrs fuel use (EZEK 39:9) span PURIM 2024 to NISAN 1, 2031.

DAY AFTER YOM KIP 2024, SUN, TISH 11 (77...'azazel returns?') 2300 days is RETURN.

TRIB END (2520 75.....DAN 12:12) before tilt loss is NISAN 22....minus tilt is NISAN 1.

SUNDAY, SHAVUOT 2023 280-day Gestation last 7-day warning is RAPTURE, BIRTH.

A.C. satanically rises (1260 past RAPTURE) on VIRGO 1 (SUN, AUG 22, 2027).

355-day, 1-yr warning (JEREM 51:46) spans NISAN 1, 2023 to II ADAR 1, 2024.

The 5 mths (as 'Noah delay' in Ark) span OCT 7 to MAR 7, 2024 (SIGNING).

Most else virtually same as last letter......'could be' this SUNDAY, MAR 10.

Janet herscu - March 9th, 2024 at 5:11pm

& IF RAPTURE is TUES (3rd day/Wedding & HOS 6:2-3), MAR 12, via spec, note:

96 days (75 plus tilt) are n.c. on each side of the .....

.....& KISLEV 24 (DEC 7, 2023).....HAG 2 Promise.....plus 96 is TUES, MAR 12.

NISAN 1, 2023 (MAR 23) plus 355 days (1-yr warn/Jer 51:46) is TUES, MAR 12.

YOM KIP 2024 (OCT 12) plus 2300 (plus 3 n.c. mid trib)....DAN 8....is RETURN (Feb 1, 2031).

RETURN minus tilt plus 75 (DAN 12:12) is trib end, NISAN 1, 2031 (EZEK 45:18, TEMPLE CLEANSED).


PURIM 2024 (MAR 24) plus 7 mths burying bodies/bldg 3rd Temple is YOM KIP 2024.



Much more.........'could be' this next TUES, MAR 12......fits much.

JANET HERSCU - March 11th, 2024 at 10:09pm

Via con't spec, WED, MAR 13 seems likely as well (w/ SIGNING MAR 10...?).

'FIG TREE,' MAY 14 (75 yrs) plus tilt (will minus) is JUNE 7, plus 280 days is MAR 13.

1-yr warning....shana....JER 51:46....past NISAN 1, 2023 is MAR 13.

97 days (75 22 tilt) are n.c. on each side of trib:

..........DEC 7, 2023 (KISLEV 24...HAG 2) plus 97 is MAR 13

..........RETURN (SUN, FEB 2, 2031) plus 97 is trib end

SUNDAYS (counts start): SIGNING MAR 10.......ABOM DESOL......RETURN

Return plus 30 days mourning is a TUES, 3rd day, HOS 6:2-3 & ISA 63.....into TEMPLE.

Trib end w/ tilt loss still seems to be NIS 1, 2031, EZEK 45:18.

TISH 11 (77), 2024, 7 mths bury past PURIM 2024 (EZEK 39..?) plus 2303 (3 n.c.) is RETURN.

There's MUCH MORE; but MOST ELSE is VIRTUALLY SAME....'could be' this WED, MAR 13.

JANET HERSCU - March 13th, 2024 at 2:29pm

Via spec, the spans still fit (MAR 12 SIGNING/start of 2520 count....plus 3 days to FRI, MAR 15).

DEC 7 (KISLEV 24, HAG 2 PROMISE) plus tilt (will minus) plus 75 (n.c.) is TUES, MAR 12 SIGNING.

TUES: 3rd day, as Ketubah/Wedding Contract day.

NISAN 1, 2023 plus the 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46)...355 days/shana....is MAR 12.

FIG TREE MAY 14 (75 yrs Statehood) plus tilt (will minus) is JUNE 7 (1967 TEMPLE MT)....

.....& JUNE 7, 2023 plus 280 CHURCH GESTATION is FRI, MAR 15.

If MAZZAROT applies, MAR 15 is PISCES 24 (fish/believers/888)....spec.

SUCCOTH 2024 (OCT 17...1st of 70 sacrifices) plus 2300 (DAN 8:13-14) is RETURN, FEB 4, 2031....

...plus 30 days mourning (Dan 12:11) is TEMPLE ENTR, MAR 6......plus 360 days will be MAR 1, 2031.


If MAZZAROT applies, trib end is TAURUS 1 (DEUT 33:17....JESUS rules nations as a 'BULL.'

Also via Mazzarot, RETURN is AQUAR 15.....'water of Holy Spirit' again covers earth' (spec)....

.....& plus 30 days mourning is PISCES 15 (JESUS w/ believing REMNANT/'FISH' into TEMPLE.

7 mths/moons BURY/BLDG 3rd TEMPLE span PURIM 2024 (EZEK 38...?, MAR 24) to SUCCOTH 2024....

....& 7 yrs fuel use virtually span MAR 24-28, 2024 to trib end (w/ tilt loss) at MAR 28, 2031.....trib end.

ROSH HASHANA plus 6 mths is SIGNING.

VIA the total legal 8-yr count (1-yr warning plus 7-yr trib, LEV 23.....always YOM KIP), note:

......JUNE 7, 2023 is in the YOM KIP YR 2022

......minus 21 yrs n.c. (20 FULL YRS) is YOM KIP 2001 (6001)

......& YOM KIP 6001 is start of 121st JUB/7th MILLEN, end of 120 promised JUB's (GEN 6:3).

So, all is 'on schedule/not late.'

The JEWISH CALENDAR RETURN DATE is SHEVAT 11 (11, 11....double judg, if applic).

Straight-earth date of TEMPLE ENTR, FEB 15, 2031, is SHEVAT 22 (11,11,11).....

....& that day is the start of the 45-day judg of the Nations (DAN 12:12).

If MAZZAROT applies, a.c. satanically rises VIRGO 8 (AUG 29, 2027....1260 days past RAPTURE).

When he rises, he kills ELIJ & MOS who rise 3 1/2 days later on SEPT 1-2......& minus tilt will be AV 9.


A PURIM/EZEK 38 VICTORY for ISRAEL 'may' relate to the failed, historical PURIM event/HAMAN/IRAN...??.

There's more (don't ya just love spec!!!....???); but now this FRIDAY seems to hold a semblance of hope.

JANET HERSCU - March 15th, 2024 at 8:42pm

After this SUNDAY, MAR 17 (ST. PATRICK'S), via spec, I don't have spans to work w/.......

....but here is what still 'fits:'

Fig tree JUNE 7 plus 280 days Church Gestation is MAR 14 SIGNING...start of 2520 count.

Fig tree MAY 14 to JUNE 7 is the tilt# (will minus).

Fig tree IYYAR 28 (was June 7, 1967) plus 280 Gestation plus tilt (so 302 days) is SUN, MAR 17.

Straight-earth MAR 17 will be NISAN 17 & ARIES 17 in Millen.

DEC 7 (HAG 2) plus 98 (75 plus tilt...both n.c.) is MAR 14 (& PISCES 24...888, if MAZZAROT. applies.

1-yr warning (shana...355 days), JER 51:46, spans NISAN 1, 2023 to MAR 14.

RETURN (TH! FEB 6, 2031 (2520 past MAR 14, 2024 SIGNING) is AQUAR 15 (via Mazzarot).).

RETURN plus 30 days mourning (Dan 12:11) will be MAR 6, 2031....ISA 63 into TEMPLE....

....& plus 360 (1st perf/Millen/straight-earth yr) will be MAR 1, 2032, new/Millen NIS 1 (EZEK 45:18)....spec.

SUCCOTH 2024 (DAN 8, 3rd Temple, 1st of 70 sacrifices) plus 2300 (3 n.c.j is RETURN, FEB 6, 2031.

75 minus tilt loss is 52 days.....& FAST of TEV 10 (Dec 22) plus 52 days is MAR 14 SIGNING.

2 witnesses rise SEPT 1-2, 2027 & minus tilt loss (to straight-earth) will be Fast of AV 9.

Purim, MAR 24 (EZEK 38...?) is one week from SUN, MAR 17.

ALL FASTS of AV 9's in history will be as FASTS of TAMMUZ 17 when earth is straight.

SUNDAYS (counts begin): RAPTURE......A.C. RISES........


.....most else same........'could be' SUN, MAR 17.....

JANET HERSCU - March 16th, 2024 at 11:01pm

Via 'last resort' spec, the following spans are intriguing w/ a view of TUES, MAR 19:

Via the HAG 2 promise, future/straight-earth KISLEV 24 will be NOV 24 & SAGIT 24 (all in sync).

So note DEC 14, 2023 (SAGIT 24) plus 96 days n.c. (75 plus tilt) is TUES, MAR 19.

Also Fig tree IYYAR 28 plus 280 Gestation plus tilt (willminus) is SAT, MAR 16 SIGNING.

Also FAST of TEVET 10 (Dec 22, 2023) plus 54 (75 minus tilt) is MAR 16 SIGNING.

ROSH HASHANA 2024 (3rd Temple?....7 mths past PURIM 2024, EZEK 38?) plus 2300 days is day earth is straight, JAN 18, 2031 (20 days back from FEB 8, 2031 RETURN).

JAN 18, 2031 (day earth is straight) plus 75 (DAN 12:11-12) is trib end at NISAN 10 (APR 3).

Mid-trib when a.c. satanically rises at ELUL 1, 2027....& minus tilt will be FAST of AV 9.


TUESDAYS (3rd day/Wedding): RAPTURE.....A.C. RISES

There's more, but this TUES, MAR 19 looks plausible.

JANET HERSCU - March 18th, 2024 at 10:09pm

WED, MAR 20......?

In one sense,the CHURCH is the TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.....& the TEMPLE must be CLEANSED on NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18) since the RAPTURE involves new/cleansed bodies.......spec.

Well, MAR 20 is ARIES 1.....8th Mazzarot sign/LAMB......& minus the tilt to straight earth will be:

.....NISAN 1

.....MARCH 1

.....ARIES 1

ARIES 1, MAR 20 is also Spring Equinox & NISAN 1 in MILLEN will be NEW YRS DAY.

Also, via straight earth, SAGIT 24 will be NOV 24 & KISLEV 24 (HAG 2 PROMISE)....

.....& MAR 20 minus 97 n.c. (75 & 22) was DEC 14, 2023 (SAGIT 24), TEVET 1.

TEVET 1 was Jesus' Conception (8th day 8th Feast) since plus 280 was SUCCOTH birth.

ROSH 2024 (OCT 3, 2024)....3rd Temple....plus 2300 days earth is straight, Jan 19, 2031.

Fig tree IYYAR 28 (May 19, 2023) plus 280 Gestation plus tilt (will minus) is MAR 20.

JAN 4 plus 75 n.c. is MAR 20 (& JAN 4 is REALLY -11 days, DEC 24, orig KISLEV 24, HAG 2).


PURIM 2024 (MAR 24...EZEK 38?) plus 7 moons burying is ROSH, OCT 3, 5th Feast.

MOST else is same as last letter.....'could be' WED, MAR 20.

JANET HETSCU - March 20th, 2024 at 10:53am

Via spec, could also be this THUR, II ADAR 10, MAR 21 (ARIES 1, tilt# past MAR 1, future NISAN 1).

Note connection to MATT 23:39 concerning NISAN 10, LAMB into TEMPLE (was Palm Sunday).

NISAN 10, 2023 plus 1-yr/355 warning is II ADAR 10, 2024 (MAR 21, & virtually NISAN 10)..........to NISAN 10, 2031 trib end.

The RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING (MAR 18...?) minus tilt loss will be TEVET 24 (earth straight)....plus 30 days mourning is SHEVAT 24 (11,888, into Temple) plus 45 days is NISAN 10 (APR 3, 2031), trib end.

All else virtually same.....'could be' THUR, MAR 21.

JANET HERSCU - March 22nd, 2024 at 12:12am

After this SAT, MAR 23 (possible RAPTURE..?), the spans I was working w/ have virtually 'reached their fullness'.....no matter, for GOD'S TIMIMG is perfect but likely beyond human, even spec, understanding. However, it's surely obvious that something BIG is on the horizon, especially in connection to Israel! God bless!

JANET HERSCU - March 24th, 2024 at 4:36pm

....then again, TUES, MAR 26 fits so much!.....WHAT to do??

The Millen cleansing of the TEMPLE (JESUS in Temple) must be MAR 1, ARIES 1, new/Millen NISAN 1....

....AND IT IS!

RETURN (2520 days past SAT, MAR 23 SIGNING on II ADAR 13...'as Haman's plan') is FEB 18, 2031....

.....& FEB 18 is PISCES 1......plus 30 days mourning is ARIES 1, into Temple (ISA 63).

RETURN minus tilt loss is FEB 1 (PISCES 1, new ADAR 1) & plus 30 days is MAR 1 (still ARIES 1).

Trib end (after the tilt loss & the plus 75) is still NISAN 17....w/ count start on a SUNDAY (NIS 20).

SHAVUOT 2023 plus 280 plus tilt (will minus) is SAT, MAR 23.

The SIGNING minus the future tilt loss is MAR 1, future/straight-earth NISAN 1 & ARIES 1 (EZEK 45:18).

YOM KIP 2024

(3rd Temple) plus 2300 days (Dan 8) is day earth is straight, JAN 28-29, 2031.

So much more!.......search it out....could well be TUES, 3rd day/HOS 6:2-3/Wedding/BIRTH......

.JANET HERSCU - March 25th, 2024 at 6:25pm

....'on a roll again'.....sorry!......but this WED, MAR 27 (II ADAR 17) fits SO much!

God said (Jer 51:46) that there would be a 1-yr warning (for the CHURCH.....THE SLEEPERS/DEAD IN CHRIST).

NISAN 17, 2023 (I COR 15:21-22) plus 355 days (yr...shana) is II ADAR 17 (WED, MAR 27, 2024).

SIGNING: PURIM 2024 (?) plus 2520 days trib is RETURN, SUN, FEB 19, 2031....PISCES 1.

Plus 30 mourn is ARIES 1, new/straight-earth NISAN 1 & MAR 1....EZEK 45:18/ISA 63.

SHAVUOT 2023 plus 280 Gestation plus tilt (will minus) is SIGNING, plus 3 n.c. is RAPTURE (BIRTH)

YOM KIP 2024 (3rd Temple?), 7 mths/moons burying past MAR 30, 2024/Red Heifer/EZEK 38?.......

....plus 2300 days is RETURN (JAN 28, 2031, day earth is straight.... 3 straightening is FEB 1).

The ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR 2031 straight-earth will be MAR 1, ARIES 1, new NIS 1....EZEK 45:18.

Although most (if not all) believers disdain any mention of Mazzarot, the fact that ARIES 8 (MAR 27, 2024) plus 2550 days (2520 plus 30 mourn) is TEMPLE ENTRANCE 2031 (MAR 20-21, ARIES 1...8th sign/LAMB...Millen NISAN 1, EZEK 45:18) sure is intriguing.

The RED HEIFER (Num 19) was to cleanse the Temple on NISAN 1.....& this MAR 30, 2024 Sacrifice is 'pushing the issue'....but resulting in a possible EZEK 38 'VICTORY of sorts' for Israel......all a part of the great DECEPTION. It's SO, SO SAD......but one must admire the JEW'S FAITH in such a hope-filled/Biblically-commanded move....so who can blame them?! God knows their hearts!

Interesting too is FEB 19, 2024 plus 40 days 'testing' is RAPTURE....& FEB 19, 2031 is RETURN....so 7 solar yrs.

Also, trib end is 'NISAN 17.' Note day earth is straight, JAN 28, 2031) plus 75 days is SUN, NISAN 20, count start of NISAN 17 (must be a Sunday count start to SHAVUOT).


...SO MUCH MORE....7 more huge spans fit......but, WHO READS IT???......but this WED, MAR 27, sure looks likely!

JANET HERSCU - March 26th, 2024 at 7:05pm

Via spec, I was perhaps a DAY off!......& now THUR, MAR 28 'could be' the RAPTURE (I COR 15:20).

NIS 17, 2023 (APR 8) plus 355 days....1-yr warn/Jer 51:46, is MAR 28 (NIS 18...666)....& ARIES 8 (8,8).

SHAVUOT 2023 (MAY 28) plus 280 plus 22 (tilt, will minus) is SIGNING, MAR 25 (SHUSHAN PURIM).

RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) is PISCES 1....

.....& plus 30 mourning is ARIES 1, straight-earth NISAN 1 & MAR 1 (EZEK 45:18).....all in sync.

YOM KIP 2024 (OCT 12, 3rd Temple) is 7 'moons' bury/bldg 3rd Temple past MAR 30 (EZEK 38?).....

....& plus 2300 days Temple Desecration (Dan 8) is day earth is straight (JAN 28-29, 2031).

The current geomagnetic sun storms, devil comet & & multiple moon eclipses add to the plausibility as well.

All else is virtually 'same' as last 2 reviews; so now this THUR, MAR 28 seems likely....spec, of course.....

JANET HERSCU - March 27th, 2024 at 9:43pm

Via spec, ALL seems to work from this FRI, MAR 29 as well.

355 days (shana...JER 51:46) span SUN, NISAN 18 (count start of NIS 17), 2023 to FRI, MAR 29.

MAR 29 is still ARIES 8 (8,8).......& TEMPLE ENTR 2031 (2550 days past RAPTURE) is ARIES 1.

2520 yrs was also 583 B.C. (destruc 1st Temple) to 1967, TEMPLE MT.

YOM KIP 2024 plus the 2300 days (& 3 n.c.) is day earth is straight, JAN 28-29....- FEB 1, 2031.

30 days mourning after day earth is straight is MAR 1, ARIES 1, Millen NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18, ISA 63)....all in sync.

TUESDAYS (3rd day, HOS 6:2-3...ancient Wedding Day): SIGNING....ABOM DESOL.....RETURN

SHAVUOT 2023 plus 280 plus tilt (will minus) is SIGNING......plus 3 is RAPTURE, BIRTH of CHURCH.

MUCH MORE.....but ALL else is virtually same as last review........so FRI, MAR 29 looks likely.

JANETHERSCU - March 29th, 2024 at 4:47pm

So far, I don't consider the 'APR 8 date' since upon study, the #'s & places are exaggerated/eclipse path of 7 Ninevahs, etc); so via mega spec, note SUN, MAR 31 (ARIES 11...#11=judg...'wrath of the LAMB?').

SUNDAY, MAR 31 minus future tilt loss will be MAR 10, the future/straight-earth NISAN 10, where 'Jesus LEFT OFF.'

So note MATT 23:39!!....'as a conclusion of Jesus' Temple Entrance Palm Sunday.'

Counts have always begun on SUNDAYS.

YOM KIP 2024 plus 2300 (plus 3 n.c.) is still day earth is straight, FEB 1-2, 2031, straight-earth PISCES 1 & new/Millen ADAR 1.....

.....plus 30 mourn (1290 past mid-trib) is TEMPLE ENTR, ARIES 1, new/Millen NISAN 1 & MAR 1.....EZEK 45:18 & ISA 63.

RAPTURE 'may' appear as a 'result' of the Red Heifer Sacrifice/for ashes (1 day before) followed by a quick EZEK 38 Victory...???....plus 7 moons (193) burying is YOM KIP 2024.

As for the JER 51:46, 1-yr warning (shana), NISAN 17 (I Cor 15:20) plus 355 is II ADAR 18, 2024 (SIGNING?).

SIGNING (?) TH, MAR 28 is ARIES 8 plus 2550 days (2520 & 30) is ARIES 1 into TEMPLE.

Trib end (2520 plus the 75) is TAURUS 15 (Deut 33:17).....Jesus in charge/'middle of bull horns.'

MUCH MORE.....but ALL else is too 'nebulous' to conclude more spans; but this SUN, MAR 31 looks possible.

JANET HERSCU - March 31st, 2024 at 9:20am

TUES, APR 2 looks plausible......& if applic, APR 2 is ARIES 11 ('wrath of the LAMB....?).

360 days (1 perf yr, JER 51:46) from APR 8, 2023 (NIS 17....I CORIN 15:20) is APR 2).

TUES is 3rd day, ancient Wedding Day (& Hos 6:2-3....?).

SAT, MAR 30, 2024 SIGNING (?) plus 2520 days trib is RETURN, SAT, FEB 22.....

.......plus 30 days mourning is MAR 24....& minus 23 tilt loss will be MAR 1.

RETURN minus tilt loss is FEB 1 (Pisces 1) & end of 2300 days (& 3 n.c.) past YOM KIP 2024 (3rd Temple, DAN 8:13-14))..?

In all, 98 days (75 plus 23 tilt) are n.c......& FAST of TEV 10 plus 98 is SAT, MAR 30 (SIGNING?).

A.c. satanically rises TUES, SEPT 21, 2027, on LIBRA 1, if Mazzarot applies.

The 2550 days (2520 & 30 mourn) span 7 yrs from ARIES 8 to ARIES 1, into TEMPLE/ISA 63.

30 days past day earth is straight is MAR 1, ARIES 1, new/MILLEN NISAN 1.....EZEK 45:18.


2550 yrs spanned 583 B.C. to 1967 (as 2550 days SIGNING to TEMPLE ENTRANCE).

7 moons ('mths') burying span RAPTURE (& EZEK 38....?) to YOM KIP 2024 (OCT 12).

...much 'same' as last review........'could be' this TUES, APR 2.

JANET HERSCU - April 1st, 2024 at 11:22pm

L seems to also fit WED, APR 3 very well....& most else fits the previous spec review.


SUNDAY, NISAN 18, 2023 (FIRSTFRUITS, I COR 15:20) plus 360 (1 yr) is APR 3.

SIGNING (SUN, MAR 31) is tilt# (will minus) past MAR 10, straight-earth NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39).

RETURN (FEB 23, 2031) plus 30 days mourning is the actual NISAN 1 (Ezek 45:18, ISA 63).

RETURN minus tilt loss plus 30 days mourning is still MAR 1, ARIES 1 & Millen NISAN 1......

....all in sync & it is a SATURDAY....ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE (& EZEK 45:18).

As for 7 mths burying after EZEK 38, 7 draconian mths are 188 days & 7 sidereal mths are 195 days.

Interestingly (spec), APR 8, 2024 solar eclipse plus 188 days is YOM KIP 2024 (OCT 12).....

.....& plus 2303 days/DAN 8:13-14 (3 days mid trib n.c.) is day earth is straight, FEB 1, 2031.

....'could be' WED, APR 3 (& if applic, SIGNING is ARIES 11, #11, 'wrath of the Lamb;' & APR 3 is ARIES 14, & #14 is 'deliverance').

JANET HERSCU - April 2nd, 2024 at 10:28pm

....same letter...plus 1 day....

ALL seems to also fit THUR, APR 4 very well....& most else fits the previous spec review.

SUN, Apr 9, NISAN 18, 2023 (FIRSTFRUITS, I COR 15:20) plus 360 (1 yr) is APR 4.

SIGNING, MON, APR 1 is tilt# (22, will minus) past MAR 10, straight-earth NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39).

RETURN (FEB 24, 2031) plus 30 days mourning is the actual NISAN 1 (Ezek 45:18, ISA 63).

RETURN minus tilt loss plus 30 days mourning is still MAR 1, ARIES 1 & Millen NISAN 1......

....all in sync & it is a SATURDAY....ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE (& EZEK 45:18).

As for 7 mths burying after EZEK 38, 7 draconian mths are 188 days & 7 sidereal mths are 194 days.

Interestingly (spec), APR 8, 2024 solar eclipse plus 188 days is YOM KIP 2024 (OCT 12).....

.....& plus 2303 days/DAN 8:13-14 (3 days mid trib n.c.) is day earth is straight, FEB 1, 2031.

....'could be' THUR, APR 4. (& if applic, SIGNING, APR 1, is ARIES 11, #11, 'wrath of the Lamb;' & APR 4 is ARIES 14, & #14 is 'deliverance').

JANET HERSCU - April 3rd, 2024 at 6:03pm

RAPTURE 'could' also be FRI, APR 5 (ARIES 17, if MAZZAROT applies)......I COR 15:20.

When earth is straight, NISAN 17 will be MAR 17 & ARIES 17.....all in sync.


This APRIL 5 is ARIES 17 (I Cor 15:20) & minus '20-day' tilt loss is MARCH 17.

TUES/3rd day/SIGNING (?) was ancient Wedding (Ketubah-Contract) day.....& HOS 6:2-3.


RETURN, 2520 days past APR 2 SIGNING, is FEB 25, 2031....

...plus 30 days mourning will be MAR 25, NISAN 1, into Temple/EZEK 45:18 (& now 30-day mths).

NISAN 1, 2031 (MAR 25) will be 'same day' (via tilt loss) as SAT, MAR 1, ARIES 1, Millen NIS 1.....into Temple.

The 2 dates, MAR 25 & MAR 1 are virtually 23 1/2 days apart ( the maximum earth tilt#).

SUCCOTH 2024 (Oct 17) 'could' start the DAN 8:13-14.......2300 days.....

.....& those 2300 end at day earth is straight, FEB 1-2, 2031 (SHEVAT 8-9...11x8 or 11x9).

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) is TUE, SEP 21, 2027, LIBRA 1...coveted Mazzarot pt.

1-yr warning (JER 51:46)....360 days, perf yr....spans NISAN 17, APR 8, 2023 to SIGNING, APR 2.

NISAN 17 is noted in I CORIN 15:20...."sleepers rise."

Via HAG 2, KISLEV 24 promise, KISLEV 24, 2023 plus 120 ("4 mths to harvest") is APR 5, 2024....spec.

3 days past RAPTURE (EZEK 38?) is APR 8 solar eclipse (1 yr past NIS 17, 2023)....

.....& plus 7 moons burying/bldg 3rd Temple is SUCCOTH, 2024 (70 blood sacrifices).

If Mazzarot applies via 75 days n.c. on each side of trib, note AQUARIUS 1 plus 75 to SIGNING.

SIGNING on II ADAR 22 is 13th mth & double 11......(13=rebellion, 11=judg)....spec.

Via ISA 26:20, 6 mths had to pass from TISH 22, 2023 for RETURN plus 30 to be NISAN 1 in 2031.....

....since 4th TEMPLE must be cleansed via EZEK 45:18 & start the MILLEN on NIS 1.

If the eclipse is a 'sign,' note APR 8, 2023 (NIS 17) to APR 8 eclipse (EZEK 38?) is 1 SOLAR YR (Jer 51:46).

Earth is straight SHEVAT 8 or 9 (11x8=88.....'perf judg'....or 11x9=99), FEB 1-2, 2031.

...so, albeit unbelievable/likely bothersome repetition on my part, RAPTURE 'may be' Friday.

JANET HERSCU - April 4th, 2024 at 10:34pm

NOT DONE!, SORRY! Via spec, SUNDAY, APRIL 7 (ARIES 17), II ADAR 27 (999), looks likely.


1-yr 365-day warning (Jer 51:46) spans NIS 17, 2023 (APR 8) to SUN, APR 7, 2024.

Another 1-yr, 355-day/shana warning may be NISAN 17, 2023 to II ADAR 17, 2024......

...... plus a 7-day last warning (as to NOAH before flood start) to SIGNING.

SUN, APR 7, minus tilt loss will be MAR 17, Millen/eternal NIS 17 & ARIES 17.....all in sync.

SIGNING, THUR, APR 4, is II ADAR 24 (12,12,12,12....#12 = perf gov't), if applic.

AMAZING via MATT 23:39 & ISA 63 is HIGH PRIEST'S/JESUS' TEMPLE ENTRANCE on straight-earth MARCH 10....Millen/eternal NISAN 10 & ARIES 10......MATT 23:39.

2031 RETURN, 2520 days past RAPTURE, is SUN, MAR 2....& minus tilt is FEB 10 (PISCES 10).....

....& plus 30 days mourning is MAR 10, ARIES 10, Millen NIS 10 (as PALM SUN), MATT 23:39.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL 1260 days past SIGNING, is LIBRA 1 (coveted), TH, SEP 23, 2027.

If MAZZAROT applies, AQUAR 1, 2024 (JAN 20) plus 75 days n.c. is SIGNING.

There are also 75 days post-RETURN n.c. (DAN 12:11-12).

I can't 'figure' the 2300 days (DAN 8:13-14) other than possibly TISH 22-23, 2024 & ending at day earth is straight, FEB 10, 2031.

If applic via 'FIG TREE,' JUNE 7, 2023 plus 280 plus tilt (will minus).....302 days...is SIGNING.

Interesting concerning FAST DAY TAM 17 (ZECH 8:19), add 280 (in 30-day mths) to RAPTURE.

The ACTUAL 8-yr count (1-yr warning plus 7-yr trib)....LEV 23....spans YOM KIP 2022 - YOM KIP 2030 (RETURN YR), so nothing is 'late.'

AGAIN, NISAN 17 was also FLOOD END, RED-SEA CROSSING, JESUS' RESURRECTION & seemingly 'RAPTURE/via tilt loss considered/Mazzarot day.'

So, (via MATT 24:43-44, "can know thief's arrival at door if watch CONSTANTLY"), a possible RAPTURE date may be this SUNDAY, APR 7; so disregard last letter.

JANET HERSCU - April 5th, 2024 at 12:52pm


Note that 2520 days trib plus 30 days mourning is ISA 63/MATT 23:39 TEMPLE ENTRANCE.

2550 days span RAPTURE to ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE (as 2550 yrs 583 B.C. - 1967).

This SUNDAY, APRIL 7, is ARIES 17.....

.....& w/ tilt loss (at the RETURN), ARIES 17 will be MARCH 17 & the Millen NISAN 17.

Also in 2031 w/ tilt loss, TEMPLE ENTRANCE will be ARIES 10, MARCH 10 & MILLEN NISAN 10.

So one can see that the trib (2520 days plus 30 days mourning) is PASSION WEEK IN REVERSE.

All in all (noting entire scenario via straight-earth perspective), note the 2550-day span:

RAPTURE is NISAN 17 (I Cor 15:20) & TEMPLE ENTRANCE is NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39).

JANET HERSCU - April 6th, 2024 at 7:34pm

I sure didn't want to 'settle' for the APR 8 date; but now, via spec, I do (Ninevahs, Salem's, path symbols as a cross....plus a couple of verses relating to such signs.......whatever!).

ALL is virtually 'SAME' as last review....plus 1 day..?..so below is the most recent review.

Via spec, MON, APRIL 8 (ARIES 17), II ADAR 28 (looks likely.

1-yr 366-day warning (Jer 51:46) spans NIS 17-18, 2023 (APR 8-9) to MON, APR 8, 2024.

Another 1-yr, 355-day/shana warning may be NISAN 17-18, 2023 to II ADAR 17-18, 2024......

...... plus 7-day last warning (as to NOAH before flood start) ARIES 10 - ARIES 17....to RAPTRE.

MON, APR 8 minus tilt loss will be MAR 17, Millen/eternal NIS 17 & ARIES 17.....all in sync.

AMAZING via ISA 63 & MATT 23:39 is HIGH PRIEST'S/JESUS' TEMPLE ENTRANCE on straight-earth MARCH 10....Millen/eternal NISAN 10 & ARIES 10.......'where His rejection on PALM SUNDAY left off.'

2031 RETURN, 2520 days past RAPTURE, is MON, MAR 3......& minus tilt is FEB 10 (PISCES 10).....

....& plus 30 days mourning is MAR 10, ARIES 10, Millen NIS 10 (as PALM SUN), MATT 23:39.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL 1260 days past SIGNING, is LIBRA 1 (coveted), FRI, SEP 24, 2027 (since minus 23-day tilt loss will be SEPT 1.....Millen TISH 1 & LIBRA 1.

Via Mazzarot, AQUAR 1, 2024 (JAN 21) plus 75 days n.c. is SIGNING (FRI, APR 5, ARIES 14-15.

There are also 75 days post-RETURN n.c. (DAN 12:11-12).

I can't 'figure' the 2300 days (DAN 8:13-14) other than possibly TISH 22-23, 2024 but still ending at day earth is straight, FEB 10, 2031.

If applic via 'FIG TREE,' JUNE 7, 2023 plus 280 plus 23-degree tilt (will minus).....303 days...is SIGNING.

TRIB END (2520 days plus the 75 days/DAN 12-11,12) w/out tilt loss is MAY 14 ('Fig tree'/Statehood).

Interesting concerning FAST DAY TAM 17 (ZECH 8:19), add 280 (in 30-day mths) to RAPTURE.

The ACTUAL 8-yr count (1-yr warning plus 7-yr trib)....LEV 23....spans YOM KIP 2022 - YOM KIP 2030 (RETURN YR), so nothing is 'late.'

AGAIN, NISAN 17 was also FLOOD END, RED-SEA CROSSING, JESUS' RESURRECTION & seemingly RAPTURE (w/ tilt loss considered).

So (via MATT 24:43-44, "can know thief's arrival at door if watch CONSTANTLY"), a possible RAPTURE date may be this MONDAY, APRIL 8.

So via mega spec, it looks like RAPTURE may be MON, APR 8 since many spans fit.....& NISAN 1 (April 9) is NISAN 1.....RED HEIFER ashes/NUM 19.....but there's no Temple!.....??

JANET HERSCU - April 9th, 2024 at 10:36pm

SIGNING/MON, APR 8 (eclipse/a warning?), ARIES 17 future straight-earth NISAN 17 & MARCH 17.


Earth is straight FEB 10, 2031 30 mourn is MAR 10, Millen NISAN 10 & ARIES 10...MATT 23:39.

......could be THUR, APRIL 11.

JANET HERSCU - April 12th, 2024 at 9:54am

Spans seeming to match a SUNDAY, APR 14 RAPTURE:

SIGNING was perhaps NISAN 1, APR 11, 2024....red heifer ashes?....NUM 19, EZEK 45:18....?

APRIL 14 is ARIES 24 (8,888), if Mazzarot applies.

DEC 14, 2023 (TEV 1, SAGIT 24, future KIS 24/HAG 2) plus "4 mths to Harvest" is APR 14.

RETURN (2520 past TH, APR 11 SIGNING) plus 30 mourn is ARIES 17 (future NISAN 17).

Minus tilt (straight earth), ARIES 17 will be MAR 17 & Millen NISAN 17 (ISA 63 into Temple).

As for the 2300 days, HANUKKAH 2024/Dec 24-25 (TEMPLE DEDIC) plus 2300 is ARIES 17, 2031.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) at OCT 4, 2027 is SEPT 10 w/ tilt loss considered....

....& SEPT 10 will be TISH 10 (Millen YOM KIP) & LIBRA 10.

FAST of TAMMUZ 17 (JULY 6, 2023) plus 280 days is SIGNING, APR 11......ZECH 8:19.

Counts start on SUNDAYS.

....'could be' SUN, APR 14.

JANET HERSCU - April 14th, 2024 at 12:48pm

Amidst all, this MON APR 15 fits much as a possible spec RAPTURE date.

APR 15 is ARIES 24 (8,888), if Mazzarot applies. ARIES = LAMB....888 = JESUS/Gk#.

SAGIT 24 (straight-earth NOV 24 & KISLEV 24/HAG 2) plus "4 Mazzarot mths" is ARIES 24.

RETURN/PURIM (2520 past SIGNING) in 2031 is PISCES 17.....plus 30 mourning is ARIES 17.....

....& ARIES 17 (APR 8-9) minus tilt will be MAR 17, ARIES 17 & MILLEN NISAN 17 (into Temple).

MID TRIB/a.c.rises OCT 1, 2027 is LIBRA 10, future straight-earth SEPT 10 & TISH 10 (Yom Kip).

IYYAR 29, 2024 (was JUNE 7, 1967, FIG TREE) plus 202 days (7 moons bury) is HANUKKAH.....

.........FEAST of TEMPLE DEDIC, DEC 24-25, 2024, 3rd Temple.....

.....& plus 2300 (Dan 8:13-14) is TEMPLE ENTR APR 8-9, 2031 (will be MAR 17, straight earth)....

.....Millen NISAN 17, MAR 17, ARIES 17.....


FAST of TAMMUZ 17 (ZECH 8:19, JULY 6, 2023) plus 280 days (all 4 FAST DAYS in that 280 span) is THUR, APR 12, 2024 SIGNING.

Most intriguing (if true) are the MAZZAROT points:

.....RAPTURE: ARIES 24 (8,888)

.....A.C. RISES: LIBRA 10 (straight-earth MILLEN YOM KIP, TISH 10, coveted, SEPT 10)

.....ISA 63 into TEMPLE: ARIES 17 (straight-earth NISAN 17) 30 days past RETURN

.....TRIB END: GEMINI 1 (10th sign, GOD & ISRAEL 'in harmony'...end 1335 days, DAN 12:12)

SIGNING was possibly FRI, APR 12, NISAN 2.......6 mths past ROSH 2023 (had a 2nd ADAR).....

....so that RETURN plus 30 mourn is ARIES 17, new/Millen NISAN 17 in 2031.

It's obvious that EZEK 38 is on the horizon.....JORDAN cooperated w/ Israel yesterday!

...'could be' this MON, APR 15.....

JANET HERSCU - April 16th, 2024 at 1:48am

Now WED, APR 17 (NISAN 7) 'fits' even better via con't spec study.....

.....Counts start on SUNDAYS (SIGNING APR 14?.....ARIES 24 (8,888).

.....Temple Entrance/ISA 63 via straight earth is still MAR 17, 2031....

......& MAR 17 will be new/Millen NIS 17 & ARIES 17 (all in sync).

IYYAR 29, 2024 plus 7 mths (moons) burying/bldg TEMPLE is HANUKKAH 2024...

.....& plus 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) is APR 12, 2031 (same as straight-earth MAR 17.

.....further review not needed......much the same.....perhaps WED, APR 17.

JANET HERSCU - April 17th, 2024 at 12:15am

LOTS to consider NOW!.....'could be' SAT, APRIL 20.......NISAN 10.


Well, this next SAT, APRIL 20, is NISAN 10.....'where PALM SUNDAY left off!'

APRIL 20 is also TAURUS 1 (DEUT 33:17)....trib/to gore the nations.....if Mazzarot applies.

1-yr warn (Jer 51:46) spanned (I COR 15:20) NISAN 17, 2023 to II ADAR 17, 2024 (355 shana).

....then plus the tilt (will minus at straightening) is APR 20, possible RAPTURE.

49 days later is IYYAR 29 (FIG TREE...was JUNE 7, 1967).......

......& plus 202 days (7 moons) is HANUKKAH 2024.

7 mths burying/bldg 3rd Temple.....IYYAR 29 (EZEK 38...?) to HANUKKAH 2024....

.......3rd Temple Dedic...plus 2300 days (DAN 8:13-14) to ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR in 2031.

The 2300 days end at APR 14, 2031, 30 days past RETURN (if 3 days straightening).

RETURN (WED, MAR 12, 2031) minus tilt is FEB 17 (straight earth/now 30-day mths......

.......plus 30 days mourn is MAR 17, Millen NIS 17, ARIES 17, all in sync...INTO TEMPLE.

TRIB END (DAN 12:12) is SHAVUOT 2031 (MAY 27).....

......& minus tilt will be MAY 6, Millen SIVAN 6 & GEMINI 6 (all in sync)....spec.

Mid-trib ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) is LIBRA 15 (future TISH 15 & SEPT 15)......

.....& 3 days later a.c. satanically rises (LIBRA 18....666) & kills 2 wit's.......

......& after 3 1/2 days ELIJ & MOS rise OCT 12, 2027......TISHREI 11.....77.


Anyway, there's more, but 'could be' SAT, APR 20.

JANET HERSCU - April 17th, 2024 at 11:56pm

Interesting spec via the 377 days "AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH:"

FLOOD ENDED NISAN 17.....& Noah stayed in the ARK 377 more days.

377 days span NISAN 17, 2023 (APR 8) to APR 20, 2024....CHURCH EXITS (?).

JANET HERSCU - April 19th, 2024 at 10:46pm


PALM SUNDAY had to be a SUNDAY....whether NISAN 10, 11 or 12.

This SUNDAY, NIS 11 ('as a 'Palm Sunday') relates to Jesus' tearful MATT 23:39 promise.

SUN, APR 21 is TAURUS 1 (DEUT 33:17) ending 7 yrs later at ISA 63 announcement.

SUN, APR 21, is 378 days (Noah in ARK) past FIRSTFRUITS 2023 (I COR 15:20).

SIGNING, APR 11 (NIS 8) is tilt# (will minus) past II ADAR 17 (355/shana past NIS 17, 2023).

All else virtually 'same as last review.......'could well be' this SUN, APR 21.

JANET HERSCU - April 20th, 2024 at 9:07pm

TUES, APR 23, NISAN 13 (POSSIBLE RAPTURE) seems to 'match' the following:

TUES is a 3rd day, ancient Wedding Day & Hos 6:2-3 (if applic).

APR 23 is 3 days (n.c.) past APR 20, TAURUS 1 (DEUT 33:17) SIGNING.

FIRSTFRUITS/I COR 15:20, 2023 (APR 8-9) plus 377 days (as Noah in ARK) is SIGNING.

SAT, APR 20, 2024, the SIGNING, is start of the 2520-day trib.

APR 20 is NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39)....& perhaps 'where PALM SUN left off' if applic.

Last 7-day warning (as to Noah before flood...?) is perhaps APR 13-APR 20.

355, 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) FIRSTFRUITS 2023 (I Cor 15:20) is II ADAR 17.....

.....& plus the 22-day tilt (will minus) is the SIGNING, NISAN 10, APR 20.

RAPTURE plus 1260 days is TISH 11 (77) a.c. satanically rises (TUES, Oct 12, 2027).

TRIB END (RETURN plus the 75.....Dan 12:12) is still SHAVUOT 2031.

HANUKKAH (DEC 25) is 3rd Temple FEAST of TEMPLE DEDIC.....8th Feast.

The 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14).....3 n.c....span HANUKKAH 2024 to TEMPLE ENTR....

.....& ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR/RECONSECRATION is APR 14, 30 days mourning past RETURN.

APR 14 is also ARIES 24 (8,888).

75 days (n.c.) are on EACH SIDE of the trib.

So note SHEVAT 24 (11,888) plus 75 is SIGNING....

.....& day earth is straight is also SHEVAT 24...then plus 75 is trib end.

The EZEK 38 Divine Victory 'may be' IYYAR 28 (57 yrs Temple Mt), MAY 19, 2024....

.....& plus 7 mths (moons) burying/bldg 3rd Temple is HANUKKAH, DEC 25....

....then plus 2300 days to the TEMPLE ENTR/RECONSECRATION in 2031.



ABOM DESOL (1260 past Signing) at Oct 9, 2027 via MAZZAROT is LIBRA 18 (666)...spec.

There's much more; but SO MUCH now seems to fit this coming TUES, APR 23.

JANET HERSCU - April 22nd, 2024 at 5:22pm

........or this WED, APR 24, NISAN 14....

POSSIBLE SIGNING: APR 21, SUNDAY (when counts start), NISAN 11...

....NIS 11, 'as' PALM SUNDAY...MATT 23:39....as well as TAURUS 1 (DEUT 33:17).

SUN, NISAN 11, APR 21 SIGNING (trib count start) is 378 days past FIRSTFRUITS 2023.

Flood ended on FIRSTFRUITS (NISAN 17) & NOAH was IN the ARK another 378 days.

RETURN (2520 days past SIGNING) is SUN, MAR 16, 2031.......

....& minus tilt loss is ADAR 1.....then plus 30 mourning is NISAN 1...


NISAN 1 TEMPLE ENTR is 2300 days (3 n.c.)....DAN 8....past HANUKKAH 2024....

....which is 7 mths (moons) BURYING past IYYAR 28, 2024 (EZEK 38?).

TRIB END (w/out tilt loss) is still SHAVUOT 2031 (SUN, JUNE 1, SIV 10).

SUNDAYS (count start): SIGNING......ABOM DESOL......RETURN

TUESDAYS: TEMPLE ENTR (as 'wedding procession' from Petra/NIS 1).

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is LIBRA 18 (666)...spec.

Return is Pisces 24.....& plus 30 mourning is ARIES 24 (8,888).

Remember how Jesus 'reprimanded' the Pharisees for NOT knowing the end of the 69 weeks?...

....so THAT span WAS humanly 'FIGURABLE.'

Most else is 'same' as last review.....'could be' WED, APR 24, NISAN 14, PASSOVER.

JANET HERSCU - April 23rd, 2024 at 7:29pm

WHO wouldn't notice THIS...!!!...???...IF this THUR, APR 25 (NIS 17) is RAPTURE:

RAPTURE NISAN 17....I CORIN 15:20 as 'promised'..."sleepers rise as Jesus arose."


YOM KIP 2027 (1260 past SIGNING) ABOM DESOL/a.c. in Temple 'as God'/is killed.

NISAN 1, 2031 (straight earth): JESUS enters TEMPLE followed by Remnant...ISA 63....

......TEMPLE Reconsecration/CLEANSING, EZEK 45:18....& Millen New Yrs Day.

HANUKKAH 2024 (3rd Temple Dedic?), 7 mths/moons burying past IYYAR 28 (EZEK 38..?).....

....plus DAN 8:13-14..2300 days desecration....is APR 16, 2031, 30 days past RETURN.

.....same day as straight-earth NISAN 1 (MAR 25) JESUS' TEMPLE ENTRANCE (EZEK 45:18).

1-yr warn/promise "This time next yr," JER 51:46, spans NISAN 17, 2023 to NISAN 17, 2024.

Last 7-day warning (as to Noah before Flood) spans NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39) to RAPTURE.

40 days 'testing' span RAPTURE to IYYAR 28 (FIG TREE)....EZEK 38...?

TRIB END (2520-days trib plus the 75...DAN 12:12) is SHAVUOT 2031 (SUN, JUNE 1, 2031).

OMG!!....how could this much coordinate???!!!

WHO wouldn't notice THIS...!!!...???...IF this THUR, APR 25 (NIS 17) is RAPTURE:

RAPTURE NISAN 17....I CORIN 15:20 as 'promised'..."sleepers rise as Jesus arose."


YOM KIP 2027 (1260 past SIGNING) ABOM DESOL/a.c. in Temple 'as God'/is killed.

NISAN 1, 2031 (straight earth): JESUS enters TEMPLE followed by Remnant...ISA 63....

......TEMPLE Reconsecration/CLEANSING, EZEK 45:18....& Millen New Yrs Day.

HANUKKAH 2024 (3rd Temple Dedic?), 7 mths/moons burying past IYYAR 28 (EZEK 38..?).....

....plus DAN 8:13-14..2300 days desecration....is APR 16, 2031, 30 days past RETURN.

.....same day as straight-earth NISAN 1 (MAR 25) JESUS' TEMPLE ENTRANCE (EZEK 45:18).

1-yr warn/promise "This time next yr," JER 51:46, spans NISAN 17, 2023 to NISAN 17, 2024.

Last 7-day warning (as to Noah before Flood) spans NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39) to RAPTURE.

40 days 'testing' span RAPTURE to IYYAR 28 (FIG TREE)....EZEK 38...?

TRIB END (2520-days trib plus the 75...DAN 12:12) is SHAVUOT 2031 (SUN, JUNE 1, 2031).

OMG!!....how could this much coordinate???!!!

JANET HERSCU - April 24th, 2024 at 9:42pm

Via spec, FRIDAY, APR 26, NISAN 18, seems more exact.......

......& if FRIDAY, then TUESDAYS (Ketubah/3rd day & HOS 6:2-3) are 'across the board'.....

......SIGNNG.....ABOM DESOL.....RETURN.....TEMPLE ENTR (straight-earth).

SUN, APR 9, 2023 was NISAN 18, FIRSTFRUITS, & plus 1-yr warning is NISAN 18, 2024.

Mid-trib ABOM of DESOL is TISHREI 11 (77....perf judg) as a 'return of the bloodied azazel goat?''

KISLEV 24, 2024 plus the 2300 (3 n.c.) is still APR 17, 2031 (NIS 24.....

.......same as straight-earth NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18 & ISA 63).

All else is virtually SAME as last review.......so 'could be' FRIDAY.

JANET HERSCU - April 26th, 2024 at 11:09am

Latest spec:

FIRSTFRUITS must be a SUNDAY........in this case, this SUNDAY, APRIL 28.....NISAN 20.

APRIL 28 is also TAURUS 8.......& plus 2550 days (2520 & 30 mourn) is TAUR 1.....

.....start of the 45-day judg (goring) of the Nations (DEUT 33:17, DAN 12:12).

Return (2520 days past NIS 17 SIGNING) is ARIES 1 (TH-SUN, MAR 20-23, 2031)....

....& minus tilt will be MARCH 1, ARIES 1 & probable Millen NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18).

The 1-yr warning (Jerem 51:46) is still FIRSTFRUITS 2023 - FIRSTFRUITS 2024.

SHAVUOT 2024 to 8th day of HANUKKAH 2024 (TEV 1) is 7 mths....

......& TEVET 1, 2024 plus 2300 days is APR 20, 2031, TAURUS 1 (TEMPLE ENTR).

Much more....too much to 'speculatively adjust'.....

.......but enough 'fits' to possibly put hope into this SUN, APR 28.

JANET HERSCU - April 27th, 2024 at 4:38pm

TUES, APR 30 (NIS 22) fits all as well via spec.

TUESDAY is a 3rd day & ancient Wedding Day (& HOS 6:2-3).



2520 days trib past SIGNING is RETURN, ARIES 1, SAT, MAR 22, 2031....

....minus tilt is straight-earth MAR 1, ARIES 1, new/Millen NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18).

RETURN (MAR 22, 2031) plus 30 mourn (w/out tilt loss considered) is APR 21.....

.....& APR 21, 2031 is END of 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) past 8th day HANUKKAH.

8th day HANUKKAH (JAN 2, 2025, 3rd Temple Dedic?, TEV 2) plus 2300 to Apr 21, 2031.

TAURUS 11 (99) RAPTURE, DEUT 33:17 "BULL/JESUS to GORE the nations."

TAURUS 1, 2031 (APR 21), 30 days mourn past RETURN, starts 45-day judg of Nations.

7 mths bury/bldg 3rd Temple span SHAVUOT 2024 (EZEK 38...?) to TEV 2, 2025.

1-yr warn (JEREM 51:46) spans Firstfruits 2024 (I COR 15:20, NIS 17) to SIGNING, SAT, APR 27.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING), A.C. into Temple is SUCCOTH 2027.

So, mid trib, TISH 15 to TISH 21, is Succoth week (coveted), OCT 16-22, 2027.

Oct 16, 2027 via Mazzarit is LIBRA 24 (judg 888).....& 2 wit's rise SCORPIO 1.

So via MAZZAROT (see JOB), the points seem to make sense:


.....RAPTURE TAURUS 11 (99) DEUT 33:17

.....MID TRIB LIBRA 24 (888) to SCORPIO 1, death sign (2 wit's rise)

.....RETURN ARIES 1...NEW YRS DAY...new NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18)


.....TRIB END GEMINI 15 (mid 10th sign, ISRAEL & GOD in harmony)

There's more/likely futile; but the above seems to coordinate w/ a TUES, APR 30th RAPTURE.

TUES, APR 30 (NIS 22) fits all as well via spec.

TUESDAY is a 3rd day & ancient Wedding Day (& HOS 6:2-3).



2520 days trib past SIGNING is RETURN, ARIES 1, SAT, MAR 22, 2031....

....minus tilt is straight-earth MAR 1, ARIES 1, new/Millen NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18).

RETURN (MAR 22, 2031) plus 30 mourn (w/out tilt loss considered) is APR 21.....

.....& APR 21, 2031 is END of 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) past 8th day HANUKKAH.

8th day HANUKKAH (JAN 2, 2025, 3rd Temple Dedic?, TEV 2) plus 2300 to Apr 21, 2031.

TAURUS 11 (99) RAPTURE, DEUT 33:17 "BULL/JESUS to GORE the nations."

TAURUS 1, 2031 (APR 21), 30 days mourn past RETURN, starts 45-day judg of Nations.

7 mths bury/bldg 3rd Temple span SHAVUOT 2024 (EZEK 38...?) to TEV 2, 2025.

1-yr warn (JEREM 51:46) spans Firstfruits 2024 (I COR 15:20, NIS 17) to SIGNING, SAT, APR 27.

MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING), A.C. into Temple is SUCCOTH 2027.

So, mid trib, TISH 15 to TISH 21, is Succoth week (coveted), OCT 16-22, 2027.

Oct 16, 2027 via Mazzarit is LIBRA 24 (judg 888).....& 2 wit's rise SCORPIO 1.

So via MAZZAROT (see JOB), the points seem to make sense:


.....RAPTURE TAURUS 11 (99) DEUT 33:17

.....MID TRIB LIBRA 24 (888) to SCORPIO 1, death sign (2 wit's rise)

.....RETURN ARIES 1...NEW YRS DAY...new NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18)


.....TRIB END GEMINI 15 (mid 10th sign, ISRAEL & GOD in harmony)

There's more/likely futile; but the above seems to coordinate w/ a TUES, APR 30th RAPTURE.

JANET HERSCU - April 29th, 2024 at 9:19pm

Would I STOP such a spec study after all of the amazing spans?

This WED, MAY 1, NISAN 23, fits SO much (RAPTURE?); so read on:

NISAN 23 minus tilt loss is NISAN 1 (Apr 9, EZEK 45:18. EX 12:2), earth straight.

Also, RETURN (plus 2 days/HOS 6:2-3, straightening?) is NISAN 1 MAR 25, 2031)....

....& MAR 23 RETURN minus 22 tilt loss to straight-earth position will be MAR 1...

.....& future NISAN 1.....& ARIES 1....all in sync....& EZEK 45:18.

RETURN (SIGNING plus 2520), SUN, MAR 23, 2031 plus 30 mourn is APR 22;

& APR 22, 2031 ends 2300 days (& 3 n.c.)....DAN 8:13-14....past JAN 2, 2025.....

....& JAN 2, 2025 (8th day HANUKKAH, TEV 2....3rd TEMPLE DEDIC?)....

.....is 7 mths (bury/bldg 3rd Temple?) past JUNE 10 SHAVUOT 2024 (EZEK 38....?).

MAZZAROT (see JOB) points still fit (ARIES=LAMB, TAUR=BULL):

.....SIGNING: TAURUS 8...37 days past ARIES 1 (2557 minus 37=2520)

.....RAPTURE: TAURUS 11 (9x11=99 & DEUT 33:17)

.....MID TRIB WEEK: SUN, TISH 16-22, 2027

.....RETURN: ARIES 1 (will be NIS 1 & MAR 1, straight earth)

.....INTO TEMPLE: TAURUS 1 (DEUT 33:17), start 45-day judg of Nations

.....TRIB END: GEMINI 15 ('twins' in harmony)

FIRSTFRUITS 2024 SIGNING (SUN, APR 28, 2024, NIS 20) relates to I COR 15:20).

1-yr warn (Jer 51:46) spans APR 9, 2023FIRSTFRUITS to SIGNING Apr 28....

....& FIRSTFRUITS Apr 9, 2023 - Apr 9, 2024 (NISAN 1) is also 1 yr (then plus tilt#).

RETURN, SUN, Mar 23, 2031 plus 30 mourn is TUES (3rd day, HOS 6:2-3/ISA 63).

As for 40 days 'testing,' ARIES 1, 2024 plus 40 days 'testing' is RAPTURE.

SUNDAYS (when counts start): SIGNING.....ABOM DESOL......RETURN

If applic, FAST of AV 9 (ZECH 8:19) plus 280 is RAPTURE, MAY 1.....spec.

Most else same......'could well be' this WED, MAY 1.......'fits' a lot.

JANET HERSCU - April 30th, 2024 at 11:32pm

This FRI, MAY 3 looks plausible as a spec RAPTURE date.

1-yr (solar) warn (Jer 51:46): FIRSTFRUITS (I Cor 15:20) APR 9, 2023 - APR 9, 2024.....

.....plus 21-day tilt (will minus) is TUES (3rd day/as Ketubah), APR 30 SIGNING.

FAST of AV 9, 2023 (ZECH 8:19) plus 280 days is FRI, MAY 3.

Mid-trib ABOM DESOL (SIGNING plus 1260) is MID-SUCCOTH, TUES, TISH 18, 2027 (Jn 7:14)

RETURN 3rd day (NISAN 3, FRI, MAR 27, 2031) is 2520 days past RAPTURE.....

...plus 30 days mourn is APR 26, end of 2300 days ( 3 n.c.), DAN 8, past TEV 2, 2025.

TEV 2, 2025 is 8th day Hanukkah, 3rd Temple Dedic?....plus 2300 to RECONSECRATION.

7 mths (moons) burying/bldg 3rd Temple spans SHAVUOT 2024 to 8th day HANUKKAH.

RETURN minus tilt is MAR 4, 2031 (earth straight)......

......& plus 30 days mourning is NISAN 10, into TEMPLE (MATT 23:39, ISA 63).

MAR 4, 2031 (earth straight) plus 360 (1st Millen yr) is MAR 1, ARIES 1, NIS 1 (EZEK 45:18).


SIGNING at APR 30 is TAURUS 11 (99).....DEUT 33:17.....if MAZZAROT applies.

75 days n.c minus tilt is 53 days.....& SIGNING minus the 53 is MAR 10, future/Millen NIS 10.

There's more.........'could be' this FRI, MAY 3.

JANET HERSCU - May 2nd, 2024 at 8:30pm

These are the spec points that fit this SAT, MAY 4 as a possible RAPTURE date:

MAY 4 is TAURUS 15.....('mid of horns'.....DEUT 33:17).

A.C. satanically RISES on SCORPIO 1 (OCT 23, 2027, 1260 days past RAPTURE).

SATURDAY will be the weekly HOLY DAY in Millen.....

....& SAT, APR 5, 2031 is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR, NIS 12 ('as' NIS 10, MATT 23:39).....

.......relating to the promise of another 'PALM SUNDAY ENTRANCE.'


7 solar mths BURYING span EZEK 38/JUNE 10 - JAN 10, TEVET 10, 2025.....

....& plus 2300 (DAN 8:13-14) ends at APR 28, TEMPLE ENTR (same as APR 5, straight earth).

FAST of AV 9 (tilt # past TAM 17) plus 280 is SIGNING, WED, MAY 1, 2024.

SIGNING (NISAN 23, 2024, MAY 1) minus future tilt loss is NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:17).

RETURN minus tilt loss is ADAR 12 (12,12) & plus 30 mourn is NISAN 12 (MATT 23:39).

1-yr WARN (Jer 51:46) perhaps spanned APR 9, 2023 (FIRSTFRUITS, I COR 15-20)....

......to APR 9, 2024 (NISAN 1), 1 solar yr; & plus tilt (will minus) is SIGNING, MAY 1.

MAY 4, 2024 plus 37 (2557 minus 37 = 2520) is SHAVUOT, JUNE 10, EZEK 38...???

FAST DAYS (ZECH 8:19) seem accounted for.

RAPTURE 'could be' this SAT, MAY 4.....

JANET HERSCU - May 3rd, 2024 at 12:34pm

The straight-earth MILLEN YR will be 360 days (as ore-flood).

At the RETURN earth straightens, reverting back to MAR 6, 2031.

MAR 6 plus 360 days is MAR 1, ARIES 1, new/Millen NISAN 1.....EZEK 45:18.

Also, if Mazzarot applies, trib end seems to be GEMINI 24.......10,888......spec.

Also, IF ISRAEL 'is the CHURCH' at this point in history (HOS 6:2-3), RAPTURE minus future tilt loss of 23 days is NISAN 3, the "3rd day"......mega spec.

JANET HERSCU - May 3rd, 2024 at 7:29pm

ALL 'works' for this SUNDAY, MAY 5, as well......perhaps better.....spec, of course. COUNTS start on SUNDAYS.

JANET HERSCU - May 5th, 2024 at 12:37pm

FRI, MAY 10 seems to be a possible RAPTURE date; note coordinating points:

MATT 23:39 likely pertains to NISAN 10 (was PALM SUNDAY.....LAMB into TEMPLE).

This next FRI, MAY 10 minus future tilt loss is NISAN 10.

MAY 10, 2024 plus 2520 days trib is RETURN, FRI, APR 3, 2031, NISAN 10.

So NISAN 10 - NISAN 10........7 yrs.

NISAN 10 RETURN minus tilt is new/Millen NISAN 10, MAR 10 & ARIES 10 (all in sync)....

....& plus 30 days mourning is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR NISAN 17 (APR 10, 2031).

Earth is straight MAR 10, new NISAN 10, ARIES 10; & plus 360 (1st perf yr) is MAR 1.

MARCH 1 (2032) will be the Millen NISAN 1......EZEK 45:18, EXOD 12:1-2.

RETURN, NISAN 10, 2031 plus 30 mourning is END of the 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14).

2300 days (plus 3 n.c.) begin at FAST of TEVET 10 (JAN 10, 2025, 3rd Temple Dedic?).......

......7 mths bury past SHAVUOT 2024 (JUNE 10, 2024...EZEK 38?).....about 30 days past RAPTURE.

SIGNING (as Marriage Contract/Ketubah, 3rd day/TUES) is perhaps TUES, MAY 7, 2024.


1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) may have been NIS 10, 2023 to NISAN 10, 2024.......

......then plus tilt (will minus) is FRIDAY, MAY 10, possible RAPTURE.

If signif, AV 15 (tu b'AV❤️) plus 280 days is MAY 7 SIGNING.

In MATT 24:43-44, the words "WOULD NOT LET (an ACTION VERB) THE ENEMY ENTER" seems to be a 'command' to WATCH CONSTANTLY in order to KNOW.....thus I keep guessing.

Know too that Noah KNEW the exact DAY Flood would start plus several verses stating "THIS TIME TOMORROW or THIS TIME NEXT YR").

There are more pertinent spans.....but RAPTURE 'could be' this next FRI, MAY 10 (or possibly TUES, MAY 7 depending on when the 2520-count begins).

JANET HERSCU - May 9th, 2024 at 7:53pm

Here is another possible spec scenario GUESS w/ a view of this SUN, MAY 12.


nMAY 12 minus future tilt loss is actual NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39).


nSo when all is figured & earth is straight, RAPTURE will be 'as occurring on NISAN 10, 2024.'


nIf SIGNING is Th, MAY 9, plus 2520 days trib is actual NISAN 10, 2031 (Th, APR 3), RETURN.




n....& RETURN at APR 3 minus tilt loss to straight earth is MAR 10, new NISAN 10 & ARIES 10.


nThe 3rd Temple will be desecrated 2300 days (3 n.c. mid trib)...DAN 8:13-14.


nThe 2300 days (& 3 n.c.) seem to span FAST of TEV 10, 2025 (JAN 10-11, 3rd Temple) to MAY 3, 2031 which is 30 days after APR 3; & MAY 3 is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR (RECONSECRATION).


nIf MAZZAROT applies, this SUN, MAY 12 is also TAURUS 22 (11,11), BULL....DEUT 33:17...


n...& the purpose of the trib is to GORE the nations (see ISA 63..."I fought the nations alone").




nElij & Moses rise on SCORPIO 11, 2027 (NOV 3) if Mazzarot applies.


n7 mths BURY/BLDG 3rd Temple span SHAVUOT 2024 (EZEK 38?) to FAST of TEVET 10, 2025.


nAfter JESUS returns, there are another 75 days (DAN 12:12).....52 days n.c. w/ tilt loss.


n75 days on ea side of trib are n.c......& 75 minus 23 days tilt loss is 52 days......


n.....so note SIGNING 52 days (n.c.) past MAR 17, 2024, the future/Millen NISAN 17 (I COR 15:20).


nThus w/ 52 days n.c., trib start will be 'as occurring on future/straight-earth FIRSTFRUITS, MAR 17.


nThere are also 52 days from NISAN 10, 2031 RETURN to trib end at MAY 24, 2031 (tilt loss considered).


nSIGNING is IYYAR 1.......4 mths ("to Harvest") past TEVET 1 (if applic.)


nIf Mazzarot applies, trib end is GEMINI 24 (10th sign/'twins/888')......MAY 24 w/ tilt loss.


nThere's more; but this coming SUN, MAR 12, looks plausible.......so much for 'endless guessing.'



JANET HERSCU - May 11th, 2024 at 10:06pm

Via spec, the scenario can perhaps extend to Monday, MAY 13.....IYYAR 5......


n.....& Israel Statehood reaches 76 yrs (from IYYAR 5, 1948).


nMAY 13 is TAURUS 24 (BULL 888....DEUT 33:17), if Mazzarot applies.


nNISAN 10 (APR 18, 2024) plus 22 (n.c.) days is MAY 10, possible SIGNING (IYYAR 2).


nSo, via tilt loss, NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39) 'starts' the trib......ending at Millen NISAN 17.


nRETURN (2520 days past RAPTURE) at MON, APRIL 7, 2031, is ARIES 17....


n.....& ARIES 17 (straight earth), MARCH 17 & Millen NISAN 17 (FIRSTFRUITS), all in sync.


n75 days later (at trib end, DAN 12:12) is CANCER 1 (if Mazzarot applies), JOHN 10:28.


n75 days are n.c. on each side of the trib; & 75 minus tilt loss is 54 days.....


n....so note 54 days from MAR 17, 2024 (future/straight earth NISAN 17) is MAY 10 SIGNING.


nMuch else is the 'same'....but 'GUESSES' have virtually run out......lucky you!



JANET HERSCU - May 14th, 2024 at 1:28pm

NISAN 17, 2024 (Apr 25....I COR 15:20) plus tilt (will minus) is WED, MAY 15....FIG TREE.


nSo RAPTURE 'could be' this WED, MAY 15 (& TAUR 24....BULL/888....DEUT 33:17)......


n........(& MAY 15,1948 was 1st FULL day of Statehood).


nW/ future tilt loss considered, RAPTURE is 'as occurring' NISAN 17 (I COR 15:20.


nCounts start on SUNDAYS; & NISAN 10 must be a SUNDAY (as PALM SUN, NISAN 10).....


n.....& SUNDAY of NISAN 10, 2024 (MATT 23:39) was NISAN 13 (APR 21, TAUR 1 if applic).


nAPR 21, 2024 plus 21 days (tilt, n.c.) is SIGNING, SUNDAY, MAY 12........


n.....LAST day (IYYAR 4) of 75 yrs Statehood.


nMARCH 1 is the future NISAN 1 (& ARIES 1)....& MAR 1, 2024, plus 75 is MAY 15.....


n.....& note again that 75 days are n.c. on each side of the ....see DAN 12:12.


nRETURN (2520 days past SIGNING) is SUNDAY, APR 6, 2031 (& ARIES 17)......


n.....& minus tilt loss is straight-earth MAR 17, Millen NISAN 17, ARIES 17 (all in sync).




n30 days mourn past day earth is straight is TUES, (Hos 6:2-3), APR 16, end of 2300 days (DAN 8).


nThe 2300 days span HANUKKAH (3rd Temple Dedic, DEC 26, 2024) to APR 16, 2031.


nMid-trib ABOM DESOL (1260 days past SIGNING) is SUN, OCT 31, 2027.


n3 days later/a.c satanically rises (NOV 3) is SCORPIO 11 (if Mazzarot applies).


nTRIB END (RETURN plus 75 days) is CANCER 1 (if MAZZAROT applies)....JN 10:28.




nTUESDAYS: ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR (APR 16 straight-earth, MAY 6 w/out tilt loss considered).


nThere's more, but this WED, MAY 15 (IYYAR 7) seems plausible for a possible RAPTURE date.


JANET HERSCU - May 14th, 2024 at 9:50pm

...yes, another spec guess: FRI, MAY 17, IYYAR 9....?....READ ON, if interested.


nSigning was likely TUES, MAY 14 (FIG TREE...TUES, 3rd day/as Ketubah Contract).


nRAPTURE is 22 days (tilt#....will minus) past NISAN 17 (APR 25)...


n.......so via straight earth, RAPTURE will be 'as' NISAN 17 (I COR 15:20).


nEarth is straight (2031), MAR 17, Millen NISAN 17 & ARIES 17....all in sync.....



n2300 days (DAN 8) still spans HANUKKAH 2024 to APR 16, 2031 (MAR 17 plus 30).


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL NOV 2, 2027, is SCORPIO 11 (death sign) if Mazzarot applies.


nTUESDAYS: SIGNING (start 2520 days count).....ABOM DESOL....RETURN (Hos 6:2-3)


nThere's more....but 'could be' this FRI, MAY 17...fits the main spans.


JANET HERSCU - May 16th, 2024 at 5:16pm

POINTS BELOW that seem to match a possible SAT, MAY 18, 2024 RAPTURE DATE:



nSHAVUOT 2023 (end of CHURCH AGE & 'start of 1-yr warn' (JER 51:46).....


n.....plus 355 (shana...1 yr warning) is SIGNING (FIG TREE MAY 15, 2024).....


n....& MAY 15 is TAURUS 24 (Bull/888...DEUT 33:17), if Mazzarot applies.


nFIG TREE MAY 15, 2023 (75th anniv) plus 1-yr warm is also MAY 15, 2024.


nRAPTURE (SAT, MAY 18...?) minus 23 tilt loss is NISAN 17, FIRSTFRUITS.


nRETURN (2520 past SIGNING), WED, APR 9, 2031 minus tilt is MAR 17.


nSTRAIGHT-EARTH MAR 17 will be Millen NISAN 17 & ARIES 17...all in sync.


n30 more days mourning is APR 16, end of 2300 days past HANUKKAH 2024.


nTrib end (w/ tilt loss considered) is SHAVUOT 2031 (SUN, JUNE 1-2, 2031).


nSo in a sense, TRIB is: SHAVUOT 2023 plus 1 yr plus 7 yrs to SHAVUOT 2031.


nMID TRIB/A.C. satanically rises (SAT, NOV 6, 2027) is SCORPIO 15 (via MAZAROT).


n3 days later ELIJ & MOSES rise on NOV 9, SCORPIO 18 (666) via MAZAROT.




nMid-Trib ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) at NOV 3, 2027 minus tilt is YOM KIP.


nTHERE's more....but 'could be' this SAT, MAY 18.




JANET HERSCU - May 17th, 2024 at 10:01pm

RETURN, NISAN 17.....trib end....?




nSIGNING (Thur, MAY 16, 2024?) plus 2520 days is Thur, APR 10, 2031, NISAN 17.


nAPR 8, 2024 eclipse may have been a 40-day warning (as to Ninevah).......


n......ending at count start day, this SUNDAY, MAY 19.....possible RAPTURE.


nALL ELSE virtually 'SAME' as last letter.....'could be' this Sunday, MAY 19.

JANET HERSCU - May 19th, 2024 at 1:00am

LATEST SPEC GUESS: possibly this WED, MAY 22


nCOUNTS START on SUNDAYS (including NISAN 17).


nIf NISAN 17 is a Thur, the 49-day COUNT to SHAVUOT cannot start til a SUNDAY.


nApr 8-9, 2024 was NISAN 1 & eclipse....& plus 40 warning is SIGNING, MAY 19.


nIf MAZZAROT applies, MAY 22 is GEMINI 1 (10th sign,'twins'...'Bride/CHURCH & Groom').


nSUNDAY, NISAN 20, APR 28, 2024, was count start of NIS 17 (I Cor 15:20)........


n....& plus tilt (will minus) is possible SIGNING, this SUNDAY, MAY 19.


n2520 days trib past SUNDAY, MAY 19, 2024 SIGNING is RETURN which is SUNDAY, NISAN 20, 2031 (FIRSTFRUITS must be a SUNDAY).....


n...plus 3 days straightening is WED, APR 16, end of 2300 days from HANUKKAH 2024.


nThe 7 mths burying from EZEK 38 Victory to 3rd Temple Dedic/HANUKKAH 2024 may start at either IYYAR 28 or SIVAN 6-8 SHAVUOT....so 7 'moons' burying bodies & bldg 3rd Temple.


nThe SUNDAY of FIRSTFRUITS (2031) plus 49 days must be SUNDAY, SHAVUOT.....


n.......which IS the case (SUNDAY, JUNE 2, trib end (earth straight).


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL at SUN, NOV 7, 2027 is death sign SCORPIO 15 (via Mazzarot).

n.....plus 3 days is SCORPIO 18 (666) A.C. satanically rises.


nIf Mazzarot applies, RETURN SUN, APR 13, 2031, is ARIES 24 (8,888), LAMB/ARIES is 8th sign.


nOther spans fit as well........but latest spec guess is now WED, MAY 22.


JANET HERSCU - May 19th, 2024 at 7:13pm

LATEST SPEC: TUES/WEDDING/3rd day....MAY 21 (IYYAR 13)....?


nDaniel said the subject would 'CLARIFY' & MATT 24:43-44 infers that one could 'know' approx via CONSTANT WATCHING....plus admonishment of I THESS 5, discourages ignorance.


nSIGNING (SAT, MAY 18...?) is tilt # past NISAN 17, Thur, APR 25, 2024 (I Cor 15:20).....


n....& SHAVUOT 2023 plus 355 (shana, 1-yr warn?....Jer 51:46) is SIGNING, MAY 18.


nAPR 8 ECLIPSE plus 40 days warning (as to Ninevah/Jonah) is MAY 18.


nADAR 24 (12,12,12) plus 75 n.c. is MAY 18; & earth is straight ADAR 24 (12,12,12) in 2031.


n#12 = 'perfect gov't.'


nFIG TREE MAY 14 plus '7 days last warning' (as to Noah before flood) is MAY 21.


nMAY 21 is GEMINI 1 (10th sign, BRIDE & GROOM together?) if Mazzarot applies.


nFIRSTFRUITS (SUNDAY, NIS 20, I Cor 15:20) plus 23 tilt (will minus) is MAY 21.


nTUESDAYS (WEDDING, 3rd day, HOS 6:2-3): RAPTURE....A.C. RISES....END of 2300 days.




nDEC 25, HANUKKAH 2024 (7 mths/moons past SHAVUOT) is 3rd Temple Dedic (?).....


n....plus 2300 (Dan 8:13-14) is TUES, Apr 15, 2031 EARTH STRAIGHT (ARIES 24...8,888).


nRETURN (2520 days trib past SIGNING) is SAT, APR 12, 2031.....


n.....& plus 49-51 days is trib end (straight earth), SHAVUOT, SUN, JUNE 2, SIV 10.


nAny FIRSTFRUITS (a SUNDAY) plus 49 days is always SHAVUOT.


nSo note: SHAVUOT 2023 plus 355 days (shana) to PENTECOST, SAT/SUN, MAY 18......


n......& plus the 7-yr trib to TRIB END at SHAVUOT 2031.


nRealize too that CHURCH AGE began on SHAVUOT (HOLY SPIRIT GIVEN).....


n......& CHURCH AGE likely ENDS on SHAVUOT.....via 2nd ADAR this yr.


nVia MAZZAROT (if applic):


n.....ABOM DESOL: SCORPIO 15 (plus 3....SCORPIO 18...666)

n.....RETURN (EARTH STRAIGHT): ARIES 24 (8,888).....TUES, APR 15, 2031, NIS 22

n.....INTO TEMPLE, TAUR 24 (BULL/888, DEUT 33:17, start 45-day judg of nations)


nIf signif, FAST of TEVET 10 plus 4 mths (5 mths w/ II ADAR) is SIGNING.


nAlso, FAST if AV 9 plus 280 plus the tilt is MAY 21.....spec).


n...'could be' this TUES, MAY 21....(perhaps my 40th guess!!!)....but what to do if spans still fit???




JANET HERSCU - May 20th, 2024 at 4:00pm

Via spec, RAPTURE is likely this WED, MAY 22.....since SO MUCH seems to 'fit.'


nFIRSTFRUITS 2024 (SUN, NIS 20) plus tilt (will minus) is SUN, MAY 19, 2024, SIGNING (start 2520-day trib).


nRETURN (2520 days past SIGNING) is also FIRSTFRUITS, SUNDAY, NISAN 20, 2031.


nSo, TRIB (w/ all considered) is FIRSTFRUITS to FIRSTFRUITS (7 yrs...2024-2031)...& both on SUNDAYS.


n3 days straightening after the FIRSTFRUITS RETURN is WED, APR 16......


n.....& APR 16 is end of 2300 days (w/ 3 days straightening) past HANUKKAH 2024/3rd Temple Dedic).


nSo, HANUKKAH 2024 (WED, DEC 25) plus 2300 (plus 3 n.c. mid trib)....DAN 8:13-14....is WED, APR 16, 2031.


nMID TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 days past SIGNING) at NOV 7, 2027 is SCORPIO 15, if Mazzarot applies.


nIf the future tilt loss is considered, NOV 7, 2027 minus tilt will be TISHREI 15 (OCT 15).......


n.....& the entire mid-trib week (APR 7 - 14, 2027) will be straight-earth SUCCOTH WEEK.


nA.c. satanically RISES on SCORPIO 18 (666).....a seemingly appropriate day if Mazzarot applies.


nNISAN 1, 2024 (APR 9) plus 40 days 'testing' is SIGNING (MAY 19); & NISAN 1, 2031 is the day earth is straight.....


n....so NISAN 1 to NISAN 1......7 yrs......EZEK 45:18.


nThe APR 8 eclipse plus the 40-day warning to TRIB START/SIGNING also applies.


nRAPTURE at MAY 22 is GEMINI 1 (if Mazzarot applies).....'twins'/BRIDE & GROOM.


nRETURN is a SUNDAY (legal FIRSTFRUITS, must be a SUNDAY)....


n.....& plus 30 days mourning is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE, a TUESDAY (3rd day, HOS 6:2-3).


nRETURN at SUN, APR 13 is ARIES 24 (LAMB/8/888) if Mazzarot applies.......


n....& ISA 63 Temple Entrance is TAURUS 24 (BULL/888....DEUT 33:17) if MAZZAROT applies as well.


nRETURN in 2031 (2520 days past SIGNING) at SUNDAY, NISAN 20 (FIRSTFRUITS) minus the tilt is NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18....first day MILLEN).


nThe tilt loss of 22 days (taking 3 days for earth to straighten) is a minus of 19 days.


nNISAN 1 (earth straight) plus 75 days (see DAN 12:12) is trib end JUNE 7, 2031 (84th anniv TEMPLE MT).


nThat day (if MAZZAROT applies)....JUNE 7....via straight earth is CANCER 7 (11 x 7)...'perf judg.


nThe BIGGEST FIG TREE DATE in modern history was JUNE 7, 1967, TEMPLE MT; so note #84.


n84 yrs anniv JUNE 7, 1967 to JUNE 7, 2031 (straight-earth trib end).


n84 weeks is trib (2520 days....42 wks & 42 wks).


n84 is 7 x 12 (7 = perf, 12 = gov't)


nSUNDAYS (count-start day): SIGNING.......ABOM DESOL.......RETURN


nKnow too that the NISAN 17 FLOOD END, RED-SEA CROSSING & JESUS' RESURRECTION were all on FIRSTFRUITS; but FIRSTFRUITS (must be a SUNDAY) can be NIS 16 - 20 since the commanded 49-day count to SHAVUOT had to start on the FIRST DAY of the week (SUNDAY).


nWhen JESUS arose on a SUNDAY, it 'turned into' an 8th day.


nSo, if the above holds, RAPTURE 'could well be' this WED, MAY 22.

JANET HERSCU - May 21st, 2024 at 10:57am

The part of the letter that says APR 7-14 should read NOV 7-14.

JANET HERSCU - May 21st, 2024 at 9:10pm

Via continued spec, RAPTURE is possibly SAT, MAY 25 (IYYAR 17).


nI just keep guessing, leaning on Daniel's 'CLARIFICATION' admonishment as my excuse.


nSIGNING WED, MAY 22 (start of 2520 days) is GEMINI 1, if Mazzarot applies.


n1-yr warn (Jer 51:46) may have begun on legal/Millen New Yrs Day, NISAN 1, 2023 EZEK 45:18).


nAdd 1-yr warning (355 days...shana...JER 51:46) to arrive at II ADAR 1, 2024.....


n......then plus 75 days n.c. is MAY 22 SIGNING (trib count start of the 2520).


nAlso, there is an interesting span from FAST of AV 9 plus a 280-day 'Church Gestation' plus 23 tilt (will minus)....total 303 days......to RAPTURE.


nAnother 1-yr warning is SHAVUOT 2023 (MAY 26) to MAY 25, 2024.....365 days.


nThe 2300 days TEMPLE DESECRATION (3 days n.c. mid trib...Dan 8:13-14) span HANUKKAH 2024 to RETURN, WED, APRIL 16, 2031, NISAN 23.


nThe RETURN (APR 16, 2031) minus the tilt loss (earth straightens) is NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18).


nNISAN 1, 2031, earth straight, is the MILLEN NEW YRS DAY (EZEK 45:18).


n.....& it is also ARIES 24 (LAMB/8/888) if Mazzarot applies.......


n& plus 30 days mourn is start of 45-day judg of Nations (Dan 12:11), TAURUS 24...BULL/888 (Deut 33:17).


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) at NOV 10, 2027, is SCORPIO 18 (666)....if applic.


nNISAN 1, 2031 (earth straight) plus the 75 (DAN 12:12) is trib end, JUNE 7 (84th anniv TEMPLE MT).


nThere's more, but perhaps SATURDAY, MAY 25.......


JANET HERSCU - May 24th, 2024 at 6:23pm

For MILLEN to begin on straight-earth NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18), RAPTURE 'could' occur this SUN, MAY 26, 2024.


nCOUNTS begin on SUNDAYS as well.....& SUNDAYS were: CREATION DAY KISLEV 24......CREATION count start 8th day, TEVET 1......PALM SUNDAY........RESURRECTION SUNDAY.......PENTECOST SUNDAY.


n2520 days trib span SIGNING (Thur, MAY 23, 2024?) to RETURN, Thur, APR 17, 2031.


nRETURN minus the 23 days tilt loss is NISAN 1, 2031.....EZEK 45:18.....start MILLEN.


nRETURN in 2031 at Thur, APR 17.....plus 3 days straightening ("days cut shot") is APR 20.....


n.....& APR 20 is END of 2300 days TEMPLE desecration (3 days mid trib n.c.) past HANUKKAH 2024.


nHANUKKAH 2024 (DEC 26) is KISLEV 25, the likely 3rd Temple Dedic.


nThe 7 mths (moons?) burying after EZEK 38 may be SHAVUOT 2024 to HANUKKAH 24.


nAs for Noah in ARK 378 days, note FIG TREE MAY 14, 2023 (75 yrs) plus 378 is MAY 26.


nAs for a 1-yr warn (Jer 51:46), SHAVUOT 2023 was MAY 26......plus 1 yr is MAY 26, 2024.


nMid-trib ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) is CHESVAN 11 (88), if signif.


nEarth is straight APR 20, 2031......TAURUS 1 (BULL/DEUT 33:17), if MAZZAROT applies.


n& 30 days later is GEMINI 1 ('twins together'/JESUS & REMNANT) if MAZZAROT applies....


n.....ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR.....& HOS 6:2-3.




n30 days past SUN, APR 17, 2031 RETURN is a TUESDAY (HOS 6:2-3.....'REMNANT up').


nThere is a 37-day difference between 2557 days....7 solar yrs.....& 7 perf yrs (7x360)......


n....so note NISAN 10, 2024 (MATT 23:39) plus 37 days n.c. to MAY 26.


nSo, now this SUN, MAY 26 looks plausible as a RAPTURE date (....but no one knows DAY or HOUR).


JANET HERSCU - May 26th, 2024 at 12:49am

Via spec, TUES, MAY 28 fits A LOT!


nTuesday is 3rd day/ancient Wedding day (& HOS 6:2-3)


nFIG TREE May 14 plus 377 days (Noah in ARK) is SAT, MAY 25 SIGNING.


n1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) spans SUNDAY SHAVUOT 2023 (MAY 28) to MAY 28, 2024.


nRETURN plus 3 days straightening (& w/ tilt minus) is day earth is straight, NISAN 10 (Matt 23:39).....


n....so 'NISAN 10 to NISAN 10.'


nNISAN 10, 2023 plus 40 'testing' is MAY 28......& NISAN 10, 2031 earth is straight.


nIf MAZZAROT applies, RETURN is TAURUS 1 (BULL/JUDG/DEUT 33:17)........


n.....& plus 30 days mourning is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE on GEMINI 1 (Jesus & Remnant/Twins).


nTrib end 45 days later is CANCER 15 (JN 10:28).


nThe SABBATH of HANUKKAH 2024 (3rd Temple Dedic?, DAN 8) plus 2300 (3 n.c.) is RETURN.






n2550 days (2520 plus 30) span GEMINI 8 (RAPTURE) to GEMINI 1 (into Temple) via Mazzarot..


nMID-TRIB/anti christ rises via Mazzarot is SCORPIO 24 (NOV 16, 2027).


n'Could be' TUES.....

JANET HERSCU - May 27th, 2024 at 11:36pm

If counts begin on SUNDAYS, via spec, the date 'could' also be this WED, MAY 29.


n1-yr warn may be SIVAN 6, 2023....close Church age (May 26) to MAY 26, 2024 SIGNING.


nCHURCH AGE began on SIVAN 6 in ACTS 2.


nNOAH was in the ARK 378 days (& MAY 14 plus 378 is SIGNING).


nRETURN is still TAURUS 1 (SUN, APR 20, 2031), DEUT 33:17 (BULL/JESUS/JUDG NATIONS).....


n.....plus 30 days is GEMINI 1, 'twins'.....JESUS & REMNANT......into TEMPLE (a TUES).


nMost is same as last letter (spans still fit), but add a day.


n'STUDY' likely finished.......


JANET HERSCU - May 28th, 2024 at 8:14pm

Sorry!!...spans keep 'clarifying;' & now this THUR, MAY 30 (GEM 8) looks very plausible.


nALL the FAST DAYS are "JOY" in the spec scenario below.....ZECH 8:19.


nTRIB END (w/ tilt loss) in 2031 is new/Millen/straight-earth TAMMUZ 17 (JUNE 17).


nTRIB END w/out tilt loss is new/Millen AV 9 (JULY 9).


nThere has always been the tilt difference (21 days) between those 2 FAST DAYS.


nFAST of TEVET 10 plus 2300 (3 n.c. mid trib)...DAN 8:13-14...is TEMPLE ENTR, MAY 3, 2031,.......


n.....30 days past day earth is straight, APR 3, NISAN 10, 2031 (MATT 23:39).


nRETURN at MON, APR 21, 2031 is TAURUS 1 (DEUT 33:17)....


n....& plus 30 days mourning is TEMPLE ENTR, GEMINI 1 ('twins'...JESUS & REMNANT).


n1-yr warn (Jer 51:46, 365 days) spans SUN, MAY 28, 2023 SHAVUOT to MON, MAY 27, 2024 SIGNING.


nMAY 15 FIG TREE (75 yrs) plus 378 days (NOAH) is SIGNING.


nSIGNING minus tilt will be MAY 6, future/Millen straight-earth SIVAN 6, SHAVUOT, end Church Age.


nVia LEV 23, FAST of YOM KIP 2022 plus 8 yrs is RETURN YOM KIP YR 2030.....8 yrs (1-yr warn plus 7 trib).


n.......so much more!......WHO ON EARTH WANTS DETAILS AFTER ALL THE FALSE DATES!!!?........but looks like this THURS, MAY 30.....!!!!!.....& possibly MAY 31......???



JANET HERSCU - May 29th, 2024 at 1:37pm

Latest SPEC: FRIDAY, MAY 31.....?


nNever have there been THIS MANY coordinating spans. Read on, if interested.


n(#'s to note: 7 yrs, 2300, 30 mourn, 45 judg Nations, 1260's, 1290, 1335 (DAN 12), 75, 52, 22 tilt, 370, 280, 1-yr warning, 7 mths bury (210 days) end 120 full JUB (w/ 21 n.c.....so YOM KIP 2022 minus 21 (20 full yrs....as military) is YOM KIP 2001 (6001), start 121st JUB, 7th Millen, GEN 6:3, 120 JUB's completed).


n1-yr warn, JER 51:46): SUN, MAY 28, SHAVUOT 2023 to SIGNING, TUES, MAY 28, 2024.


n22 tilt loss back from SIGNING is MAY 6, future/Millen/straight-earth SIVAN 6, all in sync.


nAUG 23, VIRGO 1 ('virgin bride') plus 280 gest is SIGNING, MAY 28 (2520 count start).


n370 days (Noah in ARK) span MAY 26, 2023 (SIV 6, SHAVUOT) to MAY 31, 2024.


nFuture/straight-earth FIRSTFRUITS, MAR 17 (COR 15:20) plus 75 n.c. is MAY 31.


nIn MILLEN MAR 17 will be NISAN 17 & ARIES 17....straight earth/all in sync.


nSince 75 are n.c. (MAR 17 to RAPTURE), CHURCH EXITS MAR 17 (future NISAN 17)....


n....same day as FLOOD END, RED-SEA CROSS, JESUS' RESURREC....all NIS 17.


nNISAN 1 (Apr 9)....EZEK 5045:18...plus 52 (75 minus tilt) is MAY 31.


nRETURN is TUES, APR 22, 2031, TAUR 1 (DEUT 33:17)....JESUS/BULL/JUDG.


nRETURN minus tilt loss is NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39), APR 3, 2031, earth straight.


nRETURN plus 30 mourn is TEMPLE ENTR, GEMINI 1 ('twins'...JESUS & REMNANT).


nAPR 3, NISAN 10, 2031, earth straight.....


n.....& plus 30 days mourning is END of 2300 past FAST TEVET 10, 2025 (JAN 10).


nTrib end w/ tilt loss is JUNE 17, Millen FAST of TAMMUZ 17.


nTrib end w/out tilt loss is JULY 9, future FAST of AV 9.


nThe 2300 days (TEV 10 to ISA 63 Temple Entrance) have plus 3 days n.c..


n7 mths (210 days) BURY/BLDG 3rd Temple span SIVAN 6, 2024 - TEV 10, 2025.


nGEMINI 8 (SIGNING) to GEMINI 1 (into TEMPLE) is 2550 days (2520 plus 30).....


n.....7 yrs: SIGNING MAY 28, 2024 to TEMPLE ENTR MAY 22, 2031 (before tilt loss).


nThe 8-yr FAST of YOM KIP span (actual count, LEV 23) is YOM KIP 2022 - YOM KIP 2030.


nSo all 4 FAST DAYS (ZECH 8:19) seem accounted for.


nTUESDAYS (3rd day & Hos 6:2-3): SIGNING (as Wedding Ketubah)...ABOM DESOL..RETURN.


nELIJ & MOSES rise NOV 22, 2027, SAGITTARIUS 1.


nTrib ends CANCER 15.....mid 'CRAB GRIP'......JOHN 10:28.


nMid-trib ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) is CHESVAN 16 (coveted...8,88).


nSHAVUOT 2024 is 10 days from now....EZEK 38...???


nIf MAZZAROT applies:

n....SIGNING:...............GEMINI 8 (start of 2520 days)

n....RAPTURE:..............GEMINI 11 (together/earth under judg)

n....ABOM DESOL:.......SCORPIO 24 (888)

n....RETURN:................TAURUS 1 (DEUT 33:17)

n....INTO TEMPLE:.......GEMINI 1 (ISA 63, together/ end 2550 days from SIGNING

n....TRIB END:..............CANCER 15 (John 10:28)


nThe 280-day Church Gestation started in the YOM KIP YR 2022......then plus 8 yrs is RETURN YR YOM KIL 2030. That span (LEV 23...legal count point) is 8 yrs which is 1-yr warning plus 7-yr trib.


n'Looks like' this Friday, MAY 31, IYYAR 23......??




JANET HERSCU - May 30th, 2024 at 9:36pm

This .SAT, JUNE 1, works well too if the tilt loss at the RETURN is the full 23 days.

JANET HERSCU - June 1st, 2024 at 1:30pm

Via spec, there is still hope for this SUNDAY, JUNE 2:


nReturn (2520 days past SIGNING) minus tilt is NISAN 10, 2031 (MATT 23;39, earth straight.


n30 days mourn later is Temple Entr, end of 2300 days (3 n.c.) past TEV 10, 2025 (Jan 10).


nSHAVUOT 2024 (EZEK 38...?) plus 7 mths bury is FAST of TEVET 10....3rd Temple Dedic?


nVia MAZZAROT A.C. satanically rises SAGITTARIUS 1 (coveted), SUN, NOV 21, 2027.




n30 days past Apr 23, 2031 RETURN is MAY 23, 2031.....


n.....&/plus 280 days Millen Gestation is MAR 1 (future NIS 1, EZEK 45:18.


nCOUNTS start on SUNDAYS....as 1st day CREATION, 8th day & JESUS' RESURRECTION & possibly RAPTURE.


nSpans that reach SUN, JUNE 2 (or to SIGNING, MAY 30):

n.....NISAN 1 plus 54 days (75 minus tilt) is JUNE 2

n.....370 days (Noah in ARK) span SHAVUOT 2023 to JUNE 2

n.....NISAN 17 FIRSTFRUITS (I Cor 15:20) plus 40 'testing' is June 2

n.....MAR 17, 2024 (future NISAN 17) plus 75 n.c. is MAY 30

n.....VIRGO 1 (1st Sign/Virgin Bride), AUG 22, 2023, plus 280 is MAY 30.

n.....IYY 4-5 plus tilt (will minus) is JUNE 2 (& earth is straight IYY 4-5

n.....JUNE 2, 2024 plus 2520 days plus 75 (Dan 12:12) is JULY 9 (Millen AV 9)

n.....Millen AV 9 minus tilt is Millen TAMMUZ 17 (will be JUNE 17, 2031


nThe 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) is likely YOM KIP YR 2022 - YOM KIP YR 2023 (this yr).


nAll 4 FAST DAYS (ZECH 8:19) seem accounted for.


nSo, perhaps this SUNDAY, JUNE 2......again probably a 'no show,' but we hope the above spans somehow apply......



JANET HERSCU - June 1st, 2024 at 11:30pm



nVia spec, perhaps JUNE 4, a TUES (3rd day, Wedding, HOS 6:2-3)....(IYY 26).......


n......& minus tilt loss will be IYYAR 5 (FIG TREE/Statehood), straight earth.


nJUNE 4 is TAURUS 15 (Deut 33:17)....'middle of bull's horns'..."GORES NATIONS."


nJUNE 4 minus tilt loss will be FIG TREE MAY 14-15.


nSun, MAY 28, 2023 (SHAVUOT) plus 370 (Noah in ARK) is SAT, JUNE 1 SIGNING.


nMID TRIB/A.C. satanically rises is SAGITTARIUS 1 (NOV 23, 2027) via Mazzarot.


nNISAN 1, 2024 (APR 9) plus 53 days (75 minus tilt) is JUNE 1 SIGNING.


n'MAR 17' (future/straight-earth NISAN 17 FIRSTFRUITS) plus 75 n.c. is JUNE 1.





nALL else 'same' as last letter (w/ RETURN at SAT, APRIL 26, 2031.....


n.....minus 23 tilt is APR 3, NISAN 10, MATT 23:39).


nSo, via spec, perhaps TUESDAY, JUNE 4....



JANET HERSCU - June 2nd, 2024 at 10:53am

plus correction:



nVia spec, perhaps JUNE 4, a TUES (3rd day, Wedding, HOS 6:2-3)....(IYY 26).......


n......& minus tilt loss will be IYYAR 5 (FIG TREE/Statehood), straight earth.


nJUNE 4 is GEMINI 15.........'twins'/JESUS & CHURCH together/as wedding (?).


nJUNE 4 minus tilt loss will be FIG TREE MAY 14-15.


nSun, MAY 28, 2023 (SHAVUOT) plus 370 (Noah in ARK) is SAT, JUNE 1 SIGNING.


nMID TRIB/A.C. satanically rises is SAGITTARIUS 1 (NOV 23, 2027) via Mazzarot.


nNISAN 1, 2024 (APR 9) plus 53 days (75 minus tilt) is SAT, JUNE 1 SIGNING.


n'MAR 17' (future/straight-earth NISAN 17 FIRSTFRUITS) plus 75 n.c. is JUNE 1.





nIt's also possible that the RETURN is 2520 past RAPTURE........& if so, earth loses the tilt back to NISAN 17 (APR 10), straight earth.


nALL else 'same' as last letter (w/ RETURN at SAT, APRIL 26, 2031.....


n.....minus 23 tilt is APR 3, NISAN 10, MATT 23:39).


nSo, via spec, perhaps TUESDAY, JUNE 4....




JANET HERSCU - June 3rd, 2024 at 4:35pm

Via spec, if this WED, JUNE 5, the following fits:


n.JUNE 5 is GEMIMI 15 ('twins'/as wedding/JESUS & BRIDE).




nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is SAGITTARIUS 1....coveted by a.c.


nEarth is straight NISAN 17, APR 10, 2031, FIRSTFRUITS......



n3 days straightening later is SUNDAY, legal FIRSTFRUITS (a SUNDAY), APR 13.


n7 mths (moons) bury (196 days) span SHAVUOT 2024 (EZEK 38?) - HANUKKAH 2024.


nHANUKKAH 2024 (3rd Temple Dedic?) plus 2300 (Dan 8) is TEMPLE ENTR, MAY 13, 2031.


nMARCH 17, 2024 (future/straight-earth NISAN 17) plus 75 n.c. is SIGNING, JUNE 2.


nNISAN 1 (Apr 9, 2024) plus 54 days n.c. (75 minus tilt) is June 2 SIGNING.


nSo if 75 is n.c., NISAN 1, EZEK 45:18 'holds' as start Millen.


nSHAVUOT 2023 plus 377 days (as Noah in ARK) is JUNE 5.


nJUNE 5 minus tilt loss will be FIG TREE IYYAR 5 (& FIG TREE MAY 14-15).


nSUNDAYS (counts start): SIGNING......ABOM DESOL......RETURN


n...looks like this WED, JUNE 5.





JANET HERSCU - June 4th, 2024 at 5:42pm

Via spec, FRI, JUNE 7 works well too.


nJUNE 7: anniv 6-day War Victory (FIG TREE).


nMinus future tilt loss is IYYAR 5 (Statehood anniv) & MAY 14-15 (FIG TREE).


nJUNE 4, TUES, is SIGNING (as a Ketubah Wedding Contract)...& 3rd day (Hos 6:2-3).


nMid-trib ABOM DESOL, NOV 23, 2027 is SAGIT 1.....coveted.






nRETURN plus 3 days straightening & tilt loss is NISAN 17, FIRSTFRUITS (a Thur);.....


n.....but FIRSTFRUITS must be a SUNDAY.....so APR 13, 2031 (NISAN 20)....


n....plus 30 days mourning is MAY 13, ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR, end of 2300 days (Dan 8).


n2300 days: 3rd TEMPLE Dedic/HANUKKAH 2024 (7 moons bury past SHAVUOT 2024, EZEK 38...?)....


n....to ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR, TUES (HOS 6:2-3), MAY 13, 2031 (straight earth date)....end 2300.


nRETURN plus 3 days (to earth straight) plus 30 mourning is SHAVUOT 2031,



nSIGNING at TUES, JUNE 4, 2024 is GEMINI 15 (as Ketubah/Wedding).


nSIGNING minus future tilt loss is IYYAR 5 and MAY 14-15 (both FIG TREE).


nSHAVUOT EVE 2023 plus 377 days (Noah) is JUNE 7, 2024.


n...'could be this FRIDAY, JUNE 7.


JANET HERSCU - June 7th, 2024 at 9:07pm

The only remaining 'spec date' seems to be this SUNDAY, JUNE 9, SIV 3.


nRETURN minus tilt loss is FIRSTFRUITS 2031 (NISAN 17)....& plus 3 days is actual FIRSTFRUITS (must be a SUNDAY...APR 13, NISAN 20).


nAPR 13 - MAY 13 is the 30 days mourning (DAN 12:11, ZECH 12:10 & 13:6)

n.....& May 13 (a TUES...HOS 6:2-3) is end of 2300 days from HANUKKAH 2024 (Dan 8:13-14).


n378 days (as Noah in ARK) span SHAVUOT 2023 (SUN, May 28) to RAPTURE.


n7 mths (moons) burying span SHAVUOT 2024 - HANUKKAH 2024 (3rd Temple Dedic?).


n75 minus tilt is 52 days....& NISAN 10, 2024 (MATT 23:39) plus 52 n.c. is RAPTURE.


nSIGNING, Thur, JUNE 6, 2024 (GEMINI 15....as Ketubah)......

n.......plus 2520 days is RETURN, TH, MAY 1, 2031, minus tilt is NISAN 17, earth straight.




nAll signif end-time #'s apply: 2300, 7 mths, 2520 days, 1260's, 1290, 1335, 75, 52, tilt loss....etc, etc.


nThere's more, but the above 'suffices' to accommodate a 'guess' for this SUN, JUNE 9.


JANET HERSCU - June 9th, 2024 at 1:28pm

378 days (as Noah) span SUN, SHAVUOT 2023 to SIVAN 6 SHAVUOT, WED, JUNE 12.


nSHAVUOT opened CHURCH AGE (ACTS 2) & SHAVUOT 'closes' CHURCH AGE.....spec.


n5 mths (as Noah) span TEVET 1, 2023 (count start, 8th day 8th Feast, Jesus' Conception) to possible SIGNING, SUNDAY, JUNE 9.....GEMINI 18 (666...ISRAEL & A.C.), if Mazzarot applies.


n75 days n.c. span II ADAR 17, 2024 (1-yr, 355, past NISAN 17, 2023).....I CORIN 15:20.


n75 minus 23 future tilt loss is 52 days.......& NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39) plus 52 is JUNE 12, 2024.


nThe 7 mths (moons...193 days) burying...& bldg 3rd Temple span SUN, JUNE 15, true SHAVUOT (a SUNDAY) to HANUKKAH 2024 (3rd Temple Dedic?).....then plus 2300 days to TEMPLE RECONSECRATION, TUES, MAY 13, 2031.


nAs for MID TRIB, A.C. rises SAGITTARIUS 11 (if Mazzarot applies), DEC 1, 2027.


nRETURN TAURUS 15 (DEUT 33:17) is SUN, MAY 4, 2031 (IYYAR 11), 2520 days past SIGNING.


nRETURN minus tilt (minus 23 taking 2 days, so -21) is earth straight, FIRSTFRUITS, SUN, NISAN 20.


n30 days mourning later is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR, MAY 13, 2300 days past HANUKKAH 2024.


nMay 13, 2031 is a TUES (3rd day, HOS 6:2-3)....& as 'Wedding Procession' from Petra, ISA 63.




n.....plus 45 days judg of Nations is LEO 1, LION OF JUDAH, 12th Sign, trib end (DAN 12:12).


n..........more, but 'could be' WED, JUNE 12.




JANET HERSCU - June 12th, 2024 at 12:01am

Via spec, all still 'fits' a TUES, JUNE 11 SIGNING & a JUNE 14 RAPTURE (SIVAN 8).


nJUNE 14 is GEMINI 24 (10,888........twins......'JESUS & CHURCH').


nRETURN (MAY 6, 2031) minus 23 loss is SUN, NIS 20, FIRSTFRUITS (straight earth), APR 13.


n30 days later is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR, MAY 13, 2300 days past HANUKKAK 2024 (Dan 8:13-14).


nThe RETURN is TAURUS 15 (DEUT 33:17)....JESUS (as a 'Bull' to GORE the NATIONS).


n30 days mourn later: "I fought the nations alone" (Isa 63), GEMINI 15 (JESUS & REMNANT).


n45 days judg of Nations later is trib end LEO 1 (LION OF JUDAH in charge of earth).


nFollowing EZEK 38, 7 sidereal mths (7 moons, 192 days) burying/bldg 3rd Temple span SUN, SIVAN 10 to HANUKKAH 2024 (3rd Temple Dedic).


nThe 1yr warn (Jer 51:46) to RAPTURE could be (2023) SIVAN 8 (SUNDAY) to SIVAN 8 RAPTURE.


nFIRSTFRUITS must be a SUNDAY.......


n.......& SUN, MAR 31, 2024 (II ADAR 21) was 355 (1 yr) past FIRSTFRUITS 2023.


nBoth likely relate to I COR 15:20...& EARTH is also STRAIGHT on FIRSTFRUITS.


nMid trib when ELIJ & MOSES rise is SAGIT 15 (DEC 6, 2027).




nCHURCH AGE began at SHAVUOT (Acts 2)..........& likely ENDS at SHAVUOT week.


nThe above is all that's left of my presumptive points........so perhaps this FRi, JUNE 14.



JANET HERSCU - June 14th, 2024 at 11:10pm

This SUNDAY, JUNE 16, SIVAN 10, is my latest SPECULATIVE, PRESUMPTIVE GUESS....whatever!....since WHO stops guessing NOW when it's just a 'wee bit' obvious that things are fearfully oot of control, hope is waning (NOT for mature Christians) & God's intervention seems more necessary than ever!





nThis SUNDAY, SIVAN 10, is the TRUE SHAVUOT 2024 (Shavuot must be a SUNDAY).


nThis SUN, SHAVUOT, is likely the end of the 1-yr warning (JER 51:46) from SHAVUOT 2023 (JEREM 51:46).


nMid trib/A.C. satanically rises (SUN, DEC 5, 2027) is SAGITTARIUS 15 (likely coveted by Satan) if Mazzarot applies....the 'GOSPEL IN THE STARS'.....see JOB/MAZZAROT.


nThe 2300 days (DAN 8) Temple Desecration may span FAST of TEVET 10 to the RETURN, SUN, MAY 11, 2031 (2520 days past RAPTURE).


nThe 3rd Temple Dedic 'may' occur at HANUKKAH 2024 w/ blood sacrifices (?) starting on TEVET 10.


nRETURN (2520 days past THUR, JUNE 13, 2024 SIGNING (?) is THUR, MAY 8, 2031....


n.....& minus a 23-day tilt loss (to earth straight) is APR 15, new/Millen TAURUS 15 (DEUT 33:17)....


n...& 30 days mourning is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR, GEMINI 15 (MAY 15), procession from Petra....


n....then plus the 45 days judg of nations ((DAN 12:12) to trib end, LEO 1.


n7 sidereal mths burying bodies & bldg 3rd Temple may span mid-end of JUNE 2024 to TEVET 10, 2025 (JAN 10).....then plus the 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) to the RETURN.


nAll the AV 9 catastrophes will be as TAMMUZ 17 via straight earth......ZECH 8:19.


nThe 4 FAST DAYS: TAM 17, AV 9, TISH 10, TEV 10.


nAgain, the REAL count.....YOM KIP's.....LEV 23....is 8 yrs (1-yr warning plus 7 yrs trib).....YOM KIP 2022 (start of 1-yr warning) to YOM KIP 2030 (RETURN YR) = 8 yrs. Note too that 20 full yrs are n.c. (so 21 n.c.).....thus our present yr 2023-2024 past the 2001 (6001), legal start of the 121st JUB (7th Millen.......GEN 6:3)......120 JUB's completed......military: 20 FULL YRS n.c. if marries/one yr at home.


nConcerning the RETURN, MAY 8, 2031 (2520 days past Signing), plus 3 days straightening is MAY 11.


nThere's SO much more, but perhaps futile to review......& again, probably nothing will happen; but guessing somehow brings some hope (for us scaredy-cats).

JANET HERSCU - June 16th, 2024 at 1:56am

Fresh spec guess: WED, JUNE 19 (SIVAN 13):


nSUNDAY, JUNE 16 is true SHAVUOT, 2024 (SIV 10....has to be a SUNDAY)......


n......possible signing/'close' of CHURCH AGE which started at ACTS 2.


nSHAVUOT 2023 to SHAVUOT 2024 = 1-yr warning (Jerem 51:46).


nSHAVUOT 2023 (start 1-yr warning) was in YOM KIP YR 2022 (real count).


nARIES 17 (future/straight-earth NIS 17 & MAR 17.....I CORIN 15:20).....


n.....plus 75 n.c. is WED, JUNE 19, possible RAPTURE.


n1260 days past SIGNING is ABOM DESOL, SUN, DEC 5, 2027, SAGITTARIUS 15 (coveted).....


n....plus 3 days A.C. satanically rises SAGITTARIUS 18 (666)....now called a BEAST.


nRETURN (2520 days past SIGNING) on SUN, MAY 11, 2031, plus 75 days is FAST of AV 9.....


n......SAME DAY as straight-earth FAST of TAMMUZ 17.


nMAY 11, 2031 RETURN is END of 2300 days (DAN 8:13-14) past FAST of TEVET 10 (Jan 10, 2025).


nSo, ALL 4 FAST DAYS (TAM 17, AV 9, TISH 10, TEV 10) are accounted for....ZECH 8:19.




nTUESDAY: 3rd day, "Israel raised UP"/HOS 6:2-3, ISA 63 PROCESSION (as wedding) from Petra, TUES, JUNE 10., 2031.......30 days mourning past RETURN, SUN, MAY 11, 2031.


nThe 3 days from SIGNING to RAPTURE are n.c.....to balance 3 days n.c. at mid trib/a.c. dead).


nSO much more; but this coming WED, JUNE 19 surely looks plausible.


JANET HERSCU - June 19th, 2024 at 5:53pm



nSIGNING was likely TUESDAY, JUNE 18....TUES = 3rd day, as 'wedding Ketubah.'


nVia I CORIN 15:20:

n.....MAR 17 (future straight-earth NIS 17 & ARIES 17) plus 96 (75 & tilt) is JUNE 18.

n.....ARIES 17 (APR 7), future Nisan 17 & straight-earth MAR 17 plus 75 is JUNE 18.

n.....Actual NISAN 17 (APR 25) plus 54 (75 minus tilt) is JUNE 18.


n1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) spanned SHAVUOT 2023 to MAY 28, 2024....

n......and plus tilt (will minus) is JUNE 18.


nFIG TREE JUNE 7, 2023 plus 377 days (Noah in ARK) is JUNE 18.


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL at TUES, DEC 7, 2027 is SAGITTARIUS 18 (666),...coveted.


nEZEK 38 Victory (betw this JUNE 21 & 28....???) plus 7 mths (moons?) BURYING & bldg 3rd Temple is FAST of TEVET 10 (JAN 10, 2025)....then plus the DAN 8:13-14......2300 days is RETURN.


nRETURN is TAURUS 24 ('BULL'/888....DEUT 33:17).....MAY 15, 2031.


n30 days mourning later TEMPLE ENTR is GEMINI 24 ('twins'/888), JESUS & REMNANT.


n45 days judg of nations later is FAST of AV 9 (LEO 9), same as straight-earth TAMMUZ 17.


nWhen earth is straight, LEO 9 will be the new/Millen AV 9 and JULY 9 as well....all in sync.


n1-yr warning started in YOM KIP yr 2022......& YOM KIP 2030 is RETURN YR (total 8 yrs).


n8 yrs (LEV 23, YOM KIP true count) is 1-yr warning plus 7 yrs trib.




nAll 4 FAST DAYS are accounted for too (ZECH 8:19).


nLAST DAY 6-day War 1967 (JUNE 10) was SIVAN 2; & straight-earth Temple Entr 2031 is SIVAN 2.


nTHERE'S MUCH MORE; but although total speculation, sure looks like this FRIDAY, JUNE 21.





JANET HERSCU - June 23rd, 2024 at 5:47pm

Possibly this TUES, JUNE 25....?....& the spec below has a few, possibly significant points.


nPASSOVER 2025 (blood/desecration) plus 2300 days (DAN 8) is trib end, JULY 31, 2031 (75 days past RETURN.


nPassover 2025 is 7 mths burying past EZEK 38 Divine Victory (mid ELUL 2024?).


nNISAN 1, 2024 (EZEK 45:18) plus 75 (n.c.) is this TUES, JUNE 25.


nFIRSTFRUITS (I COR 15:20), 2024 plus 54 days (75 minus tilt) is SIGNING, JUNE 22.


nTUESDAYS (3rd day, ancient Wedding Day): RAPTURE........A.C. RISES MID TRIB.


nJUNE 22 (SIGNING) is CANCER 1 (JOHN 10:28)......'crab grip'/start 2520-day count.


nEarth is straight TAURUS 24 (Deut 33:17)....24=888.....JESUS AS A BULL.


n....plus 30 mourning is GEMINI 24 (888)'twins'/Jesus & Remnant into Temple.


nTRIB END w/ tilt loss is TAMMUZ 17 (JULY 8, 2031).


nNISAN 1, 2024 (EZEK 45:18...real/Millen new yr) plus 75 is TUES, JUNE 25.


nMID-TRIB 2027 A.C. rises DEC 14 (SAGIT 24), will be straight-earth KISLEV 24 & NOV 24.....


n.....perhaps relating to HAG 2:7, "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES"......coveted.


nLIBRA 1, SEPT 22, 2023 plus 280 days CHURCH GESTATION is TUES, JUNE 25......& straight-earth LIBRA 1 will be SEPT 1 & Millen TISH 1 (judg day).




nARIES 1 (future, straight-earth NISAN 1 & NISAN 1) plus 95 (75 plus tilt) is TUES, JUNE 25.


nAll above is spec, but this TUES, JUNE 25 looks plausible.



JANET HERSCU - June 24th, 2024 at 11:18pm

Via spec, this WED, JUNE 26 (SIVAN 18) works very well.



nNISAN 1 (APR 9, 2024)....EZEK 45:18....plus 75 days n.c...... is SIGNING (SUN, JUNE 23).


nA.C. rises DEC 15, 2027, SAGIT 24, future/straight-earth KISLEV 24 (HAG 2:7)....coveted.


nPASSOVER (NIS 15, APR 13, 2025) plus 2300 (& 3 n.c. mid trib)...DAN 8, is trib end (AUG 1, 2031).


nTRIB END in 2031 (w/ tilt loss) is JULY 9, straight-earth LEO 9 & new/Millen AV 9.....all in sync.


n1-yr warning (JER 51:46) was SHAVUOT '23 to SHAVUOT '24 plus 7 days last warning to SIGNING.


nSUNDAYS (when counts start): SIGNING......ABOM DESOL......RETURN


nRETURN (SUN, MAY 18, 2031) plus 30 mourning is a TUES, 3rd day, HOS 6:2-3, ISA 63.


nSEPT 21, 2023 plus 280 'CHURCH GESTATION' is RAPTURE........


n.....& LIBRA 1 (SEPT 21, 2023) via straight earth will be TISHREI 1, SEPT 1 & LIBRA 1 (ROSH).


n2520 days past RAPTURE (WED, JUNE 26, 2024) is RETURN, WED, MAY 21, 2031, GEMINI 1.


n30 days mourning later at June 20 is CANCER 1 (11th sign/Judg, JOHN 10:28)...JESUS leads REMNANT up to JERUSALEM (ISA 63) & start of 45-day judg of nations.


n.......much more.....but, via spec, this WED, JUNE 26, seems to fit many significant spans.

JANET HERSCU - June 26th, 2024 at 1:07pm

& here are the spec points that seem to 'fit' this FRI, JUNE 28:


nIf MAZZAROT applies, RAPTURE is CANCER 8 (11x8=88).


n2550 days later is CANCER 1, 2031, ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR, start 45-day judg Nations.


nRETURN, TUES, MAY 20, 2031 (2520 past SIGNING) is TUES, GEMINI 1 (Remnant calls Jesus back).


nNISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18, NUM 19), TEMPLE CLEANSING, MAR 30, 2025.....


n.....plus 2300 days (DAN 8:13-14) is trib end (w/ tilt loss) JULY 15, 2031 (& LEO 15).


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 days past SIGNING) on DEC 14, 2027 is SAGIT 24 (888).....


n.....& before the FLOOD, SAGIT 24 was KISLEV 24 (via eternal calendar).......HAG 2:7.......coveted.


nJESUS (in form of a zygote...by HOLY SPIRIT)......entered Mary's body.....& implanted 7 days later on TEVET 1, JESUS'S CONCEPTION. 9x24 is also 216....& 2160 is diam moon.


nTEVET 1 (8th day 8th Feast) plus 280 Gestation was Jesus' Birth, SUCCOTH (TABERNACLES), TISHREI 15.


nSINCE Jesus IS (fulfilled) every one of the 8 Feasts, KISLEV 24 was likely CREATION DAY (spec).


nSo perhaps think of mid trib (SAGIT 24 to CAPRIC 1....orig KISLEV 24 - TEVET 1) as CREATION WK.


nTUESDAYS (3rd day): SIGNING (as Ketubah).......ABOM DESOL......RETURN


nARIES 1 (future NIS 1) plus 96 (75 & 21....n.c.) is SIGNING, JUNE 25.


nLIBRA 1 (future TISH 1) plus 280 is RAPTURE (?).


nFIG TREE JUNE 7 plus tilt (will minus) is RAPTURE (?).


nPerhaps the 7 mths burying span this ELUL 1 (EZEK 38...?) to NIS 1, 2025, 3rd Temple Dedic/Cleansing.


n....much more....but via spec, 'could be' this FRIDAY.


JANET HERSCU - June 28th, 2024 at 12:32pm

Via spec, RAPTURE 'could be' this SUNDAY, JUNE 30 (SIVAN 24) because:


nRETURN (MAY 22, 2031.....2520 days past JUNE 27 SIGNING) is JERUSALEM DAY, IYYAR 29.


nMAY 22, 2031 RETURN via Mazzarot is GEMINI 1 (Remnant calls Jesus back).


nMinus the tilt loss is still GEMINI 1 (earth straight), but MAY 1.


nPlus 30 days mourning is 11th sign/Judg/CANCER 1 (start 45-day judg of Nations....


n......& that day (ISA 63 into Temple) relates to JOHN 10:28 (JESUS w/ SAFE REMNANT).


nPlus 45 days is trib end (straight earth), JULY 15, LEO 15 (LION of JUDAH) & new/Millen AV 15.....


n......& JULY 15, 2031 is END of the 2300 days (DAN 8:13-14) from NISAN 1, 2025 (3rd Temple).


nNISAN 1, 2025 relates to EZEK 45:18 & NUM 19 (?), land cleansed (after 7 mths burying).


nMID TRIB ABOM DESOL at DEC 16, 2027 (1260 days past SIGNING) is SAGITTARIUS 24 (888);


n& SAGIT 24 via straight earth will be KISLEV 24....see HAG 2:7 (coveted: "Desire of Nations").


nYOM KIP 2023 (eve) plus 280 'Church Gestation' is JUNE 30, 2024.


nSUNDAYS (counts start): RAPTURE.....A.C. 'RISES'.....SHAVUOT TEMPLE ENTR (straight earth SIV 10);

n& perhaps SHAVUOT 2031 is start of MILLEN AGE just as SHAVUOT (ACTS 2) started CHURCH AGE.


nIf signif, FIG TREE JUNE 7, 2024 (anniv Jerusalem day) plus the 23 tilt (will minus) is JUNE 30.


nSo when earth is straight, RAPTURE will be 'as having occurred' on JUNE 7, anniv JERUSALEM DAY....


n....& RETURN is ACTUAL JERUSALEM DAY, IYYAR 29 in 2031 (2520 days trib past SIGNING).


nVia the 2550 trib days (2520 & 30 mourning to Temple Entr), note 2550 yrs 583 B.C. to 1967.


n....'could be' SUNDAY, JUNE 30......

JANET HERSCU - June 30th, 2024 at 1:53pm

Via spec, RAPTURE 'could be' this TUES, JULY 2 (& HOS 6:2-3) or FRI, JULY 5.


n1260 days past FRI, JULY 5, 2024 is FRI, KISLEV 24, 2027 (a.c. rises)....Hag 2:7.


nKISLEV 24, 2027 is FRIDAY, DEC 24........which is also anniv CREATION DAY.


nJESUS (in the form of a zygote) by the H.S. entered Mary's body on KISLEV 24......& after 7 days was implanted into the uterine wall on TEVET 1 (8th day if 8th Feast, JESUS' CONCEPTION DAY) & plus 280 days Gestation is TISHREI 15 BIRTH...SUCCOTH.


nIt is obvious that SATAN covets the HAG 2:7 promise: "DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES."


nSo, that is a likely day that he would 'indwell' the a.c. at the satanic resurrection/mid trib.


nRETURN (2520 days past SIGNING (or RAPTURE) is SHAVUOT 2031 (MAY 30, SIV 8).


nThis FRI, JULY 5 is not only CANCER 15 (JOHN 10:28), but tilt# past SHAVUOT 2024.


nThe 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) is possibly SHAVUOT 2023 - SHAVUOT 2024.


nNISAN 10, 2024 (Apr 18) plus 75 days (n.c.) is TUES, JULY 2, possible SIGNING.


nThe SIGNING (a TUES) is 3rd day, ancient Wedding Day & 'Ketubah Contract' day.


n280 days 'CHURCH GESTATION' (?) past YOM KIP 2023 is TUES, JULY 2.


nNISAN 10, 2025 (3rd Temple, DANIEL 8:13-14, LAMB into Temple) plus 2300 days (3 n.c.) is trib end (straight earth), JULY 24, 2031......also LEO 24 (12,12,12).




n75 minus tilt loss is 52 days........& FIG TREE MAY 14 plus 52 is this FRI, JULY 5.


n....'could be' this TUES, JULY 2......or, if not, FRIDAY, JULY 5......spec, of course.



JANET HERSCU - July 6th, 2024 at 1:08am

The only scenario left via my lame/'maniacally continuous' spec study is a possible MON. JULY 8, 2024 RAPTURE.


n1260 days past FRI, JULY 5, 2024 (possible SIGNING) is MID-TRIB ABOM DESOL, KISLEV 24 (DEC 24, 2027).....HAG 2:7.....coveted day...."DESIRE OF NATIONS COMES."


nJULY 5 (possible SIGNING) was CANCER 15 (JOHN 10:28), if Mazzarot applies.


nTISH 15, SUCCOTH 2023 (SEPT 29-30) plus 280 days 'CHURCH GESTATION' is MON, JULY 8 (ISA 26:20).


nSHAVUOT 2024 (SIVAN 6, JUNE 12) plus tilt (will minus) is JULY 5 SIGNING.


n1-yr warning was likely SHAVUOT 2023 to SHAVUOT 2024 (then plus tilt/will minus).


nThe 2300 days (& 3 n.c.).....DAN 8:13-14.....span LAMB/NISAN 10, 2025 to straight-earth trib end, JULY 24, 2031......LEO 24 (12,12,12,12).


nFIRSTFRUITS plus 75 days n.c. (I Cor 15:20) is JULY 8, as well.


nThere is SO much more to figure;' but MON, JULY 8 looks like a slight possibility.


JANET HERSCU - July 9th, 2024 at 12:36am

This Wed, JULY 10 (TAMMUZ 4) fits much:


nWED, JULY 10 is 75 days (n.c.) past FIRSTFRUITS (I Cor 15:20).


nJULY 7. (SIGNING?) is 280 days CHURCH GESTATION past mid-SUCCOTH (ISA 26:20.....JOHN 7:14).


nSHAVUOT 2024 (CHURCH AGE ENDS) plus 22 (will minus) is JULY 7 SIGNING.


n1-yr warning (JER 51:46) was likely SHAVUOT 2023 - SHAVUOT 2024.




nIf MAZZAROT applies, DEC 10 (RAPTURE?) is CANCER 18 (666)...JOHN 10:28.


nVia MAZZAROT, RETURN (2520 past SIGNING) is GEMINI 10 (10,10, 'twins in harmony').


nEZEK 38 VICTORY may occur in early ELUL 2024.....& plus 7 mths burying is NIS 10, 2025.


nNIS 10, 2025 (LAMB) plus 2300 (& 3 n.c. mid trib....DAN 8:13-14) is straight-earth trib end, JULY 24, 2031 & LEO 24).


nIf MAZZAROT applies, SIGNING on JULY 7 is CANCER 15 (middle of 11th sign...#11 = judg).


nAll else much 'the same' as last spec review..."so 'could be this WED, JULY 10.


JANET HERSCU - July 10th, 2024 at 1:55pm

Can't go BACK, gotta look AHEAD.....so, WHAT TO DO?.....anyway,......


n....this FRIDAY, JULY 12, fits SO much that it must be reviewed.


nTUESDAYS (3rd day/Hos 6:2-3): SIGNING/as Ketubah.......ABOM DESOL......RETURN


nSIGNING (JULY 9...?) is 23 days (will minus) past SHAVUOT 2024 (end Church Age from ACTS 2).


nSHAVUOT 2023 - SHAVUOT 2024 = 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46)


n75 pre-Rapture n.c. days span FIRSTFRUITS (SUN) to RAPTURE, JULY 12.....I COR 15:20.


n75 plus tilt (98 days, both n.c.) span ARIES 17 (future NIS 17) to JULY 12 as well.


nJesus arrived to SUCCOTH at MID FEAST, TISH 18 (JOHN 7:14); & TISH 18 plus 280 CHURCH GESTATION (ISA 26:20) is SIGNING.


nThe veil to HOLY of HOLIES tore at the CROSS; & NISAN 17, 2025 may be 3rd TEMPLE Sacrifice.....DAN 8:13-14....desecration) plus 2300 days (3 n.c. mid trib) is trib end AUG 1, 2031 (VIRGO 1)..,.atraight earth.


nVia MAZZAROT (if applic):

n.....RAPTURE: CANCER 22 (11,11,11...'triple judg')

n.....RETURN: GEMINI 15 ('call-back' day/harmony)...backs up to MAY 14-15

n.....INTO TEMPLE: CANCER 15 (John 10:28)....JESUS & REMNANT (Isa 63)

n....TRIB END: VIRGO 1...start of 12-mth MAZZAROT cycle....all in sync.



n...'could be' this FRI, JULY 12 (but note that DAY & HR are not known (since 1 days is total 72 hrs).


nVia CONSTANT watching commanded in MATT 24:43-44, perhaps WEEK/MTH/YEAR CAN BE KNOWN.



JANET HERSCU - July 10th, 2024 at 8:13pm

If the review is plausible, the "4 FAST DAYS ARE TURNED TO JOY" (ZECH 8:19):




nTrib end is AV 9 (straight earth); & note 2-3 day adjustment since mths will be 30 days eà in Millen.


nALL AV 9 tragedies (Jewish/Historical) via straight earth will be TAMMUZ 17.


nElij & Mos rise on JAN 2, 2028 which is DEC 10 via straight earth (future TEVET 10).


nSIGNING, JULY 9, is future/straight-earth AV 9.....


n......& JULY 9 minus future tilt loss will be JUNE 17, future straight-earth TAMMUZ 17.


nTISH 18, 2023 (mid-Succoth, start of the 280 days to RAPTURE)....


n.....& minus tilt is SEPT 10 (future/straight-earth TISH 10, YOM KIP)......


n......& SEPT 10, 2022 was STILL IN the YOM KIP year 2022.




nYOM KIP 2022 minus the 21 uncounted yrs (20 full yrs) is YOM KIP 2001 (6001)......start of the 121st JUBILEE, 7th MILLEN, GEN 6:3, 120 PROMISED JUBILEES COMPLETED.




JANET HERSCU - July 12th, 2024 at 5:15pm

Figured again.....likely this SUNDAY, JULY 14

JANET HERSCU - July 15th, 2024 at 12:58am

One can see WHY I 'surmise' certain dates.....read on.


nTUES, JULY 16, 2024 (RAPTURE?) is CANCER 24 (888)...John 10:28..."snatched"/protected.


nSIGNING (SAT, JULY 13?) is 75 days (n.c.) past FIRSTFRUITS (I Cor 15:20).


nSIGNING is 280 days CHURCH GESTATION past SUCCOTH 2023....ISA 26:20.


nSUCCOTH 2023 was LIBRA 15, future/Millen TISH 15 & SEP 15...ISA 26:20 & JOHN 7:14.


nMid-trib ABOM DESOL minus future tilt loss will be DEC 10, future FAST of TEVET 10.


nRETURN (2520 past SIGNING) is JUNE 7, 2031 (anniv JUNE 7, 1967)......


n...& minus tilt loss will be straight-earth MAY 14-15 (anniv Statehood).......


n....& 75 days later (DAN 12:12) is FAST of AV 9, trib end (July 29, 2031)....


n.....& also end of 2300 days (3 n.c.), DAN 8:13-14, past NIS10, 2025 (LAMB), 3rd Temple.


nRETURN plus 30 mourn is ISA 63 Temple Entr, FAST of TAMMUZ 17....TUES (Hos 6:2-3), 3rd day.


nTrib end (75 days past RETURN) is VIRGO 1, start MAZZAROT CYCLE.


nMID-TRIB (1260 past SIGNING) is ABOM DESOL, TEV 2, 8th day Hanukkah 2028, JAN 1.


nRETURN is GEMINI 15 ('twins' together in harmony/Remnant calls Jesus back).


n30 days later is TEMPLE ENTR, CANCER 15 (JOHN 10:28)...JESUS leads REMNANT.


nAll AV 9's via straight earth will be TAMMUZ 17's.


nYom Kip 2022 to YOM KIP 2030 is REAL 8-yr count (1-yr warn/Jer 51:46) plus 7-yr trib.


nYOM KIP 2022 minus 21 yrs n.c. will be YOM KIP 2001 (6001), start 121st JUB (Gen 6:3).


nAll 4 FAST DAYS are acc't for......ZECH 8:19.




nTUESDAYS (3rd day/Wedding): RAPTURE.......A.C. RISES........ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR


nAnyway, looks like this TUES, JULY 16....mega spec, of course....can't really see beyond.....



JANET HERSCU - July 16th, 2024 at 1:09am

Via spec, this WED, JULY 17, 'fits' all as well....w/ all of number spans coordinating:


n1260, 1260, 1290, 1335, 2300, 2550, 2520, 7 mths, 7 yrs, 280 days, 30, 45, 98 (75 & 23)....


n.....& the FAST DAYS: TAM 17 Temple Entr, AV 9 trib end, TEV 10 two wit's rise &

nYom Kip start & end counts as per LEV 23 (1-yr warn plus 7 yrs trib......w/ Millen start at 121st JUB on YOM KIP 2001/6001.....real count......when all is figured.




nNISAN 10, 2025 (LAMB) plus 2300 (Dan 8) is trib end, AV 9, 2031 (straight earth).


nISA 63 Temple Entrance 30 days past RETURN at JULY 8, 2031 is FAST of TAMMUZ 17.


nMAZAROT (if applic):

nSIGNING: CANCER 24 (888) JOHN 10:28



nINTO TEMPLE: CANCER 15 (straight earth), JOHN 10:28



nJohn 7:14 (mid Succoth/future TISHREI 18)....OCT 8, 2023 plus 280 is SIGNING.


n...so much more....weary of sharing.....nuf already!.....'could be' this WED, TAMMUZ 11, JULY 17.



JANET HERSCU - July 16th, 2024 at 8:04pm

THUR, JULY 18 fits all too.


nFIG TREE June 7, 2023 plus 377 days (as Noah in Ark) is JULY 18, 2024.


nFIG TREE IYYAR 28 plus 40 days 'testing' is SIGNING, JULY 15 (CANCER 24).


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (JAN 3, 2028) is really DEC 24, orig KISLEV 24 (due to 11-day calendar error)....HAG 2:7.


nA.C.satanically rises 3 days later, JAN 6 (CAPRICORN 15).


n280-day CHURCH GESTATION (ISA 26:20) spans LIBRA 18......future straight-earth TISH 18 & SEPT 18..........JOHN 7:14........OCT 9, 2023 to SIGNING.


n2 wit's RISE on TEVET 10, 2028, JAN 9.


nTrib end is still AV 9, 2031 (straight earth)......2300 (3 n.c.) days past NISAN 10, 2025 (LAMB).


nAll told, 97 days (75 plus 22 tilt) are n.c. & span NISAN 1, 2024 (EZEK 45:18) to SIGNING, JULY 15.


n...so much more....perhaps this THUR, JULY 18.

JANET HERSCU - July 17th, 2024 at 11:59am

THUR, JULY 18 fits all too.


nCORRECTION: FAST of TAMMUZ 17, 2023 (JULY 6) plus 378 days (as Noah in Ark) is JULY 18, 2024.


nFIG TREE IYYAR 28 plus 40 days 'testing' is SIGNING, JULY 15 (& CANCER 24, if applic)..


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (JAN 3, 2028) is really DEC 24, orig KISLEV 24 (due to 11-day calendar error)....HAG 2:7.


nA.C.satanically rises 3 days later, JAN 6 (CAPRICORN 15).


n280-day CHURCH GESTATION (ISA 26:20) spans LIBRA 18......future straight-earth TISH 18 & SEPT 18..........JOHN 7:14........OCT 9, 2023 to SIGNING.


n2 wit's RISE on TEVET 10, 2028, JAN 9.


nTrib end is still AV 9, 2031 (straight earth)......2300 (3 n.c.) days past NISAN 10, 2025 (LAMB).


nAll told, 98 days (75 plus 23 tilt) are n.c. & span NISAN 1, 2024 (EZEK 45:18) to SIGNING, JULY 15.


n...so much more....perhaps this THUR, JULY 18.





nTHUR, JULY 18 fits all too.


nCORRECTION: FAST of TAMMUZ 17, 2023 (JULY 6) plus 378 days (as Noah in Ark) is JULY 18, 2024.


nFIG TREE IYYAR 28 plus 40 days 'testing' is SIGNING, JULY 15 (& CANCER 24, if applic)..


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (JAN 3, 2028) is really DEC 24, orig KISLEV 24 (due to 11-day calendar error)....HAG 2:7.


nA.C.satanically rises 3 days later, JAN 6 (CAPRICORN 15).


n280-day CHURCH GESTATION (ISA 26:20) spans LIBRA 18......future straight-earth TISH 18 & SEPT 18..........JOHN 7:14........OCT 9, 2023 to SIGNING.


n2 wit's RISE on TEVET 10, 2028, JAN 9.


nTrib end is still AV 9, 2031 (straight earth)......2300 (3 n.c.) days past NISAN 10, 2025 (LAMB).


nAll told, 98 days (75 plus 23 tilt) are n.c. & span NISAN 1, 2024 (EZEK 45:18) to SIGNING, JULY 15.


n...so much more....perhaps this THUR, JULY 18.







JANET HERSVU - July 19th, 2024 at 8:05pm

Still speculating!......WHO stops the brain from doing that?...."wise shall understand" perhaps still applies (don't I WISH)......anyway:


nThis SUNDAY, JULY 21, looks good because:


n....plus 1260 days is FAST of TEVET 10, JAN 9, 2028 a.c. satanically rises.


n....1260 past SIGNING (JULY 18, 2024?) is JAN 6, 2028.


n....JAN 6 is REALLY DEC 24 (due to 13-day calendar error), orig KISLEV 24 (HAG 2:7)...coveted.


n....All told, 98 days (75&23 tilt) are n.c.; & NISAN 1, 2024 plus 98 days is SIGNING.


n....98 days also span RETURN (JUNE 12, 2031) to trib end at AUG 27, 2031 (before tilt loss)., 2031


n....Earth is straight on JERUSALEM DAY, MAY 21, 2031 (IYYAR 28)....RETURN minus tilt loss.


n....TEMPLE ENTR (ISA 63), 30 days past RETURN is JULY 15, 2031 which is 2300 days TEMPLE DESECRATION past NISAN 1, 2025 (3rd Temple, EZEK 45:18).


n....If applic, JULY 9 (future straight-earth AV 9) plus 378 days (Noah) is JULY 21, 2024.


n.....If applic, earth is straight GEMINI 24 (888).....& into Temple CANCER 24 (888).


n....If applic, PURIM 2024 plus "4 mths to Harvest" is JULY 21.


nSo much more....but 'could be' this SUNDAY (when COUNTS start), .JULY 21 (& start of LEO, if applic).





JANET HERSCU - July 22nd, 2024 at 5:38pm

Last, desperate spec guess: TUES, JULY 23 (FAST of TAMMUZ 17 as well as. LEO 1).


n96 days are n.c. all told (75 plus 21 tilt); this last NISAN 10 (MATT 23:39) plus 96 is JULY 23.


nJULY 9 (2023), future straight-earth FAST of AV 9, plus 377 (as Noah in ARK) is SIGNING (SAT, JULY 20).


nMAY 6 (future, straight-earth SIVAN 6) plus 75 (n.c.) is SIGNING, SAT, JULY 20.


nOCT 12, 2023 (future, straight-earth TISH 22 & SEPT 22) is SIGNING, .SAT, JULY 20.


nRETURN (2520 past SIGNING) is SAT, JUNE 14, 2031; & plus 30 mourn is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR.


nISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR is END of 2300 days (DAN 8:13-14) past NISAN 1, 2025 (EZEK 45:18)....3rd TEMPLE (7 mths burying past EZEK 38 Divine Victory in Israel (1st part of ELUL...?



nRETURN (2520 past SIGNING) at SAT, JUNE 14, minus tilt loss (23.5 days) is IYYAR 28, JERUSALEM DAY.....or shortly thereafter, SIV 2 (anniv end 6-day War 1967).....earth straight.


n75 days after that is AV 15 (tu b'AV), 2031.......see DAN 12:12 (1335 days past MID TRIB).


nAs for MAZZAROT points (if applic):

n....RAPTURE: LEO 1...12th SIGN/LION of JUDAH/#12=perf gov't

n....MID TRIB ABOM DESOL: CAPRIC 18 (666)...'blood sacrifice producing Remnant' (?)

n....RETURN: GEMINI 24 ('twins'...888....ISA 63)

n....INTO TEMPLE w/ REMNANT: CANCER 24 (888)....& JOHN 10:28


nA.C. satanically rises (1260 days past RAPTURE) on TUES, JAN 11, 2028 (TEV 12)....


n......& JAN 11 is REALLY DEC 31, the orig TEVET 1 (8th day, 8th Feast), JESUS' Conception anniv/coveted.


nNote the 11-day calendar error from the 1500's (Pope).






nSIGNING (TAMMUZ 14) is also 4 mths ("to Harvest"...?) past PURIM (II ADAR 14).


nThe REAL COUNT started at YOM KIP 2022 (yr of OCT 12, 2022 start of 280 to SIGNING).....


n....since YOM KIP 2023 was not until OCT 16.....so count stayed in YOM KIP YR 2022.


nSo, via spec, there's still a little hope left for a soon RAPTURE via the above points.


JANET HERSCU - July 23rd, 2024 at 6:35pm

Via spec 'could also be' this FRI, JULY 26.


nNISAN 17 (I Cor 15:20) plus 96 (75 plus tilt.....both n.c.) is SIGNING, TAMMUZ 17 (JULY 23).


n1-yr warning....365 days (JER 51:46) possibly spanned FAST if AV 9 (JULY 27) to JULY 26, 2024.


nJULY 9, 2023 (future/straight AV 9) plus 377 (Noah in ark) plus 7 last warning is JULY 26, 2024.


nSIGNING JULY 23 was LEO 1 (12th Mazzarot sign, 'perf gov't, LION of JUDAH), start 2520 days.


nRETURN is CANCER 1 (11th sign/Judg), JN 10:28, FRI, JUNE 20, 2031.


nPlus 30 mourn is ISA TEMPLE ENTR, LEO 1, JULY 20, 2031.....minus tilt = JULY 1.


nRETURN (FRI, JUNE 20, 2031) minus tilt to straight earth is SHAVUOT, SIVAN 6 (JUNE 1).


n3rd Temple Dedic (7 mths bury past EZEK 38) is NISAN 1, 2025 (EZEK 45:18 & NUM 19...Heifer?).


nThe 2300 (DAN 8:13-14) span NISAN 1, 2025 (MAR 30) to TEMPLE ENTR, JULY 20, 2031 (30 days past RETURN).


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (TEV 12, 1260 days past SIGNING) is JAN 11, 2028 (really DEC 31, orig TEVET 1 (8th day, 8th Feast).....JESUS' CONCEPTION anniv (coveted)......2 days past SUNDAY/count start TEVET 10.


nFIG TREE IYYAR 5, 2024 plus tilt is IYYAR 28......plus 52 (75 minus tilt) is FRI, JULY 26, 2024.


nIn other words, IYYAR 5 to RAPTURE (JULY 26....?) is 75 days (n.c.)..."WATCH THE FIG TREE."


nTUESDAYS (3rd day/as Ketubah): SIGNING......ABOM DESOL......RETURN (if SIGNING plus 2520).


nMID TRIB/a.c. satanically rises/REMNANT safe in PETRA is CAPRIC 24 (888) if Mazzarot applies.


nOCT 15, 2023 (LIBRA 24...888) plus 280 is SIGNING, JULY 23 (if Mazzarot applies).


nSo now I'm 'considering' FRI, JULY 26......spec, of course, for what it's worth.





JANET HERSCU - July 26th, 2024 at 1:35pm

One more spec possibility: SAT, JULY 27.


n1-yr warning, JEREM 51:46: JULY 27, 2023 (AV 9) to JULY 27, 2024.


nFIG TREE IYYAR 5 plus 75 n.c. is JULY 27, 2024.


nFIG TREE IYYAR 28 plus 52 n.c. (75 minus tilt) is JULY 27, 2024.


nNISAN 10, 2024 (MATT 23:39) plus 97 (75 plus tilt) is WED, JULY 24, 2024 SIGNING.


nROSH 2023 (5th Feast/next to be fulfilled) plus 280 plus tilt is JULY 27, 2024.


nJULY 24 this yr is LEO 1 (#12, 'perf gov't).


nRETURN minus tilt loss is straight-earth SHAVUOT, SIVAN 6, JUNE 1, 2031.


nMID TRIB at JAN 12, 2028 is really DEC 31, orig TEV 1 (8th day 8th Feast)....


n.....& KISLEV 24 (1st day 8th Feast, HAG 2:7), orig DEC 24, was "DESIRE of NATIONS."


n.A.C. satanically rises CAPRIC 24 (888)....if Mazzarot applies......SAT, JAN 15, 2028.


nNISAN 1, 2025 (MAR 30....3rd Temple/EZEK 45:18) plus 2300...& 3 n.c....is JULY 20, 2031....


n.....& JULY 20, 2031 (30 days mourning past RETURN) is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR....LEO 1.


nRETURN is CANCER 1 (JUNE 20, 2031)....JOHN 10:28.


nSABBATHS: RAPTURE.......A.C. RISES (SAT, JAN 15, 2028).


nTUESDAY: Isa 63 Temple Entrance (straight earth, JULY 1, 2031 & LEO 1....JESUS & REMNANT).


n...much more......but 'could be' this SAT, JULY 27.....????


nOne more spec possibility: SAT, JULY 27.


n1-yr warning, JEREM 51:46: JULY 27, 2023 (AV 9) to JULY 27, 2024.


nFIG TREE IYYAR 5 plus 75 n.c. is JULY 27, 2024.


nFIG TREE IYYAR 28 plus 52 n.c. (75 minus tilt) is JULY 27, 2024.


nNISAN 10, 2024 (MATT 23:39) plus 97 (75 plus tilt) is WED, JULY 24, 2024 SIGNING.


nROSH 2023 (5th Feast/next to be fulfilled) plus 280 plus tilt is JULY 27, 2024.


nJULY 24 this yr is LEO 1 (#12, 'perf gov't).


nRETURN minus tilt loss is straight-earth SHAVUOT, SIVAN 6, JUNE 1, 2031.


nMID TRIB at JAN 12, 2028 is really DEC 31, orig TEV 1 (8th day 8th Feast)....


n.....& KISLEV 24 (1st day 8th Feast, HAG 2:7), orig DEC 24, was "DESIRE of NATIONS."


n.A.C. satanically rises CAPRIC 24 (888)....if Mazzarot applies......SAT, JAN 15, 2028.


nNISAN 1, 2025 (MAR 30....3rd Temple/EZEK 45:18) plus 2300...& 3 n.c....is JULY 20, 2031....


n.....& JULY 20, 2031 (30 days mourning past RETURN) is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR....LEO 1.


nRETURN is CANCER 1 (JUNE 20, 2031)....JOHN 10:28.


nSABBATHS: RAPTURE.......A.C. RISES (SAT, JAN 15, 2028).


nTUESDAY: Isa 63 Temple Entrance (straight earth, JULY 1, 2031 & LEO 1....JESUS & REMNANT).


n...much more......but 'could be' this SAT, JULY 27.....????










JANET HERSCU - July 27th, 2024 at 6:15pm

Via spec, this coming TUES....3rd day/HOS 6:2-3/Wedding....JULY 30, 'looks' very good


n96 days are n.c. (75 plus tilt/will minus) & NISAN 17 (I Cor 15:20) plus 96 is TUES, JULY 30.


nSIGNING (SAT, JULY 27) is 1-yr warn past JULY 27, 2023 (FAST AV 9)....& minus tilt is TAM 17.


nRAPTURE (TUES, JULY 30....?) is LEO 8.....


n...& 2550 days later, ISA 63 Temple Entrance, is LEO 1 (LION if JUDAH leads REMNANT....MAZZAROT SIGN #12....'perf gov't').


nIYYAR 5 (FIG TREE) plus 75 n.c. is SIGNING, SAT, JULY 27.....


n....& 53 days is 75 minus tilt.....so IYYAR 28 plus 52 is SIGNING.


nRETURN (2520 past RAPTURE) is day earth is straight, SUN, true SHAVUOT 2031 (JUNE 4....SIV 9).


nRETURN minus tilt to straight earth is CANCER 1 (John 10:28)......plus 30 mourn is LEO 1.


nISA 63 TEMPLE ENTRANCE (JULY 27, 2031) ends 2300 days from NIS 10, 2025 (LAMB).


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) minus tilt is DEC 24, orig KISLEV 24 (HAG 2:7).


nMID SUCCOTH (ISA 26:20), TISH 18, plus tilt (will minus) plus 280 is SIGNING.


nTUESDAYS (WEDDING), 3rd day): RAPTURE.....A.C. RISES.....RETURN (JUNE 27, 2031).




n2 wit's rise AQUAR 1 (JAN 21, 2028...which is really DEC 31, orig TEV 1, 8th day 8th Feast (Jesus' Concep anniv).


nSo mid-trib week is REALLY DEC 24 - DEC 31 (8th Feast, 8 days long....CREATION WK).


n...can't see further.....spec, of course.....'could be' TUES, JULY 30....


JANET HERSCU - July 30th, 2024 at 5:11pm

Via spec, this THUR, AUG 1 looks plausible:


nTABERNACLES/TISHREI 15 (ISA 26:20) plus 303 (280 CHURCH GESTATION plus tilt) is JULY 29 SIGNING.


nFIRSTFRUITS 2024 (I COR 15:20) plus 98 (75 plus tilt) is TH, AUG 1.


nFIG TREE IYYAR 5-6 plus 75 n.c. is JULY 29.


nMid-trib ABOM DESOL loses tilt back to KISLEV 24 (HAG 2:6)


n2 witnesses' resurrection loses tilt back to DEC 31, 2027....orig TEV 1 (8th day 8th Feast).


nSo, mid trib wk (JAN 17-23, 2028) is orig CREATION WK (KIS 24-TEV 1-2.....DEC 24-31).


nRETURN minus tilt loss is legal SHAVUOT, SUN, SIV 9, 2031 (JUNE 4).


nRETURN plus 30 mourn is JULY 26, end 2300 past NIS 10, 2025...LAMB...(DAN 8:13-14).


nSo now everything 'fits' this THUR, AUG 1.

JANET HERSCU - August 1st, 2024 at 11:10pm

ALL FITS this SATURDAY, AUG 3.........LEO 12.......TAM 28......o.k., spec.....


nNISAN 17 (I COR 15:20) plus 97 n.c. (75 & 22)....


nMID SUCCOTH plus 22 (will minus)....ISA 26:20......plus 280 Church Gestation....




nNISAN 10, 2025 (LAMB) plus 2300 is ISA 63, JULY 25, 2031 (30 past RETURN).


nSHAVUOT 2024 plus 52 n.c. (75 minus tilt) is AUG 3...


nSHAVUOT 2031 (SUN, JUNE 4) earth is straight....


nSo, END CHURCH AGE SHAVUOT 2024 (plus 52 n.c.).........to START MILLEN AGE SHAVUOT 2031 (earth straight)......HOLY SPIRIT BACK TO EARTH AGAIN!


JANET HERSCU - August 4th, 2024 at 1:08am

Via spec, MON, AUG 5......?


n AUG 15 is LEO 15 (mid-LION......wrath).....if Mazzarot applies.


nFirstfruits (I COR 15:20) plus 96 days (75 & tilt) is SIGNING (AUG 2......?).


nMID SUCCOTH (Oct 3-4, 2023...JOHN 7:14 & .ISA 26:20) plus 303 days (280 Church Gestation & tilt) is AUG 2.


nSHAVUOT 2024....'END CHURCH AGE' (plus 54 n.c......75 minus tilt......) is RAPTURE......

n.....& plus 7 yrs is SHAVUOT 2031 (SUN, JUNE 4, SIV 9, earth straight....start MILLEN AGE).....HOLY SPIRIT BACK after 7 yrs restrained (trib).


n2520 days past RAPTURE is MON, JUNE 30 RETURN.....plus 30 days mourning is ISA 63 into TEMPLE AV 9.


nAV 9, 2031 is END of 2300 days (plus 3 n.c. mid trib) past NISAN 10, 2025....LAMB.....& end 7 mths burying & bldg 3rd Temple).


nMID TRIB ABOM DESOL is AQUARIUS 1....coveted...(JAN 21, 2028...TEV 22....minus tilt will be TEV 1).


nMuch more amidst awkward spec figuring......but 'could be' MON, AUG 5....AV 1....


JANET HERSCU - August 4th, 2024 at 10:38pm

Same......plus corrections:


nVia spec, TUES, AUG 6....?


nAUG 6 is LEO 15 (mid-LION......wrath).....if Mazzarot applies.


nFIRSTFRUITS (I COR 15:20) plus 97 days (75 & tilt) is SIGNING (AUG 3.....?).


nMID SUCCOTH (Oct 3-4, 2023...JOHN 7:14 & ISA 26:20) plus 303.5 days (280 Church Gestation & 23.5 degree tilt) is AUG 3.


nSHAVUOT 2024....'END CHURCH AGE' (plus 52 days n.c......75 minus tilt......) is SIGNING.....

n.....& plus 7 yrs is SHAVUOT 2031 (SUN, JUNE 4, SIV 9, earth straight....start MILLEN AGE).....HOLY SPIRIT BACK after 7 yrs restrained (trib).


n2520 days past SIGNING is JUNE 30 RETURN.....plus 30 days mourning is ISA 63 into TEMPLE on FAST of AV 9 (& minus tilt is FAST of TAM 17).


nFAST of AV 9, 2031 is END of (Dan 8:13-14 ) 2300 days (plus 3 n.c. mid trib) past NISAN 10, 2025....LAMB.....& end 7 mths burying past Ezek 38 (& 7 mths bldg 3rd Temple).


nMID TRIB ABOM DESOL is AQUARIUS 1....coveted...(JAN 22, 2028...TEV 23....minus tilt will be TEV 1, Jesus' Conception day.




nTUESDAYS (3rd day/Wedding): RAPTURE......A.C. RISES........ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR (LEO 8).


nMuch more via spec figuring......but 'could be' TUES, AUG 6.....AV 2.......& 4 mths past NISAN 1).





JANET HERSCU - August 5th, 2024 at 8:23pm

Via spec even better!.....WED, AUG 7 (w/ attn to MAZZAROT, if applic).


nSIGNING SUNDAY, AUG 4, LEO 15....mid LION/wrath.


nLIBRA 15, OCT 6, 2023, TISH 21 (LIBRA 15 = future/straight-earth TISH 15 & SEP 15), ISA 26:20.....


n.......plus 280 CHURCH GEST plus tilt (302 days) is SIGNING, AUG 4.


nGEMINI 1 (MAY 21, twins in harmony) plus 75 n.c. is AUG 4.


nFIRSTFRUITS SUN, APR 28, 2024 (I Cor 15:20) plus 98 n.c. (75 & tilt) is SIGNING, Aug 4.


nSHAVUOT 2024 (SUN, APR 15) plus 52 n.c. (75 minus tilt) is AUG 7, possible RAPTURE.


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL JAN 22, 2028 is AQUAR 1, plus 7 days 2 wit's rise SHEVAT 1 (11).


nABOM DESOL minus tilt will be TEVET 1, Jesus' Concep anniv (8th day, 8th Feast).


nPASSOVER 2025 (blood/Lamb) is 7 mths burying past EZEK 38 Victory.


nPASSOVER 2025 plus 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) is ISA 63 into TEMPLE on FAST AV 9 (ZECH 8:19).


nAV 9 is a TUES, 3rd day/HOS 6:2-3)....& minus tilt will be FAST TAM 17 (ZECH 8:19).


nREAL ISRAEL is the REMNANT/enter JERUSALEM, HOS 6:2-3) on 3rd day (TUES), AV 9, 2031.


nRETURN (2520 past SIGNING) is SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 2031 (TAM 8)....plus 30 mourn is AV 9.


nSUNDAYS (counts start): SIGNING.......ABOM DESOL......RETURN




n....could well be this WED, AUG 7 (AV 3).....???



JANET HERSCU - August 7th, 2024 at 7:59pm

Here are the spec notes that 'fit' this FRI, AUG 9 (AV 5):


nLIBRA 18 will be Millen/straight-earth TISH 18 (MID-SUCCOTH...JN 7:14) & SEPT 18....all in sync.


nMID-SUCCOTH (JN 7:14, ISA 26:20) plus tilt plus 280 days is SIGNING, TUES, AUG 6.


nTUES (3rd day) = Ketubah/Wedding/HOS 6:2-3.


nSUN, SHAVUOT 2024 (end Church Age) plus 52 n.c. (75 - tilt) is SIGNING, AUG 6 (LEO 15).


nGEM 1 plus 75 n.c. is LEO 15.


nNoah was in ARK 377 days; & AV 9, 2023 (eve?) plus 377 is SIGNING (2520 start).


nMAY 6 will be MILLEN SIV 6 (SHAVUOT); & plus 95 (75 & tilt) is AUG 9.


nThere is a 12-day error in the calendar from 1500's (thus JAN 6 is Gk Ortho Christmas);


nSo, MID-TRIB JAN 24, 2028 minus tilt is JAN 3-4 which is REALLY DEC 24, orig KIS 24 (HAG 2:7).


n2 wit's rise JAN 30-31, 2028.....& minus tilt will be JAN 10, orig FAST TEV 10.


nPASSOVER 2025 plus 2300 (Dan 8) is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR AV 9-10, 2031.....


n....& minus tilt is JULY 9, the Millen FAST AV 9 & LEO 9....all in sync.


nJULY 8-9, 2031 is also FAST TAMMUZ 17.




n1-yr warning was likely SHAVUOT 2023 to SHAVUOT 2024 (then plus 52 n.c. to SIGNING)....


n...& SHAVUOT 2023 was still in YOM KIP YR 2022.....& minus the 21 yrs n.c. (20 full yrs) is YOM KIP 2001, 6001.....start 121st JUB, 7th MILLEN, GEN 6:3 (LEV 23).


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL JAN 24 (2028) minus tilt will be JAN 1, AQUAR 1...coveted by a.c.


nEarly ELUL 2024 (EZEK 38...?) to early ELUL 2031 (trib end w/ tilt loss) is possible 7 yrs fuel use (EZEK 39:9).


n....so, 'could be' this FRI, AUG 9 (LEO 18.....666...world under thumb of a.c.)....??




JANET HERSCU - August 9th, 2024 at 2:57pm

Via spec, the following points 'fit' this SUN, AUG 11:


n1-yr warn (Jer 51:46): SHAVUOT 2023 (MAY 28 to MAY 28), 2024 plus the 75 n.c. is AUG 11.


nSHAVUOT 2024 plus 54 n.c. (75 minus tilt), 'END of CHURCH AGE' (began ACTS 2), is SIGNING, AUG 8.


nJN 7:14 & ISA 26:20 MID SUCCOTH 2023 (will be Millen LIBRA 18) plus 303 (280 & 23 tilt) is AUG 8.


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL 1260 days past SIGNING is JAN 26, 2028; & minus tilt will be JAN 4.....


n....& JAN 4 is REALLY DEC 24 (orig KISLEV 24....coveted....HAG 2:7) due to 11-day error.


nRETURN 2520 days past SIGNING is TH, JULY 3, 2031...& straightening of earth likely takes 3 days.


nSo, earth is straight SUN, JULY 6, 2031 (CANCER 15.....JOHN 10:28)......& plus 30 is LEO 15.


nRETURN at TH, JULY 3 plus 30 days mourning is SAT, AUG 2, end of 2300 days past PASSOVER 2025.


nPassover (LAMB SLAIN/DESECRATION...DAN 8:13-14)........3rd TEMPLE....& ARIES 24 (if applic).


nStraight earth position of RETURN is SUNDAY, JUNE 15 & CANCER 15......


n......& plus 75 days to trib end (DAN 12:12) is SEPT 1, new/Millen TISH 1, 5th FEAST (& LIBRA 1).


nEarth is straight JUNE 15, 2031 & plus 30 days mourning is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR....


n......& that day via HOS 6,2-3 is a TUES (3rd day), JULY 15 & LEO 15 (& 'new' AV 15)....all in sync.


nHOS 6:2-3 refers to the REAL "ISRAEL UP TO JERUSALEM" (Remnant).....from PETRA.


nPASSOVER 2025 (SAT, NIS 14, APR 12-13) is 7 mths BURY/BLDG 3rd Temple) past EZEK 38 Victory.


nSo via MAZZAROT (if applic):




nMID TRIB: AQUAR 8 (2 wit's rise AQUAR 11)



nSUNDAYS (count start): RAPTURE......A.C. RISES.......RETURN (earth straight)


nTUESDAY: Isa 63 Temple Entrance


n....looks like SUNDAY, AUG 11.......???.


JANET HERSCU - August 10th, 2024 at 5:15pm

Via spec, note the approaching TISHA B'AV (AV 9).....TUES, AUG 13.....LEO 24 (12,888 or 12,12,12)....!!!!


nTUESDAY is the ancient WEDDING DAY......& 3rd day......HOS 6:2-3


nAV 9 plus 21 tilt# (will minus) is ELUL 1 (EZEK 38..?), plus 7 mths burying is NISAN 1 (EZEK 45:18).


nNISAN 1, 2025 (3rd TEMPLE/LAND CLEANSED?).....


n....& plus 2300 (DAN 8) is straight-earth ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR, JULY 17-18, 2031.


nRETURN (2520 past SIGNING) is SAT, JULY 5 (CANCER 15, JOHN 10:28).....


n.......plus 3 days straightening is JULY 8.


nJULY 5 RETURN in 2031 minus tilt (taking 3 days) will be JUNE 15-18; & plus the 75 is trib end, SEPT 1.


nSEPT 1 will be LIBRA 1 & TISH 1....5th FEAST...all in sync (straight earth, 360-day yr).


n1-yr warning (Jer 51:46): MAY 28, 2023 (SHAVUOT) to MAY 28, 2025....


n....& plus the 75 n.c. is SIGNING (SAT, AUG 10).


nRAPTURE AV 9 minus future tilt loss will be FAST of TAMMUZ 17.


nMID TRIB, JAN 29, 2028, SHEVAT 1 (#11...1260 past SIGNING) minus tilt loss will be FAST TEVET 10.


nYOM KIP spans still fits all....SO ALL 4 FAST DAYS SEEM ACC'T FOR (ZECH 8:19).


n28O days CHURCH GESTATION (ISA 26:20) spans LIBRA 21 (future/straight-earth TISH 21 & SEP 21) plus the tilt (will minus) is SIGNING, SAT, AUG 10.....total 301 days.


nWhen future tilt loss is considered, AV 9 & ELUL will be 'as the same day'......so the EZEK 38 Victory will be 'as having occurred' on AV 9....!!!....SAME DAY AS RAPTURE......could be!


nA.c. satanically rises on AQUARIUS 11....#11 = judg....(FEB 1, 2028), if Mazzarot applies.


n...so much more....RAPTURE possibly this TUES, AV 9 (AUG 13, LEO 24 (12,12,12), if Mazzarot applies).


JANET HERSCU - August 13th, 2024 at 2:04pm

Via spec, all 'fits' this FRIDAY, AUG 16....


n....,w/ possible SIGNING 3 days (n.c.) previous on FAST of AV 9.


n RETURN (2520 days trib past AV 9, 2024) is FAST of TAM 17 (TUES, JULY 8, 2031...HOS 6:2-3).


nSIGNING on AV 9 was a TUES, 3rd day, as Ketubah 'Contract' (& 3rd day...HOS 6:2-3).


nSIGNING on AUG 13 (AV 9) was LEO 24....12,12,12....coveted......if MAZZAROT applies.


nThe 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) still span NISAN 1, (MAR 30), 2025 (3rd Temple/EZEK 45:18, NUM 19) to JULY 17, 2031 TEMPLE ENTR (straight-earth).


nStraight-earth trib end in 2031 is SEPT 1, LIBRA 1, new TISH 1.....all in sync.


n5th Feast (next to be fulfilled) opens FALL FEASTS (ZECH 14) in 2031.


n1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) was likely AV 9, 2023 (JULY 27) to AV 9, 2024 SIGNING.


nAUG 16 (RAPTURE?) is LEO 27 & straight-earth JULY 27 will be LEO 27 as well.


nA.c. satanically rises AQUAR 15.....coveted (if Mazzarot applies).....FEB 4, 2028.


n...'could be' this FRI, AUG 16.....???

JANET HERSCU - August 15th, 2024 at 4:36pm

WHY STOP NOW!?!??....Via spec, all 'fits' this SAT, AV 13, AUG 17 (SABBATH of AV 9).....


n....w/ possible WED, AUG 14 SIGNING (LEO 24.....12,12,12) 3 days (n.c.) previous.


nRETURN (2520 days trib past AV 10, 2024 SIGNING) is TAM 18 (WED, JULY 9, 2031, the future/Millen/straight-earth FAST of AV 9.....ZECH 8:19).


nSIGNING on AUG 14 (AV 10) was LEO 24....12,12,12....'coveted'....if MAZZAROT applies.


nThe 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) still span NISAN 1, MAR 30, 2025 (3rd Temple/EZEK 45:18, NUM 19) to JULY 17, 2031 TEMPLE ENTRANCE (straight-earth).


nStraight-earth trib end in 2031 is SEPT 1, LIBRA 1, new/Millen TISH 1.....all in sync.


nIn 2031 the 5th Feast (next to be fulfilled/new/Millen TISH 1) opens FALL FEASTS (ZECH 14).


n1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) was likely AV 9, 2023 (JULY 27) to JULY 27, 2024....plus tilt to RAPTURE.


nA.c. satanically rises AQUAR 15 (coveted/Mazzarot), SAT, FEB 5, 2028 (SHEVAT 8.....88).


nTRIB END (w/ tilt loss) will be YOM KIP, 2031 (SEPT 27, FAST of TISHREI 10) as one notes the WED, JULY 9, 2031 RETURN plus 3 days straightening is SAT, JULY 12, 2031.....then plus 75 days (new/Millen 30-day mths) will be TISHREI 10, SEPT 27, YOM KIP, trib end....."Joy"....ZECH 8:19.


n...'could be' this SAT, AUG 17......???


JANET HERSCU - August 16th, 2024 at 11:07pm

Via spec, all 'fits' this SUN, AV 14, AUG 18.......


n....w/ possible THUR, AUG 15 SIGNING (LEO 24.....12,12,12) 3 days (n.c.) previous.


nFIG TREE: IYYAR 28 plus 75 is RAPTURE & IYYAR 5 plus 97 is RAPTURE.


nSigning minus 23 future tilt loss is TAMMUZ 17.


nRETURN (2520 days trib past AV 11, 2024 SIGNING) is TAM 19 (THUR, JULY 10, 2031).


nSIGNING on AUG 15, AV 11) was LEO 24....12,12,12....'coveted'....if MAZZAROT applies.


nThe 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) still span NISAN 1, MAR 30, 2025 (3rd Temple/EZEK 45:18, NUM 19) to JULY 17, 2031 TEMPLE ENTRANCE (straight-earth).


nStraight-earth trib end in 2031 is SEPT 1, LIBRA 1, new/Millen TISH 1.....all in sync.


nIn 2031 the 5th Feast (next to be fulfilled/new/Millen TISH 1) opens FALL FEASTS (ZECH 14).


n1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) was likely AV 9, 2023 (JULY 27) to JULY 27, 2024....plus 23 tilt to RAPTURE.


nA.c. satanically rises AQUAR 15 (coveted/Mazzarot), SUN, FEB 6, 2028 (SHEVAT 9.....99).


nTRIB END (w/ tilt loss) will be YOM KIP, 2031 (SEPT 27, FAST of TISHREI 10) as one notes the THUR, JULY 10, 2031 RETURN plus 3 days straightening is JULY 13, 2031.....then plus 75 days (new/Millen 30-day mths) will be TISHREI 10, SEPT 27, YOM KIP, trib end....."Joy"....ZECH 8:19.


nIf applic, NISAN 10 plus 4 mths is SIGNING.....& PURIM plus 5 mths is RAPTURE.


n...'could be' this SUN, AUG 18.......???


JANET HERSCU - August 18th, 2024 at 12:33pm



nVia spec & 'w/ a stretch,' RAPTURE 'may be' this coming FRI, AUG 23...w/ SIGNING AUG 20...??


nW/ respect to detail (& if spec holds) 75 days after the RETURN is TABERNACLES!


nTabernacles (ZECH 14:15-18) is END of the 45-day judg of the Nations (DAN 12:12).


nZECH 14 (verses 2, 4, 10, 15-18) review the RETURN to TRIB END:

n....vs 2....ARMAGEDDON

n....vs 4....JESUS TO MT OLIVES.

n....vs 10...POLE SHIFT

n....vs 15...TABERNACLES (OCT 2, 2031, LIBRA 10....SEPT 10 w/ tilt loss)


nStraight-earth/trib-end position will be SEPT 10 since OCT 2 minus tilt is SEPT 10.....


n.......& SEPT 10 will be LIBRA 10, Millen TISH 10......all in sync.


nThus, the 5 days between YOM KIP & SUCCOTH (TISH 10-15) virtually 'disappear.'


nRAPTURE may be VIRGO 1, since the BRIDE (CHURCH) is a VIRGIN (AUG 23?) if MAZZAROT applies.


nVIRGO 1, 2024 is FRI, AUG 23.....possible RAPTURE.


nTUES, AUG 20 is possible SIGNING.....3rd day.....as Wedding Ketubah.....?


nAUG 20 is also 98 days past FIG TREE IYYAR 5-6......& 98 is the n.c. 75 days plus tilt.


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL is SHEVAT 11 (#11 judg....TUES, FEB 8, 2028....1260 days past SIGNING).


nIn 2031 earth is straight JUNE 26....'21' days back ("days cut short") from TUES, JULY 16 RETURN).....


n.....and plus 30 days mourning is JULY 26 TEMPLE RECONSECRATION (ISA 63, DAN 8:13-14)....2300 days past NISAN 10, 2025 (APR 8, 3rd Temple/LAMB).........LEO 24......12,12,12.....#12 is 'perf gov't.


nKnow too that TABERNACLES.....7th FEAST.....formerly 70 sacrifices for 70 nations....is Jesus' Birthday ....280 days Gestation past TEVET 1 (8th day 8th Feast), Jesus' Conception.


n...much more......'could be' this FRIDAY, Aug 23......mega-spec, of course......





JANET HERSCU - August 24th, 2024 at 12:27pm




nIf so, then RETURN is LEO 1 (SUN, JULY 22, 2031......2520 days past RAPTURE).


nRETURN minus tilt is day earth is straight, JUNE 29.......


n.....& plus 30 days mourning is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR, FAST of AV 9 (JULY 29).


nRETURN is LEO 1.....into TEMPLE VIRGO 1 (pure Remnant) ....& 45 to trib end, LIBRA 15.


nLIBRA 15 trib end will be straight-earth SEPT 15 & the new/Millen TISH 15....ZECH 14:15-18.


nISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR (straight earth) is 2300 days past PASSOVER 2025 (DAN 8:13-14).


nMid-trib ABOM DESOL, TH, FEB 9, 2028, is SHEVAT 13 (11,13) & AQUR 18 (666), if applic.


n....rises on SUNDAY (count start).


nSIGNING is VIRGO 1, AUG 22, 2024.....'PURE/VIRGIN CHURCH (count start of 2520).


nSIGNING was 120 days ("4 mths") past NISAN 17 (I Cor 15:20).


nSIVAN 2 (was end 6-Day War) plus 75 is RAPTURE.




n...so much more.....fits all....'could be' this SUN, AUG 25.....'wishful thinking'.....


JANET HERSCU - August 24th, 2024 at 7:00pm

Via MORE SPEC, TUES (3rd day/Wedding/Hos 6:2-3), AUG 27, seems more accurate.


nSIGNING: VIRGO 1.....SAT, AUG 24 (???)....plus 3 n.c. to RAPTURE.


nThe 2300 days (plus 3 n.c), DAN 8:13-14, span NISAN 10, 2025 (LAMB) to AV 9, 2031, TEMPLE ENTR.


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL: SHEVAT 15....mid 11th mth/Judg.....(FEB 11, 2028), 1260 past SIGNING.


nA.c. rises on a TUES & AQUAR 24....if Mazzarot applies.


nSHAVUOT (SUN, SIV 8) plus 75 n.c. is AUG 27.


n1-yr warning began TEVET 1......plus 360 days.....to KISLEV 6....plus 280 is AUG 27.


n1-yr (360) warning: JEREM 51:46.


nEarth is straight LEO 1....plus 30 is VIRGO 1...plus 45 is LIBRA 15 (Millen TISH 15....ZECH 14:15-18).


n.....most else same......'could be' TUES, AUG 27.....'fits' all.....


JANET HERSCU - August 25th, 2024 at 2:03pm



nRETURN, SAT, JULY 19, 2031 plus 75 is TABERNACLES (OCT 2......TISH 15.......ZECH 14:15-18).


nJULY 19, 2031 is 2520 days past SAT, AUG 24 SIGNING.

JANET HERSCU - August 27th, 2024 at 4:37pm

Via spec, spans that 'fit' this FRIDAY, AUG 30 are:


n75 days n.c. past SUNDAY SHAVUOT 2024 is AUG 30.




nTUES, 3rd day SIGNING (AUG 27...?) was 3rd day/as Ketubah.




nRETURN (TUES, JULY 22, 2031......LEO 1) is 2520 days trib count past SIGNING.


nRETURN minus tilt loss (to straight earth) plus 30 days mourning is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR TUES, AV 9, 2031.


n45 days judg Nations later is trib end SEPT 15, LIBRA 15, Millen TISH 15 (ZECH 14:15-18)....all in sync.


nAV 9, 2031 TEMPLE ENTR is 2300 days (DAN 8:13-14) past NIS 10, 2025 (LAMB)......3 days n.c. at mid trib.


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL (1260 past SIGNING) at FEB 15, 2028 is AQUAR 24 (coveted) & SHEVAT 18 (11,666).


nAs for the 280 Gestation, SAGIT 1 plus 280 is AUG 30.


n2550 days span VIRGO 8 (RAPTURE) to VIRGO 1, 2031 TEMPLE ENTR 2031 ('pure/virgin Remnant').


nAll seems to fit.......'could be' this FRI, AUG 30......


JANET HERSCU - August 29th, 2024 at 11:01pm

Via spec, this SUNDAY, SEPT 1, looks plausible as well.


nCounts start on SUNDAYS: RAPTURE....A.C. RISES......


nSHAVUOT 2024 plus 75 n.c. is SIGNING (Thurs, AUG 29...?)....LEO 8.


nIf Mazzarot applies, SAGIT 1 plus 280 days Gestation is SIGNING.


nRETURN (2520 past SIGNING), JULY 24, 2031 minus 23 tilt loss is JULY 1 (LEO 1)....


n......& JULY 1 plus 30 mourn is ISA 63 TEMPLE ENTR (VIRGO 1), AUG 1.....


n.....& AUG 1 is end of 2300 days (& 3 n.c.)....DAN 8:13-14)....past NIS 10, 2025, LAMB......


n.....& plus 45 days judg Nations is trib end SEPT 15, LIBRA 15, MILLEN TISH 15 (ZECH 14:15-18).


nA.c. satanically rises at mid trib PISCES 1 (.....FISH/'multiplication of believers').


n......so this SUNDAY, SEPT 1 (VIRGO 11), looks virtually 'plausible' at this point.




JANET HERSCU - August 31st, 2024 at 7:34pm

Additional thoughts w/ reference to a spec RAPTURE date of MON, SEPT 2:


nPASSOVER 2025 plus 2300 is AUG 1, 2031, Reconsecration 30 days after earth is straight.


nTRUE SHAVUOT 2024 (SUN, JUNE 15) plus 75 n.c. was possible SIGNING, FRI, AUG 30.


nSHAVUOT 2024: END of CHURCH AGE (began ACTS 2)...plus 75 n.c. to trib count start.


nMid-trib ABOM DESOL (believing Jews run to Petra) is PISCES 1, 2028 ('fish....x of believers')....if Mazzarot applies.


nEarth is straight LEO 1...plus 30 into Temple VIRGO 1....trib end LIBRA 15 (Millen TISH 15).


nRapture minus future tilt loss is AV 9 & RETURN plus 3 days straightening is approx AV 9.


nLEO 1, 2024 plus 37 (2557 minus 2520) is SIGNING (trib count start).....VIRGO 8, 2024.


nAny VIRGO 8 to VIRGO 1 (7 yrs) is 2550 days (2520 plus 30 days mourning)....DAN 12:11.


nA.C. satanically rises SHEVAT 24 (11,888), FEB 21, 2028.


n....there's more.....but 'could be' MONDAY, SEPT 2....Av 29....VIRGO 11....spec, of course.



JANET HERSCU - September 1st, 2024 at 11:02pm

Another spec possibility: TUES, SEPT 3, 2024......LEO 12 (12,12).


nMid-trib ABOM DESOL (to PETRA) is PISCES 1 ('multip of believers').


n7 mths burying past EZEK 38 VICTORY is NISAN 17, 2025, FIRSTFRUITS (APR 15-16).....


n.......plus 2300 days (& 3 n.c.).....DAN 8.....is AUG 6, 2031 into TEMPLE (ISA 63).


nRETURN (2520 days past RAPTURE) is TUES, FAST of AV 9.....


n.....& minus tilt is TUES, FAST of TAMMUZ 17, earth straight.


nTrib end (straight earth) is SEPT 18, 2031.....ROSH/5th FEAST....opens FALL FEASTS.




nTrib end before tilt loss is considered is TISHREI 22 (8th day TABERNACLES).


n........'could be' this TUES, SEPT 3.....



JANET HERSCU - September 3rd, 2024 at 10:59pm

Via con't spec, all 'works' for this FRI, SEPT 6.


nIf some sort of SIGNING (CEASEFIRE?) was done on TUES, SEPT 3, then plus 2520 days trib is the RETURN at TUES, JULY 29, 2031 (FAST of AV 9).


nMinus the tilt (earth straightens) is FAST of TAMMUZ 17 (JULY 8, 2031.....earth straight).


nAdd the 30 days to TEMPLE RECONSECRATION.....AUG 7, 2031 which is end of 2300 days (3 n.c.) past FIRSTFRUITS 2025.


nAdd another 45 days judg of the nations (DAN 12:12) to arrive at SEPT 21, future TISH 21....HOSHANA RABAH.......280 days Gestation past FAST of TEVET 10.


nOn this side of the trib, note CHESVAN 24 (8,888), perhaps the most 'perfect day' on the Jewish Calendar; and CHESVAN 24 plus the tilt (will minus) plus 280 Church Gestation is the SIGNING.


nAlso, the RAPTURE on SEPT 6 (VIRGO 15) minus the future tilt loss will be FAST of AV 9, 2024.


n1-yr warning....355 days...shana....year....... (Jer 51:46) was possibly TISHREI 1, 2023 (5th Feast) to the



nTUESDAYS (HOS 6:2-3): SIGNING (as Ketubah)......ABOM DESOL.........RETURN


n....'could be' this FRIDAY.........???


JANET HERSCU - September 6th, 2024 at 7:45pm

AS IT STANDS NOW (such ‘big’ spec talk!), this SUNDAY (count-start day), SEP 8, looks good.


nSIGNING (SEP 5?) minus future tilt loss is FAST of AV 9.


nTISH 1 (5th Feast/next to be fulfilled), 2023, plus 1-yr (355) warn (Jer 51:46) is SIGNING, SEP 5.


n280-day ‘Church Gestation’ spans DEC 1 to SIGNING....& DEC 1 is future TEV 1, Jesus’ Concep anniv.


nSo, Church Gestation may be same as Jesus’ gestation span (both BODY of Christ).....spec.


nCHESVAN 24 (8,888) plus 280 days plus tilt is also SIGNING.


nRETURN (2520 past SIGNING) at AV 11, 2031 minus tilt loss is FAST of TAMMUZ 17 (earth straight).


nSo, via future straight-earth position, SIGNING is AV 9 & earth is straight TAMMUZ 17 (ZECH 8:19).


n30 days mourning past TAMMUZ 17, 2031 is AUG 7 TEMPLE ENTR, 2300 past FIRSTFRUITS 2025.


nAlso, the day earth is straight, JULY 8-9, 2031, is ‘new/Millen’ AV 9 & LEO 9.....all in sync.


nTrib end (w tilt loss, straight earth) is SEPT 21, LIBRA 21 & new TISHREI 21......& Tish 21 was end of the sacrifices/water pouring/cleansing of the 70 nations..new/Millen HOSHANA RABAH.......ending the 45-day judg of the Nations (Dan 12:12) in 2031.


nAs for FAST of TEVET 10, 280 days past any TEVET 10 is TISHREI 21 (HOSHANA RABAH)......and trib end is LIBRA 21, new straight-earth TISHREI 21 & SEPT 21.


nAs for FAST of YOM KIP (from TISH 1, 2023 stàrt of 1-yr warning) to TISH 10 YOM KIP 2030 (yr of RETURN) is 8 yrs which is 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) plus 7-yr trib to year of RETURN, YOM KIP 2030 (LEV 23, true count).


nSo, all fast days seem accounted.


nTISH 1, 2023 (start of 1-yr warning) is still in Yom Kip yr 2022........& minus 21 yrs n.c. (20 full yrs) is Yom Kip 2001 (6001), start 121st Jub/7th Millen (Gen 6:3).


nThere’s more; but this Sunday, Sept 8, looks plausible.



JANET HERSCU - September 8th, 2024 at 10:26pm

Could also be this TUES, SEPT 10.


n98 (75 & tilt) are on ea side of trib; & FIG TREE IYYAR 28 plus 98 is SEPT 10.


nSEPT 10 minus tilt is AV 15 & return is also AV 15 in 2031.


nNISAN 1, 2025 (EZEK 45:18) plus 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) is day earth is straight.


n1-yr warning (Jerem 51:46) is TISHREI 1 (5th Feast) plus 360 (perf yr) to SEPT 10......


n.....& TISH 1 is STILL in YOM KIP YR 2022 (& minus 21 n.c. is YOM KIP 2001 (6001), GEN 6:3.


n7 MOONS (194 days approx) bury/bldg 3rd Temple span ‘mid Sept’ (EZEK 38...?) to NISAN 1, 2025.


nEarth is straight JULY 17, 2031.....& plus 75 (DAN 12:12) is trib end, TABERNACLES....TISHREI 15, OCT 2, ZECH 14:15-18.


nTRIB END w/out tilt loss is CHESVAN 8 (8,8)......(98 past day earth is straight)....perf Jewish Calendar day.




n.....’could be’ this TUES, SEPT 10.....all still ‘fits’.......& if not TUES, FRIDAY works upon study.


JANET HERSCU - September 10th, 2024 at 12:44am



n98 (75 & tilt) are on ea side of trib; & FIG TREE IYYAR 28 plus 98 is SEPT 10, possible SIGNING.




nSEPT 10 minus tilt is AV 15 & return (after 2520 days) is also AV 15 in 2031 (AUG 4-5).


nNISAN 1, 2025 (EZEK 45:18) plus 2300 days (Dan 8:13-14) is day earth is straight, JULY 17, 2031....


n....and plus 75 days (in 30-day mths) is SUCCOTH, OCT 2, trib end.....ZECH 14:15-18.


nWhen earth is straight (360-day yr), mths will be 30 days.


n1-yr warning (Jerem 51:46) is TISHREI 1 (5th Feast) plus 360 (perf yr) to SEPT 10......


n.....& TISH 1, 2023 (SEPT 16) is STILL in YOM KIP YR 2022 (& minus 21 n.c. is YOM KIP 2001 (6001), GEN 6:3.


nTISHREI 1, Rosh Hashana (5th Feast) is the next Feast to be fulfilled anyway.


n7 MOONS (194 days approx) bury/bldg 3rd Temple span ‘mid Sept’ (EZEK 38...?) to NISAN 1, 2025.


nAgain, earth is straight JULY 17, 2031.....& plus 75 (DAN 12:12) is trib end, TABERNACLES....TISHREI 15, OCT 2, ZECH 14:15-18.


nTRIB END w/out tilt loss is CHESVAN 8 (8,8)......(98 past day earth is straight)....’perf’ Jewish Calendar day.


nTUESDAYS (3rd day/Wedding): SIGNING.....ABOM DESOL.....RETURN (Hos 6:2-3).


nSo, via spec, RAPTURE ’could be’ this FRI, SEPT 13.........L..all still ‘fits.’


JANET HERSCU - September 12th, 2024 at 9:55pm

Spans that seemingly connect to this SUN, SEPT 15:


nKISLEV 24 (anniv Creation Day), HAG 2:7, plus 280 is SEPT 12, possible SIGNING.


n1-yr warning...365 days....(Jer 51:46) spans TISHREI 1 (ROSH 2023) to SUN, SEPT 15.


n95 days (75 plus tilt) n.c. on each side of trib; & SIV 6 (SHAVUOT) plus 95 is SEPT 15.


n3rd Temple NIS 1, 2025, plus 2300 (DAN 8) is day earth is straight, JULY 17, 2031....


n....& JULY 17, 2931 plus 75 (in 30-day mths now), DAN 12:12, is trib end/TABERNACLES (ZECH 14).


n7 ‘moons’ burying/bldg 3rd Temple span approx SEPT 18 to MAR 30, 2025 (NIS 1).


nIf Mazzarot applies, RETURN (AUG 6, 2031) is LEO 15....middle 12th sign (LION OF JUDAH).


nMid-trib a.c. satanically rises at MAR 6, 2028 is PISCES 15 (JEWS/‘FISH’) safe in Petra.


nSUNDAYS (count start): RAPTURE.......A.C. RISES


nRAPTURE on SUN, SEPT 15, is VIRGO 24 (‘pure Church’/888), if MAZZAROT applies.




nCOUNT START: TEVET 1 (8th day)

nPLUS 280 = SUCCOTH (Jesus’ Birth)


nVia spec, that’s all that I can surmise now.......for what it’s worth.



JANET HERSCU - September 15th, 2024 at 9:21pm

LATEST GUESS: this TUES (3rd day/Wedding), SEPT 17 (ELUL 14....6x14=84...& trib is 84 mths).


nSIGNING, SAT, SEP 14, 2024, VIRGO 24 (pure virgin/888...spec)....count start of 2520 days.


nSHAVUOT 2024 (end Church Age?) plus 97 days n.c. (75 plus tilt) is TUES, SEPT 17.


nFAST TAMMUZ 17, JULY 23....LEO 1.....plus 53 (75 minus tilt) is SEPT 14 SIGNING (ELUL 11).


nTEVET 1, 2023, plus 280 (in future 30-day mths) is SEPT 14.


nROSH, 5th FEAST, plus 1-yr warning (Jer 51:46) is SEPT 14.


nMID-TRIB ABOM DESOL at MAR 5, 2028 is PISCES 15 (Jews to Petra)....plus 3 is PISCES 18 (666).


nEzek 38 Victory ‘may’ occur this SEPT 20-23, LIBRA 1 (future, straight-earth TISH 1, ROSH).


nSEPT 20-23 plus 7 mths burying (210 days....7x30) is SUN, APR 20, 2025, NISAN 22, actual FIRSTFRUITS, TAURUS 1, 2025......


n.....plus 2300 days Temple Desecration (DAN 8:13-14) is RETURN, SAT, AUG 8, 2031.


nAUG 8, 2031 RETURN minus tilt is straight-earth JULY 17.......


n.....& plus 75 (in 30-day Millen mths....75 = 30 & 45) is trib end, TABERNACLES....ZECH 14:15-18.


nW/out tilt loss, trib end is CHESVAN 8 (8,8).


nFIG TREE MAY 14 plus “4 mths to Harvest” is SEPT 14 SIGNING (trib count start).


nThere’s much more.......


n....but amidst spec, ’could be’ this TUES, SEPT 17.




JANET HERSCU - September 16th, 2024 at 6:26pm

355 days (1 yr....shana) is TISH 15, 2023 to ELUL 15, 2024 (yr had a II ADAR).


nTEVET 1 was JESUS’ CONCEPTION...plus 280 was TISH 15 HIS BIRTH....


n....& CONCEPTION of CHURCH (BODY of CHRIST) was also TEVET 1..plus 280 = ELUL 15.


nReturn is SUN, AUG 9, 2031 SIGNING plus 2520).......& minus 23 loss is JULY 17, 2031......


n......plus 75 (in 30-day mths).....DAN 12: 11-12....is TABERNACLES 2031 (ZECH 14:15-18).


n.....’could be’ this WED, SEPT 18, ELUL 15....all else virtually same....




JANET HERSCU - September 17th, 2024 at 11:48pm

Via spec, ‘could’ also be this THUR, SEPT 19 (ELUL 16).


nTISH 15 (SEPT 30, SUCCOTH 2023.......ISA 26:20) plus 1 JEWISH yr (355...shana)...had 2nd ADAR...is ELUL 16, 2024, SEPT 19.


nSEPT 16, 2023 (ROSH/5th Feast) plus 1 solar yr is SEPT 16, 2024 SIGNING.


nJESUS was conceived TEVET 1.....& TEVET 1 plus 280 Church Gestation is this SEPT 19.


nThe CHURCH is the BODY OF CHRIST as well......thus possibly same gestation span.


nSept 25, 2023 (Yom Kip) plus 360 days (1 perf yr.....JEREM 51:46) is SEPT 19.


nA.c. satanically rises THUR, MAR 10, 2028....ADAR 12....(12,12....coveted)....1260 days past RAPTURE.


nFIRSTFRUITS 2025 (APR 20.....?) plus 2300 days desecration (& 3 n.c.) is RETURN, MON, AUGUST 11, 2031 (2520 days trib past SIGNING).


nRETURN minus tilt is SAT, JULY 19, 2031, earth straight........


n........& plus 75 days is trib end, SUCCOTH....OCT 2....TISHREI 15.....ZECH 14:15-18.


n...could be THURS......???



JANET HERSCU - September 18th, 2024 at 6:37pm

355 days (yr....shana....Jer 51:46) span SUCCOTH 2023 to RAPTURE, SEPT 20 (ELUL 17).




nTUES, SEPT 17, 2024 possible SIGNING (3rd day/as Ketubah....& HOS 6:2-3).




nDay earth is straight (SAT, JULY 19, 2031), is 23 days back from TUES, AUG 12, 2031 RETURN.....


n......plus 75 is trib end, TABERNACLES 2031 (OCT 2, TISH 15......ZECH 14:15-18).


nSo note: SUCCOTH 2023 plus 355 to RAPTURE......& trib end (w/ tilt loss) is SUCCOTH.


nPEACE w/ ‘pager explosions’......fear of our own cell phones!!!......fear of WWIII.....???....etc x 1,000,000.....


n....let’s hope for FRIDAY.












nMove to







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